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To the people running bots in starting villages



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To the people running bots in starting villages

Started by jailaa, June 08, 2010, 04:22:46 PM

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This is your one and only warning ! We will ban ALL accounts logged from that IP !

Like I said : if your brother / sister / mother / father / friend or pet is playing on the same lan, have them stop or they will get you banned too. No excuses of this type will be accepted.


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


I dont get it why people make such a big problem that GM wants to ban your freaking bots.
Adena Plix.




Quote from: jailaa on June 08, 2010, 04:22:46 PM
This is your one and only warning ! We will ban ALL accounts logged from that IP !

Like I said : if your brother / sister / mother / father / friend or pet is playing on the same lan, have them stop or they will get you banned too. No excuses of this type will be accepted.

mhm... And who are you? :)
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Ok, we have our first winner: in the past two days this person had 14 bots arround low lvl villages. Today is your lucky day and your IP and ALL MAIN ACCOUNTS will be banned. Have a nice day.

I hope nobody gave his accounts to the lucky guy.


Quote from: jailaa on June 08, 2010, 04:22:46 PM

Like I said : if your brother / sister / mother / father / friend or pet is playing



Hmm, bots banning. You just freaked your server :D

Your very best so called online was 1200. You banned one guy with 14 accs, today also me, so next -10 from that. As far, you should have about 700 or less now. But guess what, from those about 300 more or even  better are wwalkers. Will you really ban them, or you will stop because of beingscarry that server dies? :D

Btw you lied, you said you gonna ban ALL chars from IP + main char etc etc, but you just banned my low lvl bots. Pease ban also main char, I wanna finally break with this addiction :) Or no, I'll better sell my stuff on allegro, just to diss ya.

Wish ya luck with server


Quote from: jailaa on June 08, 2010, 11:05:52 PM
Ok, we have our first winner: in the past two days this person had 14 bots arround low lvl villages. Today is your lucky day and your IP and ALL MAIN ACCOUNTS will be banned. Have a nice day.

I hope nobody gave his accounts to the lucky guy.

and who was that guy? : )

Quote from: anulk4Insert Quote
Hmm, bots banning. You just freaked your server

Your very best so called online was 1200. You banned one guy with 14 accs, today also me, so next -10 from that. As far, you should have about 700 or less now. But guess what, from those about 300 more or even  better are wwalkers. Will you really ban them, or you will stop because of beingscarry that server dies? 

Btw you lied, you said you gonna ban ALL chars from IP + main char etc etc, but you just banned my low lvl bots. Pease ban also main char, I wanna finally break with this addiction  Or no, I'll better sell my stuff on allegro, just to diss ya.

Wish ya luck with server

believe me, more ppl will come once l2w won't be tolerated.
And for you, I'd rather play with half of the current population than to play on server full of bots.
good things


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 09, 2010, 12:19:45 AM
Hmm, bots banning. You just freaked your server :D

Your very best so called online was 1200. You banned one guy with 14 accs, today also me, so next -10 from that. As far, you should have about 700 or less now. But guess what, from those about 300 more or even  better are wwalkers. Will you really ban them, or you will stop because of beingscarry that server dies? :D

Btw you lied, you said you gonna ban ALL chars from IP + main char etc etc, but you just banned my low lvl bots. Pease ban also main char, I wanna finally break with this addiction :) Or no, I'll better sell my stuff on allegro, just to diss ya.

Wish ya luck with server
evrybody lie (c) HOUSE MD
gm's are people too ;]

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: Anulk4 on June 09, 2010, 12:19:45 AM
Hmm, bots banning. You just freaked your server :D

Your very best so called online was 1200. You banned one guy with 14 accs, today also me, so next -10 from that. As far, you should have about 700 or less now. But guess what, from those about 300 more or even  better are wwalkers. Will you really ban them, or you will stop because of beingscarry that server dies? :D

Btw you lied, you said you gonna ban ALL chars from IP + main char etc etc, but you just banned my low lvl bots. Pease ban also main char, I wanna finally break with this addiction :) Or no, I'll better sell my stuff on allegro, just to diss ya.

Wish ya luck with server

These low lvl bots were very important members of server. For sure ppl will miss them.


Quote from: 6bIK on June 09, 2010, 12:51:34 AM
evrybody lie (c) HOUSE MD
gm's are people too ;]

and my favorite text is:


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