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Main+NoSubStack POLL

Started by Linas, April 29, 2010, 04:39:27 PM

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Quote from: Danoontje on April 29, 2010, 10:57:51 PM
dude, some ppl want to start all over WITH normal dnet subsystem

5th (6 with shadow) time the same? be serious, we live in a world of progress ...


yeah, starting in a world full of dnetarmors, good idea.

i could do that, if i donate like 200


i don't have words to describe how retarded idea it is...
Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Questions but anyway i think my clan not comming...

EXP rate: x9
SP rate: x12
spoil/drop: x3
Party EXP: 120%
quest rate: x10

is fine..

QuoteIcarus weapons
They will not be at the donation manager. Icarus weapons are only available through crafting.

but S grade allowed? and gems and crys lvl 12, 13??

QuoteValkyria-Dn sub system
As you can see from the poll result dn sub will be staying but with a new system.
Let me explain how it will work.
Every character will beable to dn sub three times, once on every retail subclass it has.
For example, you started as a dwarf lets say bounty hunter and took retail subclass hawkeye, now once you have reached level 80 and obtained 3rd class you can go to our subclass manager named Astral in Aden and request to take a stacking class. The classes you will beable to choose from will depend on the race you took as retail.
For example, you took Blade dancer as retail sub, classes you can choose for stacking sub will be from the Dark Elf race. As mentioned when you take dn sub what happens normally on other DN servers is you will lose xp, but not on Valkyria, you will keep whatever level your on and your newly taken subclass will be on 3rd class too.
Obviously a Golkonda horn is required for EACH sub, so 1 character needs 3 horns if he/she wants to take sub on each retail class. Kamaels can sub only to their own race so they have very limited option but its possible for them to have subs too now.

What?? u fvck the server.. and make alots of player leave it..

QuoteSo this means your original class can not take dn sub. We took this decision so you can enjoy Lineage 2 differently from all the other DN servers. We have restricted some areas where you can only go in with your main class (single class). There you will have to rethink who to take to your party, no more one man army or super damage dealers.

We dont want this shit! we want DN sub stak! main+subStack and 2 or 3 Retaild+subStack.. w/o weapon/armor/Pasive mastery stack for balance server..

QuoteSo areas which will be locked to single class only:
All Catacombs and Necro
All of Hellbound
Valakas’ lair
Anthras’ lair
Frintezza’s room

so sieges, arena and some others site are only alowed for sub? pppfff.... and i wait weeks for this? who give u this freaky idea?

u know what want 80% of player who are waiting for this server?? balance server... w/o OP/OE weapon/armors.. no donations for crys lvl +10 and weapons S/S80. DNsub like 1 main+substack, and 2 or 3 retails+substack. NO more!! we dont want 1 main w/o substak for make more funy pvps at catas/neros and olys! if we find some like this i will find a server w/o DN net!
70% of the amount of player that are waiting for this server dont log in forun.. and dont vote.. so this pools are not words of all of this.

in others words... we want a server like Dragon 15x w/o donators! and mutans. If o ofert this u will see more like 1,5k of players sure.. SURE!

sorry but u lost 40 players who thing back to play lineage from 2 years of dont play just for this "rulz"... GL whit ur server.


Sorry i forget..
Sorry for me bad english.. try to understand pliz :S


This system is good idea.....

BUT!!!!! EVERYBODY who came to this valkyria server EXPECTED dn subs.

If you keep like this you are hurting half the server, if you change to DN subs you are hurting nobody....

This sytem is very good idea i admit but not everybody have time to have fun and play with this style!!!

To people who cry blablabla ya more team playing. It still requires team playing to fight in normal DNet style! but less boring!!!!


Quote from: Sokrates on April 29, 2010, 11:31:28 PM
i don't have words to describe how retarded idea it is...

lol... is the firts time that im in the site of 1 exidium... o.O


Quote from: Boolets on April 29, 2010, 11:33:41 PM
This system is good idea.....

BUT!!!!! EVERYBODY who came to this valkyria server EXPECTED dn subs.

If you keep like this you are hurting half the server, if you change to DN subs you are hurting nobody....

This sytem is very good idea i admit but not everybody have time to have fun and play with this style!!!

To people who cry blablabla ya more team playing. It still requires team playing to fight in normal DNet style! but less boring!!!!

+1 for ur words... is a good idea.. but 80% or more ppl that are somming here dont want it... want DN substack system w/o mutants..


OMG that rtard system features.... gg  dn sub for faster farm MSS in BS?, or every epic fight do we with dn sub and after fast clan gate there for change back to main....

whats the sense of DN sub?
Positive post it just means that Censorship is present


Quote from: Denzo on April 29, 2010, 11:38:36 PM
OMG that rtard system features.... gg  dn sub for faster farm MSS in BS?, or every epic fight do we with dn sub and after fast clan gate there for change back to main....

whats the sense of DN sub?

I asked exactly the same.
And the answer: nothing. You don't need stacksubs, makeing staksubs here are pointless, not worth the time.
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


I didn't like the idea too

gl with server


Some nice ideas, but u didnt think it through.

U would balance oly. +1

Limiting epic bosses is good,+1. Maybe should be NPC at entrance, one changing your class automatically as u enter the lair. After u leave, automatically back to subclasses.  Same with baium.

No good limiting dungeons and hellbound, big part of pvp is there. And ppl are spending allot of time there. Everyone wants to have subclass all the time, not only sometimes, -5. Figure out some other way to get rid of botters.

Noone wants 1 man army. But this is because dualbox is allowed, not because sub system.
Do not allow dualbox at all. It is the reason why ppl play alone, not DN sub.
Just code the game so u cant log in more than 1 account with the same IP.

DN sub should be on main char, not on retail, -1
U are making very very hard for some ppl to make decent char if they will 1st need to make retail and lvl again till 80.. Not everyone can exp 1-80 in a week. Some ppl have life.
Maybe make oly only for retail class? And keep main for DNsub and PVP/sieges.

Nice idea on making some items "soulbound" lets say,+1 I dunno why NCsoft didnt implement it in the game. But should be same with all items. Lets say, once u unseal armor, u cant trade it anymore. When u put SA on item, u cant trade it anymore.
I dont like your coin system too much, should stay like it is on retail. Ppl like to collect mats, and craft. Its nice part of the game and it gives it depth.

All in all, ppl want new dragon15x. U cant deny it was one  of the best servers ever.
Even if Drake would just wipe whole database and made fresh start on dragon, it would get more ppl that u will get now on valkyria.


Quote from: Srecko on April 30, 2010, 12:58:55 AM
Some nice ideas, but u didnt think it through.

U would balance oly. +1

Limiting epic bosses is good,+1. Maybe should be NPC at entrance, one changing your class automatically as u enter the lair. After u leave, automatically back to subclasses.  Same with baium.

No good limiting dungeons and hellbound, big part of pvp is there. And ppl are spending allot of time there. Everyone wants to have subclass all the time, not only sometimes, -5. Figure out some other way to get rid of botters.

Noone wants 1 man army. But this is because dualbox is allowed, not because sub system.
Do not allow dualbox at all. It is the reason why ppl play alone, not DN sub.
Just code the game so u cant log in more than 1 account with the same IP.

DN sub should be on main char, not on retail, -1
U are making very very hard for some ppl to make decent char if they will 1st need to make retail and lvl again till 80.. Not everyone can exp 1-80 in a week. Some ppl have life.
Maybe make oly only for retail class? And keep main for DNsub and PVP/sieges.

Nice idea on making some items "soulbound" lets say,+1 I dunno why NCsoft didnt implement it in the game. But should be same with all items. Lets say, once u unseal armor, u cant trade it anymore. When u put SA on item, u cant trade it anymore.
I dont like your coin system too much, should stay like it is on retail. Ppl like to collect mats, and craft. Its nice part of the game and it gives it depth.

All in all, ppl want new dragon15x. U cant deny it was one  of the best servers ever.
Even if Drake would just wipe whole database and made fresh start on dragon, it would get more ppl that u will get now on valkyria.

Couldnt have said it better myself