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Started by BiGCaT, August 25, 2010, 12:44:10 AM

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Welll... Glasy you are total dumb in my opinion.

All who balame should first off all read this

I checked out forum settings of this guy and it's really showing like he posted on screen, but only at forum message box.

Cheack it out if you don't belive...

Well white box on the right side of screenshot doesnt make it to belive it was done with photoshop or other professional software.

So in my opnion screenshot is 100% OK and no one should have reason to cry about "fake screenshot" or smth.

shame on you glassy

glassy n/c


Quote from: Torn on August 25, 2010, 03:35:21 PM
Pictures or no pictures, it still doesnt change a situation what you did and why this all mess is happening. And you better stop teasing me i advised you for 2nd time.
Ofc you wont do anything. IF Glasy remains, more ppl will leave dragon and will come to Valkirya so you win more players.
The longer he stays the more players you will get and ppl in Dragon will have to suffer cuz u got no balls to stand up against Glasy.
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Quote from: Piccy on August 25, 2010, 03:08:04 PM
emh :)

edited screen

check sent time pm

13.36 AM doesn't exist :D and forum doesn't display them this way

it should be 01.36 pm (try send eachother a pm now and test it :D)

look at the screen rezz posted about time options


and now look on top right corner where it shows time it shows  it with "am"
i made my time options the same as his and it shows 25 August 2010, 16:05:28 am  *
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


Quote from: IvolveR on August 25, 2010, 03:59:39 PM
Ofc you wont do anything. IF Glasy remains, more ppl will leave dragon and will come to Valkirya so you win more players.
The longer he stays the more players you will get and ppl in Dragon will have to suffer cuz u got no balls to stand up against Glasy.
So,all we need to do is kick glasy from community! he showed to all of us that he is dumb for this game,he is noob for pvp for coding...from begining all we could see from glasyalatard is big corruption...Just becouse he is licking drake's ass to good he thinks he is GOD  ::)


Quote from: ShowStopper on August 25, 2010, 03:29:00 PM
u should learn use better photoshop

After 2 years You still don't know how this forum is working ... Impressive ...

♥ Panic ♥
Valkyria x9
DarkVengeance NE/BP

Nightmare x30
iBurn WL/SR
AncientDevil OL/WC

Dragon x15
DarkVengeance GL/PP


Quote from: DarkVengeance on August 25, 2010, 04:13:27 PM
After 2 years You still don't know how this forum is working ... Impressive ...
hahahah and u think he will ever know how this forum or game working?


Quote from: GlasyTheTard on August 25, 2010, 04:08:03 PM
So,all we need to do is kick glasy from community! he showed to all of us that he is dumb for this game,he is noob for pvp for coding...from begining all we could see from glasyalatard is big corruption...Just becouse he is licking drake's ass to good he thinks he is GOD  ::)

that man who make GlasyTheTard you IQ is impressing some one say that Torn is bad and Glasy good and you even don't understand it

but if some one copy all this topic and mix it will be Comedy close this topic better cuz cuz Blame Glasy or Torn is no sens

som one just don't understand that if GM need change pass to Dragon account he change pass too all server for this account

ppl read Rules and keep with it then you will be have no problem

BTW for finish why so many haters of Glasy deffend glasy i think its saying that he is currect!

how long you will keep topic open that long all serves only lose cuz if ppl see bad gm on dragon and valkiria he just go to difrend server


Quote from: IvolveR on August 25, 2010, 04:07:23 PM
look at the screen rezz posted about time options


and now look on top right corner where it shows time it shows  it with "am"
i made my time options the same as his and it shows 25 August 2010, 16:05:28 am  *
ah so i should manually put a wrong timecount ?
becouse automatic option says p/am (or it's totally empty for basic time)

kk tnx for info i was wondering why i didn't get it


I got tired to read everyone posts here....i am a dragon player for 4 years now....i got sick of all the shits and flames each one of well known community chars have posted in this forum.....every single post is full of useless spam replies/cries and flames of each one of you to another.....to see it from players is so common as the air we breathe....but to see it from GM's and Moderators is pathetic!!! I am really sorry you all  GM's show the lowest appreciation to the players of the Network (no matter which server is) and you start flamming and warning each other in public view and boast like frogs you have nothing to hide!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SUPPOSED to be collegues and support each other and handling issues like this IN PRIVATE so that the message players on this netwrok would get is that they have a very well informed and helpful GM team to support their game at THE WHOLE NETWORK......i don't care if you are good or bad or moderate as GM's in your servers.......i know you are embarassing the DN-NETWORK by flamming/accussing and warning each other in common view of all the players.....

P.S.: My personal opinion is that: 1. Dragon as long with other servers are ALL dying and you should do something about it before it is too late...Clean up your servers from bots and hackers and you will see there are only so few players active.....
2. Many players have shown really bad behavior and some of them need to have a restriction to all DN-NETWORK, not only one server alone.......
3. apparently not all of you are suit to be gm's.......Drake should be more careful in Gm's picking or he will end up alone with dead servers.....


Quote from: IvolveR on August 25, 2010, 03:59:39 PM
Ofc you wont do anything. IF Glasy remains, more ppl will leave dragon and will come to Valkirya so you win more players.
The longer he stays the more players you will get and ppl in Dragon will have to suffer cuz u got no balls to stand up against Glasy.
You are clearly wrong here, i have 0 interest to attract dragon or any other DN servers players, i have nothing to win from this. I just stated that my players (who ever they are) will have safe accounts here (as long as they dont brake Valkyria 9x rules !!!, and even they brake them they will get deserved punish for it but never mail change account and so on..thats a big mistake doing it who ever is doing it), in the end we are building with 5 floors, we live under the same roof yes, but each floor have its own rules. So no, i dont wanna rip any population i want plain new players but things like this arent good to be seen by new memebers, so its not about balls or no balls is just players protection, and if you ask me about your peotection, you have to talk about it with other GM-s from your server and the possible solutions. Even as i can see most of the community throw  stones on Showstopper as long as i am part of the staff here i wont talk bad about my GM comrades. I hope i explained you better now,thanks.

Quote from: xDejavux on August 25, 2010, 04:36:35 PM
I got tired to read everyone posts here....i am a dragon player for 4 years now....i got sick of all the shits and flames each one of well known community chars have posted in this forum.....every single post is full of useless spam replies/cries and flames of each one of you to another.....to see it from players is so common as the air we breathe....but to see it from GM's and Moderators is pathetic!!! I am really sorry you all  GM's show the lowest appreciation to the players of the Network (no matter which server is) and you start flamming and warning each other in public view and boast like frogs you have nothing to hide!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SUPPOSED to be collegues and support each other and handling issues like this IN PRIVATE so that the message players on this netwrok would get is that they have a very well informed and helpful GM team to support their game at THE WHOLE NETWORK......i don't care if you are good or bad or moderate as GM's in your servers.......i know you are embarassing the DN-NETWORK by flamming/accussing and warning each other in common view of all the players.....

P.S.: My personal opinion is that: 1. Dragon as long with other servers are ALL dying and you should do something about it before it is too late...Clean up your servers from bots and hackers and you will see there are only so few players active.....
2. Many players have shown really bad behavior and some of them need to have a restriction to all DN-NETWORK, not only one server alone.......
3. apparently not all of you are suit to be gm's.......Drake should be more careful in Gm's picking or he will end up alone with dead servers.....

Obviously you didnt read my posts cause i said exactly the same thing you are complaining against.


Quote from: Piccy on August 25, 2010, 04:33:30 PM
ah so i should manually put a wrong timecount ?
becouse automatic option says p/am (or it's totally empty for basic time)

kk tnx for info i was wondering why i didn't get it

There can be multiple reasons why it showed wrong date format - meaby one of his friends or family member have done a joke for him or he has simply put wrong date format that has been found on IT board posted by noob and he has simply used it.

Stop looking for problems there where they are not. I have just noticed that you were the first person who discovered this "bug" with date on forum and this is only the reason why you'r trying to figure out to blame him to dont become a donkey in community eyes. Nothing more to add  :-*

I dont play on x15 atm,but I know glassy as GM and it's in his style to do such a thing.


Quote from: LucasN4F on August 25, 2010, 02:10:44 PM
Torn sry for that word but are you Stupid?

DN work like Company GM problem shold be solve on GM rang you shold know it or that you are GM are mistake
i don't understand why you inv ppl too your problem you know if GM need back items to ppl he can't create them and back he need take from hacker

i don't say who is good or who is bad but that topic you make its just stupid. It look like you can't solve some problem and try blame it to other one. i see it in this way and i think many ppl too

chacker never say he is chacker so thay will be cry that thay don't do it
next time pls make GM meeting and solve sh1ts in GMs range don't inv no needer PPL then server will be better
Quote from: LucasN4F on August 25, 2010, 02:52:24 PM
PPL when you post somethink pls read it and think about what you write cuz you make problem from nothink
if he sell or scam items for me its normal that all chars he was got ban for solve problem

and like some one say that he don't say nothink but he want help Torn

let he help Torn but not in cost other gms Torn make big mistake making this topic oficial GMs shold solve it in GMs range speak with Drake and GMs

all mess make Torn so i think you shold have problem to him but better blame some one who make somethink not only talk about somethink simple
Quote from: LucasN4F on August 25, 2010, 03:55:58 PM
Torn its look like that if some one Play your server he can Scam other server cuz you Protect them
So i can make char on your server Scam other server and nobody can't do nothink with me?

cool :) i think i do that
Quote from: LucasN4F on August 25, 2010, 04:26:29 PM
that man who make GlasyTheTard you IQ is impressing some one say that Torn is bad and Glasy good and you even don't understand it

but if some one copy all this topic and mix it will be Comedy close this topic better cuz cuz Blame Glasy or Torn is no sens

som one just don't understand that if GM need change pass to Dragon account he change pass too all server for this account

ppl read Rules and keep with it then you will be have no problem

BTW for finish why so many haters of Glasy deffend glasy i think its saying that he is currect!

how long you will keep topic open that long all serves only lose cuz if ppl see bad gm on dragon and valkiria he just go to difrend server
Haha epic. You fail at English and understanding the situation, you look a bit like ShowStopper, family by any chance?

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I lol'ed.