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ADEN 22-03

Started by kingofchaos, March 22, 2008, 10:28:47 PM

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I just wonder though...
Envy and v3 were crying DeadlySin didn't discuss with ally when he took in another clan into his ally, ok fine...
But maybe you Envy and v3 forgetting a single thing, you did exactly the same.
You decided to backstab, instead of discuss what happend, you made a plan, even before the siege to backstab near the end of the siege... What this makes you? You blaming someone for the same shit you do yourself, and you even add a little to it with backstabbing... Hypocrisy eh?

Now you can come and reply all kind of stuff, about me, about BlackHand, about BlackHand members or leaders, but hey... That won't change a thing.


Quote from: Furesy on March 25, 2008, 05:35:51 PM
I just wonder though...
Envy and v3 were crying DeadlySin didn't discuss with ally when he took in another clan into his ally, ok fine...
But maybe you Envy and v3 forgetting a single thing, you did exactly the same.
You decided to backstab, instead of discuss what happend, you made a plan, even before the siege to backstab near the end of the siege... What this makes you? You blaming someone for the same shit you do yourself, and you even add a little to it with backstabbing... Hypocrisy eh?

Now you can come and reply all kind of stuff, about me, about BlackHand, about BlackHand members or leaders, but hey... That won't change a thing.
nor it wont change the fact that u tried to use v3 and then envy to get ur gears and to sub ur peeps,then u invited 2 enemy clans...kinda dumb
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: Endorama on March 25, 2008, 05:43:52 PM
nor it wont change the fact that u tried to use v3 and then envy to get ur gears and to sub ur peeps,then u invited 2 enemy clans...kinda dumb
Use you?
Remember, remember... That BH made it's own ally, and v3 joined that, aswell as Envy wanted to join, and so they did...
Both of these clans knew BH needed gear, many of us even mentioned that several times, so now your claiming you didn't knew? This claim makes no sense, as both v3 and Envy knew, BH needed gear, both Envy and v3 knew, that BH needed to sub their members.


Quote from: Wake on March 25, 2008, 03:34:41 PM
I have played support, mage and archer. I hardly see how it's anyone's business what char me or my clan mates are playing and if we got bored by them. Also is it so hard to believe that we actually enjoy playing them?

It was just a question, u answered by another question >.> /target ashk /attack
Critical hit!
you hit for 5444
Critical hit!
You hit for 5501
Achm3d: gf

Its boring dude =/
Nothing Else Matters


yes you hold it but nobody killing you from defenders  :)


Quote from: mark_elesse on March 25, 2008, 06:20:49 PM
they lost it after we leaved.

in movie was it a little bit different


Quote from: mark_elesse on March 25, 2008, 06:15:36 PM
total 100% pure truth ! BlackHand boys, i hope u learned your lesson, everyone could see what u are without envy + v3 ... if not i tell you :
a clan what cant keep a fckin castle for 10 min ... lol when 9 clan attacked us at oren we hold em for like 1 hour ! wtf u talkin about ? skill ? proud ? backstab ? personal refelections ? ...cmon ... cry me a new antlantic ocean and give any proof about your fckin big face ... envy ( sins ) proved why everyone need call em old and pro clan , v3 have an awesome history too ... BUT WTF U HAVE HERE ?? yeyeyeye...the old glorious time on the Dragon ..but boys U ARE ON THE NM ATM ... try to do smth instead of the non stop cry ..

this is my last post here , if u make smth "BIG" ( sry..i cant find the correct word )  what our clans did in the past, we can contineu this discous but atm u arent more in these server just NEWBIES, dont act like old respected veterans ffs ...

cya in game .

~ Mark.
Holding a castle for 10 minutes, while you just got backstabbed and killed by your own alliance, waiting for 8 minutes of those 10 minutes in respawn room, is really easy to defend the castle right?

None from BH acts (ok maybe a few, but this already proves your hipocrisy, you judge an entire clan by the face of 1 person) Like they are really pro, I know from my own experience BlackHand is capable of anything, on Dragon this is yes...
And those things don't prove anything from what BlackHand is on Nightmare.
But just so you know, try to move your clan, a clan that had everything on a server called Dragon 15x, we had good weapons, full boss sets, we had everything we ever needed. Try to move your clan to a server, that has been up for so long as Nightmare is, try to move your clan and level, sub, get gear like what BlackHand did, in like almost 2 months of time.


Quote from: Furesy on March 25, 2008, 05:49:33 PM
Use you?
Remember, remember... That BH made it's own ally, and v3 joined that, aswell as Envy wanted to join, and so they did...
Both of these clans knew BH needed gear, many of us even mentioned that several times, so now your claiming you didn't knew? This claim makes no sense, as both v3 and Envy knew, BH needed gear, both Envy and v3 knew, that BH needed to sub their members.
thats was my point,we knew it, and we were kind to help u,but then u couldnt even think for a sec for us,what we are going to say and u invite those fags.thats a freakin disrespect to those WHO HELPED U,thats the thing i am saing,we dun give a freak that we helped u,the points is that when u rely on some else's help u should try to be thankful to him(in this case them[us]) and to respect his opinion.
and yea elesse said it right,this aint dragon where u migth had had a great clan,this is NM where v3+sins-nowadays envy are legends of this server.
if some1 doesnt agree of v3 and sins being legends-first think who else dares to stand against the whole server with only 2 clans and in a big % of the situations those 2 clans rape the whole server.i aint talking only about now,v3 and sins have a scary history on NM.
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: Endorama on March 25, 2008, 06:32:52 PM
thats was my point,we knew it, and we were kind to help u,but then u couldnt even think for a sec for us,what we are going to say and u invite those fags.thats a freakin disrespect to those WHO HELPED U,thats the thing i am saing,we dun give a freak that we helped u,the points is that when u rely on some else's help u should try to be thankful to him(in this case them[us]) and to respect his opinion.
and yea elesse said it right,this aint dragon where u migth had had a great clan,this is NM where v3+sins-nowadays envy are legends of this server.
if some1 doesnt agree of v3 and sins being legends-first think who else dares to stand against the whole server with only 2 clans and in a big % of the situations those 2 clans rape the whole server.i aint talking only about now,v3 and sins have a scary history on NM.
Read my other post before replying...


Quote from: Furesy on March 25, 2008, 06:26:12 PM
Holding a castle for 10 minutes, while you just got backstabbed and killed by your own alliance, waiting for 8 minutes of those 10 minutes in respawn room, is really easy to defend the castle right?

None from BH acts (ok maybe a few, but this already proves your hipocrisy, you judge an entire clan by the face of 1 person) Like they are really pro, I know from my own experience BlackHand is capable of anything, on Dragon this is yes...
And those things don't prove anything from what BlackHand is on Nightmare.
But just so you know, try to move your clan, a clan that had everything on a server called Dragon 15x, we had good weapons, full boss sets, we had everything we ever needed. Try to move your clan to a server, that has been up for so long as Nightmare is, try to move your clan and level, sub, get gear like what BlackHand did, in like almost 2 months of time.
oh yea,as far as my memory goes once u said something about drake giving u a rb set?no?

@ blondy: get lost twat.u r simply a moron u cant get the part with the "we aint proud of taking the castle vs duxel's guys(actually we killed temp to get in but w/e)",but we deffended it against out standing number of enemies,then finally when 8 or 9 clans were reged we lost it...
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: Endorama on March 25, 2008, 06:38:31 PM
oh yea,as far as my memory goes once u said something about drake giving u a rb set?no?
For the fact my characters got banned for a worthless reason, as many other people lost their accounts and characters in those old days of Dragon 15x corruption. And no, that wasn't Drake.

Quote@ blondy: get lost twat.u r simply a moron u cant get the part with the "we aint proud of taking the castle vs duxel's guys(actually we killed temp to get in but w/e)",but we deffended it against out standing number of enemies,then finally when 8 or 9 clans were reged we lost it...
He can reply here as much as he wants, it's a siege topic afterall.
Besides your glorious days of defending Oren castle in a siege against countless numbers is such a legendary tale, yet you forget the fact that once you had the ally backing you up, other times none attacked the castle, and when they did you aswell lost it. Indeed you were outnumbered.


Quote from: Furesy on March 25, 2008, 06:34:50 PM
Read my other post before replying...
tbh i have seen enough morons and retards being in ur archer parties,and trust me moving from a server to another doesnt take away ur pvp skills specially where those 2 servers are kinda the same.oh and on the party thing,boy this abnox guy is for sure the biggest moron of em all,just for having him in the clan i could say that the whole clan is retarded
Quote from: Furesy on March 25, 2008, 06:43:40 PM
For the fact my characters got banned for a worthless reason, as many other people lost their accounts and characters in those old days of Dragon 15x corruption. And no, that wasn't Drake.
He can reply here as much as he wants, it's a siege topic afterall.
Besides your glorious days of defending Oren castle in a siege against countless numbers is such a legendary tale, yet you forget the fact that once you had the ally backing you up, other times none attacked the castle, and when they did you aswell lost it. Indeed you were outnumbered.
should i care if it wasnt drake?u were given a rb set,which means u didnt make it urself,doesnt matter if u already had 1.
and i dun give a freak of ur banned chars,is it my problem that u stayed on a server where gms hated u?nope.

yea we had u on the back,now we have envy and trust me i would prefer envy coz they are better team players than u,u cant see em shouting like morons "NOBLE !!!!!" if they are not in ur range(i dunno if they have not noble guys in the clan ,but this was just an example),or shouting for dances when u r on the other end of the map when the dancer said he is going to redance.
edit : dun get the "other end of the map" thingie too literally.
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE