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Becouse of GM-friends on msn.

Started by NYPD, September 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM

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Quote from: NYPD on September 14, 2009, 12:51:59 PM
freakme!  you call me "noroada"?????
La naiba.. :D

Poti sa cazi in derizoriu in multe feluri, e alegerea ta....

Quote from: WindPhoenix on September 14, 2009, 12:50:59 PM
necro/pp daca nu ma insel. Toata treaba e ca ii trebuie mai multa experienta cu caracterul ala, si o sa vada ca nu e chiar asa naspa. eh, n-a fost niciodata de top ca damage, dar are cateva curse-uri bune  ;)

Am vazut char-ul de cateva ori in Varka; echipat "beton", boti in spate, ii batea binisor pe cei flagati care nu-i acordau atentie.

PS Mark tot ii trage cu gipsy si ***, dar uita ca atunci cand a amintit Tzuc de "bozgor" s-a bubat tot...


Quote from: NIORI on September 14, 2009, 12:51:03 PM

i see ppl here speaking that if we have problems to go to npsoft. and some others like to compare official with private my answer to them are u blind or what ?

the true is that ic bow need nerf for sure why becouse is not  working as it should be ,cmon

why u change the buffslot? WTF was that , we dont need a pvp server if we ned a pvp server we can go to arena. go to previus buff bar

blizzard yes nerfed it as hell make it to have 20% who cares mages are using blizard only to slow enemy but now that buffs is ussels when u are ussing windwalk song of wind even with blizard u can run from mages and they cant come to u . and i am mage and i have see it many times.

and mostly take a look at server see how many mages u can see ? and how many fighters , the answer is u can see much more  fighters becouse there is no balance in server with chars,.

and something more i see here people that came from dragon in nightmare server months ago or year and crying that in dragon evrything was sh1t . unfair blablalba and now u are makeing all those things that others make to you guys on dragon u are makeing them to nightmare ppl. and in every post u answering them with irony and sh1ts , WTF is that ? why u have to answer with sh1ts why u have to be rude ?

but saying that there are Gms friends msn that they saying what to nerf and what not  , are totally sh1ts that is the only thing for sure ,

before complaining, adapt your playstyle. I have DC set, and that means way lower protection against arrows than DNET set. And yet i dont complain against archers, and i can take down even a top archer like Deathand, bluecube, cthon etc down with enough patience, on both self-buff and fullbuff.
i know you dont have TP, but you have other advantages. In my example, on 1 vs 1, i get a meat-bag summon like mirrage, put it on UD, shoot its storm strike once in a while and in the meantime, cancel/warrior bane/weaken/wind shackle the archer.
Yesterday in siege, we were bored and fullbuffed Deathand (nothing personal, just an example of good archer) was doing 400 crits on me (in DC set !!!!!!!! ). At that damage output, with my casting and self-heal durability and cp macro spam i can resist long enough to cast around 5-6 cancels or even more. Even if he has anti-cancel buffs and DNET set, 5-6 cancels = more than half of buffs are gone. After that, its fullbuffed mage vs unbuffed archer, gee, i guess who wins.
And unlike SPS/EE, i dont have pro healing skills. You just need to stay long enough alive to debuff/cancel him.
That is the way to win 1 vs 1.

In mass pvp, just stay in the backline, and do hit-and-go attacks on the frontline. as soon as you get targeted, run to safety.

If neither of those advice wont help, quit the game, you're worthless  :)

Edit: as SPS/EE, you have improve movement and improved shield. Given the fact you can take a third symbol of +4 DEX, light elf stats + agility effect, your evasion will be quite high, and so will be your shield defence rate. If the archer uses guidance against that, mana burn him and he'll run out of mana. Stay with your shield towards the attacks and with improved shield, most of the hits will land on shield. that means way lower damage.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: BRexoo7 on September 14, 2009, 12:59:16 PM
Poti sa cazi in derizoriu in multe feluri, e alegerea ta....

Am vazut char-ul de cateva ori in Varka; echipat "beton", boti in spate, ii batea binisor pe cei flagati care nu-i acordau atentie.

PS Mark tot ii trage cu gipsy si ***, dar uita ca atunci cand a amintit Tzuc de "bozgor" s-a bubat tot...
Sa ma pupe  in tavanul pizdei acolo unde face pula dans, arzai focul si stenge-iar benzina!
you are your thoughts..watch what you think.


Now there's a break in the chain of replies as everybody is carefully reading and learning from my wise-ass post  ;D
*rubs beard*
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: NIORI on September 14, 2009, 12:51:03 PM

i see ppl here speaking that if we have problems to go to npsoft. and some others like to compare official with private my answer to them are u blind or what ?

the true is that ic bow need nerf for sure why becouse is not  working as it should be ,cmon

why u change the buffslot? WTF was that , we dont need a pvp server if we ned a pvp server we can go to arena. go to previus buff bar

blizzard yes nerfed it as hell make it to have 20% who cares mages are using blizard only to slow enemy but now that buffs is ussels when u are ussing windwalk song of wind even with blizard u can run from mages and they cant come to u and not to mentetion that if mage is using blizard is caching u still he will not do anything since after 1-2 arrows he will be donw.  ;D . and i am mage and i have see it many times.

and mostly take a look at server see how many mages u can see ? and how many fighters , the answer is u can see much more  fighters becouse there is no balance in server with chars,.

and something more i see here people that came from dragon in nightmare server months ago or year and crying that in dragon evrything was sh1t . unfair blablalba and now u are makeing all those things that others make to you guys on dragon u are makeing them to nightmare ppl. and in every post u answering them with irony and sh1ts , WTF is that ? why u have to answer with sh1ts why u have to be rude ?   

but saying that there are Gms friends msn that they saying what to nerf and what not  , are totally sh1ts that is the only thing for sure ,

You are completly wrong.
First -  IC bow doesnt need nerf.
I have sps/ee and archer char, and I will tell you that mages arent that weak at all.
Blizzard work on warriors (not only) perfectly, and its very usefull, especially if u will use it with block ww, then archer can do shit with running.
IF you have a good mage party, then u can beat warriors using all the possible curses etc, but if you play alone then no wonder that you will die in 1-2 hits. And the best option is to have 2 parties warrior one supported by mages, who can cast cancels/banes/curses.
correct me if im wrong.
Does freedom means that you can do whatever you want?



huuhuhuh i wont be here  when attributes will be added in few days xD
And counter dash/rapidshot stuff xD
We gonna have a ocean of salty tears ;<


Quote from: Endorama on September 14, 2009, 12:25:36 PM
tomek with all my respect to u,thats quite bullshit imo.
with the old buff system and with my old archer gear i somehow dont remember a fullbuffed mage with ~top gear getting more than 2,3k crits(i aint talking about mage/tank subs),while on the other hand when vortex/surrender/gloom was on me i was hitting the flour quite easily with 3x3k mcrits in 2 sec...

also FOI has nothing to do with tanks...

ps : by "old" system i refer to the late IL

Well the insane mage crit era was crap offcourse, i always said that mage crit rate should be caped at 20% and things would be much better... And with FOI i ment SOF offcourse >.<
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: NIORI on September 14, 2009, 12:51:03 PM

i see ppl here speaking that if we have problems to go to npsoft. and some others like to compare official with private my answer to them are u blind or what ?

the true is that ic bow need nerf for sure why becouse is not  working as it should be ,cmon

why u change the buffslot? WTF was that , we dont need a pvp server if we ned a pvp server we can go to arena. go to previus buff bar

blizzard yes nerfed it as hell make it to have 20% who cares mages are using blizard only to slow enemy but now that buffs is ussels when u are ussing windwalk song of wind even with blizard u can run from mages and they cant come to u and not to mentetion that if mage is using blizard is caching u still he will not do anything since after 1-2 arrows he will be donw.  ;D . and i am mage and i have see it many times.

and mostly take a look at server see how many mages u can see ? and how many fighters , the answer is u can see much more  fighters becouse there is no balance in server with chars,.

and something more i see here people that came from dragon in nightmare server months ago or year and crying that in dragon evrything was sh1t . unfair blablalba and now u are makeing all those things that others make to you guys on dragon u are makeing them to nightmare ppl. and in every post u answering them with irony and sh1ts , WTF is that ? why u have to answer with sh1ts why u have to be rude ?   

but saying that there are Gms friends msn that they saying what to nerf and what not  , are totally sh1ts that is the only thing for sure ,

yea niori they got dk's in ass on dragon x15 i was on dragon x15 and watch them all time :D

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


Quote from: TrackZero on September 13, 2009, 11:24:28 PM
When i nerfed celestial shield?
I need nerf cause Nitopami told me?
Is only NP "op with archers" or its same on all servers?Let me guess CB have all other gms on msn?
I didnt say ill erase ur chars i said ill just erase ur posts in every topic that u paste this nonsense.
I didnt ignore any1 since i replyed is it?
It means if i OP now mages , it means i am fair?





Quote from: Deavon on September 14, 2009, 01:59:52 PM
huuhuhuh i wont be here  when attributes will be added in few days xD
And counter dash/rapidshot stuff xD
We gonna have a ocean of salty tears ;<
I can't wait having those as well :P

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 14, 2009, 02:00:14 PM
And with FOI i ment SOF offcourse >.<
then whats wrong with sof?20 sec ud for the whole pt while every1 can move,well its far from being as annoying as FOI,but its again all up to managing ur pt...
Quote from: Deavon on September 14, 2009, 01:59:52 PM
huuhuhuh i wont be here  when attributes will be added in few days xD
And counter dash/rapidshot stuff xD
We gonna have a ocean of salty tears ;<
now thats really going pwn :D
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE