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Make Dnet reachable for new players!

Started by ehlena, May 19, 2009, 12:13:01 AM

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Is it that hard... really?

Sure getting gear is hard, but hell i remember playing b-grade set untill lvl 73 the first time i started. You don't have to have the top set of each grade as soon as you reach the appropriate lvl.
And A-grade set's are really cheap nowadays so you actually should be able to buy that after lvling from 40-60 in mahum-fur places. And you can always use shadow weapons.

But i agree that getting a horn is freaked up.... i've played for like 3 or 4 years now, and i have never once gotten a damn horn. Out of all the golky's taht i've camped out of all the golkys taht i've been a part of killing I have never once got a horn. Everytime it's been time for me to subclass i've given up and donated for the damn thing.

Can't even imagine how hard it is now that the golky's have been boosted. They should lower the luna price for horn cause right now its ridiculous.



Quote from: Kikolina on May 19, 2009, 08:10:54 AM
u re dreaming ppl will lower prices to attract new players and have their own lose? are u kidding me lol? everyone is looking only on himself, 70% ppls iqs arent bigger than a FU NOOB DONATOR after a lost pvp, there are actually people that are scamming around, if gms did better job, no walker = nicer prices, but on the other side we got a rly nice drake that can manage every price compared to a donny and fuk up everything :P
100% agree. As ppl (and it's "considered" normal, not by me, but hey.. I'm not alone here)  aim at reaching their goal fast and whatever the price, there must be INVOLVED and FAIR gms ("I have a dream,....."). The server should be managed correctly and deeply.
Dnet just proves how anarchy can be a weird way of going with unmature, selfish ppl (don't take it for you personally, whoever read this, I just meant human beings are like this, as we can even see with our shitty globalized freaked up economy -> btw, don't you find a clear similarity, here?^^')

Quote from: Kikolina on May 19, 2009, 09:35:07 AM
u got buffs at newbie helper till lv 40 or so if its ur first char on the account .
you're right, but just look what NCsoft did (and they are not recognized as the best MMORPG managers around...) FREE gk till lvl 40, buffs up to lvl (not 40 but) 62, now.

The EXTREME minimum on infinity (I don't speak for other servers where levelling must be faster) are D shots in npc, in gludio and Dion. C shots can be more easily crafted in giran (but for how much time? the record of min seller number is 10 now....)

we are all top lvl, needing only S shots... 2 solutions:
- always see the same old guys, coming less and less often because of boredom, remove all towns except aden, leave only castles and fortresses, varka spawn, and lvl 75+ levelling spots;
- play L2, not cs.

Quote from: kidicarus on May 19, 2009, 10:59:43 AM
Is it that hard... really?

Sure getting gear is hard, but hell i remember playing b-grade set untill lvl 73 the first time i started. You don't have to have the top set of each grade as soon as you reach the appropriate lvl.
And A-grade set's are really cheap nowadays so you actually should be able to buy that after lvling from 40-60 in mahum-fur places. And you can always use shadow weapons.

But i agree that getting a horn is freaked up.... i've played for like 3 or 4 years now, and i have never once gotten a damn horn. Out of all the golky's taht i've camped out of all the golkys taht i've been a part of killing I have never once got a horn. Everytime it's been time for me to subclass i've given up and donated for the damn thing.

Can't even imagine how hard it is now that the golky's have been boosted. They should lower the luna price for horn cause right now its ridiculous.
+1 except for the part about you B grade at lvl 73. I was also playing in B grade up to 70 I think, but what was the top equip at that time?? a DNet dyna set that could be bought for my ass skin that not even adena limit could reach? or a fairly easily craftable A grade?

BUT as you pointed, the problem is not equip, on that I concur. Even us, with our 10 ppl clan can get S sets and weapons.
the problem is horn and subclass. Just a few weeks ago, it was still possible to camp golkies, gather up a party and kill him. But now?

"Hello, I'm PS 76, invite me in party to kill golky, plox!" lol. Ok, it's 5 dc (if they didn't already pk you on sight).

and now, a hint: in french, DC can be initials for "Dans ton Cul" -> in your ass :D


OMG you stupid orc, who will read those tons of crap?
sorry for writing so much. I'm selbuffed.

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: Khaot on May 19, 2009, 12:41:10 AM
so, maybe is problem with u, because take 5k posts then spend time in game is weird, dont u think?
in spite of you i'm not so idiot to spend my life playing 192380192381209812 hours in this stupid game , and writing in forum requires ... how much to write a post ? 20 secs ? and im not that moron to sell with huge prices everything I'v , even to my clan members just for my own profit , mby u'r , but now tell me an easy to way to get dinasty/oe equips without donate or play in a uber clan since years =)
once again , idiot , my post count doesnt show anything

stop posting stupid things and keep the topic UP

the way could be easy ... following ur words it would be quite enough...don't donate =)...the point expressed by ehlena is 80% player's fault
ppl are simply too selfish ( and don't say that it's not true...cause u know better than me =)...)


Quote from: Dhart on May 19, 2009, 04:49:05 PM
ppl are simply too selfish ( and don't say that it's not true...cause u know better than me =)...)
and how do u expect that it would change?

one  way is drake put coins buyable in NPC with adena, with a fixed price, it would stabilish a bit prices.
example: coins 1 month ago in 5x = 380kk, now 500kk, ofc its players fault, its rly simple, im accounter, i know what generates it, but no way to make changes on it, unless some GM move ass to help economy.

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Akon on May 19, 2009, 05:00:19 PM
and how do u expect that it would change?

one  way is drake put coins buyable in NPC with adena, with a fixed price, it would stabilish a bit prices.
example: coins 1 month ago in 5x = 380kk, now 500kk, ofc its players fault, its rly simple, im accounter, i know what generates it, but no way to make changes on it, unless some GM move ass to help economy.
so thinking that way
if u see a market selling milk for 200 euros u buy it untill the market changes his prices ?
once again
ppl . are . dumb


Quote from: Dhart on May 19, 2009, 05:05:18 PM
so thinking that way
if u see a market selling milk for 200 euros u buy it untill the market changes his prices ?
once again
ppl . are . dumb

the prob is, D coins, buy everything...
then, a guy donate and get 200 coins lets say,
he wants a horn...

ok, horn price is 5 dc , but the mofo who has the horn, wants 7 for it, and since 7 coins looking in 200 is almost nothing, he buys, and the price gradually goes up in that way. BUT OFC  if he dont buy at this price, ppls wont sell it expensivier, its rly simple. but ofc, wont happen.

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Akon on May 19, 2009, 05:17:33 PM
the prob is, D coins, buy everything...
then, a guy donate and get 200 coins lets say,
he wants a horn...

ok, horn price is 5 dc , but the mofo who has the horn, wants 7 for it, and since 7 coins looking in 200 is almost nothing, he buys, and the price gradually goes up in that way. BUT OFC  if he dont buy at this price, ppls wont sell it expensivier, its rly simple. but ofc, wont happen.
now , u got my point :P


Quote from: Dhart on May 19, 2009, 05:18:56 PM
now , u got my point :P
i didnt, it was my point also
simple rules of market..

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Dhart on May 19, 2009, 12:37:16 AM
ppl farming golkies with their alt chars > 8 coins for a horn...

ppl =-D???????
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: Dhart on May 19, 2009, 12:37:16 AM
( after 3 years of playing I still can't buy a dinasty , and prolly i'll leave my server without having it)

spamming hours on forum will not make appear a dynasty in your inventory XD
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!