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Can you explain SR changes?

Started by TiagoRamos, March 06, 2012, 12:21:33 PM

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+1 Weez. But imo ur wasting ur time. At least it counts as post count i think. :D

@Gergo: TY bro. Ur pro!


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 06:39:04 PM
+1 Weez. But imo ur wasting ur time. At least it counts as post count i think. :D

@Gergo: TY bro. Ur pro!

And again. Yw

Astramael      [db/tr]


PR is based on critical power?
Because it has a passive lvl 2 that: increases the power of critical attacks by 56?  ::)

If SR is a "one hit char" or whatever, like it was written before, what about PR? With less hp/cp (con in general) and m def? its supposed to be a "glass cannon" (right  :P )


Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 05:01:47 PM
SURE, thats why we see lots of he/glad in our server rigth?
For your info there is 4 he/glad that i see on sieges/pvp`s , how u can call balance of something its we are talking about 4 players?
Im not pretending to be rude or act pro but beside me i dont see the others he/glad making ultra kills or killing much, maybe its my problem? Im edited who knows.
I sent you a pm months ago with some dmg tests i dont know if you saw them or not but seems u didnt, cuz if you did, a well buffed char without deflect arrow gets 1,5k critical, its this the huge damage you talk about?

+1 ...
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 06:45:39 PM
PR is based on critical power?
Because it has a passive lvl 2 that: increases the power of critical attacks by 56?  ::)

If SR is a "one hit char" or whatever, like it was written before, what about PR? With less hp/cp (con in general) and m def? its supposed to be a "glass cannon" (right  :P )

Did u forgot about Dead Eye? Isn't just cause of passive critical power, but because of Dead Eye that PR makes high damage.

U have less CON/HP, but even being BD/PR u can use heavy and play on BD status (better than PR). M. Def isn't bad u have the same m. def as any Dark Elf since u PR/BD and BD have passives.

And cause of buffs that prevents critical chance and critical power from GF there's no more glass cannons like on past that was able to kill everyone in 1 shot and also die fast.


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 06:39:04 PM
+1 Weez. But imo ur wasting ur time. At least it counts as post count i think. :D

@Gergo: TY bro. Ur pro!

Tbh i'm not defending u on this topic, i'm defending whole SR class cause atm it's an useless char to play if u compare to other options that is possible to play, every other combo is better than SR/SWS and SR/TK, there's no advantage to play SR atm.

It would be great to have some boost on that class, to make it interesting to play once again, cause atm it isn't. All SR's that r active atm r old chars, and most of time people who don't have time to reroll or they love their chars. And if any player wanna make a new archer to play here they won't make SR for sure.


The only "advantage" which PR got over other archer classes is Dead Eye. Imo HE is much better atm cuz it got boost attack speed passive and same critical passives. In HB PR got critical power lvl 3 now it has lvl 2. So what's the point of playing PR when u got the lowest attack speed, the lowest crit rate and the lowest hp/cp? You should consider boosting Dead Eye also cuz atm it's a debuff rather than a buff  :)


Quote from: Weezer on March 06, 2012, 07:02:01 PM
Tbh i'm not defending u on this topic, i'm defending whole SR class cause atm it's an useless char to play if u compare to other options that is possible to play, every other combo is better than SR/SWS and SR/TK, there's no advantage to play SR atm.

It would be great to have some boost on that class, to make it interesting to play once again, cause atm it isn't. All SR's that r active atm r old chars, and most of time people who don't have time to reroll or they love their chars. And if any player wanna make a new archer to play here they won't make SR for sure.

I  just didn't got the point where u're saying ur not defending me? When i'll need a bodyguard i see i can pm u. :D

Ofc i'm, was, and will always be talking about the class it self. I could reroll to any other class ig if i wanted to. But the fact/problem would remain.

Just to point out, i know ur not defending me but Sr class, and it seems so obvious ths class needs a boost that i rly don't understand this cry topic...!


Its a great idea to bring dead combos back to life, but if you do it you should consider the whole impact on the server. I think some nerfs should be revised, I play Glad\PP and sometimes in specific situations I use bow, why should i have my bow pew pew nerfed? You cant tell me I´m like a Glad\He. Also why cant I enchant Heavy Mastery? I´m supposed to (me and some other heavy users besides tanks). Balance is dificult and an eternal struggle, lets hope our GMs succeed.


Quote from: Naku on March 06, 2012, 07:18:33 PM
Its a great idea to bring dead combos back to life, but if you do it you should consider the whole impact on the server. I think some nerfs should be revised, I play Glad\PP and sometimes in specific situations I use bow, why should i have my bow pew pew nerfed? You cant tell me I´m like a Glad\He. Also why cant I enchant Heavy Mastery? I´m supposed to (me and some other heavy users besides tanks). Balance is dificult and an eternal struggle, lets hope our GMs succeed.
Yes u should enchant that passive but only for +pdef, sry dude crit reduciton is only for tanks - off style


Quote from: Peorexo on March 06, 2012, 07:19:30 PM
Yes u should enchant that passive but only for +pdef, sry dude crit reduciton is only for tanks - off style

I know! But we cant, why? Cause "custom heavy mastery" is not as off, check the levels. So other than tanks i suppose most classes have the wrong heavy levels and ofc cant enchant.


Tbh all archers kinda suck at the moment, looking at the amount of archer being played now and the amount that was playing in Hellbound says enough... I mean CB is the only clan that exist's mostly out of archers, AOD cant make an full PT of archers, BA has like 3 archer?

Well i could make an 'hummer size' post about it but the onlything i have to say is that when ur gonna re-test everything, make sure having a kamael near you doing 'Real target' on the test/dmg dummy. Before the damage of SR will get too high with RT on the enemy... Lets be honest each archer party should have such kamael in party to do some decent dmg (not saying its bad or good , just a fact). And afterall the test's should be based on real pvp.