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I officially ROFLED xD

Started by Deavon, May 20, 2009, 04:48:35 AM

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Quote from: Mayia on May 24, 2009, 02:34:42 PM
your clan recruted much more ppl than EB in last 6 months. But i suppose u arent mass recruting right ? :).
that was 1 of the most stupid things i've seen on this forum LOL...cb has just a few peeps that werent ex mates with some1 from the clan in previous servers/clans(for now i can think just of 1 guy).we r simply old ally mates,clan mates,server mates and so on.and what about u?havent recriuted those eternal guys?no?u havent recriuted other random players?and in the end i think that inviting some old mates is not just recriuting...
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: Endorama on May 24, 2009, 04:25:00 PM
that was 1 of the most stupid things i've seen on this forum LOL...cb has just a few peeps that werent ex mates with some1 from the clan in previous servers/clans(for now i can think just of 1 guy).we r simply old ally mates,clan mates,server mates and so on.and what about u?havent recriuted those eternal guys?no?u havent recriuted other random players?and in the end i think that inviting some old mates is not just recriuting...

Dont tell me.... Ashk is your old clan m8 right ? =))=)).. i remember the times about "u backstab us bla bla bla cry cry cry" :). get real dude...


Stop crying or I'll download hellbound client and rape all of you noobs

Kamillo29 - PP / Sorc
JoinOly - PP / Wk
Kamilllo29 - He / Wl
Kam69 - Sk / Necro


Quote from: Mayia on May 24, 2009, 02:34:42 PM
need coins ? good! come 1 vs 1 with me. and again i am w8ing for u in 3 pt vs 3 pt.

3 pt vs 3 pt cos i dont have so many tank/archers in clan as u do, in order to make a better party than yours...

your clan recruted much more ppl than EB in last 6 months. But i suppose u arent mass recruting right ? :). About l2c.... i dont even know what it is and as i said to rebel before i am open to 1 vs 1 with u anytime, throw some coins if u feel in the mood.

PS: May1a not Ma1ya :) or u can call me Cami :P

So lemme get this right... EB don't have the backbone to PvP CB 9vs9?? You need more people so that the responsibility placed on each player and the skill required is lower? Basically so you can hise behind each others mistakes??

Or maybe you want 3 party vs 3 party so that you can log 27 bp/xx???

Either way do not flame CB for not accepting your challange when you will not accept theone I put forwar weeks ago, this my friend is called hipocrisy.

P.s.. I dont care if you are called May1a, Ma1ya or shitbag its all the same to me as long as people know who I am refering to.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Zuluman on May 24, 2009, 07:57:50 PM
So lemme get this right... EB don't have the backbone to PvP CB 9vs9?? You need more people so that the responsibility placed on each player and the skill required is lower? Basically so you can hise behind each others mistakes??

Or maybe you want 3 party vs 3 party so that you can log 27 bp/xx???

Either way do not flame CB for not accepting your challange when you will not accept theone I put forwar weeks ago, this my friend is called hipocrisy.

P.s.. I dont care if you are called May1a, Ma1ya or shitbag its all the same to me as long as people know who I am refering to.

r u serious dude ? u read what i wrote ? yes u can have a better party than eb can make cos we dont have tanks/archers... get over it... u dont wanna come pvp 3pt vs 3 pt ok np fine by me but stop with bs, btw i told u about 1 vs 1.... lol we dont have the back bone =))


Like our party for 9vs9 will be all with tank/archers. Lmao. Get serious plixen and think a lil bit. Thanks.


Quote from: Zuluman on May 24, 2009, 07:57:50 PM
Or maybe you want 3 party vs 3 party so that you can log 27 bp/xx???

Whats the point of this part of your post? Your trying to flame em for having lots of bishops? O.o
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Omg ppl, u are not changed at all ....
Ex Member of : Stormriders / WarKings / Sins / BlackHand
SoulOfLight Hawkeye/Warlock --Deleted
SoulOfHeaven Necro/Bishop --- Alive but naked
SoulOfHell  BladeDancer/Prophet (best buff bot) --->
work on another player


Quote from: SirAlex on May 24, 2009, 02:11:51 PM
Here i see u have no ideea how l2c works :D, in order to use cp pots u need to put them on ur active skill bar and l2c will press them as if u were pushing the F button, but u can continue this bs about l2c :) its abvoiusly u have some frustration cos none got bann for what u saw on EB forum, u can continue asking for our bann though mby u will gate smth in the end.
Oh don't worry my lowskilled friend, if I wanted you banned you would've been banned long time ago, but you aint.

It's more entertaining to make fun of you at forums and ingame, since kinda everyone knows howmuch you suck ingame, and you need 'tools' to be of some use, but well, even with those you still suck.

And I know how L2c works, read everything about it on Temp forums, your post made everything quite clear about it.

PS: Did I hit a soft spot :)?


Quote from: Furesy on May 25, 2009, 06:53:23 AM
And I know how L2c works, read everything about it on Temp forums, your post made everything quite clear about it.

It seems u didnt understand it at all, should i give u an account on EB forum to read it better?
Gaellee - game over
Amila - R.I.P.


Quote from: Mayia on May 24, 2009, 06:46:07 PM
Dont tell me.... Ashk is your old clan m8 right ? =))=)).. i remember the times about "u backstab us bla bla bla cry cry cry" :). get real dude...
u r handicapped right?ashk as an ex member of bh should have a spot in this clan since like 50% of it is his ex mates.
btw remember when eternals were on our side?there for sure were flames from them to u,so what u tried to say failed=(( =((
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 25, 2009, 03:21:41 PM
altheo is a nice dude, tho he is still a kid and he thinks he is so so so so important just cos he have some chars what are rollin @ oli.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history