What do you choose?
Option 1: x25 to x10
votes: 314
Option 2: Keep the current x30 to x5
votes: 71
The poll will be running for 4 days, so vote as you prefer. Drop/spoil remains the same.
- To change 80% is the minimum requirement.
Can I make a pool about getting free bossjewels? I mean sure 90% of the whiners would vote yes too...
Please resepct the players that level up with the old system. It's not fair to change it.
Seriusly, no respect to players again?
Let's make a poll to add Boss jewels to grocery also.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 25, 2014, 07:55:04 PM
And did we chang anything :( ...
and make a poll like this, and making changes as well, i dont think u are making polls and new topics just for discussion.
Yep, just the existence of this topic made half of the people I met today on TS say "I'm done here"... so I guess that's GG.
whos talking about new exp curve, only persons from giran stairs!
ps: i hope new exp curve will win, it will be my weet dream TODAY!!!
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:20:11 PM
Yep, just the existence of this topic made half of the people I met today on TS say "I'm done here"... so I guess that's GG.
who the freak u are??? from start i saw u maybe one time in godard so stop talking bull shit.
Keep it as it is, if you dont want to screw over the players who already dedicated the time to level before the changes.
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:20:11 PM
Yep, just the existence of this topic made half of the people I met today on TS say "I'm done here"... so I guess that's GG.
In all do respect , can you just vote and let others express their opinion as well?
We made the poll because there is high amount of players which complain about the rates , so lets see the numbers actually. There is also requirement of % to win the poll and apply changes.
Keep the current exp/sp curve and watch server gettin more empty everyday. Ofc there will remain 'hardcore community' but w/e.
If u want to attract old and new players who is bored to exp on that lowrate make stable x15, or curve x20 to x10 at the end.
For LadyZENITH, no1 care about ur or ur clan opinion, 30?40? ppl, even 'uberwpfnz0rs' r always less than 500 new players that will stay for longer.
Track ive been here since day 1st and i can tell you that many ppl left coz of rates, your idea is great to keep ppl coming. horn idea(shards,luna) imo is good also, this little things keep ppl playing and coming, ive read the cries about butthurted ppl that scares newcomers, too bad here is 1/3 butthurted, keep up the good work
anyway no matter how high the xp rates, ppl whos couldnt xp till now, wont be xping faster later too. Simple answer: noobs.
i am almost 79 lvl... but i voted to win the new exp system cause i start to get bored ..i need new buffer and really cant do it again!! give little power to poor ppls with out covs pofs pows to exp and hit ur lvls too.dont be so mad.. gm dont give them free item lol ! its just exp.
So whats the deal with this server?
Is this a beta server or what?? Because in a real server you cant do so IMPORTANT changes after 4 months of life....
You have already done a lot (changed the rates once, changed the sub-stuck lvl, changed the horn system)
Come on guys, dont mess with the game we play for fun.
A lot of us have spend hours trying to xp or sp our chars to be in a competant lvl...
ppl complain about the rates because they want easier server.
When i joined here i knew the rates and i decided to play with this rates.
Not only me but all ppl here knew the rates before start playing.
Quote from: Denzo on April 26, 2014, 10:26:51 PM
anyway no matter how high the xp rates, ppl whos couldnt xp till now, wont be xping faster later too. Simple answer: noobs.
said by random guy. Keep playing with those 'pro' who leave because 'no competition', k?
Quote from: tihic on April 26, 2014, 10:26:30 PM
Track ive been here since day 1st and i can tell you that many ppl left coz of rates, your idea is great to keep ppl coming. horn idea(shards,luna) imo is good also, this little things keep ppl playing and coming, ive read the cries about butthurted ppl that scares newcomers, too bad here is 1/3 butthurted, keep up the good work
Quote from: Strif on April 26, 2014, 10:28:24 PM
So whats the deal with this server?
Is this a beta server or what?? Because in a real server you cant do so IMPORTANT changes after 4 months of life....
You have already done a lot (changed the rates once, changed the sub-stuck lvl, changed the horn system)
Come on guys, dont mess with the game we play for fun.
A lot of us have spend hours trying to xp or sp our chars to be in a competant lvl...
ppl complain about the rates because they want easier server.
When i joined here i knew the rates and i decided to play with this rates.
Not only me but all ppl here knew the rates before start playing.
Yeah, we knew about rates, many ppl give up before server started. Few of them joined to try, and leave because it was boring. There could be 1,5k stable online, not 300. Just make it stable x15.
Voted 1st option, there should be 3rd option stable 15x.
Really I don't understand ppl who want so low rates on the last lvls - exping is so exciting for them? :O
Quote from: Painkiler on April 26, 2014, 10:32:03 PM
Yeah, we knew about rates, many ppl give up before server started. Few of them joined to try, and leave because it was boring. There could be 1,5k stable online, not 300. Just make it stable x15.
If you can assure me that with this changes there will be 1.5k stable online i agree.
The prob is that the people dont leave because of the rates.This is only an excuse.
Anyone can choose a high rated server and have fun.
Quote from: Strif on April 26, 2014, 10:35:35 PM
If you can assure me that with this changes there will be 1.5k stable online i agree.
The prob is that the people dont leave because of the rates.This is only an excuse.
Anyone can choose a high rated server and have fun.
i can tell you what everyone wants, to level asap and get horn to they can stack have some fun make retails and do the same, checking the combinations, simply havin fun choosing what to play
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 26, 2014, 10:23:56 PM
There is also requirement of % to win the poll and apply changes.
Good to know. Because it's inevitable that the new proposal will win, since the new players are more. But keep in mind that the quality of the server depends not only on the quantity but also on quality of the players. If you piss off all the loyal and experienced players you have it would make no difference if the new system temporarily attracts more players.
Quote from: Strif on April 26, 2014, 10:35:35 PM
If you can assure me that with this changes there will be 1.5k stable online i agree.
The prob is that the people dont leave because of the rates.This is only an excuse.
Anyone can choose a high rated server and have fun.
Tell me, which server had highest online. Infinity x5? Dragon x15? Nightmare X30? Currently there is no good x15-20 IL substack server.
Quote from: Strif on April 26, 2014, 10:35:35 PM
If you can assure me that with this changes there will be 1.5k stable online i agree.
The prob is that the people dont leave because of the rates.This is only an excuse.
Anyone can choose a high rated server and have fun.
Then for what they left?
Because so far i see Tara as pretty balanced server after so many years, including other things that are corrected after so many years. Don't tell me they left because of no potions and new tattoo system? If yes, then they should switch to Arche Blade.
I still remember demands from the players; new server,no OP donations,balance, no playing gms, .... The only thing that is different is the rates, so that "could" be the only reason they left.
Lets see when the poll ends....
Track, reconsider to make it just same xp/sp rates as old dragon.
Quote from: tihic on April 26, 2014, 10:37:28 PM
i can tell you what everyone wants, to level asap and get horn to they can stack have some fun make retails and do the same, checking the combinations, simply havin fun choosing what to play
+1000 just some ppl is already 80 lvl subbed full gear and rule the server..if anyone become strong some balance begin..they dont wanna balance.they dont care if half ppls leave. they just want rule the server. we talking only for 5% to 10%
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 26, 2014, 10:40:23 PM
Then for what they left?
Because so far i see Tara as pretty balanced server after so many years, including other things that are corrected after so many years. Don't tell me they left because of no potions and new tattoo system? If yes, then they should switch to Arche Blade.
I still remember demands from the players; new server,no OP donations,balance, no playing gms, .... The only thing that is different is the rates, so that "could" be the only reason they left.
Lets see when the poll ends....
Ofc I want tell you that they left because of the tattoos.
I'm not in D-net for a long time so i dont know the demands of the ppl in previous servers.
This is my first server here and i like it, thats why i play L2 after a lot of years.
I agree with you, its a balanced well organized server.
Thats why i dont believe we need these changes.
Quote from: Painkiler on April 26, 2014, 10:41:41 PM
Track, reconsider to make it just same xp/sp rates as old dragon.
It would be best choice!
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 26, 2014, 10:40:23 PM
Then for what they left?
Because so far i see Tara as pretty balanced server after so many years, including other things that are corrected after so many years. Don't tell me they left because of no potions and new tattoo system? If yes, then they should switch to Arche Blade.
I still remember demands from the players; new server,no OP donations,balance, no playing gms, .... The only thing that is different is the rates, so that "could" be the only reason they left.
Lets see when the poll ends....
track this change will make more ppl to leave then to stay/start in this server.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 26, 2014, 10:23:56 PM
In all do respect , can you just vote and let others express their opinion as well?
We made the poll because there is high amount of players which complain about the rates , so lets see the numbers actually. There is also requirement of % to win the poll and apply changes.
K, you claim we have +- 1600 people ON these days, so lets say if less then 25% vote the voted will not be valid OK? That seems reasonable. Also, sometimes you need to make decision, not always listen to the democratic way of opinions. Cause people will always want more for less work. Does it work like that? Nope. I would also like to be dirty rich but I'm not cause if everyone like me was the planet would collapse.
Since stuff will double I would like to have everything I got on all chars twice now. Sounds fair right?
There has been actual conflict in the community since the start. Between people that wanted old infi and people that wanted old Dragon. The initial rates favored the 1st but most of them left cause the community suxx and stuff just did not work. To be perfectly honest most were just crushed by relatively small amount of people (less then 200) that decided to total nolife rush all and steamroll everyone else. Cool, I call people having no backbone to stand against that but WE, maybe they are just old now probably, that's why they gave up. After all, most had a 5+ year pause from L2, I had 7, still stayed for now cause stuff was happening and I got surrounded by old dudes I like, but even they are now becoming inactive. And today empty sieges, nothing happening, its dread, truly dread.
The exp itself is not important. Now, if you give people the Dragon rates, the dragon players may get happy and some of them may come back. Its your choice your business. I just have to state my own opinion as everyone does. For me, this is totally unacceptable and most of the people I know will leave. Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that... Surely that will make you happy and motivated and sun will shine for eternity. Nope rage will come, and we do not play games to rage, so lets just write it as another experience for the future and... peace out.
Quote from: Strif on April 26, 2014, 10:45:42 PM
Ofc I want tell you that they left because of the tattoos.
I'm not in D-net for a long time so i dont know the demands of the ppl in previous servers.
This is my first server here and i like it, thats why i play L2 after a lot of years.
I agree with you, its a balanced well organized server.
Thats why i dont believe we need these changes.
change from x5 to x10 doesn't change much actually, 2hour of exp becomes 1 hour of exp, and in fact it will allow the ones who dropped because of "hard and no time to level" to reach the max level and compete the current clans who rule the server which in the end means more actions. So for example lvling from lv78 to lv79 takes instead 16h 8h, which again is not INSTANT! And yet the gameplay remains the same of course!
Quote from: AFRIAT on April 26, 2014, 10:47:45 PM
track this change will make more ppl to leave then to stay/start in this server.
Why they should leave? who is 80 alredy will have more players to pvp
I'm alredy 80 and i dont care if i lost my time leveling i just wannna have fun pvping others lol
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
K, you claim we have +- 1600 people ON these days, so lets say if less then 25% vote the voted will not be valid OK? That seems reasonable. Also, sometimes you need to make decision, not always listen to the democratic way of opinions. Cause people will always want more for less work. Does it work like that? Nope. I would also like to be dirty rich but I'm not cause if everyone like me was the planet would collapse.
Since stuff will double I would like to have everything I got on all chars twice now. Sounds fair right?
There has been actual conflict in the community since the start. Between people that wanted old infi and people that wanted old Dragon. The initial rates favored the 1st but most of them left cause the community suxx and stuff just did not work. To be perfectly honest most were just crushed by relatively small amount of people (less then 200) that decided to total nolife rush all and steamroll everyone else. Cool, I call people having no backbone to stand against that but WE, maybe they are just old now probably, that's why they gave up. After all, most had a 5+ year pause from L2, I had 7, still stayed for now cause stuff was happening and I got surrounded by old dudes I like, but even they are now becoming inactive. And today empty sieges, nothing happening, its dread, truly dread.
The exp itself is not important. Now, if you give people the Dragon rates, the dragon players may get happy and some of them may come back. Its your choice your business. I just have to state my own opinion as everyone does. For me, this is totally unacceptable and most of the people I know will leave. Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that... Surely that will make you happy and motivated and sun will shine for eternity. Nope rage will come, and we do not play games to rage, so lets just write it as another experience for the future and... peace out.
Best option Track!
And about the carebears n/c all scared that they will get pwnd in pvp,epics now and that they will have concurence/competition ingame.
And P.S I lvled by the old system to in dual, spent fking hours to reach high lvl and still don't complain damn carebears.
Let the new zergs income!!! So they can qq hard.
P.S 2 Your quote Track What if we change (now?) x25 to x10 ?
Do it live now in some min poll will be 80% like 90% or more want this.
omg ppls.. u are pathetic with exp.. or what?? u dont like more ppls become little more strong and have fun with u?u didnt get bored of this rate yet?? i got so borring!!! track change it pls soon!
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
K, you claim we have +- 1600 people ON these days, so lets say if less then 25% vote the voted will not be valid OK? That seems reasonable. Also, sometimes you need to make decision, not always listen to the democratic way of opinions. Cause people will always want more for less work. Does it work like that? Nope. I would also like to be dirty rich but I'm not cause if everyone like me was the planet would collapse.
Since stuff will double I would like to have everything I got on all chars twice now. Sounds fair right?
There has been actual conflict in the community since the start. Between people that wanted old infi and people that wanted old Dragon. The initial rates favored the 1st but most of them left cause the community suxx and stuff just did not work. To be perfectly honest most were just crushed by relatively small amount of people (less then 200) that decided to total nolife rush all and steamroll everyone else. Cool, I call people having no backbone to stand against that but WE, maybe they are just old now probably, that's why they gave up. After all, most had a 5+ year pause from L2, I had 7, still stayed for now cause stuff was happening and I got surrounded by old dudes I like, but even they are now becoming inactive. And today empty sieges, nothing happening, its dread, truly dread.
The exp itself is not important. Now, if you give people the Dragon rates, the dragon players may get happy and some of them may come back. Its your choice your business. I just have to state my own opinion as everyone does. For me, this is totally unacceptable and most of the people I know will leave. Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that... Surely that will make you happy and motivated and sun will shine for eternity. Nope rage will come, and we do not play games to rage, so lets just write it as another experience for the future and... peace out.
bla bla bla i stoped read here >
"K, you claim we have +- 1600 people ON these days, so lets say if less then 25% vote the voted will not be valid OK?"
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
K, you claim we have +- 1600 people ON these days, so lets say if less then 25% vote the voted will not be valid OK? That seems reasonable. Also, sometimes you need to make decision, not always listen to the democratic way of opinions. Cause people will always want more for less work. Does it work like that? Nope. I would also like to be dirty rich but I'm not cause if everyone like me was the planet would collapse.
Since stuff will double I would like to have everything I got on all chars twice now. Sounds fair right?
There has been actual conflict in the community since the start. Between people that wanted old infi and people that wanted old Dragon. The initial rates favored the 1st but most of them left cause the community suxx and stuff just did not work. To be perfectly honest most were just crushed by relatively small amount of people (less then 200) that decided to total nolife rush all and steamroll everyone else. Cool, I call people having no backbone to stand against that but WE, maybe they are just old now probably, that's why they gave up. After all, most had a 5+ year pause from L2, I had 7, still stayed for now cause stuff was happening and I got surrounded by old dudes I like, but even they are now becoming inactive. And today empty sieges, nothing happening, its dread, truly dread.
The exp itself is not important. Now, if you give people the Dragon rates, the dragon players may get happy and some of them may come back. Its your choice your business. I just have to state my own opinion as everyone does. For me, this is totally unacceptable and most of the peopleI know w ill leave. Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that... Surely that will make you happy and motivated and sun will shine for eternity. Nope rage will come, and we do not play games to rage, so lets just write it as another experience for the future and... peace out.
this is joke...i am 79 lvl subbed... if new ppl come to server i will leave cause they will exp x10 rate? xD lol why?
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on April 26, 2014, 11:04:58 PM
Well, right now there is not even 50% difference between yes and no..... 80%? Wont happen
Serious or trolling?
I hope you understand what we stated in that sentence about 80%, isn't that hard!
*Hint* Final score!
Explain? What would be changed? and for what?
stop qrwa spam and start to play this game.
Quote from: Gardax on April 26, 2014, 10:33:55 PM
Voted 1st option, there should be 3rd option stable 15x.
Really I don't understand ppl who want so low rates on the last lvls - exping is so exciting for them? :O
Maybe they like it, who knows? *Hint*SCOTTIE ! :D
Quote from: tihic on April 26, 2014, 10:37:28 PM
i can tell you what everyone wants, to level asap and get horn to they can stack have some fun make retails and do the same, checking the combinations, simply havin fun choosing what to play
+1 true ;)
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that...
Then you're kinda 'lame' :) if he could have done this, you could have done the same, but you just didnt think to try this. World belong to brave people now ;)
Quote from: peggyna on April 26, 2014, 11:07:09 PM
this is joke...i am 79 lvl subbed... if new ppl come to server i will leave cause they will exp x10 rate? xD lol why?
ofc you won't leave, dont fkn bluff...
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
For me, this is totally unacceptable and most of the people I know will leave. Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff.
Who would leave? be specific provide us names and nicks..
and, You must be a deeply disturbed person to compare this to RL..
There are some nolifers who get noblesse char in 1 month and that was their big advantage looong time. Now when rest ppl which have school, work and couldn't spend long time ig) are on the same position and they are crying...
Any changes which will make server full of ppl with good lvl are good imo.
Big deal having lvled with the old rates..if no new ppl come you will end quiting soon. But with this change we might have new players, and this will give you will to play! What you prefer qq about rates and quit soon? Or see new ppl and more pvp soon?
ladyzenith's logic: I suffered so others have to suffer as well....
Quote from: remeron on April 26, 2014, 11:39:44 PM
ladyzenith's logic: I suffered so others have to suffer as well....
Even tho LadyZenith is overreacting, the point is that if playing the game is "suffering", then uninstall pls.
Quote from: Csenky on April 26, 2014, 11:43:24 PM
Even tho LadyZenith is overreacting, the point is that if playing the game is "suffering", then uninstall pls.
then why is he jealous of others exping less amount of time? you don't get the idea again, "suffering" is ladyzenith's definition, inferred from his explanation..thats why I used this verb.......you know, there is a saying, "misery loves company"....
(btw I knew you would come to me with that)
so now, can I make extra forum accounts and vote for x10 rates? or the opposite for that matter...
it better be a legitimate election...
3rd option constant x10 freak progresive exp/drop/spoil system ;D
Quote from: Oo on April 27, 2014, 12:03:58 AM
3rd option constant x10 freak progresive exp/drop/spoil system ;D
So you want to make it harder than is it now actually?
lets move in time and start over without all that "dynamic and awesome" shits
ONLY adena curve is nice to prevent inflaction
but thats imposible ::)
If exp rate change for sure will be more new players i mean a litke easyer :)
Quote from: exeQutor on April 27, 2014, 01:39:45 AM
If exp rate change for sure will be more new players i mean a litke easyer :)
Looking forward to this hopefully winning.
All of you crying need to get real and think about what matters. (A populated server)
More people will prefer the "higher" rate. Even though I think there should be a 15x across the board option.
Track: Could you guys put an announcement in game so when people login they see it and know to come and vote here? I think that will bring in a better response and plenty more votes.
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:20:11 PM
Yep, just the existence of this topic made half of the people I met today on TS say "I'm done here"... so I guess that's GG.
Who the freak care about you and your friends? You are just a random nonfactor, which haven't even been on a single epic and yet you dare to cry in every single topic.
On topic:
New exp curve would be really nice. However i thing that constant x15 exp rates would be better than this dynamic exp, which btw i personally find really annoying.
Anyway thank you track for this pool and keep up a good work!
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PMIts like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that... Surely that will make you happy and motivated and sun will shine for eternity. Nope rage will come, and we do not play games to rage, so lets just write it as another experience for the future and... peace out.
yeah... nope. correct comparison to RL would be like this: you, and everyone else, were earning 10k/month for 3 months, and now the management decided that the position you are at should be given 100% raise. its not you or the new employees who is getting a raise, the management just realised that the position is worth more than its currently getting. and sure you could ask for compesation for these past 3 months, but you signed the papers for 10k and were very happy working for 10k so it wouldnt really pass, and it doesnt really make any sense to complain about it.
also track, the server has gone under so many changes that you might aswell just say that this was just a beta test and start over.
Quote from: Naiz on April 27, 2014, 06:41:55 AM
Who the freak care about you and your friends? You are just a random nonfactor, which haven't even been on a single epic and yet you dare to cry in every single topic.
On topic:
New exp curve would be really nice. However i thing that constant x15 exp rates would be better than this dynamic exp, which btw i personally find really annoying.
Anyway thank you track for this pool and keep up a good work!
You call others nofactors yet you stand and support here a change that will draw in only non-factors. Someone who cannot cope with rates will never compete with you. So its just another way of saying " Im bored give me more to roll over" bravo.
And do not overestimate your importance as well, never heard of you in the game either. You will happily accept those you flame today as friends tomorrow, I know people like you. Same as the ex SF parties that remained got recruited wherever they tried. Lets go where the wind blows right... Get some backbone, then your word may mean a shit.
Quote from: Naiz on April 27, 2014, 06:41:55 AM
Who the freak care about you and your friends? You are just a random nonfactor, which haven't even been on a single epic and yet you dare to cry in every single topic.
On topic:
New exp curve would be really nice. However i thing that constant x15 exp rates would be better than this dynamic exp, which btw i personally find really annoying.
Anyway thank you track for this pool and keep up a good work!
I think they already did it dawg
Anyone still reading ladyzenith's posts? ;D
When the EXP/SP rate is increased you get faster leveling. This way you get more action wich means it attracts more peoples. For those who already got high level. Gz and good job! However you still have to work hard to get on the same level as you are. Some peoples are acting like the changes will be: I see a mob, if i kill it im instantly level 80. Also be happy the GM's are listening to the players. Quit your whining, accept the changes and continue ingame.
Fak missclicked 2d option... :(
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
K, you claim we have +- 1600 people ON these days, so lets say if less then 25% vote the voted will not be valid OK? That seems reasonable. Also, sometimes you need to make decision, not always listen to the democratic way of opinions. Cause people will always want more for less work. Does it work like that? Nope. I would also like to be dirty rich but I'm not cause if everyone like me was the planet would collapse.
Since stuff will double I would like to have everything I got on all chars twice now. Sounds fair right?
There has been actual conflict in the community since the start. Between people that wanted old infi and people that wanted old Dragon. The initial rates favored the 1st but most of them left cause the community suxx and stuff just did not work. To be perfectly honest most were just crushed by relatively small amount of people (less then 200) that decided to total nolife rush all and steamroll everyone else. Cool, I call people having no backbone to stand against that but WE, maybe they are just old now probably, that's why they gave up. After all, most had a 5+ year pause from L2, I had 7, still stayed for now cause stuff was happening and I got surrounded by old dudes I like, but even they are now becoming inactive. And today empty sieges, nothing happening, its dread, truly dread.
The exp itself is not important. Now, if you give people the Dragon rates, the dragon players may get happy and some of them may come back. Its your choice your business. I just have to state my own opinion as everyone does. For me, this is totally unacceptable and most of the people I know will leave. Its like imagine you work IRL and you get 10K a month and suddenly new guy comes and receives 20K for the same stuff. And he is not skilled, nor he did corrupt anyone, he just whined his way to that... Surely that will make you happy and motivated and sun will shine for eternity. Nope rage will come, and we do not play games to rage, so lets just write it as another experience for the future and... peace out.
+1 for old times sake ;D
minimum x10 on 80 lvl wil be good
Quote from: Rufus on April 27, 2014, 12:47:10 PM
Fak missclicked 2d option... :(
remove vote, and vote again, u ll see the button
80% to 20% sounds clear what people want
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 26, 2014, 10:10:27 PM
Can I make a pool about getting free bossjewels? I mean sure 90% of the whiners would vote yes too...
Quote from: askia on April 27, 2014, 02:45:08 PM
80% to 20% sounds clear what people want
and i am sure many many poor ppl and no strong dont use the forum.just play 1-2 hrs and thats all.
so really is clear what want all..need add new exp rate soon :D
the spots again will be full! ;D
Quote from: remeron on April 27, 2014, 02:33:18 PM
remove vote, and vote again, u ll see the button
Voted from phone so didnt notice the remove button ;d
what exactly means x25 to x10? it's like x25 dynamic to x10 static?
Quote from: ciasnyviesiek on April 27, 2014, 03:18:43 PM
what exactly means x25 to x10? it's like x25 dynamic to x10 static?
now its x30 when u start and x5 at higher lvl.
new exp mean x25 at start and at higher lvl x10
Quote from: askia on April 27, 2014, 02:45:08 PM
80% to 20% sounds clear what people want
not bad! 228 account voted at all from 1600+ active players..
Quote from: Denzo on April 27, 2014, 04:34:28 PM
not bad! 228 account voted at all from 1600+ active players..
U mad? 1600 logins? shockets 1400 minus 300 offline shops /2 (dual box) 500 or 600 real players on a good hour
so yes 200 votes = 1/3 server
Server lost like 1k logins because rate and because was imposible to do subclasstack without membering a big clan
are u mad?
That is a complete lie. I did leveling easy, cause compared to the past it is easy, DNsubbed very easily both my chars. Hell you did not even had to fight for golky. Week in cata and you could buy it for coins cause they were cheap for a long time. It was easy. Did that all alone. Then a couple of old friends joined and we did a lot of equipping people. Except bossjewels everyone has everything pretty easy and nobody nolifes.
I actually refused to join any big zerg clan cause those who are active here has shitty community from Dragon. Or to be more precise, are made from the people that play L2 actively till now and its just ueeeghm. They turned the once nice game in to dirty business, hopping server to server, nolifing and then selling the stuff they gained for real money. And I'm even being flamed for not being like that. " You did not join us on the fights for epic thus you are nonfactor! " that was told here multiple times. So no asslick, no CP joining big guys for profit = nofactor. I see.
It never was the rates. And people are extremely naive in thinking rates will salvage this. those who pull in 10x less effort will never be equal. So they will exp... by the time they exp there the competition will have maxed multiple subs, harvested all the bosses and most of them will have epics on them. By the time those who QQ for rated get S grades the competition will have stuff with heavy overenchat. Hell the enchants here are already becoming ridiculous. The gap will always be there, the new guys will not bring life to the pvp. They will provide just a carpet, and half of the carpet will leave and other half will try to asslick when they see they cant do shit by themselves. The game is kinda lost cause of its community and the assholes left playing. Its not the rates or the settings. Except the dynamic curve, everything was set kinda fine with this server.
Tone of people scream here " they left cause of rates" Well I know people that left cause of lack of competition. Those divivde in 2 groups. First went to nolife at start, asslick the best and then wonder why there is no competition. Second tried to have fun from the start, but was met with 90% of people showing no resistance, and providing boring gameplay. When asked why they replied "I want noble first then I pvp". Well.. neither of them made it there nor play now, so you can ask them why. It was not the rates, it was the retardness. the 1st half quit cause they did not find the good old clan/ally/war/political scene that made the game great. The second one got hit by the bottlenecks created by "the top factors" on baium and bara which existed for 3 months and given their pussy nature they quit instead of trying to pull trough.
Quote from: LadyZENITH on April 27, 2014, 05:08:38 PM
It was not the rates, it was the retardness.
ok..you are too good for here, pls consider leaving..
ps: I didn't read all your text,fast-skimmed it..can't stand all that nonsense..
Respect that you even skim it, scrolling it down is a way better option ;D
in my clan started 25 ppl about. now its about 20ppl and still noone nobless...4 is subbed and only 2 have one retaill 60lvl..
i thing out there many clans like mine in same type..how long u thing will stay that ppls here?yes i thing will get bored..we talking in clan about this..yes is not pro all of them to make train at fog.. or yes... we tried some times...i am not lier.. we tried with out cov ofc cause noone have wc 78 lvl..we tried for 15 minutes.. oh there came 4 chars from one clan.. no lifers was? dont know..they was nobless 80 lvl maybe, with blue weapons..ok thats it..they killed us 10 ppls we was.. all dead..
ofc that ppls vote NO to exp..cause its no lifers and dont want my small clan to be nobless or stronger yet cause they rule in this way.. but they dont know these vote NO in sometime when go to fog again will find an empty fog..cause my clan and all others small clan will get bored and noone will play again. ofc we starter at first day in server all and we knew about rates..but in the time really we got bored..
and i see and topic somewhere,,someone tell sometimes oly is empty and server is dead..no... server is not dead..many ppls play, but 1/10 is nobless cause of rates..so cant play at oly..
jajaja, rates are so low. Ask Teqi about it! xD
Quote from: ZeniT on April 27, 2014, 06:33:00 PM
jajaja, rates are so low. Ask Teqi about it! xD
yo mage, doesn't count.
At Hight LVL Incrase Max SP Winining becose farm 1 Week For Learn 1 skill :o
Litell Bored "Just My Point Of View"
U wonder why ppl leave your server ? Simple. This game got rusty already. From the start u will have less players.
People that still play interlude chronicle are old people that played it before. They are not interested to discover the game. They want in a decent amount of time to get the items and the level to join the pvp. The x5 rate you got is not decent for this kind of people so they'll eventually leave. Simple as that.
Quote from: mathew07 on April 28, 2014, 07:27:33 AM
U wonder why ppl leave your server ? Simple. This game got rusty already. From the start u will have less players.
People that still play interlude chronicle are old people that played it before. They are not interested to discover the game. They want in a decent amount of time to get the items and the level to join the pvp. The x5 rate you got is not decent for this kind of people so they'll eventually leave. Simple as that.
Quote from: mathew07 on April 28, 2014, 07:27:33 AM
U wonder why ppl leave your server ? Simple. This game got rusty already. From the start u will have less players.
People that still play interlude chronicle are old people that played it before. They are not interested to discover the game. They want in a decent amount of time to get the items and the level to join the pvp. The x5 rate you got is not decent for this kind of people so they'll eventually leave. Simple as that.
Well we should not care about people what are leaving ( i dont know anybody who leaved ) but we should care about to get new people..
It's not that we play interlude (interlude is perfect), we also got high5 and there are less people...
It's the whole lineage2 game, u can play lineage2 for free official, its not payd anymore (and even there the activity is not what u would expect). There is not any high active l2 server anymore where plays over 20k people (like we had in the past).
Quote from: mathew07 on April 28, 2014, 07:27:33 AM
U wonder why ppl leave your server ? Simple. This game got rusty already. From the start u will have less players.
People that still play interlude chronicle are old people that played it before. They are not interested to discover the game. They want in a decent amount of time to get the items and the level to join the pvp. The x5 rate you got is not decent for this kind of people so they'll eventually leave. Simple as that.
5x rate = low rate, we came for playing "low" rate, after all i think, its still easy server to get right gear making sub/nobles/farming recipes. U can make a full set A (example dc robe set) less then a week.. one week farm get ur premium horn in old days, max. one week farm get ur Sgr weapon, less then a week get ur SA for it or couple of hours at Trex u can manage it by self.
full B sets, get it ~4h questing. Raid respwn wasnt ON WEBSITE, still ppl could be killing raid bosses with longer camps.
I dont know what the freak are u talking about, its low rate, but kinda still too easy. everyone can make nobles full geared char less then a month, but rather start and finish it, coming time to time make it more easier, and rise again xp for every hardworker get endgame lvl. 5x-10x-15x maybe counts for ur 4h gameplay but dont say that it counts in 6000h gameplay during past. No matter which rate u are playing on 5x or 5000x u have to walk the farming route for getting items.. and spending times ingame quiet lot. ~1-1,5month my statistic to get an endgame character at every server, here i got after 3 weeks... i still dont have lvl80 character, cus after 79 i ve stopped xp, and i was busy with managing clan events".
So after all cry spams, whos never ever showed up any epics, what the freak are u doing exclude XP/FARM/PVE?
I believe that obtaining horn by lunargen is fine but should be higher the cost to 20 horn, the golky's have a time maximum output of 3 days, and golky de toi 1 per week because it is killing the server and serious one pvp server, or put another parallel server as the old dragon to another rate
Most of us had repeated this routine of leveling and gearing up many times before, on many servers. Personally, I am not willing to repeat it again, here, if it takes too much time. Some of us have the time to spend it on lvling, and consider the x5 a reasonable exp rate, but the ultimate proof that it is not so are the community members. The players that, here on this forum, in this topic are against the exp rate increase, probably have reached the max lvl. They know best what it means to lvl up to 80 and they want other people to feel the pain of leveling up.
Anyway my advice is to increase to an x10-x15 exp rate on the 76+ step.
Half year ago there was interlude substack server with all that features that ppl here want. MP potions, tatoos, easy sub, medium rate, and guess what? It was alive for 2 months.
Conclusion? Old x15 dragon times will NEVER come back. Who will start playing on old, heavy modifed game when they have free official server?
If someone is waiting for miracle and 3k online, with pvp all the time - wake up, it will never happen.
Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 09:26:58 AM
Half year ago there was interlude substack server with all that features that ppl here want. MP potions, tatoos, easy sub, medium rate, and guess what? It was alive for 2 months.
Conclusion? Old x15 dragon times will NEVER come back. Who will start playing on old, heavy modifed game when they have free official server?
If someone is waiting for miracle and 3k online, with pvp all the time - wake up, it will never happen.
Are you seriously compering 8th edition of -, which was obviously made just for making money from donations to Dragon?
Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 09:26:58 AM
Half year ago there was interlude substack server with all that features that ppl here want. MP potions, tatoos, easy sub, medium rate, and guess what? It was alive for 2 months.
because retarded admin disappeared. no gms to fix things, no server restart when needed, nothing at all. that's why it failed after 2 months.
Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 09:26:58 AM
Half year ago there was interlude substack server with all that features that ppl here want. MP potions, tatoos, easy sub, medium rate, and guess what? It was alive for 2 months.
Conclusion? Old x15 dragon times will NEVER come back. Who will start playing on old, heavy modifed game when they have free official server?
If someone is waiting for miracle and 3k online, with pvp all the time - wake up, it will never happen.
So what is your purpose of spamming this forum then?
Im playing here, taking it easy. But I see a lot of ppl who think that their briliant idea will bring shitload of new ppl. Making server easier MIGHT bring some, but it wont be revolution like they think.
When we can see some changes in exp?
Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 09:55:13 AM
Im playing here, taking it easy. But I see a lot of ppl who think that their briliant idea will bring shitload of new ppl. Making server easier MIGHT bring some, but it wont be revolution like they think.
Server will be better and bring new people only when you players start believing in that and speak positively about it. Invite friends , speak about it. Else for those ppl who are playing here while they trash talk 24/7 ; what they expect will happen?
So as i said for all those who want more actions, more item value, more everything start vote, tell friends about it and create a positive cloud around the Tara not inverse. And eventually we will get what we aim for, and in addition as i can see it now in the poll rates will be changed so it will be even easier to invite new-old players. Thank you
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:02:47 AM
Server will be better and bring new people only wheb you players start beliving in that and speak positivly about it. Invite friends , speak about it. Else for those ppl who are playing here while they trash talk 24/7 ; what they expect will happen?
So as i said for all those who want more actions, more item value, more everything start vote, tell friends about it and create a positive cloud around the Tara not inverse. And eventually we will get what we aim for, and in addition as i can see it now in the poll rates will be changed so it will be even easier to invite new-old players. Thank you
Like i said before, i invited 20 ppl to this server, 14 of them didn't even tried because of rates(they said x15 atleast), 6 of them tried, but they 5 of them left after they get 60-65lvl, because after high rate it became slower and slower. Now from 21 ppl that could play here, play 2.
Quote from: Painkiler on April 28, 2014, 10:06:56 AM
Like i said before, i invited 20 ppl to this server, 14 of them didn't even tried because of rates(they said x15 atleast), 6 of them tried, but they 5 of them left after they get 60-65lvl, because after high rate it became slower and slower. Now from 21 ppl that could play here, play 2.
So tell them about rates change, so they can continue in no time where they stopped. You know their chars are still here.
Just for the record even on current setup average rate is 16,6 per but thats another story.
My main point is still above this post!
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:11:02 AM
So tell them about rates change, so they can continue in no time where they stopped. You know their chars are still here.
Just for the record even on current setup average rate is 16,6 per but thats another story.
My main point is still above this post!
Well, track - don't say it's average 16,6, because u need max 1kk xp for next lvl on <60, and 20kk-400kk for 65+.
Ofc - i will tell them when rates will be changed.
Quote from: joeny on April 28, 2014, 08:05:09 AM
Well we should not care about people what are leaving ( i dont know anybody who leaved ) but we should care about to get new people..
It's not that we play interlude (interlude is perfect), we also got high5 and there are less people...
It's the whole lineage2 game, u can play lineage2 for free official, its not payd anymore (and even there the activity is not what u would expect). There is not any high active l2 server anymore where plays over 20k people (like we had in the past).
Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 09:26:58 AM
Half year ago there was interlude substack server with all that features that ppl here want. MP potions, tatoos, easy sub, medium rate, and guess what? It was alive for 2 months.
Conclusion? Old x15 dragon times will NEVER come back. Who will start playing on old, heavy modifed game when they have free official server?
If someone is waiting for miracle and 3k online, with pvp all the time - wake up, it will never happen.
The game was something fascinating, a sensation back in 2005-06 and years have passed with tons of MMO's which made competence with l2, obviously we wont get the same amount of people we had 7-8 years ago.
Official... even there the situation sux, just read the forum (read Shilen board, players already declared shilen serv is dead) ppl complains bout the hordes of bots everywhere and gms doing nothing, ignoring the problem (eventho they are active doing events and stuff) i saw it myself outside Oren with the mahums quest, the place being controlled by 2-3 guys farming 24/7 with walker, same in MoS, silent valley, Seed of annihilation, u can find bots almost everywhere, im not talking bout 2-3 walkers, i mean you actually watch 10-20 in just one area farming freely, plus this new way of doing things by "instance" gets you tired, bored after 2-3 months loggin for dailys kamaloka solo and group, istina, SoH, nursery sht etc and thats the only decent way to lvl up. Real action comes after lvl 95+ and servers are ruled by 2-3 clans (owners of those walker-bots who sell epics and adena for real $) and they wont let you do sht unless u join em.
I always complained about the overenchanted weapons in the past (Dragon15x 2007-08), thing is worse in official day by day with people getting mentor coins thx to their own walker mentees lvling non-stop and being deleted later, anyway there are so many things going wrong in that place.
I mean the experience is awesome just for some weeks/months watching the awakening process, those videos and the game story, reaching the pvp-siege scene is kinda impossible, have to do dailys always without missing one for months and youll get rap3d even at lvl95 with seraph & specter in 3 seconds against those farmers/top players.
When offi went truly free, it was a devastating hit for all the private servers but now after aprx 1 year those ppl went back to private servs or just quited l2, realizing that "official" l2 experience was nice just in the beggining and became bored, degenerate and a business. right now i cant consider official as big factor/reason for low population here or somewhere else. Its sad how everything turned out in official and the real problem is Ncsoft who doesnt give a f!#@ bout walker/bots, their "report system/tickets" a broken feature almost useful as casting haste over mages.
Enzo please explain us how the hell you reach noblesse & full gear (i guess u meant Top-A at least) in less than a month? seriously im not being sarcastic, i kinda suck and forgot all those quests and strategys it would be nice to have a guide like players did in official l2 step by step with details, and of course how many hours per day you need to achieve that and if it can be done alone or need party, each should figure it out i kno but since we have this problem of QQ for rates a good guide could help.
Quote from: Painkiler on April 28, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
Well, track - don't say it's average 16,6, because u need max 1kk xp for next lvl on <60, and 20kk-400kk for 65+.
Do you know how average is taken in arithmetic mean? That means average!
Anyhow, as i said earlier, as far as i can see it rates will be changed toward players desires and still keeping it hard enough not to make everything doable within few days. So you might call those 18 frands and tell them these good news for them!
Thank you
Change the exp as soon is possible!!dont w8 more..the vote is clean what want all. Let's do it.if someone leaved before cause of rates we need them back ASAP.
Quote from: peggyna on April 28, 2014, 10:19:54 AM
Change the exp as soon is possible!!dont w8 more..the vote is clean what want all. Let's do it.if someone leaved before cause of rates we need them back ASAP.
Voting closes: April 30, 2014, 09:07:56 pm
Patience please.
Many people that play here(more then 50% I think) are old players (5+ years). In that period many of us had time to play, some of us was younger, in high school/faculty maybe, now they have a job. People who used to play here don't have the same time to farm/level as before. Few people here are playing L2 for the first time as I was on Nightmare and many of my friends. We are older, it's hard to propose to someone that have a job to start playing a game like L2. In that time was easier beacause we had friends that was looking for a new game.
Time changes everything, it can't be like before. I don't know what can you do, but a low rate like this at high level is not the solution.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:18:54 AM
Do you know how average is taken in arithmetic mean? That means average!
Anyhow, as i said earlier, as far as i can see it rates will be changed toward players desires and still keeping it hard enough not to make everything doable within few days. So you might call those 18 frands and tell them these good news for them!
Thank you
When u r walking with dog, u have average 3 legs...
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:18:54 AM
Do you know how average is taken in arithmetic mean? That means average
Thank you
I think I lost my faith in the team at this point ... How you could even bring arithmetic mean into the exp rate equation ? Like ... derp :DDDDDD [With all due respect]
Quote from: Simao on April 28, 2014, 11:11:33 AM
I think I lost my faith in the team at this point ... How you could even bring arithmetic mean into the exp rate equation ? Like ... derp :DDDDDD [With all due respect]
So you want to tell me you cant calculate the mean of exp rate in the arithmetic mean?
Even if the exp rate goes from 80per , 79per,78per,......1per
Same equation you can apply to exp amount as well, i dont see the false state here.
Its the simple math formula that sums up all the pers and devide with the quantity of pers you have.
If you need it documented
What you described is called:
And it is not simple arithmetic mean. I think you were thinking about right thing just the word did not match. Again you cant assume that the exp you need to get level 80 is the same "weight" as the one you need level 10. In this case arithmetic mean would be a mistake. I am not sure I can explain further - I am simple economist.
so let me get it.
at 80lvl - 10x xp/sp
at 79 - 11x xp/sp
at 78 - 11.5 xp/sp
the lowest will be x10 yes ?
and now its x5 ?
No point to vote for the lower rate . Make it higher so people wont complain about it anymore .
Quote from: 3rv!n on April 28, 2014, 12:22:06 PM
No point to vote for the lower rate . Make it higher so people wont complain about it anymore .
wanna bet? :)
Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 12:22:46 PM
wanna bet? :)
In this case invite them to the loljava servers and done.
Zenith, just for info. what big clans asked you to join ?xD
Quote from: Barbaro on April 28, 2014, 10:18:23 AM
how the hell you reach noblesse & full gear (i guess u meant Top-A at least) in less than a month? seriously im not being sarcastic, i kinda suck and forgot all those quests and strategys it would be nice to have a guide like players did in official l2 step by step with details, and of course how many hours per day you need to achieve that and if it can be done alone or need party, each should figure it out i kno but since we have this problem of QQ for rates a good guide could help.
hmm guide?? i give u... ;D
maybe in one room with door locked? only water inside and one pc..
no coffe...
no friends..
no job..
no schoool..
dont eat..only water.. u havent time to eat.. i remind .. u have pwned the server...
no bathroom.. yes yes u need smell bad for be nobless..
and finally and importand all u cant sleep! u havent time for sleep....u have to pwned the server..
this is good guide.. or... u take a risk for ban and a bot or other programm make this job for u..
ofc is a joke but i cant find other way ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: N!k on April 28, 2014, 12:31:12 PM
Zenith, just for info. what big clans asked you to join ?xD
Here we go againnnnn
Same old sh1t dog,its a different day !
Jizas i see comments,and,dudes wtv it is just go exp and gear urself,god damn,stop sending to the gm's things about past,u guys talking about things of 5 6 years ago.
Live the preseNt,make the change in the present,doesnt matter the past,live it now,if things now are like this ,go like this instand of ask to everybody else to make it easier.
PS:There is a important thing about this game.
This game is disign by Koreans witch pass 14 hours a day in pc,and if rate is 3 4 or 5 wtv,it is if its low,its just not an European style game,and makes u look like a chinesse playing addicted witch cannot do anything else.
I know 2 top players witch both are heros,they play 10 hours a day to achieve what they do. pz holla
Btw a lil memory of so much hated weapons
Quote from: Barbaro on April 28, 2014, 10:18:23 AM
Please explain us how the hell you reach noblesse & full gear (i guess u meant Top-A at least) in less than a month? seriously im not being sarcastic, i kinda suck and forgot all those quests and strategys it would be nice to have a guide like players did in official l2 step by step with details, and of course how many hours per day you need to achieve that and if it can be done alone or need party, each should figure it out i kno but since we have this problem of QQ for rates a good guide could help.
if u need details how to play, after 7year experience, its just shame, better to uninstall l2, there is no magic for making light in ur dark head.:<
if you want lol 5x svr shake hands with ladyzenith and find another one xd
Quote from: Blizzer on April 28, 2014, 06:59:48 PM
if you want lol 5x svr shake hands with ladyzenith and find another one xd
Quote from: Denzo on April 28, 2014, 06:07:02 PM
if u need details how to play, after 7year experience, its just shame, better to uninstall l2, there is no magic for making light in ur dark head.:<
1st my bad ur Denzo not Enzo, 2nd theres no need to be rude, "no time, i dont want to" was more than enough and obviously ive done many other things throu years not only l2 for 7 years non-stop, so i dont have the 7 years experience, i left this game mid 2008, and returned in official server tauti update for some months . Maybe i have some memory issues retaining all the stuff from just one game i quitted almost 5 years ago because GoD experience has no use with Interlude so it doesnt count.
Of course i kept some info inside my little brain, not a total newb here, im just surprised about your words affirming how easily noblesse, sub, and equipment can be adquired within 1 - 1.5 months. It looks like you are an experienced, skilled and well informed player who could help many of us sharing some knowledge, and forget about me lets think in newbs, ppl who never played l2, hi5-GoD players and no-stacksub private servers. We want more people right? at high stage giving some life to pvp-siege-epics? lets help then
You speak about those goals softly, subjectively almost as the 2nd class process and without details, seriously
kostsuba got a point right there, just a no-life 24/7 maniac or Corean style can achieve it in one month (i exclude big clans, i know everything goes faster there due numbers, experience & activity).
Ok kinda exagerated lets say... more than 7-8 hours per day, that equals almost no-life to me, plus i bet youve done such things with CP's, random ppl or clan mates with high activity... So fk those solo players & small clans that doesnt count huh?.. Farming raid bosses without players data list? B grade sets in 4 hours? premium horn in one week back in February-March? how the fu ? seriously. 1 month, 3,4 to 5 hours per day... i dont see it.
Maybe im not effective as player or waste too much time chating, and those 5 hours i spend inside dont benify enough, w/e.
I meant this, when i asked for GUIDE...
That guy did an awesome job detailing everysingle step to reach awakening and beyond, it doesnt give details but the right and esencial information to achieve something wanted for everyone. Do we have something like that here in Tarantula? it seems you can do it, our newbies help board have good info but its mixed with D15x. The "LSG's New Player Guide. (With Pictures)" is such a nice topic from a guy who cared for this community, still was made for 15x,30x etc. In the end the "go & figure it out" attitude bothers me and of course no one is forced to help newbs or brainless guys like me, just lets try not speak like if everything was so easy and reachable that it can be done in such time with one hand tided behind ur back having ur eyes closed, implying that you suck if cant do it like that.
Quote from: Barbaro on April 28, 2014, 07:50:10 PM
1st my bad ur Denzo not Enzo, 2nd theres no need to be rude, "no time, i dont want to" was more than enough and obviously ive done many other things throu years not only l2 for 7 years non-stop, so i dont have the 7 years experience, i left this game mid 2008, and returned in official server tauti update for some months . Maybe i have some memory issues retaining all the stuff from just one game i quitted almost 5 years ago because GoD experience has no use with Interlude so it doesnt count.
Of course i kept some info inside my little brain, not a total newb here, im just surprised about your words affirming how easily noblesse, sub, and equipment can be adquired within 1 - 1.5 months. It looks like you are an experienced, skilled and well informed player who could help many of us sharing some knowledge, and forget about me lets think in newbs, ppl who never played l2, hi5-GoD players and no-stacksub private servers. We want more people right? at high stage giving some life to pvp-siege-epics? lets help then
You speak about those goals softly, subjectively almost as the 2nd class process and without details, seriously kostsuba got a point right there, just a no-life 24/7 maniac or Corean style can achieve it in one month (i exclude big clans, i know everything goes faster there due numbers, experience & activity).
Ok kinda exagerated lets say... more than 7-8 hours per day, that equals almost no-life to me, plus i bet youve done such things with CP's, random ppl or clan mates with high activity... So fk those solo players & small clans that doesnt count huh?.. Farming raid bosses without players data list? B grade sets in 4 hours? premium horn in one week back in February-March? how the fu ? seriously. 1 month, 3,4 to 5 hours per day... i dont see it.
Maybe im not effective as player or waste too much time chating, and those 5 hours i spend inside dont benify enough, w/e.
I meant this, when i asked for GUIDE...
That guy did an awesome job detailing everysingle step to reach awakening and beyond, it doesnt give details but the right and esencial information to achieve something wanted for everyone. Do we have something like that here in Tarantula? it seems you can do it, our newbies help board have good info but its mixed with D15x. The "LSG's New Player Guide. (With Pictures)" is such a nice topic from a guy who cared for this community, still was made for 15x,30x etc. In the end the "go & figure it out" attitude bothers me and of course no one is forced to help newbs or brainless guys like me, just lets try not speak like if everything was so easy and reachable that it can be done in such time with one hand tided behind ur back having ur eyes closed, implying that you suck if cant do it like that.
maybe u are feeling im rude, but its my style "like as preacher excuse me.
Some steps for newbies, what isnt big deal:
~4h = full b set: running tts rec quest in hs. 4x try in 20min. ~10kk per rec..
1x A gr set = spoiler + mage lvl66 go vos/beastfarm, or if u are just a patient guy enough one mage and drop only dc/tallum gloves rec it was incredible price at beginning
A/S gr wpn = manoring and craft
rec IT entrance anybody can farm
tts keys good money at IT
lvl5 ally farming in varka/ketra as mage+buffer very effective money (boring as hell, and good xp in duo aka box)
lvling with friends whos boxing ur char/atm its the easiest way to lvling or playing w/o bots
AA farm one week = horn (ladyzenith style) atm its transformed aka mss
sub/subclass = choose and setup on first sub who can manage to kill barakiel (not just sub mage aka 2 day to hit 75 and watching day to day barakiel cus u cant kill it)
nobles quest ~half day if u dont have luck with items
make destro party and u can kill any boss/tyrex/etc as easy as u can see these days (numero uno farm class)everybody is riding at cp system, and stick on it. Its not working after all as it should do. cp= constant box, this server just dont have enough player for finding really active cp members. No point for stick on it as new messiah.
i dont mind if server gonna be 10x but its kinda high rate in our style. newbies gonna be newbies no matter of rate, rest of community getting 78-79 and still never hit 80. Cant help on those ppl whos dont have friends/knowledge/effort/market/craft/farm/exp/etc effective for getting their goal, only watching the goal and dont want to step by step follow the way. Current ppls just like that in real life too.
Probably a new guy need at least 2-3month for be ready in pvps.. w/o help and playing alone"
Quote from: Denzo on April 28, 2014, 11:55:17 PM
maybe u are feeling im rude, but its my style "like as preacher excuse me.
Some steps for newbies, what isnt big deal:
~4h = full b set: running tts rec quest in hs. 4x try in 20min. ~10kk per rec..
1x A gr set = spoiler + mage lvl66 go vos/beastfarm, or if u are just a patient guy enough one mage and drop only dc/tallum gloves rec it was incredible price at beginning
A/S gr wpn = manoring and craft
rec IT entrance anybody can farm
tts keys good money at IT
lvl5 ally farming in varka/ketra as mage+buffer very effective money (boring as hell, and good xp in duo aka box)
lvling with friends whos boxing ur char/atm its the easiest way to lvling or playing w/o bots
AA farm one week = horn (ladyzenith style) atm its transformed aka mss
sub/subclass = choose and setup on first sub who can manage to kill barakiel (not just sub mage aka 2 day to hit 75 and watching day to day barakiel cus u cant kill it)
nobles quest ~half day if u dont have luck with items
make destro party and u can kill any boss/tyrex/etc as easy as u can see these days (numero uno farm class)
everybody is riding at cp system, and stick on it. Its not working after all as it should do. cp= constant box, this server just dont have enough player for finding really active cp members. No point for stick on it as new messiah.
i dont mind if server gonna be 10x but its kinda high rate in our style. newbies gonna be newbies no matter of rate, rest of community getting 78-79 and still never hit 80. Cant help on those ppl whos dont have friends/knowledge/effort/market/craft/farm/exp/etc effective for getting their goal, only watching the goal and dont want to step by step follow the way. Current ppls just like that in real life too.
Probably a new guy need at least 2-3month for be ready in pvps.. w/o help and playing alone"
is not so easy like u write here...these all u wrote need many many many hrs in game...and not think all have mage char with se behind . there is archers,dagger,tank,dwarfs,summoners and many other class..ofc can be but no with 2-4 hrs per day.need at last 8 hrs every day in game and more..
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 26, 2014, 10:40:23 PM
Then for what they left?
Because so far i see Tara as pretty balanced server after so many years, including other things that are corrected after so many years. Don't tell me they left because of no potions and new tattoo system? If yes, then they should switch to Arche Blade.
I still remember demands from the players; new server,no OP donations,balance, no playing gms, .... The only thing that is different is the rates, so that "could" be the only reason they left.
Lets see when the poll ends....
frankly, interlude is a stable server, but quite boring and easy to get to end-game.
You also ask why ppl left, well server isn't bad, admins are kinda active, rates aren't bad either. The thing that makes some ppl leave is the lack of keeping up with promises.
1."first server that pays you", you announced it, and they you terminated it, now saying some bs about renting a machine, guess what next time, don't announce sth you don't wanna go thru with :) I didn't really care about this feature, and I even donated some cash here, but there is a lot you were saying and most of your promises were just empty words.
2. making idiots out of ppl who actually played this game for a long time, and know it better than you will ever do. If most ppl say sth is wrong/not working right, giving you proofs and examples from official servers, and you claim that everything works fine because you said so (i am now talking mostly about drake), then sorry.
I really hope, and wish that this server finds tons of new players that will have a great time on tarantula, as for me, I am not playing here anymore and after I logged here first time in weeks, I saw only less ppl, nothing else changed (from my point of view)
Quote from: Denzo on April 28, 2014, 11:55:17 PM
Fk yeah! thats what im talking about and believe or not those lines might help more than u can imagine, and you can improve it, i didnt know 2-3 things u wrote. It gives an idea how to reach top stage or get close.
It doesnt work with all classes or gameplay style (foreveralone style, gladi or th in VoS sux) but still helps alot, ive met ppl beyond lvl 50 who didnt care/know 7s and AA farming or GC recipes quest, some think the only way is staying 10 hours everyday inside a catacomb ignoring the economy givin away seal stones, selling at npc store A grade key mats or SOP & glues, anyway +1 internets 4 ya (seriously a mini guide could help, sticky somewhere in forum).
I love ur signature barb ^^
oh i ve forgotten to mention:
ewc/eac farm at oren's outlaw forest chest's = 15m/h
guys u cant play this game with one character. I ve started spoiler+pp, but gms mess up it. after made dagger only for ewc farm, a friend made lvl 66 necro+se only for drop rec tpa/dc gloves from vos(later made wc/sws/bd/ol..). Every single man can farm anyway but u have to start OR if u are manor braniac u can exchange daily 200kk+ as well.
still hard this game?
Quote from: Kabally on April 28, 2014, 03:15:47 PM
Here we go againnnnn
Same old sh1t dog,its a different day !
Jizas i see comments,and,dudes wtv it is just go exp and gear urself,god damn,stop sending to the gm's things about past,u guys talking about things of 5 6 years ago.
Live the preseNt,make the change in the present,doesnt matter the past,live it now,if things now are like this ,go like this instand of ask to everybody else to make it easier.
PS:There is a important thing about this game.
This game is disign by Koreans witch pass 14 hours a day in pc,and if rate is 3 4 or 5 wtv,it is if its low,its just not an European style game,and makes u look like a chinesse playing addicted witch cannot do anything else.
I know 2 top players witch both are heros,they play 10 hours a day to achieve what they do. pz holla
Btw a lil memory of so much hated weapons
1274 atack speed with a bow ;))
plx enable new exp curve tomorrow alrdy, i wanna exp my charz :c
Quote from: Denzo on April 29, 2014, 08:23:59 AM
oh i ve forgotten to mention:
ewc/eac farm at oren's outlaw forest chest's = 15m/h
guys u cant play this game with one character. I ve started spoiler+pp, but gms mess up it. after made dagger only for ewc farm, a friend made lvl 66 necro+se only for drop rec tpa/dc gloves from vos(later made wc/sws/bd/ol..). Every single man can farm anyway but u have to start OR if u are manor braniac u can exchange daily 200kk+ as well.
still hard this game?
But that's what clans are for. You dont have to create XX characters because you can cooperate with your friends/clanmates. You can create NE/BP, your friiend/clanmate can create SE/BD and so on. You dont need your own character empire. But seems like you prefer it this way with low exp rate and no friends at all. Solo FTW !
"still hard this game?"
Quote from: Denzo on April 29, 2014, 11:31:48 AM
ill be back if they implement new curve, w8ing for it : )
Quote from: 2nFear on April 29, 2014, 11:38:14 AM
But that's what clans are for. You dont have to create XX characters because you can cooperate with your friends/clanmates. You can create NE/BP, your friiend/clanmate can create SE/BD and so on. You dont need your own character empire. But seems like you prefer it this way with low exp rate and no friends at all. Solo FTW !
"still hard this game?"
Theory wars:
If i m relying my 5 year past experiences or any pro can just say same sh1t its sounds like that story:
Started here SPOILER and my friend PP, dont wanted to create any other char cus hate boxing and bored it as hell. GM's messed up the spoil, my friend cp's didnt started to play ... (lets rely ppl thx for them) Im rerolled to BP, he rerolled to sh, one of my friend got a lvl 55 sws, and he could box sh for lvling and sws if other guy was online. Not so hard. We ve recruited bd, what was mostly time inactive as hella, and had to say every single time DANCE PLS cus he was too busy with his boxes (aka bd is boring class), so no problem, we ve lvled him 79+, an other friend started Sps/ee. After all, Sh stopped to play, BD stopped to play, SPS stopped to play.
Best way if u got spare buffers and can survive no matter whats happening with "friends", anyway i cant say any single clan names from past what is worth to mention (aka gearing up together) 99% onlinity and selfgearing like as any other servers.., ppl are coming for free xp (aka boosting them high lvl, and leaving after or stopped to playing, or just too stupid/itemleechers/trouble with them)
Mostly times playing with box, not becouse i wanted to play like this, this server is bounch of boxes from the beginning (aka 2box in pt xp > "4x" better xp then full pt)
about mates/friends/clan, if everything is going well" its still not guarantee anything, (diff. time online/work/girlfriend/family/plenty) of compromise ingame.
belive me, its working on paper, not ingame.
and didnt mention scammers..
Quote from: Denzo on April 29, 2014, 01:15:29 PM
Theory wars:
If i m relying my 5 year past experiences or any pro can just say same sh1t its sounds like that story:
Started here SPOILER and my friend PP, dont wanted to create any other char cus hate boxing and bored it as hell. GM's messed up the spoil, my friend cp's didnt started to play ... (lets rely ppl thx for them) Im rerolled to BP, he rerolled to sh, one of my friend got a lvl 55 sws, and he could box sh for lvling and sws if other guy was online. Not so hard. We ve recruited bd, what was mostly time inactive as hella, and had to say every single time DANCE PLS cus he was too busy with his boxes (aka bd is boring class), so no problem, we ve lvled him 79+, an other friend started Sps/ee. After all, Sh stopped to play, BD stopped to play, SPS stopped to play.
Best way if u got spare buffers and can survive no matter whats happening with "friends", anyway i cant say any single clan names from past what is worth to mention (aka gearing up together) 99% onlinity and selfgearing like as any other servers.., ppl are coming for free xp (aka boosting them high lvl, and leaving after or stopped to playing, or just too stupid/itemleechers/trouble with them)
Mostly times playing with box, not becouse i wanted to play like this, this server is bounch of boxes from the beginning (aka 2box in pt xp > "4x" better xp then full pt)
about mates/friends/clan, if everything is going well" its still not guarantee anything, (diff. time online/work/girlfriend/family/plenty) of compromise ingame.
belive me, its working on paper, not ingame.
and didnt mention scammers..
to prevent boxing, only solution comes to my mind is to be subbed at lvl 40, which would make banning the buffbots seem legitimate.. and all chars would be DD/support classes from the start, but its unlikely to happen,and would probably scare away ppl so...it was just a thought...
Quote from: remeron on April 29, 2014, 08:32:23 PM
to prevent boxing, only solution comes to my mind is to be subbed at lvl 40, which would make banning the buffpets seem legitimate.. and all chars would be DD/support classes from the start, but its unlikely to happen,and would probably scare away ppl so...it was just a thought...
Wrong, for mass pvp still nuker/summoner and he/wl or he/wk would be the good subs, pp wouldn't give anything for HE for example.
The real solution a reasonable party exp bonus could be, currently it's the hugest fail of the server settings imho. Not a high static partyexp ofc, but the more ppl in the party, the higher the partyexp.
Quote from: Csenky on April 29, 2014, 09:07:58 PM
oh really your highness, how about that...
dude, I believe your main intention is to disagree with me,...waiting in ambush to catch a mistake of mine...grow up man...
ok no problem....let's see now
first, hypothetically speaking, such change would bring about other tweaks (like giving back passive def bonuses to fighter/mystic such as he/pp etc., but only partially, worked in the past), at the same time, botting would also be prohibited..
I won't even get into your pt exp bonus claim, just imagine a full party half of which are buffbots...
Quote from: remeron on April 29, 2014, 09:48:13 PM
oh really your highness, how about that...
dude, I believe your main intention is to disagree with me,...waiting in ambush to catch a mistake of mine...grow up man...
ok no problem....let's see now
first, hypothetically speaking, such change would bring about other tweaks (like giving back passive def bonuses to fighter/mystic such as he/pp etc., but only partially, worked in the past), at the same time, botting would also be prohibited..
I won't even get into your pt exp bonus claim, just imagine a full party half of which are buffbots...
It's my bad that you write nonsense things? Okay.
They already tweaked fighter/buffer classes for a reason, and I wouldn't go into the details of such a change, they had a reason to do it, and they don't want to make it back.
Box is limited at 1+1, so it's just another stupid nonsense, but I guess it's my mistake again, that you are so clueless. :) We get like ~110% exp in duo with my friend. If we box 2 buffers out of party, we get the same exp faster, but boxing dance or song out of party is annoying. However we do it, because we don't need randoms to leech from the same amount of exp we would get without them.
If 5man party exp would be ~150%, we would consider not fcking around with -inv-changewindow-accept-dance- shit, just bring a dancer. Many ppl only have box because they want to kick it from party while exping, because party exp is trash. If it wouldn't be, ppl wouldn't do doublework by themselves.
If you don't get what I'm writing, you are definitely not playing the same game on the same server as I do, so just ignore me, and let me explain your stupidity to those who don't rage about it.
Quote from: Csenky on April 29, 2014, 11:58:37 PM
It's my bad that you write nonsense things? Okay.
wow..that's a big claim..."nonsense" is your subjective point of view..a product of your prejudicial mind...
Quote from: Csenky on April 29, 2014, 11:58:37 PM
They already tweaked fighter/buffer classes for a reason, and I wouldn't go into the details of such a change, they had a reason to do it, and they don't want to make it back.
oh really? is it a long story? please do tell us what's the reason? or is it a state secret? c'mon.....
Quote from: Csenky on April 29, 2014, 11:58:37 PM
Box is limited at 1+1, so it's just another stupid nonsense, but I guess it's my mistake again, that you are so clueless. :)
oh boy! u must be really pissed at me...why would I be clueless? whatever gave you that idea? every1 knows box is limited to +1 only, or was that a secret again? Now, I seriously doubt you are soft in the head, or you are so pissed off that u can't think straight.
Quote from: Csenky on April 29, 2014, 11:58:37 PM
We get like ~110% exp in duo with my friend. If we box 2 buffers out of party, we get the same exp faster, but boxing dance or song out of party is annoying. However we do it, because we don't need randoms to leech from the same amount of exp we would get without them.
If 5man party exp would be ~150%, we would consider not fcking around with -inv-changewindow-accept-dance- shit, just bring a dancer. Many ppl only have box because they want to kick it from party while exping, because party exp is trash. If it wouldn't be, ppl wouldn't do doublework by themselves.
Dude, drastical bonus of pt exp is like double increasing the exp rate, almost everyone exps in a pt..besides, exp isn't everything in a game.. at best, it would only have a slight influence. don't expect any miracles from it. just drop this pt exp topic, I didn't wana even discuss this in the first place...it's unimportant...
Quote from: Csenky on April 29, 2014, 11:58:37 PM
If you don't get what I'm writing, you are definitely not playing the same game on the same server as I do, so just ignore me, and let me explain your stupidity to those who don't rage about it.
ok keep explaining my stupidity, Can I also listen please?? it's just getting exciting...
hoping to hear from you
sincerely yours
Quote from: remeron on April 30, 2014, 12:41:26 AM
oh really? is it a long story? please do tell us what's the reason? or is it a state secret? c'mon.....
It is not a secret, ask Drake and Track. I don't agree with them, but I understand their point, hence I don't argue about it.
Quote from: remeron on April 30, 2014, 12:41:26 AM
Dude, drastical bonus of pt exp is like double increasing the exp rate, almost everyone exps in a pt..besides, exp isn't everything in a game.. at best, it would only have a slight influence. don't expect any miracles from it. just drop this pt exp topic, I didn't wana even discuss this in the first place...it's unimportant...
Indeed, and what are they doing regarding this topic? Doubling the exp rate. Which will not solve the box problem, which could've been solved if they do the same outcome with the party exp method. Everyone exping in party? Perfect example, why are you clueless. Cata train? Mostly solo, some duo + 2 box. Fog party? 2-4 members + boxes. ToI angels? Mostly solo. I don't say there are no parties, I say there are much less parties, than should be in a game where 50% of parties must be supports.
Your arguments are limited to repeating that I'm always arguing your comments. Defend your opinion then, but not like "You are wrong
because I am right", I expect here reasons and facts, not a kindergarden-conversation.
Quote from: Csenky on April 30, 2014, 01:16:18 AM
Indeed, and what are they doing regarding this topic? Doubling the exp rate. Which will not solve the box problem, which could've been solved if they do the same outcome with the party exp method.
they are not doubling the exp rate to fight with bot problem.....I mentioned the bot problem quoting the guy who touched on that problem....then u just barged in poking your nose....
you don't need to pitch your pt exp blabla method to me, pitch it to the related person..I am not interested..
Quote from: Csenky on April 30, 2014, 01:16:18 AM
It is not a secret, ask Drake and Track. I don't agree with them, but I understand their point, hence I don't argue about it.
so very informative of you, all those words, and no answer, you are being evasive.....lets just drop this one too..
ps:w0w you used the word "hence", congratz on that...
Quote from: Csenky on April 30, 2014, 01:16:18 AM
Everyone exping in party? Perfect example, why are you clueless. Cata train? Mostly solo, some duo + 2 box. Fog party? 2-4 members + boxes. ToI angels? Mostly solo. I don't say there are no parties, I say there are much less parties, than should be in a game where 50% of parties must be supports.
zZzzZZZzzzZZZZzzzZZZZ this looks irrelevant to me.. maybe try in other words or try someone else....or not.. ok y are right we r solo u are solo everyone solo he is solo she is solo, happy?
Quote from: Csenky on April 30, 2014, 01:16:18 AM
Your arguments are limited to repeating that I'm always arguing your comments. Defend your opinion then, but not like "You are wrong because I am right",
ok sorry, can I go to my room now?
Quote from: Csenky on April 30, 2014, 01:16:18 AM
I expect here reasons and facts, not a kindergarden-conversation.
FACT: you are being ridiculous REASON: this time, I don't have a clue : )
I think we are done here..you may stop quoting me..
Quote from: remeron on April 30, 2014, 01:42:43 AM
- you are not interested (wow, quiet a lot replies tho...)
- I am evasive
- sarcasm
- sarcasm
- wut?)
Yet still, I'm the only one who is trying to stay ontopic, and you are the one, who is just flaming and spamming, because I express my point of view about the exp and box problems, and it is not the same as yours.
Just to not be evasive: The old version of fighter/pp subs gave so much bonus from the stacking masteries, that the extra dmg could even out the transfer pain, and they had 600-700+ cast speed as well. This is why they nerfed it. I think, they overdid it. This is why I don't agree. The castins speed should have stayed, and the weapons mastery as well. IMO.
And sorry, I'm not interested in flamefest, so have fun with the rest of your reply.
fapfap 2/3 day time zero activity on server except excidium ally what isnt much as well just better then rest of server together.
atm server is empty as hell, maybe some nonfactor got 2x better xp in 10x rate, but wont catch up in pvp/epics killing vs the current lords.
what do u think about make a paralel server whats starting higher rates?
before offense, share ur experience
Quote from: Denzo on April 30, 2014, 09:00:48 AM
fapfap 2/3 day time zero activity on server except excidium ally what isnt much as well just better then rest of server together.
atm server is empty as hell, maybe some nonfactor got 2x better xp in 10x rate, but wont catch up in pvp/epics killing vs the current lords.
what do u think about make a paralel server whats starting higher rates?
before offense, share ur experience
Feel free to leave, there are other options around. However i wont let you troll these pages anymore for sake of new current players.
If you dont have anything smart or positive to say please dont log anymore, else you will force me to remove you.
Ive got enogh of forum trolls after so many years.
Quote from: Csenky on April 30, 2014, 07:40:46 AM
Yet still, I'm the only one who is trying to stay ontopic, and you are the one, who is just flaming and spamming, because I express my point of view about the exp and box problems, and it is not the same as yours.
Just to not be evasive: The old version of fighter/pp subs gave so much bonus from the stacking masteries, that the extra dmg could even out the transfer pain, and they had 600-700+ cast speed as well. This is why they nerfed it. I think, they overdid it. This is why I don't agree. The castins speed should have stayed, and the weapons mastery as well. IMO.
And sorry, I'm not interested in flamefest, so have fun with the rest of your reply.
I used sarcasm, since I believed you were being overly ridiculous and I think, no sane person should respond to that seriously..
you seek refuge in twisting my words, yet you blame me of that, plz stop, you are at capacity..
you are trying to unrightfully attribute a flaw into my argument, a flaw which is not even distinctly related to my argument
I only mentioned tweaking def passives, only defs, quite clear, I specifically avoided other stacking masteries, and I added: only partially, yet I somehow knew you would twist my words later, cuz this is what you are...and I said it worked in the past, and it did beautifully work....did it not? did I not play in an awesome server 5-6 years ago??(late c3 and early c4 times I exclude, stacking weap masteries and bonus stats were too op, got later corrected)
here are the trick words for you: "only partially" and "def masteries", read my text again...you shouldn't have involved bonus casting or weapon masteries in this...anyway, you weren't even the adressee of that conversation in the first place, you just popped out of nowhere...
about your pt exp idea, I don't understand your point..do you suggest all play in solo w/o pt? I think you talk about ty/destros, I saw couple of times soloing orcs in cata exping his clan with a full pt , half were buffbots, so that makes me think your idea on that score is pointless... here I go again, I am not interested, cuz I am not your guy to make it happen gotcha???, look up the word I used: "pitch", it means "sell". I said I am not the guy to pitch your ideas to, cuz I am an ordinary player like you...thus, that does not interest me. ok? are we clear on this?
your rudeness and dishonesty is soo out of proportion, that it gives me the freaks....
it's so much fukin clear that your mere intention is to disagree with me, you are holding a grudge against me...well, it just so happens that I find most of your ideas useless..grow a pair and learn to take a criticism...don't seek refuge in playing dirty..
and modifying my quote is the best you could think of? can't come up with an answer? how shrewd of you! do that again, and I won't bother myself with a reply.....
Lastly, dude, you might be wrong or right.....in my opinion, you are wrong and sometimes ridiculous, deal with it, and in your opinion, I am wrong and even stupid, I don't mind it..
ps: I hate posting long texts, I prefer short and clear, but you made me do it...
"before offense, share ur experience"
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 30, 2014, 12:02:36 PM
Feel free to leave, there are other options around. However i wont let you troll these pages anymore for sake of new current players.
If you dont have anything smart or positive to say please dont log anymore, else you will force me to remove you.
Ive got enogh of forum trolls after so many years.
Track u cant see the different between personal experience on ur server and trolling over it. Ive counted activity from morning during day, include Fear ally/kabally/Blackarmy/exci/enclave/wakeup +some lowbie clans as well
fear got 6 . 8~ if count ally too, kabally's 2 player, BA 0, Exci enclave ~3pt boxed at aq, lowbies 1-1.
Me and my friend got free times at morning and working at afternoon or over night. Probably at this time counted ~less then 50 player what could be participating on epics/pvps.
U can rely on statistic 1600 box logged, only ~800 shop, but i rely to ask every single clan personally what they got and not, atm just disappointed to the server, and rethink about leaving dont worry about posts.
u can help those players who's crying after low rate, but cant make a balanced gameplay with xp rates.
SF ally bored 3month free farm with some pvp, and now Exci ally do same till bored and leave. I dont think fear should fapfap on Siege topic as well or baium when 80active/box vs 20-30 in other side, but true, exci got best activity now on the server from after midnight to ~pm 15:00-16:00. (my opinion)
im curious whats the comment hunters think, exclude gtfo no negative comments. what is it censorship?
Quote from: Denzo on April 30, 2014, 01:02:29 PM
"before offense, share ur experience"
Track u cant see the different between personal experience on ur server and trolling over it. Ive counted activity from morning during day, include Fear ally/kabally/Blackarmy/exci/enclave/wakeup +some lowbie clans as well
fear got 6 . 8~ if count ally too, kabally's 2 player, BA 0, Exci enclave ~3pt boxed at aq, lowbies 1-1.
Me and my friend got free times at morning and working at afternoon or over night. Probably at this time counted ~less then 50 player what could be participating on epics/pvps.
U can rely on statistic 1600 box logged, only ~800 shop, but i rely to ask every single clan personally what they got and not, atm just disappointed to the server, and rethink about leaving dont worry about posts.
u can help those players who's crying after low rate, but cant make a balanced gameplay with xp rates.
SF ally bored 3month free farm with some pvp, and now Exci ally do same till bored and leave. I dont think fear should fapfap on Siege topic as well or baium when 80active/box vs 20-30 in other side, but true, exci got best activity now on the server from after midnight to ~pm 15:00-16:00. (my opinion)
im curious whats the comment hunters think, exclude gtfo no negative comments. what is it censorship?
Off shops are limited to 400 as i have said already.
Discussion is over , you can continue to internal forums where you pay the bills.
XP boost is coming along other changes , you will see it in changelog and annoucnemtns when is active.