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Running speed



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Running speed

Started by Neuspeed, April 18, 2010, 12:10:15 AM

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Track and other GM's how the freak its possible that mages have more speed than daggers ? i can take damage ( 9k crits with 2,5k m def its still wierd but ok )  but damn why daggers cant run as fast as mages ? Mage chars is equal to = damage F1 F2 F3 F4 button and 200+ speed damn imo there is something wrong.....
Życie różnie się układa, mówią
los się kłania albo stoi z pałką grubą
i bije mocno i równo, metodycznie i długo
aż twarz się staje krwawą masą
a ciało kukłą bez czucia niemal


btw, most of mages can heal themselfs debuf etc, so freak those posts in which they r crying that C grade dagger lethaled some1, ok he had luck but mages are hiting with enormous damage all the time and everything is fine ?
Życie różnie się układa, mówią
los się kłania albo stoi z pałką grubą
i bije mocno i równo, metodycznie i długo
aż twarz się staje krwawą masą
a ciało kukłą bez czucia niemal


The most interesting thing, that nothing will change ... Too much mages-donators are crying about daggers killing them ...
It's the way of life in here ... Donate and QQ, donate and QQ, donate and QQ ...

I'm already tired of mages ... they allways cry ... Even if they will crit you 100k damage and you will make blow 2k, they will scream, that 2k is too f*cking much !!! He-he-he :)  
Nothing will change  ;)


you are funny guys  ;D you say some bull shit mage can't be faster then daggers/archers, so QQ more and show to ppl how stiupid are you ;)


Quote from: chlipus on April 18, 2010, 09:34:34 AM
you are funny guys  ;D you say some bull shit mage can't be faster then daggers/archers, so QQ more and show to ppl how stiupid are you ;)

for sure u dont even know what QQ means but whatever, problem exists - THEY CANT BE FASTER but THEY ARE FASTER here. Don't deny it cuz thats true.
Życie różnie się układa, mówią
los się kłania albo stoi z pałką grubą
i bije mocno i równo, metodycznie i długo
aż twarz się staje krwawą masą
a ciało kukłą bez czucia niemal


Quote from: Neuspeed on April 18, 2010, 12:10:15 AM
Track and other GM's how the freak its possible that mages have more speed than daggers ? i can take damage ( 9k crits with 2,5k m def its still wierd but ok )  but damn why daggers cant run as fast as mages ? Mage chars is equal to = damage F1 F2 F3 F4 button and 200+ speed damn imo there is something wrong.....
there is some differences in buffs(like magnus chant, zerk, song of wind etc )and items (rabbit tatoo)bettwen you and yours opponent, think about it b4 start to compaining about mages run speed.

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Marinella on April 18, 2010, 09:52:22 AM
there is some differences in buffs(like magnus chant, zerk, song of wind etc ), think about it b4 start to compaining about mages run speed.

oh my fuuckin God... please silence biitch if u dont have anything smart to say, and im COMPLAINING not COMPAINING. Waitin for some dagger answer not some retarded mage :/
Życie różnie się układa, mówią
los się kłania albo stoi z pałką grubą
i bije mocno i równo, metodycznie i długo
aż twarz się staje krwawą masą
a ciało kukłą bez czucia niemal


mage with: magnus+zerk+ww+wind+tatto rabit < archer/dagger with: zerk+ww+cov+wind+tatto rabit +(some class dash or counter dash)

so if you don't know how to buff your self don't qq here if you don't use full buff for speed you can't be faster then mage


Quote from: Neuspeed on April 18, 2010, 09:56:08 AM
oh my fuuckin God... please silence biitch if u dont have anything smart to say, and im COMPLAINING not COMPAINING. Waitin for some dagger answer not some retarded mage :/

are u gramma nazzi?
btw i didnt flame u, so think twice plx b4 start to call some1 b1tch ok? mr.wannakillany1in1stab with little dk.
oh and yeah u start COMPLAINING even w/o simple knowledge about l2. If u cant manage to run faster then mage, ask some good daggers to teach you then.

smite me MOAR

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Neuspeed on April 18, 2010, 09:56:08 AM
oh my fuuckin God... please silence biitch if u dont have anything smart to say, and im COMPLAINING not COMPAINING. Waitin for some dagger answer not some retarded mage :/
lol, shut the freak up, show some respect and buy a brain.


Well, mages are little bit 2 fast for me..

But as some one said they usualy use some extra buffs and EQ to run faster.
Adena Plix.


Quote from: Marinella on April 18, 2010, 10:01:40 AM
are u gramma nazzi?
btw i didnt flame u, so think twice plx b4 start to call some1 b1tch ok? mr.wannakillany1in1stab with little dk.
oh and yeah u start COMPLAINING even w/o simple knowledge about l2. If u cant manage to run faster then mage, ask some good daggers to teach you then.

smite me MOAR

i loled, anyway i will not continue disscusion with u, i want to read some other daggers opinion
Życie różnie się układa, mówią
los się kłania albo stoi z pałką grubą
i bije mocno i równo, metodycznie i długo
aż twarz się staje krwawą masą
a ciało kukłą bez czucia niemal