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Seriousy Question to NM community

Started by =^TrackZero^=, February 21, 2012, 08:48:17 PM

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Quote from: Weezer on February 22, 2012, 02:39:00 PM
Imo atm the bigger enemy of FTP it's FTP, till some players realize they need reroll and follow orders they still gonna die and still gonna complain.
the truth is ftp blows, they always did, they were zerging since their begining, now they just dont have 3x , 4x more to win..
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: cthon on February 22, 2012, 02:53:25 PM
the truth is ftp blows, they always did, they were zerging since their begining, now they just dont have 3x , 4x more to win..

the truth is blows ppl like u, who think to much about them selves.

p.s. in another topic u told impossible use normal arguments and talk with me. but seems when u made that post u looked in the mirror. true impossible have any normal conversation with ppl which ego have no limits.

now go make more posts how u pro and how we suck. but if once ftp leave this server will be rly intresting to see what such pro gonna do except camp stairs.

suggestion for track. make some new server specially for cb and sg from x15. so there they can be happy w/o so noobish enemy.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


well my 50 cents...
iff its so wrong that is 0 pvp smtimes and cb r  uber bored . since u ve always 2-3 pt rdy for pvp fight each other and ur boredom ll be over lol ...
and its kinda obvious track u wont get mass pvp at 19 gmt +1 since most of ppls r relaxing after job and loging at 21-22 gmt+1
anyway golky events r bored . hide and seek ftw !
  Nightmare 30x



-Make useless classes stronger or atleast attractive to play.

-Make an special PVP zone at (Forgotten Gateway as example) with exclusive mobs that drop kewl things (not able killing it with 1-5 char). With some RB's spawning there once a while.

-AIO buffer in town with 99 hours buffs. Although it sounds like some x999 server thingy, to me it would be more attractive to search for pvp since I dont need to log many buffers or ask for help to go pvp (cause full buffs are needed to pvp now).

-Fix or change skills that really are needed to be corrected than changing things which really make me wonder whats wrong with you... (as example smart cubic ... )

-A pretty long time ago on a gracia sever, they had a simple feature called something like automatic TVT event. You could sign up at a NPC in town, you had blue vs red, party's were made randomly. You needed to make your party, not one buff able getting inside the TVT area besides the buff team mates have. The team that won could get some reward that you need plenty off to get something usefull which could make the server easier to play for new players.

-The balance between DNET / RB armors and Vesper is still too big (those RB armors still aint working correctly...). Buying DNET vesper isnt cheap, and lets face it a new player would need to donate to even being able getting a vesper set...

And about rerolling to a 'buff' char, sure exping it from 1 to 85 could be done within 5 hours... Doing 3rd class aint that hard... Retail + nobl might be a bit harder, but still do-able.... But then the harder things come (that are really needed): Making skills +++ , Certification skills and the hardest part those Forgotten Scrolls... getting all of them takes pretty much coins. Just an quick guess but lets say you need 50 coins to get +++ skills and all those FS? or even more?  Doesnt really sound attractive to me to reroll... (I'm playing support myself so shhh :P).

And something 'Carebears' related (to respond a bit too Jyg), yes I agree if there's some small pvp we come with 1 - 2 party's (3 is redicilous...). But can you blame them? everyone wants pvp... (although i must say a player should tell himself not to go when its obvious he might participate something zergy). But I clearly remember that it was the other way arround and no matter if you were more, CB still came to pvp. Lets say i've found pvp at wastelands, 2-3 FTP there. I got 2 options: 1. i log many buffers. 2. i ask clan for help.    Now logging buffers takes more work than a simple text in clan chat. Result: People read about pvp, and everyone wants to come.  = 'zerg'.
So AIO buffer might be an solution for this problem. Or do you have any other suggestions?


Quote from: ForgotPass on February 22, 2012, 03:20:44 PM

And something 'Carebears' related (to respond a bit too Jyg), yes I agree if there's some small pvp we come with 1 - 2 party's (3 is redicilous...). But can you blame them? everyone wants pvp... (although i must say a player should tell himself not to go when its obvious he might participate something zergy). But I clearly remember that it was the other way arround and no matter if you were more, CB still came to pvp. Lets say i've found pvp at wastelands, 2-3 FTP there. I got 2 options: 1. i log many buffers. 2. i ask clan for help.   
no 1 is blaming no 1 :P but smtimes when is a pvp 2 ppls for example 2-3 days ago i was seazrching for pvp . i killed 1 cb and in result u came with full mage pt for me lolz which i find stupid .
anyway when we ve normal created pt ( read all chars needed ) we go to pvp but many of us ve job/familly ( some cb dont cuz i see em everytime i log xD ) and we cant simple go cuz is no point to fight 2 pts ( dont tell me to say 2-3 ppls cause u know iff is pvp all of ur ppls appear even for 1 person ) iff we ve few ppls searching for pvp . and for ur info many times some of ur clan m8s pmed me with  " gosh why they fcking came with second pt and ruined all " so the pvp problem is not just that . and no ftp is not 100000 x more than u . u took many ppls to clan and we can see daily a lot of cb at giran stairs . ur online is same as ours in ftp cause ppls r loging mostly for tw/siege just.
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: TrackZero on February 21, 2012, 08:48:17 PM
Okey , cant stand this anymore. Was keep on waiting that something will happen but for quite some things are keeps bothering me.
You can call me sided or not sided corrupted or not corrupted but as a GM of this network i wanna know what the fk is going on?!And why is it going on?!
1st of all im asking this because you players constantly complain about UNBALANCED pvp UNBALANCED chars UNBALANCED weapons in PvP while you  never PvP , so it makes me wonder how did you test that by killing your bot? Cause every time to get some pvp from you guys i have to summon like half of servers RBs and <MAYBE> you will appear for PVP!
Whats wrong with you guys , i mean i know its nice to farm but seriously choosing to farm with alts while you can do some pvp at least 1x at day makes me wonder are you playing right game? I mean in the end what can happen so BAD , that you got defeated? Insulted ? Well we fixed that no more insults if you wanna say that! So whats wrong?
Im asking you all this because im giving myself 666% to make all things for you fix all the hell bugs you report , making new things etc... etc.. etc.. et freaking c, but you still complaining how server sux blababla while you camping towns or logging alts to farm :(
Or you gonna change this attitude or ill really give up of everything and ill let you enjoy what you do now.
And dont tell me you dont have enough people online , i checked clans and they are like 35+ online and i have checked like 4-5 clans who i know...

Jeeez  >:( >:( >:( >:( :-X :-X :-X :-\ :-\ :-\

we do pvp with CB in 1v1, 2CBv1 or small groups, and they are lame as hell

dont ask us, why we have no fun to pvp with donat-gm-edited-chars in large group, ask yourself, why ....

i could see myself 2 CB chars and i was in heavy shock for what i saw there (new skills, enchanted on +30 skills that has no chance to be enchanted on those classes) ... n/c

that is why we need to put more work to enchant our chars (CB just paid euro)

and believe me or not, we are much more skilled in pvp then CB, couse it is 10 times harder to own edited chars witch +30 skills then play such a edited char

and pls, look at oly ... 90% fake farm hero from 3v3 = CB, like escarlet and pigmacul


Quote from: Hefestus on February 22, 2012, 03:28:59 PM
we do pvp with CB in 1v1, 2CBv1 or small groups, and they are lame as hell

dont ask us, why we have no fun to pvp with donat-gm-edited-chars in large group, ask yourself, why ....

i could see myself 2 CB chars and i was in heavy shock for what i saw there (new skills, enchanted on +30 skills that has no chance to be enchanted on those classes) ... n/c

that is why we need to put more work to enchant our chars (CB just paid euro)

and believe me or not, we are much more skilled in pvp then CB, couse it is 10 times harder to own edited chars witch +30 skills then play such a edited char

and pls, look at oly ... 90% fake farm hero from 3v3 = CB, like escarlet and pigmacul


And hell no AiO here! It would fok everything.
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: Hefestus on February 22, 2012, 03:28:59 PM
we do pvp with CB in 1v1, 2CBv1 or small groups, and they are lame as hell

dont ask us, why we have no fun to pvp with donat-gm-edited-chars in large group, ask yourself, why ....

i could see myself 2 CB chars and i was in heavy shock for what i saw there (new skills, enchanted on +30 skills that has no chance to be enchanted on those classes) ... n/c

that is why we need to put more work to enchant our chars (CB just paid euro)

and believe me or not, we are much more skilled in pvp then CB, couse it is 10 times harder to own edited chars witch +30 skills then play such a edited char

and pls, look at oly ... 90% fake farm hero from 3v3 = CB, like escarlet and pigmacul



Quote from: Hefestus on February 22, 2012, 03:28:59 PM
we do pvp with CB in 1v1, 2CBv1 or small groups, and they are lame as hell

dont ask us, why we have no fun to pvp with donat-gm-edited-chars in large group, ask yourself, why ....

i could see myself 2 CB chars and i was in heavy shock for what i saw there (new skills, enchanted on +30 skills that has no chance to be enchanted on those classes) ... n/c

that is why we need to put more work to enchant our chars (CB just paid euro)

and believe me or not, we are much more skilled in pvp then CB, couse it is 10 times harder to own edited chars witch +30 skills then play such a edited char

and pls, look at oly ... 90% fake farm hero from 3v3 = CB, like escarlet and pigmacul
xDDDDD another hater


Quote from: Hefestus on February 22, 2012, 03:28:59 PM
we do pvp with CB in 1v1, 2CBv1 or small groups, and they are lame as hell

dont ask us, why we have no fun to pvp with donat-gm-edited-chars in large group, ask yourself, why ....

i could see myself 2 CB chars and i was in heavy shock for what i saw there (new skills, enchanted on +30 skills that has no chance to be enchanted on those classes) ... n/c

that is why we need to put more work to enchant our chars (CB just paid euro)

and believe me or not, we are much more skilled in pvp then CB, couse it is 10 times harder to own edited chars witch +30 skills then play such a edited char

and pls, look at oly ... 90% fake farm hero from 3v3 = CB, like escarlet and pigmacul

Astramael      [db/tr]



If there will be such shit in town, it will be my last day here.
WTF You think? Are You brainless?
This game is made for play with ppl, ppl must make supports.
Go play single player or tetris if You do not want play with others ppl.

Stop cry, stop write ideas from ass. Start play the game. All problems can be solved easy by ppl. Track have NOTHING to this.

Abour cthon posts...n/c. Too bad i dont fraps actions. Sensless even discuss.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


As i reading this spam i notice many ppl cry about support, and some other ppl have nice ideals
SO how about raising retail lvl to lvl 82.. Im sure many ppl have support on retails so at lvl 82 these ppl can have a decent support char.

You Are Going To Love Me Or Hate !!!
Infinity Player -  FriendCrafter