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Mana burn ( Seek of consideration )

Started by SysTemHacK, September 04, 2009, 06:28:19 AM

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Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 10:59:48 AM
since he got spash he can kill some1 outside oly

Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 12:30:26 PM
fact is that he got it so QQs "u lucky u got that augument" are funny...i wanna see u against tony 1vs1 to see who powns who cuz i bet tony can pown u

Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 01:00:46 PM
i wonder he not bsoed ;<

Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 01:03:18 PM
i can definetly tell who is not powner and guess who is winner? u :P and to talk about issue y mana burn nice skill xD since u cant kill nobody with mana or w/o it i dont see reason why u reply here  :-*

Quote from: Ungolianth on September 05, 2009, 03:45:51 PM
i need make higher res background in my sig and u will got no chance :P

absolutely useless spam and bullshits you didn't even talk about mana burn for once  and after I checked all ur posts through topics they are just lame weak flames with ahope that would make from you some thing , haters like you who got 0 knowlege about l2 and they just use forums for bitching around and flaming every one will remain the garbage of forums .. well I don't mind to lead you to spam section if you lost the way , and really funny to hear that i can't kill ashit from temp PVE guy that I really don't remember that I saw him on mass pvp or siege or 1 vs 1  :-*


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 06, 2009, 05:16:04 AM
what is the sense of fair in ur opinion ?! almost 3k mana leached by 2 hits from not even anuker , and what would kill the damage of mana burn out side oly that much lol  resists buffs of mana burn maybe ?! ofc augmentation rate of m.def on full buffs would be higher than m.atk out side oly but that difference won't kill the damage from 3k by 2 hits to 200 by 2 hits ?! ::)
and about the definition of fair expression to you I got aquestion : since when m.critical rate is compared to lethal rate meanwhile both of them are fatal ?
if you think that to is " FAIR " to get 3k mana burn leached by 2 hits and if the mana burn whore was unlucky and he didn't get criticals any way you will get out of mana in few secs by normal damage  then n/c

u first said its not about sps / ee and its not about oly , and yet again u use teh same argument that 3k mana drain in 2 hits THAT WERE MADE INSIDE OLY and u still use it , leave oly for a sec and come to normal game , buff urself the proper buffs and get a mage with mana burn and ask him to mana burn u till he crits and see the difference , u made one search on one lame sps / ee on oly with no mdef buffs at all but POW and u claim mana burn is op , i advise u to test it outside oly before u make a topic here and believe me teh results will make u wish u never opened the topic , do ur homework before u post again please , just go check it


Quote from: Diabolical on September 06, 2009, 06:14:26 AM
u first said its not about sps / ee and its not about oly , and yet again u use teh same argument that 3k mana drain in 2 hits THAT WERE MADE INSIDE OLY and u still use it , leave oly for a sec and come to normal game , buff urself the proper buffs and get a mage with mana burn and ask him to mana burn u till he crits and see the difference , u made one search on one lame sps / ee on oly with no mdef buffs at all but POW and u claim mana burn is op , i advise u to test it outside oly before u make a topic here and believe me teh results will make u wish u never opened the topic , do ur homework before u post again please , just go check it
well it wasn't only for NiToPaMi's screen , remember I made same like this topic some time ago and it was about my own char that almost got the hightest m.def in oly after sws/ee and I see no difference from there and now and even for my experience with th/pp it's worth coz to ofc no comparison between the ammount of mana needed to launch an arrow and staping skill and lets be objective about it NiToPaMi's m.def in oly with his over enchanted jewels and magic barrier lvl 10 augment and pow ain't low at all and as altheo and i even staretd to believe it's not about m.def as altheo said on apervious post and yes I said  it's not about sps/ee IN OLY  not not about oly , and lets not forget it's not only about damage of mana burn it's about the extra advantage when it got used with arcana aguility , and out side oly there is no use of this skill coz simply there is no time for burning the opponent mana in 3 secs pvps


actually u r wrong , no u didnt test it , when i log in game i will search for u and prove u wrong


my answer for this problem....
-delete all agu in oly  :D
-delete mana burn cryt in oly  :D


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 06, 2009, 05:24:56 AM
I never even saw you useing uniqorn stun  ;D
yes, its reuse is 30 s, its hp is 4k, its mdef is 700, yeah i don't use it because i would die in 2 hits, damn man you're such a noob and you really don't know shit


Quote from: SysTemHacK on September 06, 2009, 06:45:37 AM
well it wasn't only for NiToPaMi's screen , remember I made same like this topic some time ago and it was about my own char that almost got the hightest m.def in oly after sws/ee and I see no difference from there and now and even for my experience with th/pp it's worth coz to ofc no comparison between the ammount of mana needed to launch an arrow and staping skill and lets be objective about it NiToPaMi's m.def in oly with his over enchanted jewels and magic barrier lvl 10 augment and pow ain't low at all and as altheo and i even staretd to believe it's not about m.def as altheo said on apervious post and yes I said  it's not about sps/ee IN OLY  not not about oly , and lets not forget it's not only about damage of mana burn it's about the extra advantage when it got used with arcana aguility , and out side oly there is no use of this skill coz simply there is no time for burning the opponent mana in 3 secs pvps
actually i was wrong, it relies on mdef we checked it with agil, and i mburn him for 142 normal hit (i guess its ~450 normal hit on sps ee average), with empower lvl 3, pow and +7 am+A.
in PvP, where you got guys to recharge you mana po etc, 142 mburn is nothing, only the crit matters, not mentioning i made 142 on his self buff, he oculd have had magnus or mdef trigger andi would do 100 normal hit? not mentioning being fighter stats greatly lowers the mana burn effect upon yourself.... tank full buf? i would mana burn 60 on pvp? wanna nerf that ? asshole


Quote from: our4n0s on September 06, 2009, 01:27:30 PM
yes, its reuse is 30 s, its hp is 4k, its mdef is 700, yeah i don't use it because i would die in 2 hits, damn man you're such a noob and you really don't know shit
used to pwn in Interlude, now is a shit alright
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Why don't we just disable oly?
I mean apparently ppl can't handle it cause you keep bitching about it in every other topic.
There's how many ppl playing oly? 10?

And everything revolves around the handfull of oly farmers, and trying to balance them. I for one am sick and tired of it.

Outside oly manaburn isn't that much of a problem... It's just another skill.

@SystemHack you shouldn't complain about other ppl spamming your topic when you spam it yourself with double posts. You do know you can have several quotes in one reply right?



Quote from: kidicarus on September 06, 2009, 02:40:22 PM
Why don't we just disable oly?
I mean apparently ppl can't handle it cause you keep bitching about it in every other topic.
There's how many ppl playing oly? 10?

And everything revolves around the handfull of oly farmers, and trying to balance them. I for one am sick and tired of it.

Outside oly manaburn isn't that much of a problem... It's just another skill.

@SystemHack you shouldn't complain about other ppl spamming your topic when you spam it yourself with double posts. You do know you can have several quotes in one reply right?

well dude because 10 ppl only plays oly I want it to be balanced coz as we all know mana burn whores rules inside there and they even  sell hero stats for money / transfer for thier friends and that what made almost all who used to play in oly gave up about it coz no sense in giving fair play in anot fair competition , and the great lol of all times that almost all classes now turned to be dwarfs in oly .. all now transfer by his own noble bots or pay to get transfered , 90% of hero stats are like that ... heroes we never even saw them playing unknown names and when you check site you will see that hero classes that used to need 300 and 400 and 500 points are now just 50 and 60   .. ppl made exactly the 15 fights and they made it  and check it by ur self


and about spam thing I really don't see any difference to read my words on one pack or several organized packs to who pointed aspeach to me at least so things don't mix up any way you gonna read my words , there is adifference between replying and useless talk that makes no use or sense .


dude its not coz of mana burn lol szi dont have mana burn , spash and others too so wtf re u talking about its coz of chars not only mana burn im dying with agil in few seconds not only coz of mana burn im dying by augments like stone nice dmg and fast re use and low mp consuption also so u should make topic with augments not mana burn anyway i never made a mana burn crit on my bp/wk i think only white elf classes re doing it maybe coz of casting speed or w/e
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Quote from: our4n0s on September 06, 2009, 01:55:00 PM
actually i was wrong, it relies on mdef we checked it with agil, and i mburn him for 142 normal hit (i guess its ~450 normal hit on sps ee average), with empower lvl 3, pow and +7 am+A.
in PvP, where you got guys to recharge you mana po etc, 142 mburn is nothing, only the crit matters, not mentioning i made 142 on his self buff, he oculd have had magnus or mdef trigger andi would do 100 normal hit? not mentioning being fighter stats greatly lowers the mana burn effect upon yourself.... tank full buf? i would mana burn 60 on pvp? wanna nerf that ? asshole
about the mana burn damages that you said I can't reply coz since damage on full buffs in less than damage on selff butts  ::) ... and you got no screens just ur insain words  + and I won't repeat my self talking about damage difference just read what I said to rebel
and about asshole thing I won't lower my self to ur mental level and reply you or maybe I just did  ::)