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@track , i had a dream last night

Started by lucifsg, October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM

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Okay, I talked to Drake too

Drake zegt:
hi trooper, wazzup?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
hey fag, im fine
Drake zegt:
ur ban finish or i have to unban you?

Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ehhhh dont worry mennn, mi no bad user
Drake zegt:
aaa good then
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
Drake u damn bestart, do you have dreams too?
Drake zegt:
they want windsotrm 3min?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
yes :D
Drake zegt:
ok, i go now to nursery school
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
aha nice, what else u will do?
Drake zegt:
and 20% boost my moustache
Drake zegt:
even if my primary concern now is fix the baler machine
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ok cya later
Drake zegt:
if u have problems on nightmare again, just pm me ok?
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
ehh, okay okay no worriiiiiieeeee
Drake zegt:
cya mater

I took a few parts out because it wasn't related to L2 and I got no need to share that xd
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on October 13, 2009, 07:42:12 PM
Okay, I talked to Drake too

Drake zegt:
hi trooper, wazzup?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
hey fag, im fine
Drake zegt:
ur ban finish or i have to unban you?

Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ehhhh dont worry mennn, mi no bad user
Drake zegt:
aaa good then
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
Drake u damn bestart, do you have dreams too?
Drake zegt:
they want windsotrm 3min?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
yes :D
Drake zegt:
ok, i go now to nursery school
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
aha nice, what else u will do?
Drake zegt:
and 20% boost my moustache
Drake zegt:
even if my primary concern now is fix the baler machine
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ok cya later
Drake zegt:
if u have problems on nightmare again, just pm me ok?
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
ehh, okay okay no worriiiiiieeeee
Drake zegt:
cya mater

I took a few parts out because it wasn't related to L2 and I got no need to share that xd

Or i lost my sense of humor or that was funny xD


Quote from: trooperXkoki on October 13, 2009, 07:42:12 PM
Okay, I talked to Drake too

Drake zegt:
hi trooper, wazzup?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
hey fag, im fine
Drake zegt:
ur ban finish or i have to unban you?

Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ehhhh dont worry mennn, mi no bad user
Drake zegt:
aaa good then
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
Drake u damn bestart, do you have dreams too?
Drake zegt:
they want windsotrm 3min?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
yes :D
Drake zegt:
ok, i go now to nursery school
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
aha nice, what else u will do?
Drake zegt:
and 20% boost my moustache
Drake zegt:
even if my primary concern now is fix the baler machine
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ok cya later
Drake zegt:
if u have problems on nightmare again, just pm me ok?
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
ehh, okay okay no worriiiiiieeeee
Drake zegt:
cya mater

I took a few parts out because it wasn't related to L2 and I got no need to share that xd



Quote from: trooperXkoki on October 13, 2009, 07:42:12 PM
Okay, I talked to Drake too

Drake zegt:
hi trooper, wazzup?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
hey fag, im fine
Drake zegt:
ur ban finish or i have to unban you?

Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ehhhh dont worry mennn, mi no bad user
Drake zegt:
aaa good then
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
Drake u damn bestart, do you have dreams too?
Drake zegt:
they want windsotrm 3min?
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
yes :D
Drake zegt:
ok, i go now to nursery school
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
aha nice, what else u will do?
Drake zegt:
and 20% boost my moustache
Drake zegt:
even if my primary concern now is fix the baler machine
Trooper .:. Maarten zegt:
ok cya later
Drake zegt:
if u have problems on nightmare again, just pm me ok?
Trooper.:. Maarten zegt:
ehh, okay okay no worriiiiiieeeee
Drake zegt:
cya mater

I took a few parts out because it wasn't related to L2 and I got no need to share that xd

K, you FAIL.

This is Furesy's nickname on MSN. You should remove that too.



Quote from: TheLox on October 13, 2009, 09:03:18 PM
K, you FAIL.

This is Furesy's nickname on MSN. You should remove that too.

troper is marteen also so its not fail ....
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Furesy on October 13, 2009, 07:35:26 AM
Your main 'argument' against me is to make Elemental just as long as Wind Storm -> 1 minute, I totally agreed with that from the beginning, I just went against the fact of making it 3 minutes. I gave you my arguments for it, so the problem remains where? lol
You seemed to think I was completely against 'balancing anything', that it was fine like this, tbh I don't care whether Elemental song is made 1 minute as well, if people really think that will make a difference in PvP then so be it. For me it won't matter at all. I can re-sing and keep them both up for all I care.
I never said i want windstorm to be 3 minutes or that i want song of element to be 1, my whole point was that having windstorm last only 1 minute is an advantage of archers and should be fixed by either having both songs 3 or 1 minute. But yeh, having them both 1 minute would be better.
And no, you didnt agree from the beginning... I said that having windstorm 1 minute is unfair when song of element is 3. You just replayed with "have an active sws in party and problem solved" while its not solved since that way archers still have an advantage. Than came the bs with advantage of having an active sws in party and thats true, but the advantage is again on the side of archers since they have the song last much longer. Than you ran out of arguments and posted the thing about ress. But than later you agreed that song of element could also be 1 minute to make it fair.
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 13, 2009, 09:29:35 PM
I never said i want windstorm to be 3 minutes or that i want song of element to be 1, my whole point was that having windstorm last only 1 minute is an advantage of archers and should be fixed by either having both songs 3 or 1 minute. But yeh, having them both 1 minute would be better.
Others did, I wasn't only talking to you from the start of topic.

And no, you didnt agree from the beginning... I said that having windstorm 1 minute is unfair when song of element is 3.
I simply said from my own personal opinion and experience, that it's no problem at all.

You just replayed with "have an active sws in party and problem solved" while its not solved since that way archers still have an advantage.
Again, from my own opinion and my own experience, since I'm the one that needs to keep Wind Storm up all the time, I played last couple of days in a mage party that wasn't very big, we were just very good organized and it was no problem at all.

Than came the bs with advantage of having an active sws in party and thats true, but the advantage is again on the side of archers since they have the song last much longer.
Yup, I said that myself and didn't deny that.

Than you ran out of arguments and posted the thing about ress.
Don't see anywhere where I ran out of arguments, I just started to make fun of people who one time claim "this isn't official but private server" when they want things this way, then at other times they claim "it's like this on official" when they want it that way. It's funny.

But than later you agreed that song of element could also be 1 minute to make it fair.
Said that from the beginning, "make Elemental Song 1 minute as well if you think it matters that much", yet I sticked to my point that it doesn't matter at all if you have an active SWS in party, and I went against the claim to make Wind Storm 3 minutes again, since that would make SWS less needed as an active char once again. (which I stated like numerous times)


Quote from: mark_elesse on October 13, 2009, 11:33:21 PM
i would like remind you all that Fure is in CB again. so we simple cant let him play on NM without cheat/gm help/edited skills or stats. please leave him alone or donate more then we do for takin his char-edits back. ty.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: Furesy on October 13, 2009, 10:27:56 PM
Well lucifsg posts that archers crit for 6k on him when hes got fullbuffs + hero ud and that archers damage should be nerfed and thats apparently his own opinion and experience, but we replay cuz his posts are bs.

Your posts were wrong so i replayed, but well you never seem to realize you were wrong no matter what so ill just stop trying.  :)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 13, 2009, 11:41:07 PM
WindPhoenix says:
.ilMacellaioMeccanico says:
WindPhoenix says:
sweeeet lemonaaaaade, sweeet lemonadeeeee
.ilMacellaioMeccanico says:

I'm edited too : <
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 13, 2009, 11:47:21 PM
Well lucifsg posts that archers crit for 6k on him when hes got fullbuffs + hero ud and that archers damage should be nerfed and thats apparently his own opinion and experience, but we replay cuz his posts are bs.

Your posts were wrong so i replayed, but well you never seem to realize you were wrong no matter what so ill just stop trying.  :)

I don't feel like going on either cause I go sleep! Lets call it a day :D


Quote from: trooperXkoki on October 13, 2009, 07:42:12 PM
I took a few parts out because it wasn't related to L2 and I got no need to share that xd
dont make me to post this
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)