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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far) - Page 25



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OverPowered archers (the joke went too far)

Started by lucifsg, September 23, 2009, 11:14:59 AM

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Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 07:46:25 PM
this dmg from archer with icarus+11 and might 10 lvl augment, so what about other archers with not such good bow and augments ?


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 07:46:25 PM

so? i get similar or even lower damage while TP is standing  ;D
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 12, 2009, 08:10:00 PM
so? i get similar or even lower damage while TP is standing  ;D
If you didn't get that screen inside this topic you must be pretty stupid or on drugs.

PS: I'd really doubt he would hit you for lower xD


KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 08:11:28 PM
If you didn't get that screen inside this topic you must be pretty stupid or on drugs.

PS: I'd really doubt he would hit you for lower xD
i care too few to bother testing :P
and yeah, maybe not less, but similar. i remember ~800 damage from Deathand on criticals while both in fullbuff and i had Lina's DNET set. anyway, a char like SK/PS with both deflect arrow and TP gets like dunno? 400 on crit? and is still a mage in robe.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 13, 2009, 12:04:42 AM
i care too few to bother testing :P
and yeah, maybe not less, but similar. i remember ~800 damage from Deathand on criticals while both in fullbuff and i had Lina's DNET set. anyway, a char like SK/PS with both deflect arrow and TP gets like dunno? 400 on crit? and is still a mage in robe.

i m weak ;<


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 07:46:25 PM

a fullbuffed he (i think he....human skinn....) criticall hit u for uber awesome 980 ????

omg yes archer need a nerf

yes yes
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 07:46:25 PM

heh dude i saw ur pic . dunno who was it that show me but u look smth like 16 maybe 17 , i understand it needs a little more effort for u to get it so i ll try it one more time cause at the end u kinda seem cool guy.
1) ur a bot u cant do to me anything but sackle me. actually with thoose buffs i could be 100% on imunity so forget sackle as well. u cant hit me or hurt me , u just need to spam heals on ur ass so u can stay alive
2) is damage per second .... can u realize it ? ye u can. ur on full buffs and u have time just to spam heals and resong windstorm on 8k hp. imagine that
3) u got reflict arrow and good heals. now read 1 and 2 and tell me what a sh/ps could do or just any mage that is not support char


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 13, 2009, 12:04:42 AM
i care too few to bother testing :P
and yeah, maybe not less, but similar. i remember ~800 damage from Deathand on criticals while both in fullbuff and i had Lina's DNET set. anyway, a char like SK/PS with both deflect arrow and TP gets like dunno? 400 on crit? and is still a mage in robe.
120 max with tp imo


Quote from: lucifsg on October 13, 2009, 01:01:57 PM
heh dude i saw ur pic . dunno who was it that show me but u look smth like 16 maybe 17 , i understand it needs a little more effort for u to get it so i ll try it one more time cause at the end u kinda seem cool guy.
1) ur a bot u cant do to me anything but sackle me. actually with thoose buffs i could be 100% on imunity so forget sackle as well. u cant hit me or hurt me , u just need to spam heals on ur ass so u can stay alive
2) is damage per second .... can u realize it ? ye u can. ur on full buffs and u have time just to sp........
3) u got reflict arrow and good heals. now read 1 and 2 and tell me what a sh/ps could do or just any mage that is not support char



Quote from: Dag on October 13, 2009, 12:48:34 PM
a fullbuffed he (i think he....human skinn....) criticall hit u for uber awesome 980 ????

omg yes archer need a nerf

yes yes

+11 Icarus with best possible auguments also .

Imo this screen makes lucif looks hilarius once once more .

Edit : LOL and this damn retarted noob who is on DrMoufas using berseker also . that means that for regular and smart archer who wint using berseker the damage is even lower.



oh it also has might lvl 10??? ;D


i was just considering that ok might lvl 10 bonus is similar to zerk.... so damage should be same


archer sooooooooo overpowered

ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10