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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on October 19, 2009, 08:42:52 PM

can't you learn smth about some religion? in a second some muslim here will write you know shit about Islam and tell you to stfu :>
I don't feel like learning today... and if some Muslim will come.. Let it happen, I'm not gonna crack. :)
I just wanted you to point out relevant facts to my quote... :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:02:30 PM
Real problem is, that Muslims have way higher natality than European people and it was even told they will conquer Europe not by brute force, but via women and children. Why is that? It is also simple.. While most of current generation is focused on career and later on descendants (and today they have approximately 1 children, rarely more than 2), Muslims came from mostly poor countries (like Turkey - no offense, I just want to lure Velet and his nonsense flames) where coitus is their only fun. It has been told throughout last decades that six is the entertainment of poor people.
Not so long ago we had a high natality in Holland aswell if you'd ask anyone above 80 they'd say they come out of a family from 8 people. Why not now you ask? Times got more expensive, they can't provide enough money to support it. If foreign want alot of kids who cares? Aslong as they can affort it which they don't. In general they don't work but produce kids, you know why? Child support (tax money), it's high in Holland so it's a nice income. It's not right to come into a strange country and not change your "attitude" You have to adapt, where 99% of them fail at. It's not Mekka here, we don't need Mosques it's already insane that my country build them for those people. As far as I know Holland was always a Christian country with Christian churches and not Mosques, but they WANTED them and the government build them from money people work for, do you think it's weird people get mad about this? I don't. They didn't say not by brute force, correct. But where did they say without brute force? I only hear Muslims achieving something with brute force, look around you.

Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:02:30 PMThe solution? I am not qualified to offer solutions, because if I would be, I wouldn't be typing this reply, but I would be well paid politician or a similar joker. I can only give my opinion, and that is as following: Give them opportunity to study / work / live as all the other people of the west, they will no longer waste their time (except of few criminals) in crappy jobs, running crappy stores, .. I agree with kidicarus, they will be surely influenced by the environment and occasionally they will change their behavior. Fanatics you say? You cannot change them anyway..
Son... This is Holland everybody has a opportunity here. You can't afford your study? No problem, the government will pay it. They'd even give you loans. The Dutch government even WANTS you to hire foreign people, if you have a company or something like that. They want people from Marocco to join the cops. It's not that there isn't work for them. No, they are to lazy to work. We're from Europe most countrys have high taxes so we have to work hard to have a piece of bread at the end of the day. It's way different from the places they come from. They aren't made to live in our society. It's like getting someone from the year 1500 and put him in 2009, it wont work simple as that.

I've got a solution tho and I'm sure more then 50% of Holland is willing to do this. Buy them a goddamn ticket back to where ever the freak they came from and never let them stand foot again on our ground. I'd even pay the ticket myself. It might seem a thought of a racist to you but in a monetaire system everything is about money, and they cost money alot of money. What do you do when you have hired someone and he got to expensive? Exactly you fire them.


Quote from: 5ruci on October 19, 2009, 08:34:27 PM
These topics r fun to replay when servers are down,i see u can doing this whole night and day,like u dont have smarter things to do  :D
Why u all keep going with this replays,simply read my last replay before this one and see true face of problems.
Btw ,u posted Problems in UK,no how many children they have and what they eat.xaxaxa ;D

this is not UK problem only. We are in UE, so it affects on every country before or later. After those manipulating politics in UE parliament force to sing this Treaty of Lisbon it will be beginning to make Super-European country with central authority. Even these day UE tell us what to eat etc trying to regulate every aspect of our life...

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:26:41 PM
I suggest you to actually read a Koran, because there is not told to punish those with different religion, and definitely not to convert them by brute force. Jihad in Koran is something totally different from Jihad you heard about from daily news and newspaper. Not even Muslims are agreeing with it.

Quran  Surah 2: The Cow:
Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6
Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10
A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24
Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39, 90
For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104
For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114
Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126
The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162
They will not emerge from the Fire. 167
Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174
How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175
Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191
War is ordained by Allah. 216
Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217
Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257
Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264
"Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286

What did you say?


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 08:46:59 PM
Not so long ago we had a high natality in Holland aswell if you'd ask anyone above 80 they'd say they come out of a family from 8 people. Why not now you ask? Times got more expensive, they can't provide enough money to support it. If foreign want alot of kids who cares? Aslong as they can affort it which they don't. In general they don't work but produce kids, you know why? Child support (tax money), it's high in Holland so it's a nice income. It's not right to come into a strange country and not change your "attitude" You have to adapt, where 99% of them fail at. It's not Mekka here, we don't need Mosques it's already insane that my country build them for those people. As far as I know Holland was always a Christian country with Christian churches and not Mosques, but they WANTED them and the government build them from money people work for, do you think it's weird people get mad about this? I don't. They didn't say not by brute force, correct. But where did they say without brute force? I only hear Muslims achieving something with brute force, look around you.
Son... This is Holland everybody has a opportunity here. You can't afford your study? No problem, the government will pay it. They'd even give you loans. The Dutch government even WANTS you to hire foreign people, if you have a company or something like that. They want people from Marocco to join the cops. It's not that there isn't work for them. No, they are to lazy to work. We're from Europe most countrys have high taxes so we have to work hard to have a piece of bread at the end of the day. It's way different from the places they come from. They aren't made to live in our society. It's like getting someone from the year 1500 and put him in 2009, it wont work simple as that.

I've got a solution tho and I'm sure more then 50% of Holland is willing to do this. Buy them a goddamn ticket back to where ever the freak they came from and never let them stand foot again on our ground. I'd even pay the ticket myself. It might seem a thought of a racist to you but in a monetaire system everything is about money, and they cost money alot of money. What do you do when you have hired someone and he got to expensive? Exactly you fire them.

I don't disagree, yet I wasn't talking about Holland, but about Europe in general.

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 08:50:01 PM
Quran  Surah 2: The Cow:
Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. 6
Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 10
A fire has been prepared for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones. 24
Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39, 90
For disbelievers is a painful doom. 104
For unbelievers: ignominy in this world, an awful doom in the next. 114
Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 126
The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 162
They will not emerge from the Fire. 167
Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 174
How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 175
Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 191
War is ordained by Allah. 216
Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 217
Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. 257
Allah does not guide disbelievers. 264
"Give us victory over the disbelieving folk." 286

What did you say?
and now explain what is Jihad, because I insist on what I've written.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:51:48 PM
I don't disagree, yet I wasn't talking about Holland, but about Europe in general.
and now explain what is Jihad, because I insist on what I've written.

in my post is written what Jihad is


Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:56:01 PM
Couldn't you just point it out with different color? :D
Main articles: Jihad and Islamic military jurisprudence

Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God) and is considered the "Sixth Pillar of Islam" by a minority of Sunni Muslim authorities.[61] Jihad, in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "exerting one's utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapprobation." Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the devil, and aspects of one's own self, different categories of Jihad are defined.[62] Jihad, when used without any qualifier, is understood in its military aspect.[63][64] Jihad also refers to one's striving to attain religious and moral perfection.[65] Some Muslim authorities, especially among the Shi'a and Sufis, distinguish between the "greater jihad", which pertains to spiritual self-perfection, and the "lesser jihad", defined as warfare.[66]

Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants in the defense or expansion of the Islamic state, the ultimate purpose of which is to universalize Islam. Jihad, the only form of warfare permissible in Islamic law, may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, un-Islamic leaders or states which refuse to submit to the authority of Islam.[67][68] Most Muslims today interpret Jihad as only a defensive form of warfare: the external Jihad includes a struggle to make the Islamic societies conform to the Islamic norms of justice.[69]

Under most circumstances and for most Muslims, jihad is a collective duty (fard kifaya): its performance by some individuals exempts the others. Only for those vested with authority, especially the sovereign (imam), does jihad become an individual duty. For the rest of the populace, this happens only in the case of a general mobilization.[68] For most Shias, offensive jihad can only be declared by a divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community, and as such is suspended since Muhammad al-Mahdi's[70] occultation in 868 AD

I think this. :D

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:51:48 PM
I don't disagree, yet I wasn't talking about Holland, but about Europe in general.
What happens in Holland happens all around the world. It's not only here it happens everywhere, take Germany for an instance, same shit.

Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 08:51:48 PM
and now explain what is Jihad, because I insist on what I've written.
The word Jihad is very wide, you should know that. I only know three; Controversial, Jihad saif and of course the Terrorist group that call themselfs Jihad. Which one you want?


Quote from: TheLox on October 19, 2009, 08:57:10 PM
Main articles: Jihad and Islamic military jurisprudence

Jihad means "to strive or struggle" (in the way of God) and is considered the "Sixth Pillar of Islam" by a minority of Sunni Muslim authorities.[61] Jihad, in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "exerting one's utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapprobation." Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the devil, and aspects of one's own self, different categories of Jihad are defined.[62] Jihad, when used without any qualifier, is understood in its military aspect.[63][64] Jihad also refers to one's striving to attain religious and moral perfection.[65] Some Muslim authorities, especially among the Shi'a and Sufis, distinguish between the "greater jihad", which pertains to spiritual self-perfection, and the "lesser jihad", defined as warfare.[66]

Within Islamic jurisprudence, jihad is usually taken to mean military exertion against non-Muslim combatants in the defense or expansion of the Islamic state, the ultimate purpose of which is to universalize Islam. Jihad, the only form of warfare permissible in Islamic law, may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, un-Islamic leaders or states which refuse to submit to the authority of Islam.[67][68] Most Muslims today interpret Jihad as only a defensive form of warfare: the external Jihad includes a struggle to make the Islamic societies conform to the Islamic norms of justice.[69]

Under most circumstances and for most Muslims, jihad is a collective duty (fard kifaya): its performance by some individuals exempts the others. Only for those vested with authority, especially the sovereign (imam), does jihad become an individual duty. For the rest of the populace, this happens only in the case of a general mobilization.[68] For most Shias, offensive jihad can only be declared by a divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community, and as such is suspended since Muhammad al-Mahdi's[70] occultation in 868 AD

I think this. :D
ah great, thank you Lox :D

okey, now you can clearly see the keywords. This orange sentence I mean. So connect it with I've written before and you'll have a clue about what was on my mind. :)

Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 08:57:27 PM
What happens in Holland happens all around the world. It's not only here it happens everywhere, take Germany for an instance, same shit.
The word Jihad is very wide, you should know that. I only know three; Controversial, Jihad saif and of course the Terrorist group that call themselfs Jihad. Which one you want?
Tell me about all of them... Just to raise the intellectual level of nowadays topics. :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


There we go... someone lights a match and all the sudden the flame wars are re-ignited!

I will try to keep it short and not to kill you with boring long examples with only one idea would sum it up. Well, 3 or 4 actually  ;D

1. The crimes made in the name of one's beliefs, no matter if christian (crusades) or muslim (jihad in the militaristic sense) are WRONG and are meant to be punished as any other crime, such as homucide, armed assault etc. in accordance to the lay rules of law.

2. Everyone has the right to have his/her own's beliefs regarding the Deity/the existance of God as long they dont try to impose it on others.

3. Christianity is not better nor worse than Islamism. Even more, the moral concepts of good/bad or worse/better cannot be used to compare those two, since both define good/bad in their own way. They simply cannot be compared in regards to which is "better" and which is "worse"

4. Religion is NOT bullshit. Hi Emiel. freak off Emiel. Even if God exists or not, which itself is another dillema that cannot be either proven or denied since there are no implacable arguments either way, religion is a bearer of millenia old traditions. Sure, some are old, some are obsolete, some are misinterpreted. But the age-old wisdom behind the religious texts is priceless, no matter how many narrow minded peasants misinterpreted or used it as an excuse for violence.

Wind, over and out.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history

Mr. Emiel

Quote from: Ashlynn on October 19, 2009, 09:03:40 PM
Tell me about all of them... Just to raise the intellectual level of nowadays topics. :)
Not gonna make it too long because I want to watch Southpark.

Well as far as I know the controversial version goes like this; It's converting someone to become a Muslim, believe in the Islam without physically fighting.

Jihad Saif; Is the complete opposite and it's somekind of law how to have war against apostates. It's how to convert people to become a Muslim, believe in the Islam by force.