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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far)



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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far)

Started by lucifsg, September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM

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As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM
As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off

nerf ! :D:D:D:D:D:DD:
Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


incredible how i get 2000-3k max on 1700 p def ( and no buff from WC against crit neither the buff from sws against arrows)
and u get 1k damage on 7k p def

really strange
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM
As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off

totally agreee, i like to play my mage, but this dmg/per sec`s  from arch is rly too high

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Dag on September 23, 2009, 11:23:05 AM
incredible how i get 2000-3k max on 1700 p def ( and no buff from WC against crit neither the buff from sws against arrows)
and u get 1k damage on 7k p def

really strange

aparently u met the wrong archers so far , what were they holding peril ?

Anyway the point is archers are overpowered atm . U must be blind if u cant see it



he/pp (or wl cannot remmeber) with dyna heavy , icarus and raid (normal high-end setup)

maybe your archer had also might 10 active+passive

also on my pr, with 47 (or 48) str dyna heavy, emp ogre 4 and icarus  etc etc i go to 7k p atk and normal output is 1000-1500 on crit TO ROBE USERS !!!!!
ofc when i get someone that miss some buff.... damage increase but nothing compared to the past

anyone can remember one year-year and half ago, what was normal output damage for simple he/wk????
5k damage was easy
with draco bow
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Like so many archers have archers will... and going on snipe is stupid... archers already had the same range in Interlude and noone cried about it then.

Kinda funny when i'm on AI (4,5k p def, although i got deflect arrow), archers wont hit more then 300 dmg. And you get 1k dmg with 7k? pretty sure he didnt have the right buffs....

And ur only talking bout archer crits... normal hits are like 350 aswell... ye ye that aint the same i know i know... But ur acting like archer crit so damn much, but mages can reach 1/4 m crit rate aswell...

Anyway to jump to a conclusion... What the .... you expect track to do? Make mages stronger? if he'd do that close range fighters will get fcked even more vs mages (blizzard and mana burn freaks them up enough already...), so that aint a option.
Then nerf archers? So archer's will do even less dmg vs close range fighters (tanks mostly, getting 200 dmg crits would be funny tho :P) and makes it to hard to kill someone for them. And what i see for a archer to kill a mage that is being supported with heals is pretty damn hard already (how it should be...).

Then there the option left to decrease their shooting range... That's not something that should change, it's how it officialy should be and it's archers only adventage vs mages. And that most mages on NM are so mentally handicapted following the archer when he's kiting... They just run after the archers as bunny's and that's exactly what archers want...

Instead of running after him and trying to do 1 hit each time is stupid. Most archers on nightmare dont kite that well... if u'd just run after him and try to get as close as possible that you could make a 'multi hit'... Just dont use any magic till you get to the range you could multiple hits... if ya do it the other way he'll just run till he recoverd his CP and your back from point 1 of trying to kill him.

And maybe it's time to work together with ur party and try assisting once a while?

/smart_ass_mode_off :P

PS tbh, the only peepz that kill me easy on my pal/glad are mages... I die 10 times faster vs mages then i would vs archer or other fighters... This server aint about archers and mages only, think about the negative things that could happen to other style's of playing if u'd wanna change something


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM
As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off


tbh u re pp/ne, go for ne/tk and we you will max get 300 dmg from best archers..


gosh now i want the time back of  archer/tyrant subs haha, to let them show the difference of now and then :P.


Quote from: FadeAway on September 23, 2009, 11:56:02 AM
gosh now i want the time back of  archer/tyrant subs haha, to let them show the difference of now and then :P.

dude archers now are harder than back then . u make more dmg than de/ty cause u hit lot faster the damge is freaked up and mages hit back for 300 dmg . kidding me ????
QuoteAnd ur only talking bout archer crits... normal hits are like 350 aswell... ye ye that aint the same i know i know... But ur acting like archer crit so damn much, but mages can reach 1/4 m crit rate aswell...

ofc archers crit lot more harder. dmg from archers/sec vs dmg from mage/sec cant be compared anymore...
i dont suggest to make mages stronger just nerf archers till they get balanced with other classes.

Hint : if archers are not so overpowered then why the hell all server turned into archers.


Quote from: lucifsg on September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM
As topic says and after half of server rerolling to archer/xx maybe its time for a nerf to balance it with other classes ?
The problems are mentioned many times i just wanna remind em . Huge att speed and damage. And the problem gets even bigger as they get scrolls like archers will and resist magic scrolls like protection of elemental/rune. So u guys get more power/dmg power + range and at the same time magic resists... What i keep seeing repeating on the forum is that mages which know how to buff themselfs got no problems vs archers etc , well LOL thats BULLSHIT. I m always on 2.2k p def when im out for pvp vs archers and i see my damage chat beeing spammed of 2 and 3k's ... An archer that has archers will and snipe on can rape from 1450 range....while full buffed mage hits back for 400dmg max...WTF ?? Voudas was on heroe ud and buffs (aka 7k+ p def) and he was getting 950-1k dmg per hit  from he/wl. A full buffed archers party needs 2 mage partys to get killed this is totally freaked up and unbalanced.
Thats all , if u wanna share smth usefull feel free to post , if u wanna just spam freak off

Seems some ppl still have a long way before they discover wind storm song and chant of protection!
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢