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Started by torebronx, October 19, 2009, 04:34:02 PM

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Quote from: Ber1l on October 22, 2009, 07:31:53 PM
glads and tyrants atm are done to kill spoilers and crafters....the whole economy is in their hands!!!! :o

At least they can kill something...  :D


Quote from: Daniel Defoe on October 22, 2009, 07:54:07 PM
Gladiator Event Dragon 15x there were more dwarfs at their event than gladiators .... nothing to add... as u can see there are only 3 good equiped other ic/tallum/xxx

really sorry to see u killing a-grade dudes on crappy x15 event... u didnt find a better entertainment before oly started did u?
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on October 22, 2009, 08:28:00 PM
really sorry to see u killing a-grade dudes on crappy x15 event... u didnt find a better entertainment before oly started did u?

Alex does hate blinds u?

=) He was not showing us how big is his penis, but that when he got to glad event his opponents mostly were not in good shape.... and ofc its not his fault.

Or maybe when event goes on, all good players should let other ppl get crown as  Best in Class player.
"ПроÑ,,ессор Mijamoto!  Ð' прикидывании дурачком, лукавсÑ,ве и заумныÑ... высказыванияÑ... Ñ,ебе неÑ, равныÑ...!"
ИмÑ...о, Mijamoto адекваÑ,нее и разумнее большей часÑ,и населения русской веÑ,ки.[img]

DNx15 / l2inc - Dievs, Stalingrad
HRx25 - Dievs, Severance


Quote from: Furesy on October 22, 2009, 10:51:01 PM
Aha, last days of Furesy ^_^
well it is more likely last days of BH, because we were kicked right on that hill :D

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Ashlynn, Ashlynn... try read it better pls.
1) Tanks have mby resist, but who talk about tank? We talk about glad :D and if u mean gl/pl, okey... but speed is lower and skills from gl have shorter range than u can shoot = u can kill gl/pl w/o lose any CP
2) if u are he/gl I think is better kill with bow... specially fighters which can't catch u :D and u can hit them for 500. but again... u can kill them w/o lose any CP
3) if u will equip tb*dle+4 - it isn't restore u CP... u must restore it alone and if u will restore it,u will lose them cuz u fight with he/gl for near range :D
4) omg, sure that healers are attack first, but I meaned that they don't go in "head" of attack if u understand me. And if I will find way to him, archers will kill me cuz they hit with huge dmg
5) dash is mby 15 sec - like sonic move... so u, like archer, are faster..... again :)
6) omg again :D who speak about mages? :D u are stronger than mage and need longer range. And nobody spoke here about mages, but about glad... and if I know well, archer has longer range than glad :)
7) have u been ever play L2? :D Or u must learn :) Kid...  ;)
P.S. u sent here screen where u have speed 339.... if I am on glad, have ww, zerk and wind (w/o pof) I have about 190... so how can I hit u with glad :D


Quote from: Alex on October 22, 2009, 08:28:00 PM
really sorry to see u killing a-grade dudes on crappy x15 event... u didnt find a better entertainment before oly started did u?

If is it even, so I think that he maked well to kill all... omg... rly LOL malaka......
P.S. u see now how much glads is on 15x. About 10 glads. From it 3x in dyna and 2x in ic..... the same is on 30x


Quote from: drago.n.et on October 22, 2009, 11:19:28 PM
Ashlynn, Ashlynn... try read it better pls.
1) Tanks have mby resist, but who talk about tank? We talk about glad :D and if u mean gl/pl, okey... but speed is lower and skills from gl have shorter range than u can shoot = u can kill gl/pl w/o lose any CP
2) if u are he/gl I think is better kill with bow... specially fighters which can't catch u :D and u can hit them for 500. but again... u can kill them w/o lose any CP
3) if u will equip tb*dle+4 - it isn't restore u CP... u must restore it alone and if u will restore it,u will lose them cuz u fight with he/gl for near range :D
4) omg, sure that healers are attack first, but I meaned that they don't go in "head" of attack if u understand me. And if I will find way to him, archers will kill me cuz they hit with huge dmg
5) dash is mby 15 sec - like sonic move... so u, like archer, are faster..... again :)
6) omg again :D who speak about mages? :D u are stronger than mage and need longer range. And nobody spoke here about mages, but about glad... and if I know well, archer has longer range than glad :)
7) have u been ever play L2? :D Or u must learn :) Kid...  ;)
P.S. u sent here screen where u have speed 339.... if I am on glad, have ww, zerk and wind (w/o pof) I have about 190... so how can I hit u with glad :D
1) Ever heard about Shackle? or AI+Sonic Move? I might not lose any CP, but I won't make any reasonable damage with bow to Deflect Arrows, since we are talking about GL/Pal.
2) It is, against everything but tanks.
3) So? I will miss CP anyway. Either by equipping bow, either by fighting close range where I will get some damage. So what is your point again?
4) Yes, that's why we have resists against archers, not against Gladiators. So you would be actually able to reach at least enemy BP without dying.
5) Yes, archers are faster, but not uncatchable.
6) Range is bugged in HB, once again.... It is like talking with a chipmunk.
7) No, I am sorry, I am on wrong forum. I thought we are talking about Hello Kitty.
P.S.: I never said you can hit me. You wouldn't be able to even target me. But not every Archer is HE/Glad.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Daniel Defoe on October 22, 2009, 07:54:07 PM
Gladiator Event Dragon 15x there were more dwarfs at their event than gladiators .... nothing to add... as u can see there are only 3 good equiped other ic/tallum/xxx

u re such an attentionwhore, except you're failing at it, your sig is pathetic btw, like REALLY pathetic lol


Quote from: Ber1l on October 22, 2009, 06:33:05 PM
do u know how much p.atk has a tyrant in rabbit????considering that he should play in light u think he can make so much dmg????do u know that the difference between their ranges is 600???sorry but what u're saying is without sense

Err...Rabbit is not meant to be used to fight.  It is used to chase the archer, cast the 'slow' buff on him and then u change to other totem to finish him off.  Did u play tyrant before?


Quote from: Ashlynn on October 22, 2009, 06:51:03 PM
Yes, it is.

C'mon, are we talking about mutant or normal char(no sub) here?  If u are talking about mutants, try tyrant/th, this char 100% can catch up with your he/glad char.  Oh yes, try to max your +STR instead of +DEX, your he/glad will be a lot more lethal.


Quote from: drago.n.et on October 22, 2009, 11:19:28 PM
Ashlynn, Ashlynn... try read it better pls.
1) Tanks have mby resist, but who talk about tank? We talk about glad :D and if u mean gl/pl, okey... but speed is lower and skills from gl have shorter range than u can shoot = u can kill gl/pl w/o lose any CP
2) if u are he/gl I think is better kill with bow... specially fighters which can't catch u :D and u can hit them for 500. but again... u can kill them w/o lose any CP
3) if u will equip tb*dle+4 - it isn't restore u CP... u must restore it alone and if u will restore it,u will lose them cuz u fight with he/gl for near range :D
4) omg, sure that healers are attack first, but I meaned that they don't go in "head" of attack if u understand me. And if I will find way to him, archers will kill me cuz they hit with huge dmg
5) dash is mby 15 sec - like sonic move... so u, like archer, are faster..... again :)
6) omg again :D who speak about mages? :D u are stronger than mage and need longer range. And nobody spoke here about mages, but about glad... and if I know well, archer has longer range than glad :)
7) have u been ever play L2? :D Or u must learn :) Kid...  ;)
P.S. u sent here screen where u have speed 339.... if I am on glad, have ww, zerk and wind (w/o pof) I have about 190... so how can I hit u with glad :D

Both of you must make it clear whether you both are talking about:
a) Mutant vs non-mutant    or
b) Non-mutant vs non-mutant

If you are non-mutant, you have no chance to reach 339 speed.