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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far) - Page 2



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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far)

Started by lucifsg, September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM

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Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 12:07:54 PM
dude archers now are harder than back then . u make more dmg than de/ty cause u hit lot faster the damge is freaked up and mages hit back for 300 dmg . kidding me ????
ofc archers crit lot more harder. dmg from archers/sec vs dmg from mage/sec cant be compared anymore...
i dont suggest to make mages stonger just nerf archers till they get balanced with other classes.

Hint : if archers are not so overpowered they why the hell all server turned into archers.

Have you ever experienced the dmg of a de/ty with DHA and so on? u'll eat 15k dmg if it aint more haha. Magic hit back for 300 dmg... you make m crits aswell...

K let's say to nerf archers... what could track do? decreasing the range is not a option like i said before. You could decrease the dmg they deal? well their dmg will become nothing vs tanks / if they are vs dagger chars it would take them longer before they could kill a dagger class (pretty sure they'll lethal them before they got the chance killing them). So what do we have left? tyrant and glads? will take forevah before a archer would take them down since they got high HP and CP.
What else could track do to nerf fighters? Decrease their atk speed? not everyone has icarus bow... so other peepz will get punished for not having icarus bow... Any other options?

PS this may sound weird and stupid... but in my eyes. The only way to fix this is a complete server whipe. Everyone has acces to a good buffer etc etc... (wc/sws, pp/bd, bd/se etc etc)... Thats what's fck allot up atm. But well my opinion and server will never get whiped so... xD


Quote from: Alex on September 23, 2009, 12:10:20 PM
Seems some ppl still have a long way before they discover wind storm song and chant of protection!

damn man where the freak have u been ? ye i was w8ing for u to enlight me .

ps:it happens to be ne/pp and sws/ee


Soon i will hear that daggers are overpowered too  :D


Quote from: FadeAway on September 23, 2009, 12:20:35 PM
Have you ever experienced the dmg of a de/ty with DHA and so on? u'll eat 15k dmg if it aint more haha. Magic hit back for 300 dmg... you make m crits aswell...

K let's say to nerf archers... what could track do? decreasing the range is not a option like i said before. You could decrease the dmg they deal? well their dmg will become nothing vs tanks / if they are vs dagger chars it would take them longer before they could kill a dagger class (pretty sure they'll lethal them before they got the chance killing them). So what do we have left? tyrant and glads? will take forevah before a archer would take them down since they got high HP and CP.
What else could track do to nerf fighters? Decrease their atk speed? not everyone has icarus bow... so other peepz will get punished for not having icarus bow... Any other options?

the answer is simple nerf icarus and nerf archers damage on robe (n not only). Imo dude ur just another archer that doesnt want to loose his power...


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 12:33:55 PM
the answer is simple nerf icarus and nerf archers damage on robe (n not only). Imo dude ur just another archer that doesnt want to loose his power...

First of all don't call me a 'dude'. Nerf icarus dunno... mby applying some % resist archer dmg on robe armor? (still dont agree archer's dmg is high). And shush it since it's been ages since i played a archer on Nightmare, and i still dont play one now.
Most people that post on this kind of topics is a mage or archer, now you get a message from a random person...


Quote from: mark_elesse on September 23, 2009, 12:36:40 PM
lol and lol ...and again lol.

i hope the next QQ topic will about " i cant buff myself properly " .   everyone knows that you can reduce that 3k to 1,5 if you use your char well, buff it well .

well mark , u honestly think i dont use the right buffs? im serious here u guys r overpowered n i bet u know it .
why u gave up elesse? i remember u rerolled on elesse , why u gave up on her for second time


Quote from: FadeAway on September 23, 2009, 12:20:35 PM

What else could track do to nerf fighters? Decrease their atk speed? not everyone has icarus bow... so other peepz will get punished for not having icarus bow... Any other options?[/color]

just make IC bow with slow atak speed like it should be  - it will not fuked up archers with DB+++ and it will be           less DMG/per sec, then now.

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: mark_elesse on September 23, 2009, 12:36:40 PM
lol and lol ...and again lol.

i hope the next QQ topic will about " i cant buff myself properly " .   everyone knows that you can reduce that 3k to 1,5 if you use your char well, buff it well .

dear mark so why the hell are u reroled every time to that class that is OP in the moment?

Nightmare (30x)


If your full buffed you wont get more than 1k damage from archers lucifsg and that's without transfer pain. But yeh the insane attack speed with icarus bows is pretty dumb. I wouldnt even be surprised if an sr/wl would shoot faster arrows than a mage like me would cast nukes.

Anyways is there any bug that removes chant of protection or something cuz few days ago i was doing some pvp against temps and the buff dissapeared many times. O.o
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 23, 2009, 12:49:34 PM
If your full buffed you wont get more than 1k damage from archers lucifsg and that's without transfer pain. But yeh the insane attack speed with icarus bows is pretty dumb. I wouldnt even be surprised if an sr/wl would shoot faster arrows than a mage like me would cast nukes.
so you must be allways on full buff?  even on full buff when i see in my party mage/mage sub - it will die first in 2-3 hits max ofc if BP will not react in time or its party w/o BP

QuoteAnyways is there any bug that removes chant of protection or something cuz few days ago i was doing some pvp against temps and the buff dissapeared many times. O.o

it have less time around 7-10 minutes (dont remember ) not 20

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Marinella on September 23, 2009, 12:53:34 PM
so you must be allways on full buff?

it have less time around 7-10 minutes (dont remember ) not 20

Well archers wont crit you that much if they arent fullbuffed too, or you will do more dammage when they arent fullbuffed.

I buffed myself with the buff and dissapeared in less than a minute... It was really strange, it happened to me like twice so i got pissed and loged of cuz it was retarded to fight against 4 archers when everyone was doing 1k dammage while i was doing ~500 lol
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 23, 2009, 12:56:18 PM
Well archers wont crit you that much if they arent fullbuffed too, or you will do more dammage when they arent fullbuffed.

I buffed myself with the buff and dissapeared in less than a minute... It was really strange, it happened to me like twice so i got pissed and loged of cuz it was retarded to fight against 4 archers when everyone was doing 1k dammage while i was doing ~500 lol

oh i understand it happens to me few times,  not with COP but with emp - and no, it wasnt removed by banes, it was just dissapear like it wasnt buffed at all

Nightmare (30x)