I guess you all noticed dagger classes are OP...tank/mage getting 2-5 k dmg on veng isnt rly normal (talking about oly)every single th /aw or pw can join oly and kill everything with that OP dmg....my friend joined with aw/sk on c grade gear and almost killed sps/ee is that normal?i dont think so...plz post you opinion here ;)
exactly they are OP no matters his class they rape every mage/archer in no time
Archers are suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IC+F+10 and i hiting full buffed bishop/pal for 600 from critical hit !!!! WTF???? how we can play??? Mages hit me full buffed with full resists for more then 1k normal hit and theye can make many times blade storm. And u Track decrase UD ????? lower attack speed with UD???? How we can play I ask u !!!! ???
Quote from: NoobsKiller on April 09, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
I guess you all noticed dagger classes are OP...tank/mage getting 2-5 k dmg on veng isnt rly normal (talking about oly)every single th /aw or pw can join oly and kill everything with that OP dmg....my friend joined with aw/sk on c grade gear and almost killed sps/ee is that normal?i dont think so...plz post you opinion here ;)
OMFG i got more p.def on bots... 1,6k witch focus power from back and critical for 3,2k on 1,4k p.def its many loool?
Quote from: GutsPL on April 09, 2010, 10:49:35 PM
Archers are suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IC+F+10 and i hiting full buffed bishop/pal for 600 from critical hit !!!! WTF???? how we can play??? Mages hit me full buffed with full resists for more then 1k normal hit and theye can make many times blade storm. And u Track decrase UD ????? lower attack speed with UD???? How we can play I ask u !!!! ???
QQ moar ....
Quote from: GutsPL on April 09, 2010, 10:49:35 PM
Archers are suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IC+F+10 and i hiting full buffed bishop/pal for 600 from critical hit !!!! WTF???? how we can play??? Mages hit me full buffed with full resists for more then 1k normal hit and theye can make many times blade storm. And u Track decrase UD ????? lower attack speed with UD???? How we can play I ask u !!!! ???
Then start thinking'bout learning how is L2 in DN.
And Noobskiller,dunno what do u expect with that P.Def...
prrrr u make me laugh with this screen
show to us screen where u heave full buf with crit u get 1000dmg i don`t think so mby from aw
to pro archer with ic+f+10 how u wont hit more pla/bp if he heave deflect arrow cop cov and song windstorm u wont dmg 1500++ :D :D :D :D
Daggers are OP on dragon and arena too :) They don't even use skills ^^ When you take Th/wl it's even worse, bcs he have about 16 k hp.
Btw, don't worry about ppl who say "qq moar" "bla bla bla" etc, just bump the topic, till they nefr it, that's how it works on dn - you cry, you hear cry moar, you hear qq moar, and then they nefr as you wanted ^^
Quote from: mibelia on April 10, 2010, 12:01:13 AM
daggers are made for kill mages and that is all, if mage are cry so learn play better that char (is with you 90210) cuz luci and nito can kill dager easy in oly soo stop cry and lear how play that sux sub that you have
Y, daggers were made to pwn mages, archers, and also tanks... same bullshit like tanks (aka pal/de pal/ty) were made to pwn everything and never die...
You prolly play dagger, don't you?
Don't be silly. None class were made to pwn with 1-2 hits (without using any skills).
Quote from: mark_elesse on April 10, 2010, 12:24:51 AM
Daggers are OP ? LOL ??? check some offical pvp video ...:) Google / youtube - ForTheMotherTree .. or ChronicVol 1/2/3...11/12 ...
wtf, daggers are super weak on DNET !
they cry for 3.4k damage and we are supposed to 1-2 shoot one mage like in offi xD (and for noobs look hiw damage without critical blow = ~600
First of all take some eng lessons, come on.
Second thing, thinking "waaa ima a wooooooooriooor i cun puuuuuuuuuuwn" is so freaking nubish, as nothing else.
What do you sugest, maybe improove daggers instead of nefring?
Btw I don't cry cuz I didn't even EVER played nightmare, just trying to support topic maker and spam a lil bit.
dagger;s r kinda ok .... just few dagers can make many points and rest finish with 20-30 max lolz .... nerf lucif not daggers on oly xD plus th were used to be good since always lol. and l2 is not only about oly... finally th can get fun outisde oly also so stop qq guys and th's r so easy to pwn all just reroll and show us ur skills
Quote from: NoobsKiller on April 09, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
I guess you all noticed dagger classes are OP...tank/mage getting 2-5 k dmg on veng isnt rly normal (talking about oly)every single th /aw or pw can join oly and kill everything with that OP dmg....my friend joined with aw/sk on c grade gear and almost killed sps/ee is that normal?i dont think so...plz post you opinion here ;)
what about use sof, ud and vengance next time?
lol daggers op xD :)) i have 1.8k pdef on my bishop on retail with chant of protection and full buff i get insta gibbed from pro dagger (300 element and high skill enchant )
in oly any mage is 1 shot backstab ... ee/bishop take 2 hits but they can be 1 shot too
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 10, 2010, 05:09:25 AM
ok so here we go...my char is sor/pal 5k m attack inside and like 1.4 p def without uds,,,on 8 k p def with my uds i get 2-3 k blows from Astagamista aw/sk...and i can hardly last 30 sec till her anti magic armor worn off, ok i got my heal but its imposible to use it since its nerfed to bone and always erupted by crit or unclick that daggers can use like every 3 seconds, even when i wanna use touch of life i cant cuz it ends that i use it on him since he change target in 0.3 sec....ok now u will say "ur noob and learn play ur char"....but truth is i can play my char well i can kill nitopami, vici0uss, niori, noobskiller, any archer sub mostly all best players from this server that prooved many times they know play oly/pvp and i can win em,,,but i cant win no dagger cuz in 10 sec even when i use all uds i have i am down cuz their crit dmg and all those fs they got rape me in half...lol and tbh even nito dont win surely matches with daggers he can always only prey that his heal save his ass till daggers skills/mana worn off and then he win...but not all mages are buffers and not all mages got heal like sps/ee even tho its nerfed also its still worthy to use,,,in nirmal pvp my heal is rly ok it heal for 1200 but in oly its nerfed to bone....now say that i am epic cryer and dunno what but ppl are not stupid and they see...when sps/ee was op and altheo raped ur asses with lette u cryed rivers and now u defend this state cuz it fits u well...i hope gm will check it our and make something with it
cause mages r used to die vs daggers lol ....
mages> tanks th's> mages archers>th's at least on official .... and as i said th was always good on oly lol .....
lol xD
U are suposed to kill a mage in 2 hits?!?!Then what mages are made for?i am getting 5k dmg in 2 blows.. what am i supossed to do?there is no way to kill a dagger..if daggers arent OP then what dmg am i supossed to get?5k w/o crit?
lol what a cry topic... get skill n44bs
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on April 10, 2010, 11:41:56 AM
lol what a cry topic... get skill n44bs
Lol, say me what skills can protect you from getting 5 k dmg WITHOUT blow?
qq maker
Quote from: Kerth on April 10, 2010, 11:45:22 AM
Lol, say me what skills can protect you from getting 5 k dmg WITHOUT blow?
qq maker
sonic barrier / force barrier
Quote from: NoobsKiller on April 10, 2010, 11:32:27 AM
U are suposed to kill a mage in 2 hits?!?!Then what mages are made for?i am getting 5k dmg in 2 blows.. what am i supossed to do?there is no way to kill a dagger..if daggers arent OP then what dmg am i supossed to get?5k w/o crit?
yeah you are supposed .
Quote from: Kerth on April 10, 2010, 11:45:22 AM
Lol, say me what skills can protect you from getting 5 k dmg WITHOUT blow?
qq maker
dont cry, 5k @ mage isnt something extraordinary.
This whole topic is making me laugh. Stabs are quite strong inside olympiad, true. But have you ever tested stabs outside of oly? Trust me with the right buffs even an AW with IC CD, ++ skills, baium, ant queen, divine summoner sacrifice buff, fullbuffs, etc etc will stab you for 500 damage.
Quote from: thehunted on April 10, 2010, 01:41:11 PM
This whole topic is making me laugh. Stabs are quite strong inside olympiad, true. But have you ever tested stabs outside of oly? Trust me with the right buffs even an AW with IC CD, ++ skills etc etc will stab you for 500 damage.
He also talks'bout normal hits,not just stabs,or that's what I've understood.
Str setup might make you more powerfull in mass pvp's, but i doubt there are many daggers around who can win from another close range character with that setup. Maybe TH/DA and TH/PAL can cause of shield stun.
Quote from: MisiekIII on April 09, 2010, 10:54:24 PM
OMFG i got more p.def on bots... 1,6k witch focus power from back and critical for 3,2k on 1,4k p.def its many loool?
from the moment i saw topic's title i knew you would spam it, prick.
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 10, 2010, 05:09:25 AM
ok so here we go...my char is sor/pal 5k m attack inside and like 1.4 p def without uds,,,on 8 k p def with my uds i get 2-3 k blows from Astagamista aw/sk...and i can hardly last 30 sec till her anti magic armor worn off, ok i got my heal but its imposible to use it since its nerfed to bone and always erupted by crit or unclick that daggers can use like every 3 seconds, even when i wanna use touch of life i cant cuz it ends that i use it on him since he change target in 0.3 sec....ok now u will say "ur noob and learn play ur char"....but truth is i can play my char well i can kill nitopami, vici0uss, niori, noobskiller, any archer sub mostly all best players from this server that prooved many times they know play oly/pvp and i can win em,,,but i cant win no dagger cuz in 10 sec even when i use all uds i have i am down cuz their crit dmg and all those fs they got rape me in half...lol and tbh even nito dont win surely matches with daggers he can always only prey that his heal save his ass till daggers skills/mana worn off and then he win...but not all mages are buffers and not all mages got heal like sps/ee even tho its nerfed also its still worthy to use,,,in nirmal pvp my heal is rly ok it heal for 1200 but in oly its nerfed to bone....now say that i am epic cryer and dunno what but ppl are not stupid and they see...when sps/ee was op and altheo raped ur asses with lette u cryed rivers and now u defend this state cuz it fits u well...i hope gm will check it our and make something with it
"I can kill all but besides kill dagger characters, please nerf so i can kill them too"
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 10, 2010, 07:26:38 PM
no i said it cuz u said i cant play my char u tardo....so i told u i can win any good player in oly but not in every match lol...but i cant win dagger chars cuz their dmg ignore any p def and that is fuked up...itsl ike if dagger/tank use anti magic armor and mage kill him anyway in 15 secons ignoring his huge m def...this is what i talk about...i dont whine if daggers kill me in oly while i dont got my uds,,,,but to get 2-3 k blows in 8 k p def this is not normal...as maciek said th/pp was always good in oly and i say i agree about that but now every dagger class raping mages and thats not normal
drain mana and use reflect dmg :D
Quote from: thehunted on April 10, 2010, 05:14:11 PM
"I can kill all but besides kill dagger characters, please nerf so i can kill them too"
I'm not playing Nm and never was, but I was playing dragon and arena. Only thing what made me laught about it, was drake, who in some moment, improoved daggers so they will be "more interesting in playing' or smth like this, dont remember exactly.
Dagger classes always was op, on official too, that they didn't nefred them didn't mean it's good.
Most of daggers are doing crazy dmg, and what is most ridiculous, they were making insane dmg even in IL, but now it's just joke (with attributes). While resists for elements are protecting only from magic/physical skills with elements (what nefr mages totally, cuz it nefr their skill + their atribute bonus dmg - it also nefr daggers blows, so they are hitting normal with dagger for 4 k).
Yes, daggers are ment to be pvp class, and mage's nightmare, but it should be because of their skills, not bcs they can kill them with 2 normal (crits) hits.
ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ofc dagger will kill you ! Just read some skills blows : IGNORE DEFENCE !!!!!!!!!!!
You can have even 9999kkkkkkkkk p.def !!!! Daggers will still make normal blows ! Use Shield Defence buffs and aura's !
And please ALL MAGES , stop crying about some1 OP, when you make criticals 6-12k on 2k m.def with elemental ! Pfff .....
Some1 must kill you ! And believe me exist classes, that easy kills dagger classes like Glads, Tyrants and more more more ....
p.s.: This is just crying topic, that makes people laugh to tears :D
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 12:52:38 AM
i talk bout oly mate...outside in siege pvp with my sor/pal i get hardly 1 k blows from daggers on 2.5 k p def...and inside with 8 k p def i get 3 k blows...ok if p def dont affect blows dmg then why m def affect our skill dmg,,,i wonder what would daggers say if on anti magic armor when they got 8 k mdef i make em hits for 3 k....so now its not QQ topic is topic to solve situation that is now in oly...i dont wanna touch noone chars in normal game play i just ask for solving inside oly problem with huge nonsese dagger dmg
pdef does affect blows dmg, only buffs affect it 'more', always been, always will be !
So once again the outside oly pvp will suffer because of some oly complainers. NM begins to be pretty well close to Dragon in this case. How very unfortunate.
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 12:52:38 AM
i talk bout oly mate...
kafaro glad/pp is killing all th's on oly kinda without problems so nerf incoming !!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: jygh on April 10, 2010, 11:17:02 AM
cause mages r used to die vs daggers lol ....
mages> tanks th's> mages archers>th's at least on official .... and as i said th was always good on oly lol .....
mages > tanks???
that was in C3 maybe... now tell me how the hell can U fight a tank with 4x ud skills and 2 of them allows the tank to move....
Now any kind of tank/DD is a pain for every mage....
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 02:46:39 AM
ye glenn but daggers before never 2 hited mages in oly
are u sure ? :)
Quote from: jygh on April 11, 2010, 02:11:06 AM
kafaro glad/pp is killing all th's on oly kinda without problems so nerf incoming !!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 02:45:44 AM
ye maybe cuz of mystic imunity, force barrier, heavy set and and chaos dmg :)
And because he copied everything from Alex playing Glad/PP :D
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 02:46:39 AM
ye glenn but daggers before never 2 hited mages in oly
I remember when i was killed by 1 blow.
PS. yea, i know i am noob.
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 02:46:39 AM
ye glenn but daggers before never 2 hited mages in oly
Yeah well thats pretty bugged cuz every mage should be like for 1 backstab
Quote from: WscieklyWaz on April 11, 2010, 10:56:37 AM
Yeah well thats pretty bugged cuz every mage should be like for 1 backstab
Ahahhaha ! True :)
Quote from: Furesy on April 11, 2010, 10:28:13 AM
And because he copied everything from Alex playing Glad/PP :D
if kafaro finally stopped avoiding real fights I might come back to have some fun with him xD
hmm u say daggers are op but did u check mages dmg ? just like necro
thats what we won from attributes :) crazy dmgs from mages/daggers and all classes so dont be surprised :-*
If you get crazy dmg from mages - you don't have right buffs. If you get crazy dmg from daggers - you can do nothing about it.
Quote from: Kerth on April 11, 2010, 10:29:29 PM
If you get crazy dmg from mages - you don't have right buffs. If you get crazy dmg from daggers - you can do nothing about it.
No shit! That way I wouldn't be able to use any kind of offensive buff cos I'd have to waste my buffslots to every kind of resistance buff...
Quote from: Kerth on April 11, 2010, 10:29:29 PM
If you get crazy dmg from mages - you don't have right buffs. If you get crazy dmg from daggers - you can do nothing about it.
elemental protection for pp is really usefull + resist fire sometimes
dance of earth too so it should reduce dmg from daggers especially when they are using earth , fire attributes
Resistances decrease dmg only from this atribute skills, which means it don't protect from meele attacks...
This is how it is in this game - you have to sacifice something (some fight pover improoving buff) to obtain something (resistance buff).
What would you want, to have slots for all resists + all other buffs? Come on...
i'm w8ing for u furesy :)
Quote from: Kafaro on April 12, 2010, 11:32:51 AM
i'm w8ing for u furesy :)
You had your chances before but ran away from em, not my problem, now it's too late :D
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 12, 2010, 08:17:54 PM
ye since u dont play oly lol
if track nerf any char who rox in oly or are op in "OLY" we will play what ?
Quote from: seboulba on April 13, 2010, 08:14:36 AM
if track nerf any char who rox in oly or are op in "OLY" we will play what ?
For dagger almost impossible combos are gl/pp and ty/ol/wc, combos that may be easy for you. You can't expect to win everything.
PS: When glady skills crit with 2k pdef u get 3.5k dmg. Why noone whines for it?
Quote from: VforVanilla on April 13, 2010, 09:51:38 AM
For dagger almost impossible combos are gl/pp and ty/ol/wc, combos that may be easy for you. You can't expect to win everything.
PS: When glady skills crit with 2k pdef u get 3.5k dmg. Why noone whines for it?
dont miss that we are 1 special serv :)
Furesy don't lie please. u never wanted to pvp with me... your friend need to see on oly what skills i use to fight against me? u can't pvp??? and I always wanted u to try me... so don't lie. u know why u was hero? cause u played oly everyday. i had time only for 2-3 days on oly.
u will start writting shits now. so I won't read this. I have seen that u like spamming bullshits on forum. so please if u wanna be smart just come and play vs me and don't say that I was avoiding u cause it's not true. sorry for that words but some1 had to tell u that. nowadays i see 90% spam on forum. no matter words etc. and u say stupid things to ppl (about ppl) and they don't even know how defense themselves from l2 forum maniac. and u attacked me on forum for what? if all that u are saying is not true. I didn't say anything before cause I don't care your words. but it's annoying a little bit now. Have a nice day.
sorc/tank and you expect what with no restist on oly ;o you have reflect arow for archers some ud for ... other mages .. but no resist for dager elemental and so on ... so what you want ?
Quote from: Kafaro on April 13, 2010, 11:10:25 AM
Furesy don't lie please. u never wanted to pvp with me... your friend need to see on oly what skills i use to fight against me? u can't pvp??? and I always wanted u to try me... so don't lie. u know why u was hero? cause u played oly everyday. i had time only for 2-3 days on oly.
u will start writting shits now. so I won't read this. I have seen that u like spamming bullshits on forum. so please if u wanna be smart just come and play vs me and don't say that I was avoiding u cause it's not true. sorry for that words but some1 had to tell u that. nowadays i see 90% spam on forum. no matter words etc. and u say stupid things to ppl (about ppl) and they don't even know how defense themselves from l2 forum maniac. and u attacked me on forum for what? if all that u are saying is not true. I didn't say anything before cause I don't care your words. but it's annoying a little bit now. Have a nice day.
It's amazing you still don't get it, but who am I to make sure you do get it? :D
A different thing though. Before, you were in oly, Spash, Me etc. joined oly and you stopped joining, watching our fights rather than joining yourself. We told you to join if you wanted to fight so badly, but suddenly you remained silent. And no need to come up with the "I had no time to join, you played 24/7" since you often watched our fights rather than join, so you did had time to watch the fights, yet join you could not? Apart from that, we hardly played the complete month, maybe the first week of the month and then the last week, that was about it. And we had no time to focus an entire month on 1 char, we had more too do.
Another thing, before I even purchased that Glad/PP, you were hero on Glad with a maximum amount of points of ~60 each month, I bought Teargas, next month you lost hero and Teargas was hero with 350+ Following months the same thing happened, until you started to copy stuff from Teargas in oly and was finally able to beat daggers lol and now you're hero again since we all quit.
And that, kinda everyone knows, since facts speak for themselves. (besides I hate Glad's, there are much better people than me when it comes to that class!)
PS: I don't really need to prove anything concerning PvP.
Quote from: Furesy on April 13, 2010, 04:31:21 PM
It's amazing you still don't get it, but who am I to make sure you do get it? :D
A different thing though. Before, you were in oly, Spash, Me etc. joined oly and you stopped joining, watching our fights rather than joining yourself. We told you to join if you wanted to fight so badly, but suddenly you remained silent. And no need to come up with the "I had no time to join, you played 24/7" since you often watched our fights rather than join, so you did had time to watch the fights, yet join you could not? Apart from that, we hardly played the complete month, maybe the first week of the month and then the last week, that was about it. And we had no time to focus an entire month on 1 char, we had more too do.
Another thing, before I even purchased that Glad/PP, you were hero on Glad with a maximum amount of points of ~60 each month, I bought Teargas, next month you lost hero and Teargas was hero with 350+ Following months the same thing happened, until you started to copy stuff from Teargas in oly and was finally able to beat daggers lol and now you're hero again since we all quit.
And that, kinda everyone knows, since facts speak for themselves. (besides I hate Glad's, there are much better people than me when it comes to that class!)
PS: I don't really need to prove anything concerning PvP.
olé +1 =D
This is the stupidest QQ post I have ever read. Basically what you want is your ridiculous weak oly class (pal/sorc) to be able to kill EVERY dagger class you currently can't kill, simply because you made a char that is 100% specialized to fight archers and mages; now you want to be able to kill dagger classes inside oly without even having the required buffs to decently fight a dagger because you feel that your 5-10 oly points and 15-20 matches you have ain't gonna cut it to make you hero once again on the EASIEST class to become hero? that's pretty much what you're crying about and there is nothing in this world you can say or do to try to mask that fact.
im not playing my daggerist for a long time now, but i can say that daggerist class were made to hit hard cos just by thinking in the type of weapon they use, it should be an assasin by nature, think of it like in real life, a dagger stabbed in the right place will end some1 life xd
Quote from: cristianvernal on April 13, 2010, 07:08:09 PM
im not playing my daggerist for a long time now, but i can say that daggerist class were made to hit hard cos just by thinking in the type of weapon they use, it should be an assasin by nature, think of it like in real life, a dagger stabbed in the right place will end some1 life xd
Yea, and I for sure would walk away with an arrow to my face! Fireball down my pants, or even getting my head cut off by a sword! Or maybe just hit into two pieces with an axe or blunt weapon!
But yea, dagger for sure would kill me :P
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 14, 2010, 02:36:51 AM
check a bit who made this topic u silly cunt
The guy made the topic and yet he's not drowning us all in a river of tears like you're doing.
Quote from: legendaryvicious on April 13, 2010, 06:44:15 PM
This is the stupidest QQ post I have ever read. Basically what you want is your ridiculous weak oly class (pal/sorc) to be able to kill EVERY dagger class you currently can't kill, simply because you made a char that is 100% specialized to fight archers and mages; now you want to be able to kill dagger classes inside oly without even having the required buffs to decently fight a dagger because you feel that your 5-10 oly points and 15-20 matches you have ain't gonna cut it to make you hero once again on the EASIEST class to become hero? that's pretty much what you're crying about and there is nothing in this world you can say or do to try to mask that fact.
imo u r too emo or u did not read the argues:) the point is to inform that a 8k pdef char receives 3k each blow. ofc u can continue to be satisfied of ur posts if u want :)
have a good day ;)
Quote from: cristianvernal on April 13, 2010, 07:08:09 PM
im not playing my daggerist for a long time now, but i can say that daggerist class were made to hit hard cos just by thinking in the type of weapon they use, it should be an assasin by nature, think of it like in real life, a dagger stabbed in the right place will end some1 life xd
hey master :D
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 11, 2010, 09:46:19 PM
true what? that ur like 5 sec for me in pvp? or that u say aham to everyone that defend this state in oly? u never was good dagger so dunno why u talk
You will not offend me saying that i was bad dagger . I KNOW IT ! :D And i have sh1tty equips, so i don't cry when i make blows 500-1000 damage ... The only 2 things that i want to see from these blows are "crits" and "lethals" !
And i will tell this again : DAGGER SKILLS IGNORE P.DEF !!!!
When you people will understand that ??
Noobs , i didnt read the retarded pages before and i wont , too lazy
the thing is Th blows used to be a crit damage and it could be for example increased by fire dance
now its just normal skills not as crit damage so whats happening is that skills CRITTING so its 2x crit skill , so u get 8k or 10 k or w/e the numbers , what need to be fixed is putting TH skills as crit damage again ,, kk problem solved
Quoteimo u r too emo or u did not read the argues:) the point is to inform that a 8k pdef char receives 3k each blow. ofc u can continue to be satisfied of ur posts if u want Smiley
have a good day Wink
If he was wearing a heavy/light set I would agree, but he is wearing a robe set, he can have 100k p. def but it would still not help him. If someone wants to tank make a tank type class not just sub a mage into a tank class, wear a robe set and expect not to get hit for that dmg.
Quote from: Diabolical on April 14, 2010, 08:08:35 PM
Noobs , i didnt read the retarded pages before and i wont , too lazy
the thing is Th blows used to be a crit damage and it could be for example increased by fire dance
now its just normal skills not as crit damage so whats happening is that skills CRITTING so its 2x crit skill , so u get 8k or 10 k or w/e the numbers , what need to be fixed is putting TH skills as crit damage again ,, kk problem solved
Is it, really? I didn't know that :-\
Quote from: Sephiroth on April 09, 2010, 11:04:45 PM
Then start thinking'bout learning how is L2 in DN.
And Noobskiller,dunno what do u expect with that P.Def...
u say NoobsKiller have low p def mby u have right but i will tell u smth my friend sh/sk go to oly open shield of faith allredy 4,5k p def in robe set with self buf and kafaro hit him for all the time from skils for 3k with normal hit 200+ dmg wtf???????? its low p def too? and how he can kill him if + that kafaro all the time get protection of rune or smth this same dagers
And about dagers i think they are too strong thay can do everythink in oly and what Maciek say archers kill dagers, dagers kill mages hehe try kill yoshimo or misiek with archer lol 50 % hits miss. And finaly i think Gatsu have right cuz mages with full bufed for example sps/ee he havent defect arrow with full buf archer with ic +++++++++++ hit him for 900-1,1k with crits that sps/ee hit him with normal hit for 1k......... mby im wrong but u make mages better dagers better but u forgot about archers.............
Quote from: Diabolical on April 14, 2010, 08:08:35 PM
Noobs , i didnt read the retarded pages before and i wont , too lazy
the thing is Th blows used to be a crit damage and it could be for example increased by fire dance
now its just normal skills not as crit damage so whats happening is that skills CRITTING so its 2x crit skill , so u get 8k or 10 k or w/e the numbers , what need to be fixed is putting TH skills as crit damage again ,, kk problem solved
Afaik they are crit dmg, you probably just don't see the 'Critical Hit!' msg, if it's not critical damage, stuff like AQ/Baium and Death whisper wouldn't even effect it.
Why noone whine in this thread about mages i wonder? With 1.9k mdef in oly,protection of elemental, 2 pieces of armor water pdef lvl 9, elemental song i still get from sps/ee with vortex landed almost 5k dmg critical hydro blast (btw those debuffs with the crazy matk of +++ icarus have almost zero chance to NOT land)...
well i remember quite good in C4 times , when u land a blow on someone , it said U crit for some number , thats why baium / aq and fire dance had an effect on th skills.
but starting with C5 /interlude the new system came with change that fighters skills can do a critical damage as well , so now dagger blows crit and thats a disaster coz their skills was supposed to be THE CRIT ITSELF
i didnt play dagger since IL / HB so i dunno how r the blows now , does it say u crit for whatever when u land a blow ? i bet no
anyway as i said , the fix should come from there , turn dagger blows into crits nor normal damage
its a serious statement so before making it why dont u test mortal blow with some archer or even lvl 1 char if u dont have dagger and do it again with some crit dmg buff because its so easy.
anyway dagger skills are criticals and "critical hits" from skills are just 2x of normal skill damage always.
Blow dmg depends on your critical attack modifier, which changes with some buff, items, skills. Lowers if enemy has more pdef. Every succesful blow is considered as critical attack though. There is something like skill critical. Its just 2x normal dmg from skill (blow or every other fighters phisical attack skills)
In normal servers, every time, when u make blows u see something like that im msg window "You use Backstab /n Critical hit! /n You hit for XXXX dmg". When you make skill crit, you see only dmg that is doubled. For some reason in DNET the line "Critical hit!" only occures when you make skill crit. Everything else is normal, nothing overpowered about that.
For all those cryers, Misters "How I can kill him if he hits me for 3k":
1. if u get proper buff he wont hit you for 3k.
2. Daggers are made to exterminate mages, archers its only your problem that you choose that no brain stupid char.
3. try to kill a tank with dagger when you hit for 300-400 (with all possible dmg boost)
4. They already deacresed blow land rate, not even mentioning it @ forum or start up page.... so unprofessional...
All the tears you share here are just beacouse you are too retarded to search some forums and learn how to play you chars. EOT.
nerf all TH PureEvil too ;D
Quote from: Ungolianth on April 16, 2010, 05:59:58 AM
lol and u whine that u get 5 k m crit after vortex?? after vortex its rly normal that u get 5 k crit....my normal hit in oly on nitopami is 780 without surender or vortex...m def is not such important like resist....i hardly hit pw/sws for 500 and th/pp for 170
If my buffs are not enough to get less than 5k dmg then also stop whine that you get 3k dmg from daggers only with shield. Simply...
I guess there is no point keep arguing this.
Daggers should hit hard on close range. Its their "thing". The "problem" is when u face a dagger with good equipment.
Take me for example. Im NE/PP, DC set, AM... nothing much. A normal mage. On pvps against normal daggers, its a nice fight. but on oly against good daggers my hit is a shame. not only daggers, but all the other well-equiped chars.
its their fault. Only DN set is OP.
Dont think they need to be nerfed.
decrease blow rate more plox, they still land :-\
edited: just made lil test, only 1/3 blows succefull, time to play mage ;D
Yes, decrease all Daggers !!! After that low more the Archers !!! <---- If this will happen AGAIN , we will see c4 or start Interlude with mages Am+0 crits alot and killing whatever he wants :)
About "Oly" and "Oly Damage" : We have this problems that some1 is OP on Oly only cause you must not fight with other classes if you don't want to ( in official ofc ) ! Here we had too much people transfering, so this option was nerfed to nothing :P
The other problem is that we see dwarfs now only as ty/spoiler or some bugged mutants in dwarf skin ! No REAL dwarfs in game ...
This month even was no hero on Spoiler , casue of that 30 wins and 50 fights ... And that skill that was added to dwarfs is just making me laugh alot .
Still, for now on Oly are playing only people with really cool equipment, and "Join Oly" shouts is just something like : "Please people with low gear sign and gimme some points .... ;D ;D
Stop always crying that some1 is OP ... Shout for SOME1 IS WEAK !!! Maybe then we will have more fun playing this f*cking game ...
Good luck !