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Mages+Warrior P Atk

Started by R3mm, June 22, 2011, 06:02:18 AM

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Quote from: paypal2 on June 25, 2011, 08:46:36 PM
and its not just stuped pvp,with th/pp now who have dnete set rb jewel i cant make hb quest i am dying all the time,sux demage ,th/pp now cant kill elpy i think i quit ...

i was HB earlier with my th/pp 81 Draco set / baium+Qa / as+h+8 full attirbute and my bd/se :) sure mobs are hitting me for 1k lol i got 3k from one arcane who did a crit magic XD but with the skills of the SE "STIGMA and HEX" i can deal 6/7k damage on them and dont die (btw i take one by one maybe 2 max XD but wtf why HB are so hard now :s )


Quote from: Locus on June 25, 2011, 08:30:17 PM
wtf you talking about ???? mages have no chance to survive vs archers w/o windstorm, and you say that they can win only w/o songs oO

I meant this is where fighter stand more chances because of crits. Songs do not improve so much damagewise mage attack


After many different spam/opinion by many players.

The reason of why I created this post is to let the GM team that I am not the only one affected by this "fix", the "fix" as you call it is not a nerf, is not a de-power, it is actually disabling 1 subclass out of the mage+warrior.

The reason is,
THERE IS NO STACK, Weapon Mastery is from prophet, Archer, dagger or whatever mastery is from the second subclass.
Where is the stack?

If you call this stack "passive skills from 1 class + passive skills of subclass", then DELETE EVERY SINGLE passive skill from ALL THE CHARACTERS/SUBCLASS COMBOS, as hey, YOU ARE INDEED STACKING 2 passive skill sets.

If you believe there is too much advantage out of these subclasses combos, reduce de weapon mastery to be 50% effect as you are forcing all the affected players either to re-roll as Im doing or Leave the community.


Quote from: seboulba on June 25, 2011, 10:52:44 PM
i was HB earlier with my th/pp 81 Draco set / baium+Qa / as+h+8 full attirbute and my bd/se :) sure mobs are hitting me for 1k lol i got 3k from one arcane who did a crit magic XD but with the skills of the SE "STIGMA and HEX" i can deal 6/7k damage on them and dont die (btw i take one by one maybe 2 max XD but wtf why HB are so hard now :s )

HB should ba that hard :)
Ok R3mm no more spam from me :P


Quote from: seboulba on June 25, 2011, 10:52:44 PM
i was HB earlier with my th/pp 81 Draco set / baium+Qa / as+h+8 full attirbute and my bd/se :) sure mobs are hitting me for 1k lol i got 3k from one arcane who did a crit magic XD but with the skills of the SE "STIGMA and HEX" i can deal 6/7k damage on them and dont die (btw i take one by one maybe 2 max XD but wtf why HB are so hard now :s )
Well about make mobs harder is good idea, now u dont see ppls making trains and killing all, no more "one men one army"
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
DraculeMihawk PAL/HE -> Hero x 3
Aziz -> ILuxx gift ;) Hero x 8 (Sold)


Quote from: GekKey on June 25, 2011, 07:25:08 PM
Open a test server. Mages/anything vs Fighter/mystic combo

Dont waste your time with posting about it!  Archers must be nerfed, this fossilized thesis is burnt into their mind. Ppl/GMs dont mind if the environments were changed with every chronicle changing, they dont want to think on it again, cos this situation is comfortable for them. The only solution would be if every dispensable fighter/mage would reroll to fighter/tank and mages can fight against bunch of tanks. Thats what they deserved :P

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


   Why taking archer/suport combo you wanna hit like DD/DD  with  surive abilities like DD/tank and at same time have self buffs? Why taking DD/suport combo for you not enought advantage like - suporting ur party and you craying only about DMG ? Why each time you wine about anty archer/fighters buffs wich L2 got during last content patches and totally forgot also about debuffs wich in right hands can increase fighters DMG to insane rates ?
  LA2 it's not a single-player game and sometimes if you wanna deal decent dmg you should have team play.
  IMO staking weapon mastery wont bring  any balance in game  becouse  ur dmg still will be low on chars with deflect arrows +shield  and at same time  will be disbalanced against chars w/o such abilities.  So mby ur main problem  not in ur char but in ur hands + some other chars (for example xx/tank) got to many adventages.


Quote from: Defoe on June 26, 2011, 11:42:41 AM
   Why taking archer/suport combo you wanna hit like DD/DD  with  surive abilities like DD/tank and at same time have self buffs? Why taking DD/suport combo for you not enought advantage like - suporting ur party and you craying only about DMG ? Why each time you wine about anty archer/fighters buffs wich L2 got during last content patches and totally forgot also about debuffs wich in right hands can increase fighters DMG to insane rates ?
  LA2 it's not a single-player game and sometimes if you wanna deal decent dmg you should have team play.
  IMO staking weapon mastery wont bring  any balance in game  becouse  ur dmg still will be low on chars with deflect arrows +shield  and at same time  will be disbalanced against chars w/o such abilities.  So mby ur main problem  not in ur char but in ur hands + some other chars (for example xx/tank) got to many adventages.

DN is single player serv from long ago (one man armys). Thats why so many ppl are pissed off with gracia upgrade coz its harder to play single now and thats what they used to play. How many shouts "lf pt, or lf ppl to rb" you seen at last year/2 years? There is no new players on serv, there is no random pts as it was in C4. Sieges/epics and few mass pvp is ofc exeptions though, but only then its mmo here. Ppl exp/farm/making quests alone.


Quote from: Defoe on June 26, 2011, 11:42:41 AM
  Why taking archer/suport combo you wanna hit like DD/DD  with  surive abilities like DD/tank and at same time have self buffs? Why taking DD/suport combo for you not enought advantage like - suporting ur party and you craying only about DMG ?

I think u have just partially right. The coin always has another side. As i read this topic, nobody told he wants an archer/mage combo with insane pattack with very high pdef. I am a HE/PP and i can tell u, this is the weakest archer/support combo. No extra dmg, no extra def, no transfer pain. As u told, just selfbuffs. Thats why sometimes there are only 1-2 online PP in a whole ally. But pls, dont talk about these buffs like it would be really only selfbuffs, cos the whole party needs the PP buffs, and in the older chronicle it was even more needed. So the only reason in taking these sub is really the need.
But i am wondering why is it strange for u if a PP wants to get some plus from the sub except buffs. Somehow its normal for us when a fighter or a nuker gets amazing pdef/def skills, or a DD gets bigger a.speed, p.attack or defs from his sub. Just that +1000 p.attack is so big problem for us, what a PP could get. Donno why...

Quote from: Defoe on June 26, 2011, 11:42:41 AM
Why each time you wine about anty archer/fighters buffs wich L2 got during last content patches and totally forgot also about debuffs wich in right hands can increase fighters DMG to insane rates ?

I can tell u why. Because if u use the proper archer and fighter resist buffs, u can have blockshield, hex and so on,  the archers dmg is ridiculous. (ridiculous means under 100) These archer resist buffs dont lower the dmg, but makes u immortal. Here is a picture about it. She is not a tank:

Almost all archer skill is nerfed or can make really low dmg.  Just compare our 3rd class skills to the 3rd class skills of a mage. For example to a spellsinger which is the most played mage on our server.  

Lethal shot -> When did u hear last time, that a lethal shot killed somebody from an archer? The mage skills works way better, i experienced it many times. Dont misunderstand me, i dont want to kill somebody with one shot so often as  the vortex lands, but i would be happy with 1 lethal/week. Really, without any joke.

Hamstring shot -> Low dmg and its landrate is incredibly lower than the same debuff of mages like blizzard/freezing etc.

Focus skillmastery -> doesnt work, donno if its nerfed or just bugged. But the mages toggle skill for bigger mattack/cspeed is working fine

2nd class skills:
Vicious stance -> nerfed to 0 on archers
Burst shot -> also has very low dmg,  cannot be compared to mages AOE skills
double shot -> i think it must be nerfed, cos i think a skill with 4870 power must make bigger dmg than 600 (with average items, not with IC+14 :D )

These things are the reason of the archers cry and this is why archers became stupid "F1 char". A half year ago Piccy told they/he wants to fix the wrong archer skills, i donno if anything has been changed.

So i tell again, not the dmg, but the character is bad (has lots of problem), maybe these nerfs was needed in C4, but with this wide range of archer resist buffs so many nerf (dont forget the icarus) is more than necessary.

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


each archer hitting so low on player with bladestorm on, noone has problem with it]

Slania SK/PR    Carebears
