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Giran 12/04/08



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Giran 12/04/08

Started by PvtStuka, April 13, 2008, 03:43:18 AM

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Late night siege, small pvps, big fun. GF!

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 09:18:47 AM
and even with a "halved" dmg and atk speed - coz of combats, the pvps were quite fast...

btw doggy what happened? i got silence+ arrest+ anchor and you could not kill me with xxx ppl... aren't you so pro, to kill me easy as you used to say?
duhh dude your attitude just piss me off >.<
Life is a game with unpredictable ending ^_^

KmD4 ps/pr (i bet the last) 79lvl
MogHuK ol/bish (l33t thingy) 79+lvl


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 09:18:47 AM
and even with a "halved" dmg and atk speed - coz of combats, the pvps were quite fast...

btw doggy what happened? i got silence+ arrest+ anchor and you could not kill me with xxx ppl... aren't you so pro, to kill me easy as you used to say?
That's because daggers are bugged like freak, I got 2 daggers myself and they seriously need a freaking nerf lol
Or it's just their power is completly insane, their over-hit rate on blows is damn high, also lethal kill chance is damn a lot.
Or maybe this reduced dmg doesn't affect blows dmg for some reason... I got no idea but a TH doing 3k on a tank is kinda of stupid, or doing 6k on a mage is also stupid... lol

That siege time was kinda lame though lol


for once, leave my little TH alone :(
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 10:34:53 AM
but when mages were crit for >10k (since agaes) that was ok?  ::)

they use skills to do each shot for 10k?  ::)


Gratz Mayhem
That´s is the only way to obtain a castle  ;D... Drake´s FTW

Feel proud for 2 weeks. :-*


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 10:34:53 AM
but when mages were crit for >10k (since agaes) that was ok?  ::)
Did I say that you dumbfreak?
Obviously you only think about yourself; "oh please daggers are supposed to be like that, please let me be able to kill someone for once"
Stop thinking about yourself for once, daggers are damn overpowered since IL update, anyone denying that is freaking stupid, egoistic or a freaking retard.


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 11:02:14 AM
stfu dumbfreak, I don't complain about atk sp. I got used to many nerfs and changes to the daggers, so cut the crap u stupid mofo. You retarted flames are alme as your trying to proove "smth" here in every case...
I don't have to prove any case, Daggers are overpowered, hitting way to much compared to other classes damage, because dagger blows aren't affected by the damage reduce 'fix'...
So maybe you just stfu, before you start crying out loud your char isn't overpowered, since you're for once able to kill something.
You wanna say 3k dmg on a tank is normal if you're on PP buffs?
Or 7k backstab on a mage when your only on PP buffs + dances?

You don't have to complain about attack speed, since Drake helped daggers etc a lot to give back boost atk speed, and actually change some re-use stuff to make dagger skills work with the new non stacking haste + combat system.

Your just an egoistic self centered faggot.


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 11:12:29 AM
where am I crying stupid mofo? that was irony about daggers are overpowered. Or maby u think I didn't see it yet? and only you can say smth about it?
first of all try to imagine that some1 is same or even smarter than you stupid fag. And stop to pretend Mr. Knowledge coz ppl can also see what happens in game retard... and since we can do shiit, the decision is belong to drake..
Maybe because I simply know more about this than you? Since I already talked to GM's about that? Even before IL came to NM lol
And you trying to deny the fact, even if your suddenly so called "joking" or having "irony" about daggers being overpowered, doesn't change the fact your dumb.


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 11:21:03 AM
oh talking with GMs makes you better than others lol? maby u wanna be mod or GM? indeed all we can see, you tryin to pretend MR. knowledge and seems no1 is jealous... We get used to every changes.. don't worry, still you can makes your "pro" topics to drake- maby someday you will be GM.

Talking to GM's make me know more about this than you do.
Besides, been there done that.


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 12:17:08 PM
uu I have also Gms Msns, but I don't cry to them, about smth what is bright as sun, and even they know about it wihtout your super observations
seems you care this game too much bcoz no1 gives a fak about your super knowledge (especially when Drake makes what he want...) rotfl
You are a real idiot, you just assume things.
You can talk to GM's all you want, they won't talk to you anyway, since you talk bullshit and have nothing to add.
Look this; http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,97698.0.html
Now I wonder why I have almost had an 2 hour convo with Dragon GM concerning all that, all fixes and nerfs Drake made, and asking me about possible suggestions to things, or stuff I encountered... I really wonder.

Your just a dumbfreak, who praises himself way to much, the only good thing you ever did and still do, is making screens from sieges, which is great, I really love that, but besides that your a dumbfreak.


Quote from: zthrx on April 13, 2008, 12:29:59 PM
thats nice, talking about smth what every1 knows.
btw talking idiot about some1, you don't even know IR is kinda poitless. I can assure you I'm way  smarter in way more things, what brings me alot of $$ instead of know everything about lineage2. I'm a gamer (after work, and photographer) I know alot about thousands games i finished and MMOs.
indeed I don't care what you know, i wanna just play nice in l2 and can get used to every changes...
So I laugh and makes irony about things I can't change at all. If drake listen to you- nice, but you don't impress me, make a career IR than try to impress me your knowledge...
btw, thats nice u like my screens <3
Yup, but someone gotta talk, find the fixes, make the suggestions? I like doing that, and by doing that I know more about those things than the people that simply make a cry topic about every little change they found and it affects their own chars.
I have 2 dagger classes, I play them most of the time, still I'm saying it's way overpowered and should be nerfed. lol
I also have no need to impress you really, anyways Imma cut the flames, this is a siege section afterall ~.~