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no comment -necros joke dmg

Started by lucifsg, November 17, 2010, 11:13:08 PM

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Quote from: lucifsg on November 18, 2010, 11:47:13 AM
test is fine , true about dnet set (dunno if its 8% but if u say so ) he didnt had frint i believe , have to ask that. Still doesnt explain the dif in dmg .
So far i  wonder if dark dmg is reduced in pvp and makes me point out why frint and dnet should have ressist to dark ?! There was a time ppl was saying necros was hiting hard (which i dont believe) thus why dnet set gave ressist to dark . That time past and atm necros suck (thats why so fiew of us left) so i dont see the point thoose ressists exist.

well was not bad before changing of the buff bar... i was hiting for 300-400 only few ppls :D . now i hit he/wk on tp for 79 ...... on full buff ofc
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Deavon on November 18, 2010, 03:14:08 AM
Dark attribute does nt suck O.o its same like rest attributes .
Drkeen had 3 parts(at least) dark defend + dark potion +2-3 dark buff resists  on your screen .
The point is that once you reach the 450 def vs dark (example) ,even if you use 4th dark part  you wont get any farther damage reduction .
But you will get more damage reduction from death spike itself if you use buff resists .

I dont see the point of making QQ topics everytime you dont deal awesome damage or you loosing oly points .
Sometimes i face well buffed enemies or well made attributes vs me or even both  and i deal 1k criticals with 10k+ p.atack  + 2 critical damage self skills plus Duel might 10  but i m absolutely fine with it  ,you cant always win .

Shall i open a topic too? Come on get serious .

Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Deavon on November 18, 2010, 03:14:08 AM

Sometimes i face well buffed enemies or well made attributes vs me or even both  and i deal 1k criticals with 10k+ p.atack  + 2 critical damage self skills plus Duel might 10  but i m absolutely fine with it  ,you cant always win .

then why we dont see less dmg than 2.5k on ur movie ?? no 1 was well buffed? prolly ur well buffed enemy r staying on ud while u hit em for 1k xd
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: lucifsg on November 17, 2010, 11:13:08 PM
Will u bring some balance to the server ffs ? 15.3k m att 120 dmg. Keen has no sof or heroe ud . What would an average mage of 8k m att hit ?
This is hillarious. I ll test on him with 30k m att and post screen again. Dark attacks are a joke

it is freaking true ! enchant deth spike on dark atack don't work, we have shity atribut system, evrythink have resist for dark, frint was bosted vs dark and now necro is tottaly freaked up, evry one nuker is better then necro


Dont panic, he just post pic...wanna to show all that he have big matack...calm down
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Oh man...

Im away from game for about 2 months to finish college and other stuff and no1 fixed dark attack enchant?


btw, I totally support lucif, jyg marico and all other ppl that depends on dark attacks.

We were strong before, they reduced our power, now we got screwed again?

lets all become archers.  ;D

PS: miss you all. december/january Im back.
PS2: Jyg marico!
PS3: weezer, me manda PM com a senha do TS. eh o mesmo ainda?
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: lucifsg on November 18, 2010, 09:58:51 AM
dude can u for once read wtf im talking about before we turn this into a flame topic as usuall  ? u try to explain that 120 dmg from 15.3 k m att is normal ?????????? i dont need explanations about how attri works i believe i know better than anyone else in here, me and 3-4 guys from ally
ofc he had full ressist and same did i when he hit me (full holy ressist on set etc etc) . but i hit for 120 and he hit back for 480 with almost half m att than mine. i dont wanna win always didnt say that , i would gladly accept 400 dmg but com on 120 ??? and with rly high m att ?!

For your information ,Messalina got a +10 hall water and a +15 hall holy ,which of them used?:D
If i can reach 3k m.def with my jewles + 4 dark ressist buffs and dance/song  and 3 parts of dark armor ressist ,yes even with 15k m.atack you will hit me for 120 .


Quote from: Locus on November 18, 2010, 09:09:35 AM
atributes vs you ? come on, get serious.
Make tests with friends to check if atributes in set works vs archer, then you can post things like this
and pls make a screen when you do 1k on not a tank

When i say "vs me" i dont say it with arrogance mode ,i mean attribute vs that i use ,i just cant name what i use cause i change it every 10 days anyway .
I have made tests with friends while still i was using holy attribute attack .
When my friend used 3 parts of holy defence i had a great damage reduce of 55% or a bit more . (4k ---> 1,8k)

You are tank ?No you are ne/ol and i dont hit you more than 1k+ 1k(on tp) if i remember well .


show normal test

ur buff

buff ur enemy / target

i cant belive - nuker with 15k m attack hitting only for +/- 100 dmg (yeah, meybe w/o bsss, debuffs all its possible - necro its not only f1,f1,f1.... f1 = gf)
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Keen have hall+15 now  and the other hall+10 is on GandonPort since last week.
you are your thoughts..watch what you think.


Well since Necros already r nerfed in damage why not nerf land rate of mass debuffs and effect/range of DOD too?!?

I hope someday people will understand that some chars isnt only nukes...

But anyway if we gonna discuss about this we need to know more things, like status of Keen in that moment, like:

- what buffs he had?!? PvP setup buffs or all resists against Dark?!?
- some trigger working?!? he could have Rune and Alignment working that will reduce your damage a lot
- m. def he normally have + what attributes his using.

Then we can discuss, but only with full info.


Quote from: Weezer on November 18, 2010, 05:12:36 PM
- what buffs he had?!? PvP setup buffs or all resists against Dark?!?
- some trigger working?!? he could have Rune and Alignment working that will reduce your damage a lot
- m. def he normally have + what attributes his using.

Then we can discuss, but only with full info.

I cant agree more .