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New EXP/SP curve

Started by =^TrackZero^=, April 26, 2014, 10:07:56 PM

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Quote from: Painkiler on April 28, 2014, 10:06:56 AM
Like i said before, i invited 20 ppl to this server, 14 of them didn't even tried because of rates(they said x15 atleast), 6 of them tried, but they 5 of them left after they get 60-65lvl, because after high rate it became slower and slower. Now from 21 ppl that could play here, play 2.
So tell them about rates change, so they can continue in no time where they stopped. You know their chars are still here.

Just for the record even on current setup average rate is 16,6 per but thats another story.

My main point is still above this post!
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:11:02 AM
So tell them about rates change, so they can continue in no time where they stopped. You know their chars are still here.

Just for the record even on current setup average rate is 16,6 per but thats another story.

My main point is still above this post!
Well, track - don't say it's average 16,6, because u need max 1kk xp for next lvl on <60, and 20kk-400kk for 65+.
Ofc - i will tell them when rates will be changed.


Quote from: joeny on April 28, 2014, 08:05:09 AM
Well we should not care about people what are leaving ( i dont know anybody who leaved ) but we should care about to get new people..

It's not that we play interlude (interlude is perfect), we also got high5 and there are less people...

It's the whole lineage2 game, u can play lineage2 for free official, its not payd anymore (and even there the activity is not what u would expect). There is not any high active l2 server anymore where plays over 20k people (like we had in the past).

Quote from: somasz on April 28, 2014, 09:26:58 AM
Half year ago there was interlude substack server with all that features that ppl here want. MP potions, tatoos, easy sub, medium rate, and guess what? It was alive for 2 months.
Conclusion? Old x15 dragon times will NEVER come back. Who will start playing on old, heavy modifed game when they have free official server?
If someone is waiting for miracle and 3k online, with pvp all the time - wake up, it will never happen.

The game was something fascinating, a sensation back in 2005-06 and years have passed with tons of MMO's which made competence with l2, obviously we wont get the same amount of people we had 7-8 years ago.
Official... even there the situation sux, just read the forum (read Shilen board, players already declared shilen serv is dead) ppl complains bout the hordes of bots everywhere and gms doing nothing, ignoring the problem (eventho they are active doing events and stuff) i saw it myself outside Oren with the mahums quest, the place being controlled by 2-3 guys farming 24/7 with walker, same in MoS, silent valley, Seed of annihilation,  u can find bots almost everywhere, im not talking bout 2-3 walkers, i mean you actually watch 10-20 in just one area farming freely, plus this new way of doing things by "instance" gets you tired, bored after 2-3 months loggin for dailys kamaloka solo and group, istina, SoH, nursery sht etc and thats the only decent way to lvl up. Real action comes after lvl 95+ and servers are ruled by 2-3 clans (owners of those walker-bots who sell epics and adena for real $) and they wont let you do sht unless u join em.
I always complained about the overenchanted weapons in the past (Dragon15x 2007-08), thing is worse in official day by day with people getting mentor coins thx to their own walker mentees lvling non-stop and being deleted later, anyway there are so many things going wrong in that place.
I mean the experience is awesome just for some weeks/months watching the awakening process, those videos and the game story, reaching the pvp-siege scene is kinda impossible, have to do dailys always without missing one for months and youll get rap3d even at lvl95 with seraph & specter in 3 seconds against those farmers/top players.

When offi went truly free, it was a devastating hit for all the private servers but now after aprx 1 year those ppl went back to private servs or just quited l2, realizing that "official" l2 experience was nice just in the beggining and became bored, degenerate and a business. right now i cant consider official as big factor/reason for low population here or somewhere else. Its sad how everything turned out in official and the real problem is Ncsoft who doesnt give a f!#@ bout walker/bots, their "report system/tickets" a broken feature almost useful as casting haste over mages.

Enzo please explain us how the hell you reach noblesse & full gear (i guess u meant Top-A at least) in less than a month? seriously im not being sarcastic, i kinda suck and forgot all those quests and strategys it would be nice to have a guide like players did in official l2 step by step with details, and of course how many hours per day you need to achieve that and if it can be done alone or need party, each should figure it out i kno but since we have this problem of QQ for rates a good guide could help. 
lvleenmee plis, adenas, quero nuevas skills!!

Tarantula ~ Barbaro gladi and 2 destro, bd, 6 dwarfs, wc, pp, se, moar dwarfs... they r fun n  epic.


Quote from: Painkiler on April 28, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
Well, track - don't say it's average 16,6, because u need max 1kk xp for next lvl on <60, and 20kk-400kk for 65+.
Do you know how average is taken in arithmetic mean? That means average!

Anyhow, as i said earlier, as far as i can see it rates will be changed toward players desires and still keeping it hard enough not to make everything doable within few days. So you might call those 18 frands and tell them these good news for them!

Thank you
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Change the exp as soon is possible!!dont w8 more..the vote is clean what want all. Let's do it.if someone leaved before cause of rates we need them back ASAP.


Quote from: peggyna on April 28, 2014, 10:19:54 AM
Change the exp as soon is possible!!dont w8 more..the vote is clean what want all. Let's do it.if someone leaved before cause of rates we need them back ASAP.
Voting closes: April 30, 2014, 09:07:56 pm

Patience please.
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Many people that play here(more then 50% I think) are old players (5+ years). In that period many of us had time to play, some of us was younger, in high school/faculty maybe, now they have a job. People who used to play here don't have the same time to farm/level as before. Few people here are playing L2 for the first time as I was on Nightmare and many of my friends. We are older, it's hard to propose to someone that have a job to start playing a game like L2. In that time was easier beacause we had friends that was looking for a new game.
Time changes everything, it can't be like before. I don't know what can you do, but a low rate like this at high level is not the solution.


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:18:54 AM
Do you know how average is taken in arithmetic mean? That means average!

Anyhow, as i said earlier, as far as i can see it rates will be changed toward players desires and still keeping it hard enough not to make everything doable within few days. So you might call those 18 frands and tell them these good news for them!

Thank you
When u r walking with dog, u have average 3 legs...


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on April 28, 2014, 10:18:54 AM
Do you know how average is taken in arithmetic mean? That means average

Thank you

I think I lost my faith in the team at this point ... How you could even bring arithmetic mean into the exp rate equation ? Like ... derp :DDDDDD [With all due respect]

All we see or seem, is but the dream within the dream ...


Quote from: Simao on April 28, 2014, 11:11:33 AM
I think I lost my faith in the team at this point ... How you could even bring arithmetic mean into the exp rate equation ? Like ... derp :DDDDDD [With all due respect]
So you want to tell me you cant calculate the mean of exp rate in the arithmetic mean?

Even if the exp rate goes from 80per , 79per,78per,......1per

Same equation you can apply to exp amount as well, i dont see the false state here.

Its the simple math formula that sums up all the pers and devide with the quantity of pers you have.

If you need it documented

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What you described is called:


And it is not simple arithmetic mean. I think you were thinking about right thing just the word did not match. Again you cant assume that the exp you need to get level 80 is the same "weight" as the one you need level 10. In this case arithmetic mean would be a mistake. I am not sure I can explain further - I am simple economist.

All we see or seem, is but the dream within the dream ...


so let me get it.

at 80lvl - 10x xp/sp

at 79 - 11x xp/sp

at 78 - 11.5 xp/sp

the lowest will be x10 yes ?

and now its x5 ?