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Oly poll

Started by zthrx, June 10, 2009, 12:16:44 PM

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do you think oly with mana + pots + full buff is a good idea, as it is out of town everyday?

63 (44.7%)
78 (55.3%)

Total Members Voted: 136


Quote from: our4n0s on June 11, 2009, 03:27:17 PM

oly with full buffs would still be unbalanced, because some combo are unbeatable when it comes to 1 v 1

oh rly? and what is it now? next year on and on the same heroes? what was you talking about? unbeatable...?
I'm wondering how many they would be. Even there will be 10x more classes who will have chances to pwn same as curent /pp makes, and you still defending curent /pp lobby jesus...  no balls to test new ideas/ changes?

Quote from: our4n0s on June 11, 2009, 05:05:49 PM
You active the disactived base class oly, you make it a non based class, What's the point?
Well, you add a feature, every character that reaches more than, let's say 100 points (idea is that it can be between 70 and 100 pts) gets an item that makes him not able anymore to join this First non based class oly.

Then he can only join the second non based class oly, let's call it the no life farmer oly   :D, let's say the 8 first stages for the farmers olympiad and the rest = 12 i guess for the mere mortals players.

This way, even if some guys is strong, or just lucky with opponents (like some pp sorc could reach 100 pts) but wishes to remain on the 'fun olympiad', he can give a few wins, making sure he won't enter the farmers area.
Or even better, but may be harder to code, you lose the item when you drop under 100 pts

This way the more deep in the month we go, the more 'nooby' is the low pts olympiad.

Guess with some smartass this sh1T wouldn't even need much coding

no better: make it based on points- if you have 20-40, system will chose a guy from this point section and so on. If you reach >40-60 ull fight only with ppl with that points score.... So if some nabs start fight, they won't be afraid to meet a farmer who have already >100
but system would work nice, with a bigger amount of players, also not too much to code ;)


There is no doubt that Idea of full buffs olympiad games is just silly and that would totaly kill buffer/sws/bd subs , most of ppl are still stick to that subs although they are weak as hell just for oly and supporting clan , afull buffed olympiad games would be aheaven of tankers , pure nukers and  ty/des that would have the highest privileges to take down any thing starting with zealot and frenzy + full buffs in that tight olympiad stadium ,  
ofc we all hope that olympiad games become more fun again , But not only removing agumentations from Oly would make balance among all classes but it's ofc an priority to start with , for that I suggest too
double reuse time of mana burn .
remove effect of arcana agility on mana burn .
Increase the size of olympiad stadium , remove the cages so we could know the opponent and prepare .
increase the number of buffs and buff options at that guard inside olympiad stadium to reduce the domination of buffers subs .
as I see most of ppl who made suggestions about olympiad games they only want their own profit of it and they are not working for the euqality and 50% 50% chances , THERE IS NO FUN IN WINNING JUST COZ U R OVER POWERED .


so why not to add option before participating:

* I want to participate in oly in selfbuff system
* I want to participate in oly with buffs and potions

than wait month how many ppl will participate, isn't that hard? than supporters would still fight as they want and share those kkkk of points between themeselves and rest of server would have own oly


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 06:13:20 PM
so why not to add option before participating:

* I want to participate in oly in selfbuff system
* I want to participate in oly with buffs and potions

than wait month how many ppl will participate, isn't that hard? than supporters would still fight as they want and share those kkkk of points between themeselves and rest of server would have own oly

I don't like this idea too  coz some buffers have privileges more than others so it's wont be afair to get for example se/xx for example with pp/xx in self buff match , and it would be hard to choose for some classes such wk/bp that if he joined self buffs option abuffers would have the high hand on him , and if he joined full buffs option he would like to have his pet buffed too or others full buffed opponents would just 1 shot  kill his cat .


Quote from: SysTemHacK on June 11, 2009, 06:35:50 PM
I don't like this idea too  coz some buffers have privileges more than others so it's wont be afair to get for example se/xx for example with pp/xx in self buff match , and it would be hard to choose for some classes such wk/bp that if he joined self buffs option abuffers would have the high hand on him , and if he joined full buffs option he would like to have his pet buffed too or others full buffed opponents would just 1 shot  kill his cat .

omg you drama too much... you have no idea how it would go, and what ppl would chose. All PP classes for sure stay in selfbuff option, and you never know who would you meet in buffed one, where finally server take asses from town to oly... In fact you fight with just couple combos at oly not vs. all others who don't even think to go having 0 chances...


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 07:06:56 PM
omg you drama too much... you have no idea how it would go, and what ppl would chose. All PP classes for sure stay in selfbuff option, and you never know who would you meet in buffed one, where finally server take asses from town to oly... In fact you fight with just couple combos at oly not vs. all others who don't even think to go oly having 0 chances...
I am not over reacting about it , I am just  looking for the highest degree of equality , I have said my opinion and I would like to hear other suggestions .


ye the curent oly system made, that you can write here only 20%max (you know) DN sub combos fighting at oly all the time. just think how many combos almost never participate, or just to be on the list...
U'll think how to doesn't hurt support classes instead how to change this crap system to fit it to the whole community.


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 05:49:09 PM

no better: make it based on points- if you have 20-40, system will chose a guy from this point section and so on. If you reach >40-60 ull fight only with ppl with that points score.... So if some nabs start fight, they won't be afraid to meet a farmer who have already >100
but system would work nice, with a bigger amount of players, also not too much to code ;)
your system requires imo way more coding, though i never coded and i mb better shut the freak up about it xD
but since anyway, as you said, requires too many players


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 06:13:20 PM
so why not to add option before participating:

* I want to participate in oly in selfbuff system
* I want to participate in oly with buffs and potions

than wait month how many ppl will participate, isn't that hard? than supporters would still fight as they want and share those kkkk of points between themeselves and rest of server would have own oly
I don't like it, i don't like the idea of letting ppl chose  :-X yet it could be used on some try mode at least, but doubt they wish to code just some test


than what, still doing nothing ?  ::)


Just disable oly and get on with it!


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 06:13:20 PM
so why not to add option before participating:

* I want to participate in oly in selfbuff system
* I want to participate in oly with buffs and potions

than wait month how many ppl will participate, isn't that hard? than supporters would still fight as they want and share those kkkk of points between themeselves and rest of server would have own oly

Not a bad idea. But what do you consider as fullbuffs? Songs + dances + pp buffs? How will you choose all these buffs in the 45 seconds?
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"