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Mana burn ( Seek of consideration )

Started by SysTemHacK, September 04, 2009, 06:28:19 AM

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Quote from: NiToPaMi on September 05, 2009, 06:13:52 AM
mrsulokazimira . let me ask u few question.
how many people u can kill outside from olympiad with u bots chars ?
u know only to spam f1-mana burn ,u know only to transfer points in olympiad.
that make u happy kinda imo .look some time game outside from olympiad
its a hard spam all time mana burn and kill some1 w/o mana?
those aint "few questions" u tard.
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: NiToPaMi on September 05, 2009, 06:13:52 AM
mrsulokazimira . let me ask u few question.
how many people u can kill outside from olympiad with u bots chars ?
u know only to spam f1-mana burn ,u know only to transfer points in olympiad.
that make u happy kinda imo .look some time game outside from olympiad
its a hard spam all time mana burn and kill some1 w/o mana?

spash is playing outside oly... saw him yesterday and he was in my pt few times in varka and guess what he is doing well...
but u nito... u are lucky u have that augment and u stay 14 sec max alive w/o it u are 1-2 shoots
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 12:30:26 PM
fact is that he got it so QQs "u lucky u got that augument" are funny...i wanna see u against tony 1vs1 to see who powns who cuz i bet tony can pown u

ofc he can :< he doesn't even flag lol.. and ask him last time in loa what happened when we were 1 vs 1 and i didn't even had buffs :< i restored cp faster that he hited lol...
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


go creat another topic and call it " who is the Pwner " and spam/flame/asslick as you want there but please leave that topic clean of spam
this topic is made for discussing mana burn issue .. talk about it or stfu


Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 01:03:18 PM
i can definetly tell who is not powner and guess who is winner? u :P and to talk about issue y mana burn nice skill xD since u cant kill nobody with mana or w/o it i dont see reason why u reply here  :-*
my sig wins
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 05, 2009, 04:49:16 AM
this topic ain't about sps/ee in oly I just want aconsideration from track for that 3k mana burn with 2 hits even if it was on no buffs not self and when I say mana burns should be treated as lethals why u didn't comment on that all of you cryed about lethals ages and mana burn is even more dangerous coz lethal rate never been like m.critical rate and in both cases you will die no hp= no mana

if this topic not about sps / ee and not about oly , then u better consider checking mana burn outside oly , well buffed mage i barely do 90-100 mana drain and btw skill cost is 103 mana and if i got lucky with a crit thats like 400-500 , so its its not that huge and its normal , and about lethal it was rly high and i never asked for it to be removed or be useless , i just asked to fix the effect from 1 hp to something else higher and now lethal chance is not that low as u think , now its fair rate , same for mana burn its fair


Quote from: Diabolical on September 05, 2009, 04:06:35 PM
if this topic not about sps / ee and not about oly , then u better consider checking mana burn outside oly , well buffed mage i barely do 90-100 mana drain and btw skill cost is 103 mana and if i got lucky with a crit thats like 400-500 , so its its not that huge and its normal , and about lethal it was rly high and i never asked for it to be removed or be useless , i just asked to fix the effect from 1 hp to something else higher and now lethal chance is not that low as u think , now its fair rate , same for mana burn its fair
agree on this one, didn't check systemhack's replies that i already know senseless, i ll just add a 500 mburn on crit, yes it is a non negligeable amount, just like a nuke solar flare mcrit or w/e is very important, that's what mcrits do, they matter in the fight, it is meant.


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 05, 2009, 05:00:56 AM
I didn't talk about your mana burn agumentation I talked about the skill that buffers/heals got it and you coz u r buffer/summoer get extra 
hey freaktard i didn't talk about my mana burn augment etiher i stoped using it 3 months ago, you don't know jackshit about oly yet you dare to open your mouth with all the garbage that pops out of that, and you think you actually talk wisely.
I red two lines on your post, it's already obvious you didn't understand jackshit, so before reading further i will explain you how your assumption is wrong  :
delete mana burn at oly i will spam augment stone, same shit, the win is mine.
please don't bother answering


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 05, 2009, 05:00:56 AM
wear mana regeneration tattoos I already did that+ talisman  !! and I didn't use any toggels and I didn't make any wasted blows like back stap in the face  and guess what same results out of mana for 3 matches in arow in few secs so please stop tell that shitty excuse that we don't know how to play thats why u win and it's funny to hea that from Mr.3 skills   heal / mana burn / stone agumentation . keep acting like afool but it won't prove ur point and about demonsfall words I dont give afreak if he couldn't do afix to agame then he is shitty coder/gm not that it's not possible .. for god sake it's not natural feature I asked to be changed so you tell me thats not possible lol

and to taht part, anyone could answer you i didn't use mana burn till its last fix, indeed it was not worth it, how did i make 1 k pts? well mana burn is far from being essential, ee/es is a great char overall, yet.... you don't know jackshit about oly... yet you assumed i lied about not using mana burn just like you assumed it about track not being able to delete the mcrit possiblity on mana burn... yet you're wrong...


Quote from: Diabolical on September 05, 2009, 04:06:35 PM
if this topic not about sps / ee and not about oly , then u better consider checking mana burn outside oly , well buffed mage i barely do 90-100 mana drain and btw skill cost is 103 mana and if i got lucky with a crit thats like 400-500 , so its its not that huge and its normal , and about lethal it was rly high and i never asked for it to be removed or be useless , i just asked to fix the effect from 1 hp to something else higher and now lethal chance is not that low as u think , now its fair rate , same for mana burn its fair
what is the sense of fair in ur opinion ?! almost 3k mana leached by 2 hits from not even anuker , and what would kill the damage of mana burn out side oly that much lol  resists buffs of mana burn maybe ?! ofc augmentation rate of m.def on full buffs would be higher than m.atk out side oly but that difference won't kill the damage from 3k by 2 hits to 200 by 2 hits ?! ::)
and about the definition of fair expression to you I got aquestion : since when m.critical rate is compared to lethal rate meanwhile both of them are fatal ?
if you think that to is " FAIR " to get 3k mana burn leached by 2 hits and if the mana burn whore was unlucky and he didn't get criticals any way you will get out of mana in few secs by normal damage  then n/c


Quote from: our4n0s on September 05, 2009, 08:01:04 PM
hey freaktard i didn't talk about my mana burn augment etiher i stoped using it 3 months ago, you don't know jackshit about oly yet you dare to open your mouth with all the garbage that pops out of that, and you think you actually talk wisely.
I red two lines on your post, it's already obvious you didn't understand jackshit, so before reading further i will explain you how your assumption is wrong  :
delete mana burn at oly i will spam augment stone, same shit, the win is mine.
please don't bother answering
you read what you want from my post and replay it avoiding what you can't get answer , I won't say learn to read coz you know how but I would say stop acting like afool  and ok you spam the augment stone and i will spam my damn skills coz I would have mana to do so and please reveal to us what else of hidden skills you use we don't see but mana burn / heal / augment lol for god sake I never even saw you useing uniqorn stun  ;D


Quote from: our4n0s on September 05, 2009, 08:04:07 PM
and to taht part, anyone could answer you i didn't use mana burn till its last fix, indeed it was not worth it, how did i make 1 k pts? well mana burn is far from being essential, ee/es is a great char overall, yet.... you don't know jackshit about oly... yet you assumed i lied about not using mana burn just like you assumed it about track not being able to delete the mcrit possiblity on mana burn... yet you're wrong...
like i was playing on another server when mana burn was bugged , tell me remind you what happened so maybe you would stop that foolish mode On
when mana burn was bugged or nerfed under test you stop playing oly and even game I have watched oly after that for days and you was rarely playing after you got bored of 6 min matches with sps/ee and no longer 3 secs pwning matches and you started to make cry topics like RIP mana burn you served me well bla bla bla and you made me lol hard for the xxxx time when i read that you don't know jackshit about oly from Mr. 3 skills that loled me hard too when he acted like apro and tried to give us alecture about archers game play xDD
won't you ever get tired of ur retardness ? ::)