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mutant vs sps/ee ?

Started by llllllllll, April 01, 2010, 03:08:18 PM

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Quote from: Kerth on April 04, 2010, 07:15:34 PM
There are "players", players, and PLAYERS, if you know what i mean. Pvp depends on char, gear, players skills and luck.
I'm talking about situation 2 normal players, same gear, same buffs etc. I'm basing on my own experience, and on what I saw IG. With my 2 years of playing ne/ee (c4, IL, HB), in fair 1 v 1, I've lost only 2 fights against sps/ee. One was hero with am +20++ (pink, c4 times), while i was using som+a, second was in IL with guy which I don't even remember, and that was mega luck, without valakas or WM aug or siren dance, he made 3 crits in a row (we made 6 fights summary with him, and he won only this one with luck).
Many times I was able to win against sps/ee (and other mages too) even with those who hold red weaps (with same buff lvl).
AND to make it sure, I'm not telling that I was super pro - no, I'm good, but there was many better players than me, also I know some better ne/ee than me, so still, my experience says ne/ee > sps/ee.
I don't wanna judge, I'm just saying what I think and what i know, cuz that was meaning of topic.
Vitar > you. :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Yup ashlyn, Vitar is pro :P I respect this guy, he play very well, and ye, he won against me (even thought I was with no emp, and he didn't give a freak to make fair pvp), there is nothing embarassing :)

Quote from: Kerth on April 04, 2010, 07:15:34 PM
. With my 2 years of playing ne/ee (c4, IL, HB), in fair 1 v 1, I've lost only 2 fights against sps/ee.

Quote from: Kerth on April 04, 2010, 07:15:34 PM
AND to make it sure, I'm not telling that I was super pro - no, I'm good, but there was many better players than me, also I know some better ne/ee than me

Next time read, before you respond, please, heh.


Quote from: Kerth on April 04, 2010, 07:52:12 PM
Yup ashlyn, Vitar is pro :P I respect this guy, he play very well, and ye, he won against me (even thought I was with no emp, and he didn't give a freak to make fair pvp), there is nothing embarassing :)

Next time read, before you respond, please, heh.
I just wanted to poke you a bit :D I actually don't find any purpose of this topic anymore, that guy must be subbed for quite a while by now anyway :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on April 04, 2010, 07:57:45 PM
I just wanted to poke you a bit :D I actually don't find any purpose of this topic anymore, that guy must be subbed for quite a while by now anyway :D
Lets spam a bit longer ^^
I dunno if he's sunned already, anyway imo che choosen sps/ee, bcs it's easier to make :P


Quote from: Kerth on April 04, 2010, 08:03:12 PM
Lets spam a bit longer ^^
I dunno if he's sunned already, anyway imo che choosen sps/ee, bcs it's easier to make :P
even if im lasy , i will do an NE/EE but not yet , must wait next weekend School begain already here T.T btw can  sps/ee vs ne/ee win with same gear (Dnet) even if it gives a high resist dark ?


Quote from: llllllllll on April 04, 2010, 09:17:48 PM
even if im lasy , i will do an NE/EE but not yet , must wait next weekend School begain already here T.T btw can  sps/ee vs ne/ee win with same gear (Dnet) even if it gives a high resist dark ?
u stupid asshole
make one sps/ee
make one nec/ee

and test
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on April 04, 2010, 09:21:24 PM
u stupid asshole
make one sps/ee
make one nec/ee

and test
i was wondering if a dumb was going to post here , i got my answer :D


Quote from: llllllllll on April 04, 2010, 09:25:20 PM
i was wondering if a dumb was going to post here , i got my answer :D
log in game and test with me ...dumbmachine
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: llllllllll on April 04, 2010, 09:17:48 PM
even if im lasy , i will do an NE/EE but not yet , must wait next weekend School begain already here T.T btw can  sps/ee vs ne/ee win with same gear (Dnet) even if it gives a high resist dark ?

It's not so high bonus ^^
Btw, if you're about to start making new char on NM (btw2 gz for transfering from dying dragon to dead nightmare :P ), better wait until Valkyria ^^


Quote from: Kerth on April 02, 2010, 10:25:49 AM
If I'm correct, 2 years ago was c4 :) So it's huge diffrence.

However, now sps/ee is not so strong, especially against wariors, bcs he have low p def, don't have any drain or transfer pain.
Against mages, it depends on eq and play skill, but most times normal (not hero, not donator) sps/ee got 99% pwned by ne/ee, and 75%  by ol/ee, he can win only agains ol/ne, from those 3.

If you're playing nm, well, sps/ee for sure is easier to make and play, but still if you'll make mutant it's more powerfull, and ofc more rare (cuz there are many sps/ee, and prolly not so many mutants).
Quit L2. Please!
SS2 squad Ninja Squad, Severance Kung-Fu Man


Quote from: Kerth on April 04, 2010, 06:22:55 PM
If you sold char in beggining of c4, what the hell do you know, and why the hell you're posting ? :D  That's what we call

lllllllll let me tell you something, ne/ee is not "just" tp + some vampiric, as u said (btw this "just tp" make this char stand 2 times longer than sps, + f you coint drain gain you can count adventage of that char ur self), it's also many other skills (debuffs mostly). If you know how and when to use them, you pwn. If you're just going to spam 3 buttons, then no matter what you make, ne/ee sps/ee ol/ee or anything else, you can even make destro/ee, result will be the same.

Read my signature u nub -> sixAdict - Sps/ee - working...damn u must be blind ^_^...What where u saying about failing?xD

Sps/ee vs ne/ee pm me on forum to set up a date and i`ll shut ya mouth.Ne/ee has that summon that will dissapear (ahm erase?xD) anyhow do u`re best and learn to play the char u make.
The one and only is now online ! ^^
Blad3 - BD/PR -At peace
Cathleen - SOLD
 sixAdict - Sps/Ee - At peace
oOEmostarOo - xxx
WaterGod - Sps/Ee - rendering


The one and only is now online ! ^^
Blad3 - BD/PR -At peace
Cathleen - SOLD
 sixAdict - Sps/Ee - At peace
oOEmostarOo - xxx
WaterGod - Sps/Ee - rendering