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Dager boost effect on infinity

Started by RaV3NCLaW, November 03, 2009, 09:55:23 PM

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Quote from: Kikolina on November 04, 2009, 09:30:26 AM
hehe trust me that guy wont die so easy xD
if max we can reach is 6k, 4k in pvps resist-buffed, than normal dagger should reach at least 3.5k correct? lets say 3k properly buffed.. and u think this is low? it outdamages any crited blow without using single mana point :D about ur tanks, he crited tank on vengenace for 1.1k xD however who s the idiot to hit sucha targets, biggest problems he occurs to healers, give me ue and ud now :P

For now i saw only ty/de in c6 times with full buff + zealot + frenzy + bizon + rage with 2h blunt in 30%hp (he have more than 20k p.atak but i dont know how much more) that hits pal in venga for ~2k per crit (pal had ~10k p def) so pls show me some screens where I can see that uber dagger hits tank on venga for more thatn 1k per hit so i can belive it :)


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 04, 2009, 01:09:25 AM
if you post screen with low stats, it just shows you play wrong class.
read batter th/glad has that p atck

pp/th has passive weapon mastery from mage class, maybe it was nerfed on 75%, but it still adds something. even if so ill post my SS soon and u can just add 25% to my patk there (war cry lvl 2 patk bonus)


as i told add 25% patk from war cry and u get max possible patk TH can have

ps. I seriously doubt any dagger is stupid enough to use ogres instead of monks, +5 STR set up and only dumb non-tank dagger would use heavy, but as I promised I showed you max possible patk. Now quit your bullshit and learn to play. Btw that loser SR cried also that th/glad has 1.7k atk spd? rofl
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


playin a th with +5str, good dagger, p atack buffs will pwn? is that what u r sayin?
omg, why i didnt thought about this before, i go do it asap!

so my buff bar will be:

1: attack
2: trick
3: switch
4: dash
5: vicius stance
the rest will be empty oO



Quote from: Alex on November 04, 2009, 12:08:22 PM
pp/th has passive weapon mastery from mage class, maybe it was nerfed on 75%, but it still adds something. even if so ill post my SS soon and u can just add 25% to my patk there (war cry lvl 2 patk bonus)

mentioned gl/th uses +16 as
you miss at least p atck pot (+10% p atck as i rmember)
add hero skill that adds p atck/ pdef for 2 min - available for ALL around
add hero zerk - available for short list of players (including mentioned gl/th)

so, if you really believe you showed max.... i still believe Davy had more


Alex You also forgot about auguments. I mean active p atak and passiv p atak but still 6k its amazing ;)

Edit: Also You forgot about cat buff for p.atak but its usless since critical dmg is way more better ;)


Quote from: Curtis on November 04, 2009, 01:12:49 PM
Alex You also forgot about auguments. I mean active p atak and passiv p atak but still 6k its amazing ;)

Edit: Also You forgot about cat buff for p.atak but its usless since critical dmg is way more better ;)
and dyna heavy+valakas
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10



Quote from: flamingAwe on November 04, 2009, 01:10:40 PM
mentioned gl/th uses +16 as
you miss at least p atck pot (+10% p atck as i rmember)
add hero skill that adds p atck/ pdef for 2 min - available for ALL around
add hero zerk - available for short list of players (including mentioned gl/th)

so, if you really believe you showed max.... i still believe Davy had more

hero valor adds only stable 250 patk and 500 pdef lol, hero zerk adds 500 patk but using it in mass pvp is sick, coz it takes -25% pdef/mdef.

ok and patk potion? if u will have slot for it with all glad/th's self buffs (what i doubt) it adds only 10% patk lol.

I have PP's mage weapon mastery and bonus isnt much worse than difference between AS+10 and AS+16

Quote from: Curtis on November 04, 2009, 01:12:49 PM
Alex You also forgot about auguments. I mean active p atak and passiv p atak but still 6k its amazing ;)

Edit: Also You forgot about cat buff for p.atak but its usless since critical dmg is way more better ;)

yes I dont have augments, ok, they add 10% patk, yes I didnt use patk catbuff because the build of char I had is already a non-sense, who uses max STR, ogre tattoos and heavy on non-tank dagger nowadays lol.

besides with all what people mentioned here (hero skills, patk potion, augments) glad/th also needs to keep slots for war cry, mirage, UE, dash, sonic barrier, focus power. would he have any slot left for resist buffs? going w/o them is kinda dangerous with mages around critting for 8k on buffs w/o resist
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


alex....you are a kido that thinks that he owns the world....but you know shits....everyone mentioned after all your posts that rav3n is talking about TH/GLAD.....that's the 1....
You post screen of th/pp on as+10...big difference with +16...
You are nor fullbuffed...no valor-no flu .......that not worths so much....but we talkign about TH/GLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!
If you will post again that th/pp this and th/pp that ....you'll be the bigest naab of the whole comunitty......that's for sure.


Quote from: andreas32 on November 04, 2009, 03:04:56 PM
alex....you are a kido that thinks that he owns the world....but you know shits....everyone mentioned after all your posts that rav3n is talking about TH/GLAD.....that's the 1....
You post screen of th/pp on as+10...big difference with +16...
You are nor fullbuffed...no valor-no flu .......that not worths so much....but we talkign about TH/GLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!
If you will post again that th/pp this and th/pp that ....you'll be the bigest naab of the whole comunitty......that's for sure.

They were talking about p attack, not best setup and stats. As i know flu sux when you want to reach top p attack. Anyway i belive he could reach that 6k p attack but he won't own that much (he need to leave everything to reach such p attack). Add that he use focus power  ( -30% crit dmg in front, +60% from back), so finally he will reach that 4.5k on mass pvp and if you're smart enough to keep him in front of you he won't make 8k dmg but 3k (still high, but guess what dmg would make tyr/des with fullbuff :P)
Quote from: SolarWind on June 15, 2009, 06:13:19 PM
The real reason why Triad lost their dominance on sieges is because of Galactic clan.


Track i have only one wish. Can you look here for a moment and kick those "crying infinity band" from our section ?? We have enough NM cryers (including me) to spam general section, we dont need them. And if we dont stop this now The River Of Tears from Infinity/dragon will flood us