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is "HE" still here..?

Started by xenoDjinn, October 04, 2009, 02:04:20 AM

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Quote from: TrackZero on October 04, 2009, 07:54:25 PM
I loled at your list of "fixed things" if you read better, those things  90% of written already working on DN since long period of time, u want me to write each skill that we fix just to show that we fix something every day, blah that's lame adming, we do fix every day something or tweak it up, if i start to write the list of things that we are fixing  we can look same as the shits u quoted. If you consider traps and kaemels not working comparing to all that is working then i am sorry but u are total nub who don't respect even 1 minute of my time. We do have all 80+ skills working (1 or 2 need to tweaked up), we do have enchant skills working and pets all working, we just TEMP disable them because there is an exploit leaking, so better temp disable it then rollback server xxx days.Then why you never mention stability of our servers comparing to others, why don't u compare how long we do exist comparing to other servers.... none of admins are hiding, i am here daily writing something for community and keep informing everyone? Am i am hiding? Do i work here? So if drake don't post on forum it means he is dead? NO, so stop spreading lies and bs, if u get bored of l2 its ur own problem quit it but don't spell the lies here, and however drake do post his updates in client , why it have to be on forum? So let me conclude all this, we are much alive server with a lot of updates (just check NM x30 announcement section and think a bit). we just don't think we should be proud of something like "EY OMG WE FIX OLY BUFF LETS SPAM THE FORUM", and in the end put on the libra all things that does work and the things that doesn't work , and then come here and talk otherwise go return where u are now and don't even speak on this forum.

Damn ur bullshits pissed me off 2 much.


P.S. I bet on server u say is sooo omg good at least 5 serious exploits working.

I bet that could increase ppl morale and convince that some1 care about server and bugs not only about donation :) because only announces we had in last months on dragon was like "new paypal donation system is ready" or "go check dony update"
Year ago dragon had 2 times more players so i think its time to change something. We all saw how fast coders work here, we had all interlude w/o frintezza sailren etc so isn't that joke ?? :) What about dungeons in HB ?? what about baylor beleth or elemental attribute system ?? i know Dony update has higher priority :) shit happens
when we tested HB on arena half year ago we ( me and nicedrain ) made bug list about 150 positions and that wasn't all :) how many got fixed since those days ?? about 20 thats sad.

did you saw other server where GMs play as normal players also ?? it wouldn't be a problem if we didn't had situations in which GM is giving ban and changing passwords of someone's account to take items which his friend dropped. I should add also banning enemy or teleporting clan mates inside valakas nest :)

I can repeat and now I'm 100% sure that showing ppl that some1 is working to fix bugs will make ppl feel better

Quote from: TrackZero on October 04, 2009, 07:54:25 PM
P.S. I bet on server u say is sooo omg good at least 5 serious exploits working.

I bet they don't have problems with L2phx and L2w as DN :)  

you know what is difference between this server and DN ?? if they say "after 2 weeks will be Hellbound update" that means they got 80 % working HB and they will open it after those 2 weeks not after year since they announce it like here on DN and with 10% of real HB :) shame


PS last announce from dragon "new update at dony soon" ROFL


Quote from: Fx5000 on October 04, 2009, 11:36:02 PM
I bet that could increase ppl morale and convince that some1 care about server and bugs not only about donation :) because only announces we had in last months on dragon was like "new paypal donation system is ready" or "go check dony update"
Year ago dragon had 2 times more players so i think its time to change something. We all saw how fast coders work here, we had all interlude w/o frintezza sailren etc so isn't that joke ?? :) What about dungeons in HB ?? what about baylor beleth or elemental attribute system ?? i know Dony update has higher priority :) shit happens
when we tested HB on arena half year ago we ( me and nicedrain ) made bug list about 150 positions and that wasn't all :) how many got fixed since those days ?? about 20 thats sad.

did you saw other server where GMs play as normal players also ?? it wouldn't be a problem if we didn't had situations in which GM is giving ban and changing passwords of someone's account to take items which his friend dropped. I should add also banning enemy or teleporting clan mates inside valakas nest :)

I can repeat and now I'm 100% sure that showing ppl that some1 is working to fix bugs will make ppl feel better

you know what is difference between this server and DN ?? if they say "after 2 weeks will be Hellbound update" that means they got 80 % working HB and they will open it after those 2 weeks not after year since they announce it like here on DN and with 10% of real HB :) shame

Is dragon x15 only server in DN? If u hate it that much change it to infinity/arena / nightmare and try ur luck there maybe?
I have read your whole post and i notice that ur main complain is "corruption on dragon x15", ill answer you with previous sentence as well, re-read it again.
About working HB, well all those things that they made "fix" on other server working on DN already,except few of them that we will fix, but question is how other servers are stable and "fixed with dupes and exploits", did u ever ask urself that? Wanna bet that on various servers atm there is more then 2 dupes and more then 3 serious exploits they dont even know it exists? So you wanna tell me u prefer play on some "super fast update server" and waste weeks,months then admins find out about dupes and in how deep shits they are and "WIPE,ROOLBACK, CLOSE SERVER", then come back on DN again. (You want me to remind u of 2-3 servers in recent history that all were flooding OMG THEY R BEST SERVER DN WILL DIE BALBALA , and boom after months they closed , i even loled on pics 100000000000 ppl in starting villages).
You are speaking about donny and announcement sections, did u ever bother to check Announcement section of Nightmare x30? What is the problem of checking client updates text as well? If drake writes updates there , does he show he do care for community? Must be a forum again? Also , about when we say 1 eta and then keep delaying, it is for simple reason once u start doing something u make estimate time to finish it , but while u work some new issues poops out and boom it just keep delaying it,is not that we really wanna delay it. You think DN staff wouldn't like to open all best updates in 5 days? Its simply not impossible,because all of us have pvt life too and work there, and DN is well known of stability so we prefer to open stable and secure client more then fast and crap one, u should know that if u play long here.
And in the end, about population, u miss 1 simple fact: L2 and DN exists like what, 5+ years almost 6, most of ppl are bored after many years not cause of DN , cause of Lineage 2 game , they didn't find new  fun and luck on some new l2xxxx server  nope they tried new server and quit for good since they got bored of it, 2nd fact count a bit, most of huge population was kids between 12-18 years old (+/-) and just think about it they played while they were high school after they signed uni, some of them (most) get serious and couldn't afford to play l2 as active and study in same time , so they left game(s).We are still one of the best servers around and im full staying behind it , in past yes we had 10+ k players (in total), and now we are running around 4-5k average (in total).
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Quote from: nicedrain on October 05, 2009, 12:03:18 AM
answer is here -> in my old post :P
....nothing to explain...enjoy :D

Nope answer is not there, because people left more before HB arrived, and i wrote reasons in previous post so i wont repeat myself (re-read).
However ya nice list you made, but what actually of those things are really major update? (ill quote some: Command " /Instancezone " â€" don’t work / After pickup herbs on chat should be see how much HP/MP restore it /Donator Coins have weight 1, but in description is 0/ etc...) also looks like u didn't update the list since we fixed few major things from there.
So if you wanted to show us that we have " a lot " things to fix , you kinda failed. And 1 thing that also piss me off, when you post lists like this u can just write Kamel don't work , you dont need to write each skill name that doesn't work just to make list bigger and make u look "pro".
And each of you should ask urself, what did u to to improve this community with something positive, i see that most of you just flame flame flame while u don't care for DN, so why bother to flame then? If we are that bad, leave us but don't come here to remind us "how bad we are" just leave and save us of ur pitty comments cause they are not welcome.
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Quote from: TrackZero on October 05, 2009, 12:24:44 AM
Nope answer is not there, because people left more before HB arrived, and i wrote reasons in previous post so i wont repeat myself (re-read).
However ya nice list you made, but what actually of those things are really major update? (ill quote some: Command " /Instancezone " â€" don’t work / After pickup herbs on chat should be see how much HP/MP restore it /Donator Coins have weight 1, but in description is 0/ etc...) also looks like u didn't update the list since we fixed few major things from there.
So if you wanted to show us that we have " a lot " things to fix , you kinda failed. And 1 thing that also piss me off, when you post lists like this u can just write Kamel don't work , you dont need to write each skill name that doesn't work just to make list bigger and make u look "pro".
And each of you should ask urself, what did u to to improve this community with something positive, i see that most of you just flame flame flame while u don't care for DN, so why bother to flame then? If we are that bad, leave us but don't come here to remind us "how bad we are" just leave and save us of ur pitty comments cause they are not welcome.
u r doing good job trackie :* NM loves ya :) (with vazeline) and guys iff u have problems on ur servers like this guy form dragon just simple leave it and change it to a server like for example nightmare... im sure for 100% we have best gm from dragon community and not corrupted one ( except frog hat from pow guy :( ( i want one too ) and about drake . he dont have to log on forum . since he still make updates and fix bugs it doesnt matter iff he log on forum or no....
  Nightmare 30x


1st. Track i dont flame you, i know that you try to make something to help here, but 1 GM can't make miracles if other don't help you.
2nd. I left server many months ago (soon will be one year), i only watching here sometimes on forum and sometimes 5 min in game to see changes...
3th. I playing on other server so can I compare DN server with this where I play, and trust me here is about 20% from HB
4th. I also tried to help, after that i saw that it's useless

What can i say... good luck


nice thing is that 70% ppl that post on forum just say "i left many months ago, i play somewhere else"


why u still here to bother us?
most uf us is smart enough to understand that, yes, there are problems.
yes, many thing could be better. hey ANYTHING could be tweaked up.
but if we r still here, is becouse we still ike this server/community/call it as u wish

noone asked u to come here again.
u left.
ok your choice.

btw hey , if u just need some exploit in frintezza, so u can go there and pwn just ask.
maybe we can
find there? wanna test?
ps: there is bot working also for that server :)

trallalla.... copy paste.....
L2.NET has frintezza's protection cracked

ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: TrackZero on October 04, 2009, 07:57:34 PM

(You don't know what i am talking about? Go to dragon x15 general and infinity x5 general and read topics and posts a bit and count useless ones and count idiots ones)

for this, track , there is a abvious reason.

as i said many times :
infinity has no gm/jailer/anything on forum
Dragon has jailer ? (showstopper ?)

so 90% of post there are spam/flames

only serious question are here in NM , becouse u r the only one who can give answer:)
(ofc there is flame also here, but sometimes happens we can ask something interesting)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: nicedrain on October 05, 2009, 08:20:47 AM
1st. Track i dont flame you, i know that you try to make something to help here, but 1 GM can't make miracles if other don't help you.
2nd. I left server many months ago (soon will be one year), i only watching here sometimes on forum and sometimes 5 min in game to see changes...
3th. I playing on other server so can I compare DN server with this where I play, and trust me here is about 20% from HB
4th. I also tried to help, after that i saw that it's useless

What can i say... good luck
20%? You must be kidding me, but if u say so np. Lets say we dont even have HB we are still c3, and all other serves running full Gracia with everything working and exploit safe server, kk np, just save me your effort here to "help community" and dont post no more, and we will struggle somehow.
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Quote from: TrackZero on October 04, 2009, 11:53:43 PM
Is dragon x15 only server in DN? If u hate it that much change it to infinity/arena / nightmare and try ur luck there maybe?
I have read your whole post and i notice that ur main complain is "corruption on dragon x15", ill answer you with previous sentence as well, re-read it again.
About working HB, well all those things that they made "fix" on other server working on DN already,except few of them that we will fix, but question is how other servers are stable and "fixed with dupes and exploits", did u ever ask urself that? Wanna bet that on various servers atm there is more then 2 dupes and more then 3 serious exploits they dont even know it exists? So you wanna tell me u prefer play on some "super fast update server" and waste weeks,months then admins find out about dupes and in how deep shits they are and "WIPE,ROOLBACK, CLOSE SERVER", then come back on DN again. (You want me to remind u of 2-3 servers in recent history that all were flooding OMG THEY R BEST SERVER DN WILL DIE BALBALA , and boom after months they closed , i even loled on pics 100000000000 ppl in starting villages).
You are speaking about donny and announcement sections, did u ever bother to check Announcement section of Nightmare x30? What is the problem of checking client updates text as well? If drake writes updates there , does he show he do care for community? Must be a forum again? Also , about when we say 1 eta and then keep delaying, it is for simple reason once u start doing something u make estimate time to finish it , but while u work some new issues poops out and boom it just keep delaying it,is not that we really wanna delay it. You think DN staff wouldn't like to open all best updates in 5 days? Its simply not impossible,because all of us have pvt life too and work there, and DN is well known of stability so we prefer to open stable and secure client more then fast and crap one, u should know that if u play long here.
And in the end, about population, u miss 1 simple fact: L2 and DN exists like what, 5+ years almost 6, most of ppl are bored after many years not cause of DN , cause of Lineage 2 game , they didn't find new  fun and luck on some new l2xxxx server  nope they tried new server and quit for good since they got bored of it, 2nd fact count a bit, most of huge population was kids between 12-18 years old (+/-) and just think about it they played while they were high school after they signed uni, some of them (most) get serious and couldn't afford to play l2 as active and study in same time , so they left game(s).We are still one of the best servers around and im full staying behind it , in past yes we had 10+ k players (in total), and now we are running around 4-5k average (in total).

question isn't why ppl leave question is why ppl wont join this community and its because corruption fame of dragon
why ppl should believe that NM or Infinity is other if some GMs on dragon are untouchable and after so many bad decision and corruption drake still don't care ?? did you think about that dragon destroy NM also ?? ppl wont join our servers ;/ offcourse I'm talking about new ppl not the one who switching from other DN servers  

would you keep some of those GMs if the decision would belong to you ??

about bugs and exploits on wra.th I can just wish you luck with finding some :) its stable and they didn't had problems with dupe exploit as we had or should I wrote have since summons are off again ??


how many off those sniffers work on DN ?? all
isn't that funny that other servers know how block it and DN don't ??

Some1 ask why we care ?? I can tell you why
Because DN had best servers in past and some of us still believe and hope it will have again but for now its just dying slowly  

/no offense


Quote from: Fx5000 on October 05, 2009, 06:02:27 PM
question isn't why ppl leave question is why ppl wont join this community and its because corruption fame of dragon
why ppl should believe that NM or Infinity is other if some GMs on dragon are untouchable and after so many bad decision and corruption drake still don't care ?? did you think about that dragon destroy NM also ?? ppl wont join our servers ;/ offcourse I'm talking about new ppl not the one who switching from other DN servers  

would you keep some of those GMs if the decision would belong to you ??

about bugs and exploits on wra.th I can just wish you luck with finding some :) they didn't had problems with dupe exploit as we had or should I wrote have since summons are off again ??


how many off those sniffers work on DN ?? all
isn't that funny that other servers know how block it and DN don't ??

Some1 ask why we care ?? I can tell you why
Because DN had best servers in past and some of us still believe and hope it will have again but for now its just dying slowly  

/no offense

No offense but, lol, how you actually think u can disable those packets to any server? They very much legit my friend and they works not only for l2 they work anywhere u want.And how do u know if some server is on attack by dupe or not , unless u are admin of some big server u cant really know that, but really u cant, u must make difference between gossips and facts.I bet (because i know and i have tested) many dupes and exploits was and still working on "famous" servers still!!! About l2w , why "disable it" when it is almost impossible to do it, since ok u made few tricks but in a week is cracked , so why bother? Only solution is what i do on NM, find l2w then IP ban all chars that he have, and that's tbh working since we have low amount of walkers (check ban list of NM).Server is not dieing , its just the fact there is not much to do, and why new people slowly joining, well maybe that question i should send to community, when newbies logs and read most of crap what they will think about it , even not all servers from DN are so "poisoned", yes for example NM, why you all ppl complain about Dragon x15 and still have 2,2k players, while we have 0 "corruption" on nm and 850-900 players?Looks like being bad to ppl works  ;) .If you still playing on dragon and u accept fact who your current gms are, just don't be so 2 face to flame them since u accept them by staying there. I will never judge decisions of gms from other servers since the are as well as me part of DN team on different servers, once drake is happy with them i am 2x more. So ill say it for the end, if you don't like your current status on curent server you are playing try infinity/arena or nightmare you might find it interesting, but if u still playing on server where u complain don't post  all shits on the forum because it is very very 2faced.
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The reason why u Trackzero have less l2walker on nightmare, because once caught u permanent ban the char.
On dragon, when u get caught u first get temporary banned.
Then u can do it again and get temporary banned.
Now finally on the third time, u get a permanent ban.

Even scamming is only punished by 5 days temporary ban.

And of course thats what makes the Dragon players upset and nobody is able to change that. *hint*