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Oly poll

Started by zthrx, June 10, 2009, 12:16:44 PM

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do you think oly with mana + pots + full buff is a good idea, as it is out of town everyday?

63 (44.7%)
78 (55.3%)

Total Members Voted: 136


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on June 11, 2009, 10:49:35 PM
Not a bad idea. But what do you consider as fullbuffs? Songs + dances + pp buffs? How will you choose all these buffs in the 45 seconds?

pp buffs, mana pots, def pots

after all get statistic how many players chose which option. I guess more fun will get the second... my honest opinion  8)


Quote from: zthrx on June 11, 2009, 11:49:03 PM
pp buffs, mana pots, def pots

after all get statistic how many players chose which option. I guess more fun will get the second... my honest opinion  8)

It sounds nice, much more subs would be able to have fun, probably more people would join oly but this will just never happen  :-X
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


u already had pp buff o.O or u want even greater shield pof? so u fuk all the pp xD
Titan1          pr/bd
Garcon        nec/bd
NTitanN        nec/pal
TtnN             ps/sk
HellzSoul      ol/es
HellzStormer ee/sps


Quote from: Titan1 on June 12, 2009, 12:19:06 AM
u already had pp buff o.O or u want even greater shield pof? so u fuk all the pp xD

those pp buffs gives nothing, since daggers need just atk speed (archers need, glads need and so on) and mana to spam blows.
Mages use 2-3 skills (except xxx debufs) but the rest of subs needs to use 3x more and need xxx mana to even fight, coz after 30s every1 is out of mana (during mages even heals to the end of the fight...)
I can even write here, how many skills I use and how many at oly, just to have mana for blows... >.> and when every >3rd< doesn't work...
And currently they doesn't get anything of it.. thats why even you can chose some buffs at least, there is still same amount of ppl at oly= nothing's changed


yes to mana, combats/swift and ww pots on oly :)   
Kwasia    pal/tyr
KwasPL   glad/da
Kwasx     glad/pp
KvasPL    necro/bishop

===FTR CLAN====


make oly just for retails. .... its the best idea cause even dwarf could kill ............ every class would have chance's to kill each other
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on June 12, 2009, 01:05:58 PM
make oly just for retails. .... its the best idea cause even dwarf could kill ............ every class would have chance's to kill each other


Quote from: zthrx on June 10, 2009, 12:16:44 PM
here you go 2 short  topics about it

and what I'm thinking? it's easiest to code than apply any other nerf etc etc.


bcoz that combo wasn't never tested

why 2?

bcause it works pretty fine out of town, everyday, at anytime, with everyone, and no1 is crying after pvp on buffs/pots

why 3?

bcoz I have everything and don't give a shiit about books etc.

why 4?

because maby normal ppl who knows their chars, and playstyle instead looking for PVP on entire MAP... without logging bot etc will go faster to olympiad get some fun...

why 5?

because all this pathetic river of tears which skills are OP and don't will stop don't believe me? PVPing everyday couple hours I've never seen any1 complaining just GF.. and next round...

why 6?

in couple words it's just bringing PVP from out of town to faken oly, where ppl should have same fun, and do not be scared of by pwning in unfair system they don't like to play

why 7?

I think every1 will find his personal reason to agree...

why not?  just test it for 1 month

and plz oly farmers GFTO if you haven't anything interesting to say, bcoz in every topic you just spam and bullshit talk without any good reason. You don't give a shiit about this community, you never did... for you it's always good as it is.. next chronicles made for farmers/ the same chars indeed

and why should I make a char to go play in oly?

wtf? Isn't idea of oly to be hero, is to be the best player etc..? next year passing by and I know alot of players who deserve to be hero, just coming from out of town, make same fights in this small arena and finally being hero.

and why it isn't cry topic? for those who can't read without understanding, I wrote a rly fair rules, as I said I don't give a flying freak because I have everything I need, and I want to see this 80% of server siting in faken town and doing nothing to get their asses to oly manager and make some fun at least....
agreeeeeeeee       with zthrx he have right 100%

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


make end for this topic and make all players happy
did GM's can make olympiad system like oficial server fight in retail ?
will be not more any coments and solve this problem forever.
all clases will have same chance to win

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


Lol this idea is insane. Oly never wasnt as balanced as it now, only 2 thing are freaked up - mana burn and stone auguments but i got solution on this problem - just participate when agil or laymedown is fighting  :D Guys better focus on fighting oly than crying here, i asure you that you will find ur own combo to own xx/pp chars, just gain skills in playin' ur char in oly and it will became funny  ;)
Soltys - Shillien Templar / Storm Screamer
Pallenan - Wind Rider / Sword Muse
Beafort - Elemental Master / Eva's Saints



Quote from: Soltys on June 12, 2009, 05:36:28 PM
Lol this idea is insane. Oly never wasnt as balanced as it now, only 2 thing are freaked up - mana burn and stone auguments but i got solution on this problem - just participate when agil or laymedown is fighting  :D Guys better focus on fighting oly than crying here, i asure you that you will find ur own combo to own xx/pp chars, just gain skills in playin' ur char in oly and it will became funny  ;)

u rly knows a few talking thats kind of shiit w/o any objective ideas...  even is it a joke...  ::)


Quote from: zthrx on June 12, 2009, 05:41:15 PM
u rly knows a few talking thats kind of shiit w/o any objective ideas...  even is it a joke...  ::)

cuz there is no ideas needed, oly is good like it is now just learn to play ur char w/o fullbuff
Soltys - Shillien Templar / Storm Screamer
Pallenan - Wind Rider / Sword Muse
Beafort - Elemental Master / Eva's Saints
