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Siege/Manor Idea !

Started by Shreed, February 06, 2010, 05:01:41 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on February 06, 2010, 05:38:32 PM
Lets place bets who will have that "powefrul castle"
not temp for sure  ;D


Quote from: Curtis on February 06, 2010, 07:06:59 PM
Same like it was not whole network problem that some mages from dn cant kill archer/tank so they cry to drake about nerf.
Thx bb
owned :D +1 :D
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3

Teh noob

the idea pwns.
but it will result in one - having one strong side , and 10000 small clans, the strong side will take all the castles leaving u with nothing. u re trying to pervert gameplay, again, cause u need moar bogs moar itenz and moar everything. why should anyone edit siege times? if u re not capable of defending yourself, your allies sak. or gtfo.
the more  updates u offer, the more u mess the gameplay.


Quote from: Teh noob on February 07, 2010, 03:28:06 AM
the idea pwns.
but it will result in one - having one strong side , and 10000 small clans, the strong side will take all the castles leaving u with nothing. u re trying to pervert gameplay, again, cause u need moar bogs moar itenz and moar everything. why should anyone edit siege times? if u re not capable of defending yourself, your allies sak. or gtfo.
the more  updates u offer, the more u mess the gameplay.
well u have totaly missed the idea then, Temps are strong and big ally but not big enough to defend 4-5 castles in 1 time, even if they can get 2, still 3 left for some1 else, tho as i said, sieges will be even more boring after every clan will stick his ass to his own castle.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3

Teh noob

salizor, u missed the idea.
if someone isnt capable of defending his ass, that means 2 things:
1.u cant talk for "oposition" cause the "opposing force " is fighting inside itself - thats not temps mistake , but is linked to our own arrogancy, that some one calls "cokcy attitude".
2.3/4/5 castles in 1 day rly makes no sence, cause all temps have to do is invite moar ppl.


Quote from: Teh noob on February 07, 2010, 03:43:05 AM
salizor, u missed the idea.
if someone isnt capable of defending his ass, that means 2 things:
1.u cant talk for "oposition" cause the "opposing force " is fighting inside itself - thats not temps mistake , but is linked to our own arrogancy, that some one calls "cokcy attitude".
2.3/4/5 castles in 1 day rly makes no sence, cause all temps have to do is invite moar ppl.

u rly didint noticed they are recruting everything that is moving anyway? So no it wont make them recruit more since they recruit every1 atm
Also i dont agree with this idea, but i think my arguments are more resonable than urs, that was my point ;P
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3

Teh noob

well yes. but for me that sounds like "shreck wants secure castle, a lot of bogs and if possible free enchants for being nice". there isnt a day w/o someone crying about shiat happening @ cows, @ farm locations , and all this is linked to BB/DN. so , even if the idea is right i doubt that it has no second thoughts. and that it will serve well to the guerillas , trying to pwn local regime.


Quote from: Teh noob on February 07, 2010, 03:55:28 AM
well yes. but for me that sounds like "shreck wants secure castle, a lot of bogs and if possible free enchants for being nice". there isnt a day w/o someone crying about shiat happening @ cows, @ farm locations , and all this is linked to BB/DN. so , even if the idea is right i doubt that it has no second thoughts. and that it will serve well to the guerillas , trying to pwn local regime.

so we both agree that this idea is more like "i want to... " than "would be better for server to...", yet i can understand them since they are close to top, but still so far from it :) if u know what i mean
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3

Teh noob

but ofc. i`ve been there myself allready :P


Ungoasslicker and Sali i think you still dont get the point :P my Idea is going to give more fun to other clans/allys on the server and force them to move on batlefield and get some profits form it. we have many small clans atm but they are fighting on fortess etc. Why they choosing fortess or Oly transfer insead of Siege ? and why You Sali and many others choose to be lonleywolf than try to fight, and why 1xxxxxxxxxx ppl leave NM ? Coz atm (since 2 years) you have 3 option: Join Temp, get beaten or leave. And Belive me iam not even dream about "top" and all those goods. There is no option and any chance to bit them atm or in next 5 years but if we can make another option for other ppl to farm a litlle (like it is in RB case atm) and bring some fun why not? :

1. Coz ppl will split:  We are f@cking splited since ages !  to many "bigdks" to many heaters and to many tears to organise some good ally (iForce, ruthelss, laststand, over.... and many more all failed hard)

2. Coz Sieges will become boring: They are f@cking boring since ages !  Temps pwnage on big castels and noone fighting for small one. No profits form them and no chance to get them.

3. Coz my Idea will destroy server economy: How ? if we give ppl chance to farm ? Valakas/Antharas/Baium is blocked since ages ! We have now boosted RB so why not boost Castles ? coz some noobs will get 1 bews and 3 bogs form CL >? yep it will riun everything


Quote from: IvolveR on February 06, 2010, 06:28:55 PM
Its not the whole network's problem that ur sieges r boring so u have to fk up our market too with zilion of cheap BOGs/mats from manor.
Stupid idea.

u already got owned at this reply but let me tell u that this nerf at tank/xx is not the single shit that comes from dragon and is fuking all network... so i think is better for u to stfu...
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I don't agre in all sieges at the same time, i think it will make all sieges dead, it wont bring fun, it maybe help weak clans but we wont have fun.

My idea is to made all siege at diferent time, why? if we have only one siege at same time, all server will be there, and certainly will be nice siege.

Ahh, and for sure, if whole server is playing at same siege and the whole serve  isn't able to defeat temp, my idea is close the server.

SabaoNegro BD/SE
Frenesio TH/PP
Stenk BP/WC