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9x or 20x

Started by Suxel2k, April 08, 2010, 01:32:46 AM

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Quote from: Nasko on April 08, 2010, 12:29:54 PM
Torn I'm play this game sence katsu c1 over 6 years (and im not stop  .. ) for this i think i know for what I talk .. ok what i can tell u . 20x is 20 easy exp if u can make it 9x with party bonus 2x will be cool again all now is exp in 20x will come ppl w/o much free time cuz this game have 2 deferents way 1.U play It .. 2. U don't play it ... if i dont have free time for 9x i will dont start it like many other's ppl 20 is other think this is all ..
I dont think u quite understand your english, but if you can understand me this i think it will help you to decide to come play here afterall: I will remind you 1 more time we have already made new sub system compensate the lower rate by not dropping your lvl when u sub , therefor its same regarding exp rate, 2x exp on a big higher rate or 1 time on a bit lower rate + we will make (as i said already) many exp events especially in start so after you reach top lvl no more grinding.
Quote from: dnuka on April 08, 2010, 12:33:03 PM

I see an issue with economics of the server caused by this line "server’s rate will be x9 instead of x20. Drops and spoils are x5 and quests rewards are x9."
What will happen is that ppl wil exp 2x faster than they will gain mats and you will see BIG inflation pretty soon, I suggest keeping adena drop rate same as XP but increasing mats drop and spoil rate to x15 , also implementing C1/C2 non set items to drop list at increased rate would be fine to mitigate chance that prices will skyrocket when there will be need for shots and crafted items(also set items up to B grade would be fine like in C3).

You can say manor, but that will not be present until some castles are taken so that will be out of service for at least 2 months since server launch
BTW A grade is suitable to use since lvl 61 where end game is 24 levels away so I think it should not be so hard to get it
Please read all my posts.

Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 12:32:35 PM
Look man, whan i played on x10 i was been younged ! Now most of us have works, searious relationships etc etc etc ! If u dont have real life, we have ! And on x10 was been totaly deferent story ! U never gonna make server like shadow ! SHADOW FOREVER ! And i know for sure if u make x9 u will close server soon ! GL and HF ! :)
Viva Las Vegas


Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 12:41:01 PM
Torn, you can talk what you wanna ! Whan u make server to work like shadow in best days of him ! You can tell me "Viva Las Vegas" !!!
Now u can only be quiet, cos u cant fix server 2 months ! First lunch server to work like shadow and after talk something ! And yes, get ppl on server like shadow ! :*

Lol, shadow was most crap of dn servers, no wonder why they closed it. Btw I hope u won't  play at Val, we dont need crying ppl :D Cya, won't miss yaaaa


At the begining it will be harder to xp, but after few months at 20x rates server it will be possible to xp chars up to 78lvl in 2-3 days. In 9x rates server about 7 days. And really, how someone can say that this server gonna be bad cause its 9x rates server?


Right, shadow suuuuuuuuuuuux :)  ::) ???


Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 12:32:35 PM
Look man, whan i played on x10 i was been younged ! Now most of us have works, searious relationships etc etc etc ! If u dont have real life, we have ! And on x10 was been totaly deferent story ! U never gonna make server like shadow ! SHADOW FOREVER ! And i know for sure if u make x9 u will close server soon ! GL and HF ! :)

Are you tryng to be funny or what, shadow was nothing while compared to dragon.... come on :) Everyone knows that dragon was the best, and we're hopiing that Valkyria wyll be similiar.


Gotta try it... if came up ofc :)... Torn put my boss set on wh then i can say good words over all forum for server :P  ;D

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Quote from: Torn on April 08, 2010, 12:37:18 PM
I dont think u quite understand your english
Yea my english lol .. w.e. i just ask will chance to make it again 20x cuz ur population will be 1/2 lower now , but i see u can't answer me , u can't make nothing this 9x to be like 20x,  ppl just get scare for this 9x and this exp event can't make nothing trust me ..

p.s. plz tell me and to other ppl will have chance for 20x or no this is all im w8 for 1 month like many others ppl ..

>  Main Machine < Trust me , RUN >


in the morning when i saw this change i was mad to but if i think better 9x is perfect bcz DN dont have servers that die or are closed in 2-3 moths so we dotn have to be afraid thatw e will play here for nothing and when we are ready with nobless,items and so on server will be closed cuz i know it wont be like that,and 9x is good cuz we wont get bored so fast,and as Torn say here we wont get delevel when we make sub i dont understand whats problem is same 20x but with more fun and less exploits ,cuz if we are lvl 40 with 76 skills many ppls know many exploits and it wont be fare for many other players i like the game to be fun and fare for all so thats why i think 9x will be good for all just think and as i said i was very mad to cuz i can play only like 4 hours on day bcz i have a job a wife and many other things to do... and not much time for lineage like before but think better cuz we have many more advantages like this.

Ps:all i need to know is if will be ALL C grade in shop,thx and i hope i see you all in game soon


Hi Torn.

You say you did not expect such a reaction to the change to 9x.

I don’t like that change at all, and probably will be out of it, if left 9x.

Most people who has reacted to the change is experienced people, probably have played this game 4-5 years. Probably has been in Dragon 15x for a long time, probably have created their main character and many others more for support like pp, dancers, tanks for raids, etc or dwarfs for crafting or spoiling, or other second ord third main characters.

Probably have also tested other servers Dragon or no Dragon.
So people do know what they say. I don’t want to do it all again, at a 9x rate, and maybe the same happens to others.

A balanced server with no overpowered and donator-exclusive items is attractive. A subclass stackable is attractive. A 9x is not attractive. Not for experienced players who have spent years in 15x, tired of boring leveling up till S grade, not to talk about to 80, for a new character, or for same character with new sub. Even having all support characters and weapons, pots, already available.

Probably one of the points of the announced server is that it was easier to level up in a 20x than in a 9x.

It is your server, it is your choice. But there is big difference between 20x and 9x. Lineage is an old game, some people is considering other alternativve games. Most player you recruit will be old players who still like the game, many of them with experience, real life and who know what they want. That kind of player is probably your target. I think you should pay attention to what so many players say.... if you want a good server.

Players need something really good to leave their usual servers, and all work invested there. Think it over.


OK!! BB AND GL with 9x :-\

                                                                       WHEN IM SAD I STOP BEING SAD AND BE AWESOME INSTEAD ;)


Oh guys come`on why do you think that x9 is low, there is not much diff with the leveling...
If it was x20 we would lvl up very fast but without items on the right level... but with x9 we will have the eq on grade-level we are
Why dont you think a little bit ???


First im really sorry for my english,

The only thing i want to say is, i dont care if its x20 or x9, it just a different way to play, but the time is fcked on me, and i cant stay 3H doing a class quest. Some people works, family,  and have "some" life, and love to playing on this game, but its thinking on doing the 2nd quest, 3rd quest and ... buff... horrible.

Thxs for reading it.