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Innadril 25.04.09

Started by Mikimiki, April 25, 2009, 05:15:25 PM

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Amila,u'r the one that shoudn't open his mouth.Not even ur uber good equip help u,since u'r a noob,like 90% of Temp ppl.It's really hard to see Temps out of town,and almost impossible to see 1 or 2 rolling 4 or 5 enemies in equal or worse conditions.(Like CB do,like I've done even if it seems imposible).
So,as I said,just few ppl from Temp is worth as player.
Talking'bout sieges,if u'r able to win is cos of zerg and all the gear u farm during the week.Also,as Shreed said,u took an empty castle,and,u said the only thing u can rape is ur pillow.


There s nothing that stands a chance against temp, iforce did stand a chance, yet far from being temp's equal, but that was lame pvp, 2 walls fighting each others. That iforce broke is the consequence of a no fun game : rather let temp farm however they want and get the last pvps available vs ftr and bm, with some fun sieges with valar and bloodlist isn't? i still don't get why you don't break temp.
You aren't getting fun though, barely doing anything else than hiting each others in front of some RB's vortex, that's why you went to bloodlist's castle, yet you didn't find any pvp here since they fleed to stut, i actually doubt you will get some cool siege for a while, you can keep trying to leech our fights, our sieges, since that's actually what you started to do, but ppl will most likely change the pvp zone to avoid the lame zerg, just like bloodlist did :(


Quote from: our4n0s on April 27, 2009, 03:33:41 PM
That iforce broke is the consequence of a no fun game
I doubt this was the reason Iforce broke
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


Quote from: SirAlex on April 27, 2009, 04:11:02 PM
I doubt this was the reason Iforce broke
that would be considering iforce died after that giran siege, i actually consider iforce died when CB refused to join or make a kind of pact with redneckrampage


So many words as always:)

The point is simple...most of people ( I had some in my clan ) prefer to fight in the easier side, and some people prefer to fight in the harder one...
This is goin on since thousand years, as history teach us.
Most of players in nm would choose to join temp, cause of their huge number, that allow them to hold control of most of mass rb, castles and so on.
There are also very very good skilled players in temps and I'm not interested in crying topics (like ppl tellin them "noobs" , those are just crocodile tears, some of them are huge players)

But I wouldn't like to play in the "easy" side.
Every victory you would get could be justified with zerg, and every loss would be a disaster, cause how could so many people lose against such a lower amount of players?

Imo they're experiencin this problem nowadays..that's why you can read such messages from ma1ya and others....that's why, maybe, sometimes they prefer to turn their shoulders to some of their supporters too (:P)

I won't protest like all of you for the present condition and I won't leave game for the present condition.

Where the road is harder, where mountains stands in front of you, only there a winner deserves the title of "hero" or "legend"....not for sure in a easy mass victory.
That's why we have been years ago very strong friends of temp...cause they were a minor force...we don't like easy victories but hard challenges.

some of us want only to "improve themselves", not to improve buffs they receive or improve their rb set...and fighting in the hardest side is the best condition..
we have fun even when we lose our challenges:)
And I'm pretty sure that Carebears and NoMercy share our same philosophy, that's why, though we fight against most of times, I think we respect each others..

So, gz to temp, but I'll never envy them.

About joinin NoMercy and ValarDragons
I don't agree...
I don't agree cause we're too much different for the moment...
I must admit that Bloodl1st are great (when they don't open their mouth after being killed)...they're really so many during sieges and they always show a huge organization and coordination.
But the main problem is the number of players...actually my clan is really disappearin...we lost most of our italian players cause they left game....we can count about 20 active italian players in the whole nm server, and the 90% of them play with us...but of course we can't build a competitive clan with only those people..that's why, probably, we'll start recruitin international players in short time.
For the moment we "ra" don't deserve such a possibility to join major clans in ally, but time will tell us what would happen if we could bring online more than 2 parties.

Personally I think that this green ally project represents our desire to play together as friends..
But most of us don't have that hunger needed to represent a strong and continuative force in the server...
That means sometimes we'll come with 90 ppl, sometimes we'll come with 15 :)
But we'll have the same fun in both conditions:P

Consider that we used the castle mostly to play hide and seek within clan mates xd
That's our spirit:D

For what I became king of all the lost?
Barren and lifeless the land lies


Ah well, you can farm your life away, enjoy joining the easy side, I don't care. Just come to Varka or whatever once in a while, with a few people, even one or two parties, make some fun blablabla...


Quote from: Furesy on April 27, 2009, 06:48:32 PM
Ah well, you can farm your life away, enjoy joining the easy side, I don't care. Just come to Varka or whatever once in a while, with a few people, even one or two parties, make some fun blablabla...

That wold be nice,cos ppl in this kind of servers wanna pvp,not farm that much or just log to epic RBs or to sieges.


Quote from: Furesy on April 27, 2009, 06:48:32 PM
Ah well, you can farm your life away, enjoy joining the easy side, I don't care. Just come to Varka or whatever once in a while, with a few people, even one or two parties, make some fun blablabla...

sometimes i am there :D and i die :P but dying trying ...
Tsakalaki ----> Th // WL (working on nobless )


Quote from: Ungolianth on April 27, 2009, 10:22:36 PM
who am i? Question is who are u... cuz u still talk about comming in varka in fair number. i was in varka every day with Nito, Mohito or WhiteJack before and i never seen u there  ::) ::) ::) so i wonder about what u talk ??? U are good at posting at forum but in pvp i never senn u dude  >:( >:( >:(  kisses from Shendellzare  :-* :-* :-*
I ask again, who are you?


Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.




Quote from: Ungolianth on April 27, 2009, 10:22:36 PM
who am i? Question is who are u... cuz u still talk about comming in varka in fair number. i was in varka every day with Nito, Mohito or WhiteJack before and i never seen u there  ::) ::) ::) so i wonder about what u talk ??? U are good at posting at forum but in pvp i never senn u dude  >:( >:( >:(  kisses from Shendellzare  :-* :-* :-*

U'r the nobody here,not Furesy,in fact,u'r the noob wannabe.U've been in Varka just few days,and he's there everyday.
Anyway,u were a noob wannabe flamer IG also,missing ur bs in Colli,sad I didn't go for 2 months.