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The so called Temp and how to pwn it

Started by lucifsg, May 06, 2009, 12:03:54 AM

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Quote from: Sali on May 06, 2009, 01:25:43 PM
so dont talk like Temps is so powerfull that every enemy is afraid to fight with them and disolving their allies  :-*

i would love to know to wich part of Luci's post r u refering at cos i dont see where he is telling u that.

Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 06, 2009, 02:02:21 PM
But why cant you join the force (ftr,bm,cb), cuz some individuals hate some people of the other clan? Lol, big deal, a good clan/ally leader should have his clan members under control. I still dont know whats such a problem of beeing in the same ally with some clan where you disslike some people. There were billions of times when i didnt like someone in our ally so i just ignored him and didnt bother even when he was posting retarded stuff on the ally chat or here on forum, cuz at the end we needed each other to fight against other allys.

Some people just take this game way too serius lol

In a clan where u can find only "VIPs" is hard to do what u r saying in here ^^. When every clan member has the opinion that his idea is much better than his clan m8 and feels the urge to ruin everybody's mood for this... is hard to controll 4-5 ppl like this... imagine an entire "VIPs" clan :).

Quote from: MonkeyMonk on May 06, 2009, 02:26:47 PM
what a patheic asslicking moron.and CB doesn`t have respect ?lol.

actually this guy was dismissed from TEMP some while ago so... i dont understand why u think he needs to kiss asses when he knows he will never be back...

Quote from: Sali on May 06, 2009, 04:31:47 PM
well ur saying like we never tried to make ally, BUT its kinda hard now since there are no more clans to ally with them. Remaking ally that was disolved few weeks ago... it will be disolved again, just in shorter time if ppl wont change their behaves. I wont blame any1 for that, fault is betwen all 3 clans, and since no1 is trying to change smthing we can keep dreaming about some ally.

imo stop thinking to make an ally with cb cos this will never work :). i dont understand why dont you change your view on new colours from server. we had nice fight against BloodList clan at Goddard and tbh i am pretty sure that in time and if some1 will offer them their suport they will become a strong oponent. same was with StormRiders, u took them with u and they became quite a nice clan in your ally.

Quote from: Sali on May 06, 2009, 05:10:41 PM
but if their full pt can be killed by 3 ppl they wont be even a good meatshield oO. I wont discuse about kicking here :P

we all have been in that situation once... have patience and maybe smth good will come out of it :). I know that when i formed EB that was my strategy. take unknown ppl in clan, organize them, motivate them, push them from back till u get them where u want. But ofcourse u need thons of patience :) and time.... so gl :P.


Lineage 2 isn't only pvp lol
if ppl like only pvp they go to varka (varka sux... better change ground and move to Beast farm  :D)
If other like camp epic rb they stay 8h at toi 14 lol
Some ppl have job and log only for siege....
just it 4 fun


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 06, 2009, 05:27:25 PM
buah, i just arrived back from teh uni, a lil comment here and im goin out again :

AMILA AND OTHER TEMP FAGGOTS MOVE YOUR FORCES OUTTA TOWN MORE OFTEN PLZ ! hate me, i flame you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all flame you cos u r lowskilled fag kurwa idiot blablabla JUST MOVE OUTTA TOWN AND PVP WITH US !  retarded farmers loggin only for siege and baium... GG , freakin pwnage ally yeh !

ps.: about forces : theres only 1 party who could MAYBE gives us a hard 9v9, and thats Luci & Ensign's mage squad ( gadalf, sirakras and others ) , atm you can cry, you can flame blame, makin shit posts like " hahahh CB envy us balbla" , i aint respect any of you if we dont count that party. You made a good system to own the server, enjoy it cos thats true that we cannot bring enough to rape you but face with the fact :


just bravo mark.
bshopy ne/ee
MonkeyMonk ty/ol
MyMind th/wl




Quote from: Mayia on May 06, 2009, 05:58:04 PM

yes,I really need to lick markss ass since I`m in his clan,maybe I can get his dyna and bow! xDD
bshopy ne/ee
MonkeyMonk ty/ol
MyMind th/wl


bshopy ne/ee
MonkeyMonk ty/ol
MyMind th/wl


Quote from: Pawciu on May 06, 2009, 05:43:18 PM
Lineage 2 isn't only pvp lol
if ppl like only pvp they go to varka (varka sux... better change ground and move to Beast farm  :D)
If other like camp epic rb they stay 8h at toi 14 lol
Some ppl have job and log only for siege....
just it 4 fun

To make it clear once and for all, THIS IS NOT LINEAGE 2!
We're on Nightmare 30x, from Dragon  Network, which is not the real lineage 2 based on pve and pvp, NM is clearly pvp oriented, there's a part of farm for sure, but tbh if you actually think that farming is teh fun!1!11! then you're not playing in the good server.
Thamina lBaloo Kilhina GreenieFrog (main)




Quote from: mark_elesse on May 06, 2009, 05:27:25 PM
buah, i just arrived back from teh uni, a lil comment here and im goin out again :

AMILA AND OTHER TEMP FAGGOTS MOVE YOUR FORCES OUTTA TOWN MORE OFTEN PLZ ! hate me, i flame you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all flame you cos u r lowskilled fag kurwa idiot blablabla JUST MOVE OUTTA TOWN AND PVP WITH US !  retarded farmers loggin only for siege and baium... GG , freakin pwnage ally yeh !

ps.: about forces : theres only 1 party who could MAYBE gives us a hard 9v9, and thats Luci & Ensign's mage squad ( gadalf, sirakras and others ) , atm you can cry, you can flame blame, makin shit posts like " hahahh CB envy us balbla" , i aint respect any of you if we dont count that party. You made a good system to own the server, enjoy it cos thats true that we cannot bring enough to rape you but face with the fact :


LOL this guy is freaking sick ;)

Heroes dont ask how many are they,but where are they!!!

Dragonshard :aw/sk
DragonShark : moonlight sent//sword muse(semi active)
DragonSharp :da//pp(my favorite)
Strya              :SAG//AL(active)
Bumma           :ty/ol retail necro


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 06, 2009, 05:27:25 PM
buah, i just arrived back from teh uni, a lil comment here and im goin out again :

AMILA AND OTHER TEMP FAGGOTS MOVE YOUR FORCES OUTTA TOWN MORE OFTEN PLZ ! hate me, i flame you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all flame you cos u r lowskilled fag kurwa idiot blablabla JUST MOVE OUTTA TOWN AND PVP WITH US !  retarded farmers loggin only for siege and baium... GG , freakin pwnage ally yeh !

ps.: about forces : theres only 1 party who could MAYBE gives us a hard 9v9, and thats Luci & Ensign's mage squad ( gadalf, sirakras and others ) , atm you can cry, you can flame blame, makin shit posts like " hahahh CB envy us balbla" , i aint respect any of you if we dont count that party. You made a good system to own the server, enjoy it cos thats true that we cannot bring enough to rape you but face with the fact :



cmon, all knows it's just all about items... thats why, mainly Heroes can bring up full pitty chars to pvp....


 good topic

 the solution against temps is to bring kids in front of computers, and grannies and mommies because they have a lot of time to stay in game and they can camp rb-s 12h a day (so pvp included) xD

nad i saw a guy, i guess xerom..said that temp help newbies..here is true, for example in baium they kill u but they ress u to get quest, even in other bosses... this does not apply to the others (i with multyiple chars was in this situation, bth ways and was kinda sad when i  had to stop hitting baium and ress my dual cause some nuubs in ally kept pk-ing)
 i also saw that we,ppl from the other side, are too selfish,not very good cooperation,not always having a plan and looool, what to say in developping a long time plan

some ppl are too "pro" to stick to an alliance
only your charm


Quote from: Pawciu on May 06, 2009, 05:43:18 PM
Lineage 2 isn't only pvp lol
if ppl like only pvp they go to varka (varka sux... better change ground and move to Beast farm  :D)
If other like camp epic rb they stay 8h at toi 14 lol
Some ppl have job and log only for siege....
just it 4 fun

Lineage 2 was made for the purpose of lvling/collection of loots to the maximum lvl in order to pvp... by koreans... lol that should already give you an idea it's only meant for pvp. It is all about pvping then flaming the people you killed because they are terrible.

I've been around on nm server since its opening with the zerg fest of all those different international clans formed by their countries depending where they were from, they seemed to represent their ally by country... back then we were a small clan with strict policy on recruiting only players who are skilled with retail experience and speak fluent english, so obviously we didn't have very many people but still manage against zergs and were able to siege/pvp successfully with many pvp kill counts. There is very little options you have against zergs but  they are not invincible, 3 clans is not a big deal as a zerg. try facing 13 clans on retail that have hundreds, as a 2 clan ally with barely 4-5 parties.  But temps/sheva/heroes w.e you want to call them have always been bad on this server always gate hoping pros waiting for numbers to help etc, what this server is missing and I haven't seen in a long time, is the multitude of clan wars... seems like only few clans are at war with each other, i remember playing when i loaded into giran my entire screen was filled with war tags. Now I see people just waiting until others flag, the pvp in l2 is all about ganking, sitting around unflagged is pathetic even more so when you have slight more in numbers. and wtf you lose less exp in war why wouldn't you take the opportunity... healers waiting to flag is sad, waiting for debuffs even more sad if you can't war clans in l2 you were not meant to play this game.

This server is just the same crap for a while, same style pvp hasn't changed since the mass amount of people left. but i still have sub chars here and the server isn't so bad, just seems like everything is at a stalemate i wouldn't' say temp owns the server, just there isn't a good enough clan at the moment to take out zergs with just a few numbers. Don't think we will see clans like that coming back, and with me haven't played since  interlude I don't have the resources to start anything up, would be interesting to get an old style clan going like Digital Devils, Element, Fallen Legion or Murder  inc otherwise unless cb can fulfill these duties the server will just remain the same.  


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 06, 2009, 06:54:34 PM
you are goin to tell me, that the oldest active clan on the server is low equipted ? ARE YOU freakIN SERIOUS ? wtf

I'm not gonna tell you anything, since I'm too lazy to spam  8)