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Raidboss spawn time Part Deux



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Raidboss spawn time Part Deux

Started by DocHolliday, February 18, 2014, 02:53:42 PM

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Drake said :
there is no 8hour limiter or anything like that.
when is written 1 hour is 1 hour, when is written 1 minute is 1 minute and when is written 3000 hours is 3000 hours.

There is a mob located in 180000 90000 on the map that have RESPAWN=1min (1min = 60sec) RESPAWN_RAND=50sec
You can kill it for the whole day and chronometer the respawn time, guess what? it respawns exactly in 60sec+/-50sec (that is from 10seconds to 110seconds)

I drop also the post as makes no sense and is beyond logic.
If you like fast raidbosses i welcome you to join Dragon where bosses spawns twice a day (10hour+/-30min respawn)

so i guess you admit you have no idea how the coding exactly works. In previous post i've shown you statistics. It is statisticly impossible for all AQ's to spawn only in first 8 hours of your 17 hour random window..... so there must be a explination for why all bosses on the server so far have been spawning correctly..... ?  !

that being said : your logic for the amount of bosses spawned in a year is incorrect since they are based on your spawn time, but the spawn time actually is your     Spawn time - Rand time = MIN SPAWN + 4 hours ( random spawn for 8 has mean at 4) !!!!
therefor shortening your windows should be :

normal bosses : 
fixed spawn 16,  rand 30 min 
AQ 20 rand 1
Baium 124 rand 1
antharas 196 rand 1

you not only minimize the random spawn but deliberiatly extend the spawn time , basing it on a yearly calculation which is wrong !!


I cant argue that MIN SPAWN is: RESPAWN - RESPAWN_RAND
but YOU cant argue that MAX SPAWN is RESPAWN + RESPAWN_RAND

And the average spawn is simple: RESPAWN, because the RESPAWN_RAND on long terms tends toward 0 (as i proved you in the spreadsheet below) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al15aDmbKPTTdDU2N3laTU53MzdMUnUtRExwSzEwZWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0

so your MIN SPAWN means nothing because is again calculated toward a value that on long term (and long terms is even 1 month in this case) goes toward 0 so MIN AVERAGE RESPAWN is RESPAWN - 0 = RESPAWN (and we are here again)

if boss had RESPAWN=X and RAND=Y
their average would still be X

bosses right now still spawns same quantity every month.
True, the MIN respawn time is higher, but is ALSO true that the MAX respawn is lower by the same quantity!

In the end we will have same amount of AQ rings as before.
Now is simply no more easy for who plays using "char cameras" to farm them in face of all other legit players.

Thats all.


and why in your world having cameras and camping bosses is not legit???ban us then...


Quote from: Maneuver on February 18, 2014, 03:11:07 PM
and why in your world having cameras and camping bosses is not legit???ban us then...
lol this is unbelievable.. They put live feed about status of bosses (which refreshes every 10min) with time of death and eta on respawn time and they r mad about ppl putting cameras saying its not fair or what ever....


its just a lame excuse on their side!


Quote from: Maneuver on February 18, 2014, 03:11:07 PM
and why in your world having cameras and camping bosses is not legit???ban us then...

Is a clear advantage toward people that dont like such techniques and play fair and square without it.
We did not put in rules "cameraman style gameplay" to be bannable. But that doesnt mean I personally like it.

If you want a self ban you can ask for it at any GM, is your free will on that. Just PM a GM and write "please jail me for X days, thanks."

lol this is unbelievable.. They put live feed about status of bosses (which refreshes every 10min) with time of death and eta on respawn time and they r mad about ppl putting cameras saying its not fair or what ever....
Guess what?
We did it exactly to counter the players that puts camera, not else.
If we didnt have the cameraman, we wouldnt have to put the live feed.

its just a lame excuse on their side!
www.google.it <- you are welcome to choose another server.


Quote from: =drake= on February 18, 2014, 03:08:15 PM
I cant argue that MIN SPAWN is: RESPAWN - RESPAWN_RAND
but YOU cant argue that MAX SPAWN is RESPAWN + RESPAWN_RAND

i can cause i statisticly prove to you earlier that this is not a valid statement since no boss has spawned outside the MIN + 8. This means the average won't tend towards Your MEAN = RESPAWN

Quote from: =drake= on February 18, 2014, 03:08:15 PM
And the average spawn is simple: RESPAWN, because the RESPAWN_RAND on long terms tends toward 0 (as i proved you in the spreadsheet below) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al15aDmbKPTTdDU2N3laTU53MzdMUnUtRExwSzEwZWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0

yes your document proves that after sufficient amount of numbers between two limits the average will be in the middle of your limits. As said above, your middle doesn't exsist since your maximum value is not +48 but your middles lies in -48 and -40 = -44

Quote from: =drake= on February 18, 2014, 03:08:15 PM
bosses right now still spawns same quantity every month.
True, the MIN respawn time is higher, but is ALSO true that the MAX respawn is lower by the same quantity!

point i tried to make before is that your mean is not the mean you think you have so your calculation for the amount of bosses every month isn't correct

Thats all.


Quote from: igi on February 18, 2014, 03:14:37 PM
lol this is unbelievable.. They put live feed about status of bosses (which refreshes every 10min) with time of death and eta on respawn time and they r mad about ppl putting cameras saying its not fair or what ever....
But make it simple. When an rb spawned just automatically teleport to town the death or too low lvl chars around rb.
And yes I can easily camping rbs without any
dbox or camera just refreshing the world bosses list on homepage.
Or make a realtime world bosses list instead of 10 min refresh.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


Quote from: igi on February 18, 2014, 03:14:37 PM
lol this is unbelievable.. They put live feed about status of bosses (which refreshes every 10min) with time of death and eta on respawn time and they r mad about ppl putting cameras saying its not fair or what ever....
- shortening random respawn is a good thing , it became unreasonable flame subject for no reason
- not everyone can afford pc with dual boxing
- since camera chars means char out of town, means you cant log any other char for support , lets see what hwid and ip checking says then?
Should we give more chance to players who are more rich to have several ips and several pcs?
- shorter random respawn and public data will give more chances to all players

This subject became flame for no particular reason, just change the farming pattern and thats all.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


problem is not with the shorter random spawn. if you want to take away the camera advantage ( JUST LOL i'll come back to this) thats fine, make it more exciting. The problem from the start has been the RESPAWN TIME !!!!!!!!!!!! its 38+- 30 min now iso 16+- 30 min.     

but w/e apperently you still can't figure this out.

p.s. seeing logging a camera as a bigger advantage as a site that gives the info is already lol but thinking that its not part of the game just says to me you don't have any idea about this game at all...

the way you fixed peeps you actually gave the people already noble/subbed/substacked/with epics a huge advantage since the people who have to catch up will have a harder time getting those. simple as that.
GL for the clans without nobles on the pvp's

no point in replying anymore. since you both are completely ignorant

peace, love and pogo sticks


Quote from: igi on February 18, 2014, 03:14:37 PM
lol this is unbelievable.. They put live feed about status of bosses (which refreshes every 10min) with time of death and eta on respawn time and they r mad about ppl putting cameras saying its not fair or what ever....

who really wants an epic jewel, makes sure everything is prepared .. simple as that :)

there is no such a thing "its not fair", we want those jewels we will camp it by our own will and free time. I'd ask what would be fair?! When aq spawns we should pm all the clan leaders that it is UP come and let's have a fight for it? lmao
who wants anything work for it else soe "ringless" and sad. I guess this is not only my opinion.

LE: yday's aq were "epic" fight. this change brought awesome fun and fights, pvpve everywhere with this fully working custom pvp counter, where you pk a whole destro pt with another similar lvl destro and you get 2pk point instead of 7-8. (not like I'm not happy about this, but I have different opinion about pvp points in the stats ALT+T, cause it's the same way bugged, it does not counting many times.)


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 18, 2014, 03:24:04 PM
- shorter random respawn and public data will give more chances to all players
That's one of the best thing you've done here so far, I felt like crying when I checked the previous random spawn on baium. xD
Igonre all the Rtards above.