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a form of extorsion

Started by ChillyWilly, June 02, 2009, 04:24:50 AM

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Quote from: TrackZero on June 02, 2009, 12:16:45 PM
Tbh chillywilly i didn't except so unmature comment from a really nice and mature woman, since you know when we put the vote button on forum and in loader (just aside of all) no1 voted and we have been on position over 50+ which is something that we don't deserve, cause believe it or not our HB client is one of best clients you can find atm, all rest are crap as well as "gracia final! which is lol!!!!", so this is not force or anything this is just a reminder to vote 1x per day which is tbh not hard at all if you are playing on this server and willing to support somehow, posts like this wont help us go any further . About a reason i think we gave you the reason to vote , we are working to make DN a better place updates/fixes and everything but it is a slow process we just need time and everything will fit on right place , but words of support five us hope and more positive energy to do it even more faster , so please try to understand other side then flamers side and you will see we are not that bad. Thanks for reading and hope for understanding.

It IS annoying LOL, i voted t'day to get rid of it xD

Prob is...ok we vote, DN hits the roof again, the network is up on top and??...A new player starts, he/she makes a char, lvls it after being pked 19374654 times, gets at 78 with crappy gear and realizes the stackable sub is a joke since it's almost impossible to get.

In the meantime the new player sees....lotsa bugs, overpriced consumables (pots, shots), lollipops, S grade sets he/she can't get otherwise but by donation (cause he/she wasn't here to benefit from exploits ^^), lotsa ppl using cheats, game masters playing as players (btw someone should tell Narog if he organizes events it's simply unfair to be part of them as player), using announcements to ask for clan wars lol, banning randomly, not doing their jobs. K so the new player decides to donate so she/he can play on DN....that takes weeks sometimes (if u re lucky), the staff is not responsive, in the meantime the new player keeps trying 2 get the "stackable" sub...eventually after  a month he/she gets the game coins, gets subbed and realizes that it would cost about 500 euro to get decent gear...and so on, and so on....

Now why would u wanna put DN so high on that top ???? beats me...

PS @ track- u're a fair GM i understand, i was describing the most popular server on DN, dragon. I've played NM, it seems cleaner than dragon but w/o trading items from one server to another it's still hard to get a decent char :)




Quote from: Kaylaar on June 04, 2009, 07:04:22 AM

he/she can't get otherwise but by donation
cause he/she wasn't here to benefit from exploits 
he/she gets the game coins, gets subbed and realizes that it would cost about 500 euro to get decent gear...and so on, and so on....

why are u always saying he will be Hawkeye/Spellhowler? ^_^

Noob and Beyond


lineage addict xD interesting combo LOL


Didn't we got kicked last time from the top list, since we " made" people voting from the loader, and that was illegal.

I guess "making" people vote like this is illegal also


Quote from: Kaylaar on June 04, 2009, 07:04:22 AM
It IS annoying LOL, i voted t'day to get rid of it xD

Prob is...ok we vote, DN hits the roof again, the network is up on top and??...A new player starts, he/she makes a char, lvls it after being pked 19374654 times, gets at 78 with crappy gear and realizes the stackable sub is a joke since it's almost impossible to get.

In the meantime the new player sees....lotsa bugs, overpriced consumables (pots, shots), lollipops, S grade sets he/she can't get otherwise but by donation (cause he/she wasn't here to benefit from exploits ^^), lotsa ppl using cheats, game masters playing as players (btw someone should tell Narog if he organizes events it's simply unfair to be part of them as player), using announcements to ask for clan wars lol, banning randomly, not doing their jobs. K so the new player decides to donate so she/he can play on DN....that takes weeks sometimes (if u re lucky), the staff is not responsive, in the meantime the new player keeps trying 2 get the "stackable" sub...eventually after  a month he/she gets the game coins, gets subbed and realizes that it would cost about 500 euro to get decent gear...and so on, and so on....

Now why would u wanna put DN so high on that top ???? beats me...

PS @ track- u're a fair GM i understand, i was describing the most popular server on DN, dragon. I've played NM, it seems cleaner than dragon but w/o trading items from one server to another it's still hard to get a decent char :)



Yeah.... that sounds pretty bad. But we could just warn them not to go to Dragon though.



Quote from: kidicarus on June 04, 2009, 01:02:20 PM

Yeah.... that sounds pretty bad. But we could just warn them not to go to Dragon though.

I'm not "crying",  if they wipe i lose all my subs and crap but what i said is the cruel reality xD We don't have new ppl on dragon for those reasons.


Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 04, 2009, 09:42:42 AM
lol dn is a "donator" server, make everything craftable and delete donny......then ppl will start vote for dn

donation isn't bad if drake's pills don't get away. Remember in c4 you could get things easier with donate, but you could craft them too. The problem are with these focking only donate shits, like dynasty(oh sorry, it's called now as dnet armor) and icarus...
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: kidicarus on June 04, 2009, 01:02:20 PM

Yeah.... that sounds pretty bad. But we could just warn them not to go to Dragon though.

if they asked us to vote for NM,even if we play in an other server,yes ofc we would vote or at least i would vote personaly..NM deserves to be among the Top servers!!!

but they ask us to vote for Dragon-Network...and as a Network we suck!!! :-X
1)Dragon,the most crowded server in the network,is corrupted to the bone and Drake doesn't give a freak about it
2)Infinity,dunno exactly but i heard it's pretty much the same
3)they still publish Shadow like an open/healthy server when it's closed
and many other things that i'm a bit bored to write now...

and lets say we vote for the network...and?we end up to the things Kaylaar stated,which you can see them from day 1..if you start playing in Dragon/Infinity and some time later if you start playing in NM,cause even there you have problems with spoil/drops rates

p.s. Track i didn't quite get why you deleted your own topic in NM section,ok you are Admin/GM/whatever..,so you can do whatever you want,but i wasn't flaming you personaly nor i was spamming!!
We had a discussion..I said my opinion,you said yours..unless you want everyone to agree with what you say no matter what  :-X


Quote from: Itsme9x on June 04, 2009, 09:16:30 AM
Didn't we got kicked last time from the top list, since we " made" people voting from the loader, and that was illegal.

I guess "making" people vote like this is illegal also

Am I wrong ?


kikos, ur free time are increasing :S

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Kikolina on June 04, 2009, 03:51:25 PM
no shit, holidays are here ^^

"u can feel the Envy spirit throws on you". :S

summer there?
winter here lol, 9ºC  :'(

The Ketchup Abuser!


Quote from: Kikolina on June 03, 2009, 07:00:15 PM
means when about xy ppl asked already about it, nightmare people, dont get answer they're all dumb? are u trying to say whole nightmare is dumb? pls repeat my words and ill stay quiet next few thousands years

and no im not like u guys knowing answer and not posting, rather remain smartass :)

And who says they don't get any answers? There's multiple ways of communication possible among people, the only one you seem to know is forums.
We don't answer everything on forums, sometimes because either we don't know the answer, either we can't do anything about it, or either it's easier to talk to that individual in person. Ways like that consist of talking in-game or simply on MSN.

But since you seem to be not even from Nightmare server, so I doubt you have any idea about this, you should try to shush shush and get back to your own server and bug your own GM's over there. You can come bug is when you actually start playing on Nightmare.
It is in vain to hope to please all alike. Let a man stand with his face in what direction he will, he must necessarily turn his back on one half of the world.