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drama ps: draks edit your sig

Started by our4n0s, September 01, 2009, 01:31:10 AM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 01, 2009, 10:26:32 PM
Your an idiot.
early C4 -> everyone in A grade with some exceptions that had S grade but enchanted to +3 (donated) which means no difference
duxel and his AM+A+6?
Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 01, 2009, 10:26:32 PM
late C4 -> everyone in S grade not really a lot enchanted while only few people had a grade weapons but those were high enchanted.

that's pure bs, late c4 is filled by +10/11/12 DB+F and AM+A+6/7, i remember it very well because thats when i came back after ~1 year break


Quote from: Diabolical on September 01, 2009, 06:59:44 PM
wrong .. hydra had best dagger in game , there is nothign to compare .. ppl now have icarus .. he had + 16 mm dagger .. different items but both were top

tbh Hydra was rly good but this bug with his coins made it like this Saddami - Kr1k - emtee - insolin was the best th for me


Quote from: S1x on September 01, 2009, 09:33:39 PM
To LayMeDown about "drama ps: draks edit your sig" i cant change it becouse all ppls know im real Hero - becouse i'm dont need  transfer like spash to got this Hero "TH" i dont need hero shine , i'm hero on myself :)

That should be curved in a stone as a memorial or whatever. 


Quote from: seboulba on September 02, 2009, 12:25:53 AM
tbh Hydra was rly good but this bug with his coins made it like this Saddami - Kr1k - emtee - insolin was the best th for me
I fought them all.
SaddamI - dangerous th, one of the few to see active in mass pvp. not very powerfull, but quite skilled.

Kr1k - he's ok, i had many pvp with him, won like half. he has a big mouth tho  ;D

Emtee - he was my oly nemesis a long time in c4/IL... dunno if it was gear or skill but he was very good. i finally started to defead him shortly before he quit/rerolled. maybe what draks said is true, he forgot how to play, he seemed rusty.

Insolin - great th/wl. just like Y... argh, forgot his name, sheva TH/wl, also very good.

Drakslord.... gear more than skill, no offence. slowed with warrior bane and blizzard he didnt even dashed/re-ww himself... i dont want to insult him, but his skill.. can be improved  ;D

Lets not forgot other very good th i fought along the time, like Camitzescu - imo the best th/pp, at least against me, i hardly defeated him once or twice out of countless games. or Ac/dc, also quite good, or even lineage2l, played by Benne/Vein or Ch4risma, Suicidal and others... the list could go on....

And before some will come with some wise ass replies that i am not oly farmer, nub  and whatnot, i play on this server for 3 and a half years and i met all the good th ingame.. and one thing is sure... what Tomek says is right. The gap the gear makes nowadays between donators and some sad cases of hardcore nolifers on one hand and "average" players on the other if bigger than ever.

Duxel's top gear in c4 Altheo? he was biting dust from players with A grades (i remember when Skylineer killed him, it was the 1st month in which heroes were implemented with glow and all).

nowadays... compare an icarus bow +3 with a draconic bow +3

There is a group of the "chosen few" with insane gear, old players (or those who got the gear of older players) on one hand, and the rest of the server on the other hand.
Add to that choosing some imbalanced oly classes, designed to farm it, add some augmentations and the (in)famous clan transfers, and voila, you have the typical Nightmare hero.

Skill? tactics? knowing how to counter a specific class and how to exploit the enemy's weaknesses? the importance of those things died in c4/IL, along with the meaning of being a hero and the olympiad itself.

Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: S1x on September 01, 2009, 09:33:39 PM
To LayMeDown about "drama ps: draks edit your sig" i cant change it becouse all ppls know im real Hero - becouse i'm dont need  transfer like spash to got this Hero "TH" i dont need hero shine , i'm hero on myself :)
because u lie hard, 100h more ban, u hero? u are not even H of here u are such a disgrace for NM and l2 itself, so better go in corner and pray that i dont catch u on allegro, cause im about to.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: our4n0s on September 02, 2009, 12:03:08 AM
duxel and his AM+A+6?that's pure bs, late c4 is filled by +10/11/12 DB+F and AM+A+6/7, i remember it very well because thats when i came back after ~1 year break

Yea there were few exceptions like duxel with his Am +5 i think, MissPk with the som+20. The best part was that nobody rerolled cuz of oly and nobody transfered cuz everyone had only 1 nobless char.
And late C4 every1 had at least am+a+3 while most of people with +5,6,7, but is the difference really that big? You could still win if you knew how to play with the am+3, even if the guy wasn't so bad. I started to be annoying with all those people making necro/pp and sps/ee just for oly but most of em sucked anyways.

When you compare it to now, when you have dynasty armors, oed icarus weapons, augments... What can an average person do in oly now? No matter how hard an average person can try, he will never beat a well geared guy except with luck of lethals as TH. Not to mention that the only way you can do something in oly is to make a new oly specific char.
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TrackZero on September 02, 2009, 01:48:30 AM
because u lie hard, 100h more ban, u hero? u are not even H of here u are such a disgrace for NM and l2 itself, so better go in corner and pray that i dont catch u on allegro, cause im about to.

I don't like both of draks and altheo , arrogant attention whores pro pretenders for pwning in Oly thank to items / agumentations with a punch of asslikers in favor of hero stats meanwhile they are nothing out oly .
@ Track  : you think ur self god so u start punishing ppl for lieing in acase of self opinion which doesn't consider right or wrong ?!
lol if I were draks and I got extra ban for such athing I would sold items for real money and posted here agood bye topic with apic of my middle finger pointed to all of you  xDDD


Quote from: TrackZero on September 01, 2009, 01:27:05 PM
I prefer TrackZero donate club  ;D
(Buy t-shirts mens, to save the wales!  :D :D :D )
save pandas better!


Wtf Track... stop this alrdy.... The guy is crawling down in the corner.... stop hitting him alrdy!! Damn you are Bad!!


Quote from: mark_elesse on September 01, 2009, 05:29:18 PM
lol bro, i was laughing my ass off when Emtee played TH/PP ... xDD he was freakin lowskilled, but that time when he used to play on oly he had probably the best gear on the server, and simple his ememies ( also, without the current augmentation system xD ) was way less geared then he was. also if i stated the fact that claming about hero status utill your opponent is banned is lame, also need state that Altheo and his team the most skilled skilled oly farmer crew in the history of NM....TOH i really really doubt that Spash could earn hero if Draks can play his char till end of the month.

p.s.: theres also a suggestion for me, if you wanna clean this situation who is best, make a 10 round 1v1 @ coliseum and post here what happened ! :D i would love to see those fights <3


Since everyone is stating something here i d have to state that there is no more oly crew (cause of me having some issues with the egowhore) , just altheo asslicking spash atm cause he just found out he is useless alone .

moreover i have to say that furesys char was blocked from beeing heroe just cause the egowhore sold ee status and told me that he has 600 pts and going ee, so basically made me switch to  sws...


Quote from: lucifsg on September 02, 2009, 12:23:37 PM
Since everyone is stating something here i d have to state that there is no more oly crew (cause of me having some issues with the egowhore) , just altheo asslicking spash atm cause he just found out he is useless alone .

moreover i have to say that furesys char was blocked from beeing heroe just cause the egowhore sold ee status and told me that he has 600 pts and going ee, so basically made me switch to  sws...
20 coins from Kobra enough for altheo to rent his own mother vagina not tricking you lol


Quote from: lucifsg on September 02, 2009, 12:23:37 PM
Since everyone is stating something here i d have to state that there is no more oly crew (cause of me having some issues with the egowhore) , just altheo asslicking spash atm cause he just found out he is useless alone .

moreover i have to say that furesys char was blocked from beeing heroe just cause the egowhore sold ee status and told me that he has 600 pts and going ee, so basically made me switch to  sws...