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Sps on oly / Daggers on oly +more

Started by lucifsg, June 10, 2009, 02:44:39 AM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 14, 2009, 12:15:20 AM
So lets just say there would be some really rare augment that you can get with less than 1% chance and i get it with a few stones and nobody would have any chance against me in oly and i would be in oly everyday from 8-12. Would you say: "oh come on, cuz of ONLY 1 person you want to nerf this augment"?
You would just ignore the fact that this augment is really overpowered cuz only 1 person has it? Whats the difference if only 1 person has it. Its overpowered, it wouldnt matter if i would join oly with it like 2-3 times per month like the +50 dragon slayer that one guy had in the past -> nobody gave a shit since i never saw him in any pvp, but here these 2 guys are in oly everyday.

Im not saying that oly would be totally balanced without augments, but cuz oly cant be balanced we shouldnt try to make it as balanced as possible or should we just let it be this way and wait for some more support chars to pop up and we let olympiad die this way?

well said

Quote from: lucifsg on June 14, 2009, 03:25:07 AM
so if on retail a pp gets prominence which automatically makes him farmer in oly, rest comunity should cry to remove it ?
cant believe u ...
Augments are open for all . Even if u cant donate to get coins for it u can farm em . so go farm em and stop crying on forum

farmer said  8)


Quote from: lucifsg on June 14, 2009, 03:25:07 AM
so if on retail a pp gets prominence which automatically makes him farmer in oly, rest comunity should cry to remove it ?
cant believe u ...
Augments are open for all . Even if u cant donate to get coins for it u can farm em . so go farm em and stop crying on forum

If you compare dn with retail do it right. Do they have ee+sws+5pp buffs +prominence on olympiads?

And what do you suggest, cuz of overpowered combos lets all make these combos? Dont you see its kinda stupid? Its like when frenzy + ai stacked and the pal/de were doing 20k dammage to everyone arround. We didnt say "everyone can do this combo, so why cry about it.

KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 14, 2009, 10:17:31 AM
If you compare dn with retail do it right. Do they have ee+sws+5pp buffs +prominence on olympiads?

And what do you suggest, cuz of overpowered combos lets all make these combos? Dont you see its kinda stupid? Its like when frenzy + ai stacked and the pal/de were doing 20k dammage to everyone arround. We didnt say "everyone can do this combo, so why cry about it. Ths had skill mana drain on critical hits, draining my mana really fast. Did i cry about it ? No , I just deal with it

stupid or not thats the way it is dude. In retail a ee can have active aug and 5 pp buffs from npc.
It happen in retail so it happen here too. Thoose "op combos" u say are open for all dude. So instead of asking to remove skills u ppl should ask drake to obtain stones for augmentation by a quest or smth and not by donation. But instead u cry cause ppl donated to get good augmentations...

Quote from: zthrx on June 14, 2009, 08:49:55 AM

farmer said  8)

cry more

Btw did u check astric's points lately ? He is same class as u and he is at 200 dude. U know why ? cause he is not on forum crying all the time. He just joins oly...


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 14, 2009, 12:15:20 AM
So lets just say there would be some really rare augment that you can get with less than 1% chance and i get it with a few stones and nobody would have any chance against me in oly and i would be in oly everyday from 8-12. Would you say: "oh come on, cuz of ONLY 1 person you want to nerf this augment"?
You would just ignore the fact that this augment is really overpowered cuz only 1 person has it? Whats the difference if only 1 person has it. Its overpowered, it wouldnt matter if i would join oly with it like 2-3 times per month like the +50 dragon slayer that one guy had in the past -> nobody gave a shit since i never saw him in any pvp, but here these 2 guys are in oly everyday.

Im not saying that oly would be totally balanced without augments, but cuz oly cant be balanced we shouldnt try to make it as balanced as possible or should we just let it be this way and wait for some more support chars to pop up and we let olympiad die this way?

PLS explain me smth . DID U EVER HAD A CHANCE VS ADFONTES AND MRSPRETTY ? no. Why never ever cry about em ?
As for the 1% to get that skill i know 5 sws/ee that have it and 1 ee/es. U just have to spend coins to get it... And from all thoose that got that skill , noone is farmer but me. So at the end its not about the aug but the gameplay.
+its nerfed to the bone
+mana burn nerfed . What more u need lol...


Quote from: lucifsg on June 14, 2009, 07:14:25 PM
PLS explain me smth . DID U EVER HAD A CHANCE VS ADFONTES AND MRSPRETTY ? no. Why never ever cry about em ?
As for the 1% to get that skill i know 5 sws/ee that have it and 1 ee/es. U just have to spend coins to get it... And from all thoose that got that skill , noone is farmer but me. So at the end its not about the aug but the gameplay.
+its nerfed to the bone
+mana burn nerfed . What more u need lol...

I never heard of the guys you mentioned above.

And you replayed to just a part from my post. Your saying cuz something is overpowered we should just let it be overpowered. It never was that, and never will. And stop comparing this with retail since there people dont reroll to oly farmer classes like you do here on nm and lots of other arguments can be found about comparing this server with retail. Its just useless and dumb to compare it.

Anyways even if those other 5 sws/ee dont farm 500 points each month, they are still killing the easy to kill classes and ruining the olympiads while losing to you and altheo. So lets all make these chars so we can have some fun in oly or what else do you suggest.

KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: lucifsg on June 14, 2009, 07:00:24 PM
stupid or not thats the way it is dude. In retail a ee can have active aug and 5 pp buffs from npc.
It happen in retail so it happen here too. Thoose "op combos" u say are open for all dude. So instead of asking to remove skills u ppl should ask drake to obtain stones for augmentation by a quest or smth and not by donation. But instead u cry cause ppl donated to get good augmentations...

cry more

Btw did u check astric's points lately ? He is same class as u and he is at 200 dude. U know why ? cause he is not on forum crying all the time. He just joins oly...

I wont comment it, till every1 knows the truth...

bb on the battleground my 3 second target  :D


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 14, 2009, 11:59:20 PM
I never heard of the guys you mentioned above.

And you replayed to just a part from my post. Your saying cuz something is overpowered we should just let it be overpowered. It never was that, and never will. And stop comparing this with retail since there people dont reroll to oly farmer classes like you do here on nm and lots of other arguments can be found about comparing this server with retail. Its just useless and dumb to compare it.

Anyways even if those other 5 sws/ee dont farm 500 points each month, they are still killing the easy to kill classes and ruining the olympiads while losing to you and altheo. So lets all make these chars so we can have some fun in oly or what else do you suggest.

dude when did u join oly last time ? My superoverpowered char is loosing almost every sps/ee so wtf are u talking about ? + de/xx + th/pp's
so just go join and see how things are now instead of complaining


Quote from: lucifsg on June 15, 2009, 03:01:01 AM
dude when did u join oly last time ? My superoverpowered char is loosing almost every sps/ee so wtf are u talking about ? + de/xx + th/pp's
so just go join and see how things are now instead of complaining
your char was never overpowered lol, you lost even vs me a few times. and i suck... so...  :)
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


remove aug from oly

as many ppl saying ISNT normal a support/support char own at oly lol!!
wtf you guys cant understund?

   there is life before death?


keep crying

in case u didnt notice augs are allready nerfed


Quote from: lucifsg on June 15, 2009, 02:51:05 PM
keep crying

in case u didnt notice augs are allready nerfed

weird I see that ppl writes here mostly objective comments. better go somewhere outside IG, I'm waiting there for ya :*


Quote from: zthrx on June 15, 2009, 03:01:06 PM
weird I see that ppl writes here mostly objective comments. better go somewhere outside IG, I'm waiting there for ya :*
