Well i was a bit confused... about SR changes.
So the skill rapid shot was working HOW IT SHOULD and now will give also range bonus? or will only give range bonus? (dunno why really... so maybe deadeye should not give -20% attack speed...?) There was nothing wrong with that skill...
About SR trigger, which is awesome to party, will not give attack speed anymore? Will give p attack instead, or just p attack for the SR and wont trigger to party? Sorry didnt understand...
Anyway, this will only INCREASE THE GAP between archers and mages. An archer cant even get to 1500 attack speed (which is the cap) , specially using ogre tattoos etc. While mages always have full cast speed buffed. Archers dont.
PR going to the bottom of archers, even more... :-\ . Maybe change PR counter mind and counter chance (that decreases cast speed etc)?
cant understand these changes, why things cant be how they are used to be?
gg m4djer
You are not usted, cry a lot and something will change!
Some do it by pm`s for GM`s, others flood the forum topics with spamm about boost skills, and others even put this requests on their own signatures!
People crying about SR stats should compare them to PR stats.
stats like hp,cp, m def, and comparing attack speed/p attack.
PR got mp regen counter and -mp decrease and cast speed counter. WOW... check SR ones :)
SR has heal. wait...PR GOT hex, power break, freezing strike and poison... (wait... not even all +30 will land, ofc)
I hope now PR's will cry to remove the -20% attack speed that deadeye gives...
i would like to know how much patack sr will get after this boost
enough if you (track) would "give back" passives which we got in hellbound (fair for all archers)
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:42:51 PM
People crying about SR stats should compare them to PR stats.
stats like hp,cp, m def, and comparing attack speed/p attack.
PR got mp regen counter and -mp decrease and cast speed counter. WOW... check SR ones :)
I hope now PR's will cry to remove the -20% attack speed that deadeye gives...
use one or all the "normal" ways of request (crying), maybe GM will listen you! ;D
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 12:46:39 PM
use one or all the "normal" ways of request (crying), maybe GM will listen you! ;D
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s
Quote from: Triuferkkk on March 06, 2012, 12:45:50 PM
i would like to know how much patack sr will get after this boost
enough if you (track) would "give back" passives which we got in hellbound (fair for all archers)
The thing is that.
While SR can have like 8000 p attack
PR can have like 9300, lets imagine.
SR will have like 1300 attack speed or more
while PR will have 1000
give me SR stats plz lol
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 12:49:33 PM
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s
Is crippled?
What about PR, its not crippled? you guys need to analyse PR stats really, if u thinkg SR was the one crippled lol
9000 p attack with 900-1100 attack speed
8000 p attack with 1300-1500 attack speed?
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:50:44 PM
The thing is that.
While SR can have like 8000 p attack
PR can have like 9300, lets imagine.
SR will have like 1300 attack speed or more
while PR will have 1000
give me SR stats plz lol
you forgot add range ...
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:54:37 PM
Is crippled?
What about PR, its not crippled? you guys need to analyse PR stats really, if u thinkg SR was the one crippled lol
9000 p attack with 900-1100 attack speed
8000 p attack with 1300-1500 attack speed?
As. Wrote before we didnt made any changes yet, this is still in process of testing and analysis, there will be more things to reconsider and other classes to compare too. Point is to bring back variety of classes to be played again, its a slow process because we are watching not to brake the game but this is our main intention there is no other reason except this one. So be patient and anyhig we do/test we will inform you BEFORE we (if) do something.
Dunno, I'm totally nub in archers classes.
But as I know it should be :
- SR : high atk speed, high crit rate, low patk
- PR : low atk speed, low crit rate, high patk
- HE : balanced between SR and PR.
There are also others things like evasion, accuracy etc etc.
So I don't get why SR should have boosted patk....instead of others things which should be SR power.
ps. About the guy who wroted "mages have always max cast"
I think he should open google and check mage classes in L2....there are others also, not only sps.
For ex. SH do not have max cast. On normall full buff, SH miss A LOT to full cast.
So stop write bs, or NAME CLASSES, do not use "mages"
Fell, i can't agree more about first part of ur post. U are totaly RIGHT:
Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 01:33:12 PM
Dunno, I'm totally nub in archers classes.
But as I know it should be :
- SR : high atk speed, high crit rate, low patk
- PR : low atk speed, low crit rate, high patk
- HE : balanced between SR and PR.
All archers had more of smthg, less of another wich made them exactly same in overall. Since atk speed cap that changed alot, u have humans and dark elfs wich can easy (real easy) reach 1.3k-1.4k atk speed, 400-500 crit rate while having 9-10k p atk.
Well sr's atm have 1.5k atk speed, 470-500 crit rate and 7k p artk (yes u readed well 7k!!). Is that balanced??
So if i'm reading well (even my own clan mates), when sr's where sh1t and archers where unbalanced, server was fine, now that after much trouble trying to prove the obvious FACTS (yes call it QQ u pro players) server is unbalanced?. Now that gm's finaly realized that there are 4 maybe 5 players wich play sr as main left due to this unbalance, now that handcap between sr's and the rest will be lower a bit (yes, don't qq cause prolly sr's will remain the weakest) u are alrdy flooding fking server with tears??
@Tiago, u're worried cause couterrapid shot won't give u bost on atk speed anymore..if none plays sr anymore won't u lose that buff anyway?? There are alot other triggers wich boost ur atk speed, just learn how to play! ANd yes, before this atk speed cap i was able to reach 2.7k atk speed (eat and wip).
SO, server unbalanced everything is fine, sr's finaly will get what they deserve for so fking long and river of tears starts....Jealousy is a b1tch rly...
Track, please, please please please, make tiago's pr/bd sr/sws just for 1 day! CHare name Rastabuffor... plz!
@Bruno, btw, since sr's are so great, why don't u play ur sr/sws Zedob0sque?? I wonder rly... ::)
Plz give me those 7k p attack, u keep mine 9k
and i get your attack speed and u get mine :)
U keep saying dark elfes can reach cap attack speed...
thats with HASTE certification skill? the one with 1% chance?
give me a break.
I am not jealous and didnt offend, just wanted things how they USED TO BE, and should be
i repeat, theres nothing wrong with SR before, imo its stronger than PR. (and yes I play PR)
Come on! SR was good class, start thinking if u have max speed/atk speed use dyes +5str/-5dex +4con/-4dex u will have same patk, MUCH more hp and stun resist, and everything would be fine with good certs... just learn to play it well :S
Quote from: Peorexo on March 06, 2012, 01:58:28 PM
Come on! SR was good class, start thinking if u have max speed/atk speed use dyes +5str/-5dex +4con/-4dex u will have same patk, MUCH more hp and stun resist, and everything would be fine with good certs... just learn to play it well :S
Ur a morron cause U talk outta ur ass! Anyway i'm answearing a bunch of jealous and some even dumb on top of that! U rly think Gm's took the decision to boost sr's overnight? U rly think they didn't test and re tested it? U rly think that now, b1tching crying, etc without havng a clue of what dyes or w/e sr's are using u will change gm's mind??
Peorexo, sr's are as fine atm as dagger/tanks, how that for an answer?
End of discussion as far as i'm concerned.
P.s: I edited my previous post. sry.
Oh and Track, if u are expecting another person to come here and defend sr class saying it rly needs this boost, i sugest u to stop waste ur time cause noone will come.
The other persons wich play main sr that i know off: viana (has +16 ic bow) doesn't participate in forums, my wife doesn't participate in forum and not rly much ig lately (guess why), and nathela from aod didn't striked me as a person wich would come here say smthg aswell but she agrees to her class sux's alot.
And my dear pr's wich are crying cause they see this as an oportunity to strike in and maybe take a bone for them aswell. Tell me what have u lost (besides those 2 passives wich every1 lost) that made ur class so weak (hehe poor guys)??
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
Ur a morron cause U talk outta ur ass! Anyway i'm answearing a bunch of jealous and some even dumb on top of that! U rly think Gm's took the decision to boost sr's overnight? U rly think they didn't test and re tested it? U rly think that now, b1tching crying, etc without havng a clue of what dyes or w/e sr's are using u will change gm's mind??
Peorexo, sr's are as fine atm as dagger/tanks, how that for an answer?
End of discussion as far as i'm concerned.
P.s: I edited my previous post. sry.
dude go hide in a cave . ur all posts r fcking uselessand and still u try to say smtihng "funny" ehh i wont never get some ppls...
Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 01:33:12 PM
Dunno, I'm totally nub in archers classes.
But as I know it should be :
- SR : high atk speed, high crit rate, low patk
- PR : low atk speed, low crit rate, high patk
- HE : balanced between SR and PR.
There are also others things like evasion, accuracy etc etc.
So I don't get why SR should have boosted patk....instead of others things which should be SR power.
ps. About the guy who wroted "mages have always max cast"
I think he should open google and check mage classes in L2....there are others also, not only sps.
For ex. SH do not have max cast. On normall full buff, SH miss A LOT to full cast.
So stop write bs, or NAME CLASSES, do not use "mages"
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
but that cuts our patack so kinda has no sense :(
Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
Zord, he staed how it should be imo...
Zord, using same gear etc etc, same tattoos.
check the p attack of ur PR and SR. Difference is like 1000. U prefer 1000 p attack or 300 speed?
using monk on PR u can get some OK speed, but p attack will be crappy also
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
Ur a morron cause U talk outta ur ass! Anyway i'm answearing a bunch of jealous and some even dumb on top of that! U rly think Gm's took the decision to boost sr's overnight? U rly think they didn't test and re tested it? U rly think that now, b1tching crying, etc without havng a clue of what dyes or w/e sr's are using u will change gm's mind??
Peorexo, sr's are as fine atm as dagger/tanks, how that for an answer?
End of discussion as far as i'm concerned.
P.s: I edited my previous post. sry.
Oh and Track, if u are expecting another person to come here and defend sr class saying it rly needs this boost, i sugest u to stop waste ur time cause noone will come.
The other persons wich play main sr that i know off: viana (has +16 ic bow) doesn't participate in forums, my wife doesn't participate in forum and not rly much ig lately (guess why), and nathela from aod didn't striked me as a person wich would come here say smthg aswell but she agrees to her class sux's alot.
And my dear pr's wich are crying cause they see this as an oportunity to strike in and maybe take a bone for them aswell. Tell me what have u lost (besides those 2 passives wich every1 lost) that made ur class so weak (hehe poor guys)??
dagger/tank is almost like it should remember daggers are nerfed too with f.death/power trick/switch, using UE will increase dmg on us, and smart cubic nerfed to if we talk about TK class so what the hell u want to nerf more?
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 02:16:53 PM
Zord, using same gear etc etc, same tattoos.
check the p attack of ur PR and SR. Difference is like 1000. U prefer 1000 p attack or 300 speed?
using monk on PR u can get some OK speed, but p attack will be crappy also
Epa nao fales sem saber meu!! AI jesus...
Quote from: Peorexo on March 06, 2012, 02:19:28 PM
dagger/tank is almost like it should remember daggers are nerfed too with f.death/power trick/switch, using UE will increase dmg on us, and smart cubic nerfed to if we talk about TK class so what the hell u want to nerf more?
Try to get the point. plz
SR without the attack speed cap would be an interesting class to play, but with the cap it's rly nerfed cause the great advantage of this class was the attack speed, it has low p. attack compared to other archers.
Also SR classes would reach max critical rate without any problem, but ofc on full buffs almost all archers can do that too, so the only advantage atm is? NOTHING.
We plan to change 2 skills, both of them r just from SR, so other classes won't be affected, since our idea is to boost just SR atm.
Rapid Shot: we gonna remove the penalty on range, and add a bit more range when it's used, so besides the max attack speed SR classes will also have just a little more range.
Counter Rapid Shot: we won't change the trigger effect for the party, but it gonna add a bit more P. Attack and Critical Chance
Quote from: Triuferkkk on March 06, 2012, 02:10:27 PM
but that cuts our patack so kinda has no sense :(
Well i use monks+dead eye and have 900+ att speed around. And its not all about P att. Remember that Pr got more crit power then Sr and as i said crit rate is almost same in both classes.
All archers, decently buffed (cat also) and focus on bow will have max crit rate.
U keep talking about cap attack speed based on certs such as haste or counter spirit?
I have to lol at rapid shot changes, honnlestly, its maybe the best archer skill of all.
good that counter rapid shots stays for the party then :)
so now its time to reduce the penalty of deadeye maybe? or increase the range? ::)
Zord: check your passives for crit power. its lvl 2: increases the power of critica attacks by 56... DAFUQ?
Just want to add this b4 i'll leave.
A regular pr/bd atm with ic/f/9 on monk tattoos has +8k p atk (we alrdy assumed crit rate and atk speed where +/- same)
A regular sr/sws with same equipment and ogree emporwed tattoo has 5k! Go test it and come back to me on this plz...
For me. End of topic!
The PR/BD has 8k + p attack with IC+9+F with EMP MONK lvl 4? show pic :)
same for the sr/sws plz
Go have l2 lessons plz... no more coments!
Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
Zord, but from 1200 which is max for PR (on atk speed setup) to 1500 is big difference.
Where I'm wrong ? I wroted like it should be.
For me if boost SR, just add to SR some atk speed, not atk power....
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:59:37 PM
Go have l2 lessons plz... no more coments!
Pic please? of those PR/BD stats?
show me the l2 lessons. just want to see those stats
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 03:02:33 PM
Pic please? of those PR/BD stats?
show me the l2 lessons. just want to see those stats
Want me to wipe ur ass to?? Sry but i won't do the tests for u, do that ur self.
@felissin, but how can some1 give more atk speed behond cap to just 1 class? I don't think it's possible. If sr's go over atk speed cap all other class will be able to go aswell. And that would be caos...like it was! Orcs with 5k atk speed, th's....etc!
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 03:05:16 PM
Want me to wipe ur ass to?? Sry but i won't do the tests for u, do that ur self.
@felissin, but how can some1 give more atk speed behond cap to just 1 class? I don't think it's possible. If sr's go over atk speed cap all other class will be able to go aswell. And that would be caos...like it was! Orcs with 5k atk speed, th's....etc!
Y better use some sh!t untrue informations and then dont even explain them
Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 03:01:17 PM
Zord, but from 1200 which is max for PR (on atk speed setup) to 1500 is big difference.
Where I'm wrong ? I wroted like it should be.
For me if boost SR, just add to SR some atk speed, not atk power....
If we just make a little boost on attack speed, to 1,6k for example, some other classes still will reach it.
If we remove the cap i bet SR's could reach 2k+ on attack speed, maybe even 2,5k with attack speed setup, this would be a machine gun and soon people would complain about that too.
Anyway the bonus on P. Attack isn't that much, it's just to make it a bit stronger, but in the end SR < HE < PR on P. Attack.
Gideon, those numbers are with HASTE certification right? which has a 1% chance? Makes no sense... Its like saying PR could have 2k attack speed...
Madjer, next time dont say bullshyt or show pics about those stats please.
Quote from: Gideon on March 06, 2012, 03:09:34 PM
If we just make a little boost on attack speed, to 1,6k for example, some other classes still will reach it.
If we remove the cap i bet SR's could reach 2k+ on attack speed, maybe even 2,5k with attack speed setup, this would be a machine gun and soon people would complain about that too.
Anyway the bonus on P. Attack isn't that much, it's just to make it a bit stronger, but in the end SR < HE < PR on P. Attack.
So Sr's will remain the weakest archer class anyway? I didn't want to be uberstrong not even stronguer than other classes, just was looking after some justice, since they where balanced b4 cap. So they will remain unbalanced, only not as much? ok ty.
@Tiago, not bullshiting u, just go see it for ur self!! Fuk it anyway. i Alrdy have my answer. Gz
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 12:49:33 PM
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 01:53:08 PM@Bruno, btw, since sr's are so great, why don't u play ur sr/sws Zedob0sque?? I wonder rly... ::)
Where the fck u saw me saying that this update its bad or that i dont agree with it?? O_o
If u read what i said i comment the fact that if anyone on this server want to change something they can, based on the 3 options i said on my first post... I play a nerfed char thanks to those cry baby`s, even after GM Gideon opened a topic (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,261653.0.html (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,261653.0.html)) to discuss a skill and asked people to send him pics of the dmg, after that he closed topic and until now he or Track dont gave an answer to that.
BUT if i was everyday flooding forum and send him pm`s im sure an answer would be given, this was what i talked in my posts here and nothing more, i played a sr/sws and i know well what that char is.
Just check what i posted some time ago:
"Re: Discussion: Drain Health
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2012, 03:24:22 pm »
And what about give back to some figthers class the removed passive skills??
Silver Ranger
Critical Chance
Critical Power
Abbyss Walker
Boost Attack Speed
Critical Chance
Critical Power
Phantom Ranger
Critical Power
Critical Chance
As i see only mages count for this server..."
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 03:15:48 PM
Gideon, those numbers are with HASTE certification right? which has a 1% chance? Makes no sense... Its like saying PR could have 2k attack speed...
Madjer, next time dont say bullshyt or show pics about those stats please.
Maybe not 2 k att speed but 1800 att speed was possible on pr in HB. As i remember fighters will worked diffrent. Also many ppl played sr in that times coz sr could reach 2,5 k att speed as Gideon wrote. And PT had almost all time trigger for att speed from sr.
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 12:49:33 PM
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s
talking about pathetic...we wont get nerfs from dragon... yeah right
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:21:33 PM
While mages always have full cast speed buffed. Archers dont.
gg m4djer
With +5 wit i can reach max for sps/ee, but other mages? Im curios ;)
Anyway, to play archer was so frustrating, that I had will to throw away bow, and kill someone with bare hands with hope in some way it will be faster
Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 03:37:31 PM
Maybe not 2 k att speed but 1800 att speed was possible on pr in HB. As i remember fighters will worked diffrent. Also many ppl played sr in that times coz sr could reach 2,5 k att speed as Gideon wrote. And PT had almost all time trigger for att speed from sr.
at hb with all things on PR could reach 2500 for a while
Quote from: cthon on March 06, 2012, 03:54:38 PM
talking about pathetic...we wont get nerfs from dragon... yeah right
And which nerf we got?
(if you are refering about CP pots please show me logs where they said that? If i didnt tould you this you wouldnt even know about it)
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 04:06:09 PM
And which nerf we got?
(if you are refering about CP pots please show me logs where they said that? If i didnt tould you this you wouldnt even know about it)
I know 2 nerfs personally
22-11-2011[BALANCE]"Final Circlet" not giving full bonus to bows/daggers
30-09-2011[GAMEPLAY]Duelist Spirit -10% patk with bows/crossbows (the +% PVP bonus is given anyway)
Directly from Dragon Server and some pm`s u and Gideon receive with some complains from players in x20 server, i even heard some players got 17k hits from this uber players, thats why this server its full of he/glad he/wl wl/pal th/wl combos.
And u already UNerfed some kills that was nerfed due to Dragon, but only for some classes (mages/tanks)
Physical Mirror -
was reducing 7% of m. attack
Magical Mirror -
was reducing 7% of m. attack
Shield of Revenge -
was reducing 10% of casting speed
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 04:21:38 PM
I know 2 nerfs personally
22-11-2011[BALANCE]"Final Circlet" not giving full bonus to bows/daggers
30-09-2011[GAMEPLAY]Duelist Spirit -10% patk with bows/crossbows (the +% PVP bonus is given anyway)
Directly from Dragon Server and some pm`s u and Gideon receive with some complains from players in x20 server, i even heard some players got 17k hits from this uber players, thats why this server its full of he/glad he/wl wl/pal th/wl combos.
And u already UNerfed some kills that was nerfed due to Dragon, but only for some classes (mages/tanks)
Physical Mirror - was reducing 7% of m. attack
Magical Mirror - was reducing 7% of m. attack
Shield of Revenge - was reducing 10% of casting speed
focus death too
LAST INFO: after discussing with Track we will make all tests again.
Classes to test: HE / PR / SR
Things that we gonna test (already did once, but since u all complaining, here we go again):
- P. Attack diff
- Critical Rate/Power diff
- Attack Speed diff
- Evasion diff
- Speed diff
Since we have Attack Speed (1,5k) and Speed (250) caps we gonna check another way to balance archer classes once again, basicaly it should be:
PR - High P. Attack and Critical Power; Low Critical Chance
HE - Balanced between PR and SR
SR - High Attack Speed, Critical Chance, Evasion and Speed; Low P. Attack and Critical Power
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 04:21:38 PM
I know 2 nerfs personally
22-11-2011[BALANCE]"Final Circlet" not giving full bonus to bows/daggers
30-09-2011[GAMEPLAY]Duelist Spirit -10% patk with bows/crossbows (the +% PVP bonus is given anyway)
Directly from Dragon Server and some pm`s u and Gideon receive with some complains from players in x20 server, i even heard some players got 17k hits from this uber players, thats why this server its full of he/glad he/wl wl/pal th/wl combos.
And u already UNerfed some kills that was nerfed due to Dragon, but only for some classes (mages/tanks)
Physical Mirror - was reducing 7% of m. attack
Magical Mirror - was reducing 7% of m. attack
Shield of Revenge - was reducing 10% of casting speed
Physical and Magical Mirror: I discussed with Track and we both disagree about this nerf, cause if it should decrease M. Attack it should decrease P. Attack too, so instead of add 1 more nerf on this skill we decided to remove the nerf made by Dragon GM's.
Shield of Revenge: it could also reduce Attack Speed, bu we decided to remove the previous nerf.
We used the same idea about UD skills, before they was just decreasing fighter stats, and we made for mage stats too. And UD changes we made was to prevent people using UD's all the time without any problem.
About Final Secret and Duelist Spirit we made those changes to balance a bit, cause some classes (GL/TH and GL/HE) was making huge damage compared to other classes, they still make high damage (HE/GL still the best DD), but not like before.
Quote from: Gideon on March 06, 2012, 04:48:36 PM
About Final Secret and Duelist Spirit we made those changes to balance a bit, cause some classes (GL/TH and GL/HE) was making huge damage compared to other classes, they still make high damage (HE/GL still the best DD), but not like before.
SURE, thats why we see lots of he/glad in our server rigth?
For your info there is
4 he/glad that i see on sieges/pvp`s , how u can call balance of something its we are talking about 4 players?
Im not pretending to be rude or act pro but beside me i dont see the others he/glad making ultra kills or killing much, maybe its my problem? Im edited who knows.
I sent you a pm months ago with some dmg tests i dont know if you saw them or not but seems u didnt, cuz if you did, a well buffed char without deflect arrow gets 1,5k critical, its this the huge damage you talk about?
mby ppl do not play he/glad couse they do not wanna play "full support" zedu ?
Also pls...You told "i hit well buffed char with deflect arrow 1,5k" lol? and how much is ok for You 10k? 15?
No offence rly but....dont tell me Your dmg is low.
Also check what classes You hit. Wanna hit more "well buffed char with deflect arrow" So how much You will hit char without deflect arrow?
ps. I rly affraid those "tests" of archers classes. Full forum of cry kidos, all wanna own, all will cry again. You boost one, 2 others will cry.
Also not archers will cry "buuu archer get boost me wanna tooooo buuuu, i leave server track aaabuuuuuuu"
Ppl THINK a bit.
ps2. i play sux class. I have the lowest con, the lowest hp/cp, the lowest cast, the lowest pdef, sux speed, no heal, no uber tank skills, no tp from summon, no skills like eva, cele..... Just nothing. PLIX BOOST ME ! I think i start make regulary cry topics, and spam GM on pm how i sux hard. Mby there come SH/BD time also to rox and own.
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 04:21:38 PM
I know 2 nerfs personally
22-11-2011[BALANCE]"Final Circlet" not giving full bonus to bows/daggers
30-09-2011[GAMEPLAY]Duelist Spirit -10% patk with bows/crossbows (the +% PVP bonus is given anyway)
Btw those nerfs was made in september and november. We decided to stop the nerfs from Dragon around January.
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 05:01:47 PM
SURE, thats why we see lots of he/glad in our server rigth?
For your info there is 4 he/glad that i see on sieges/pvp`s , how u can call balance of something its we are talking about 4 players?
Im not pretending to be rude or act pro but beside me i dont see the others he/glad making ultra kills or killing much, maybe its my problem? Im edited who knows.
I sent you a pm months ago with some dmg tests i dont know if you saw them or not but seems u didnt, cuz if you did, a well buffed char without deflect arrow gets 1,5k critical, its this the huge damage you talk about?
Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 05:24:49 PM
mby ppl do not play he/glad couse they do not wanna play "full support" zedu ?
Also pls...You told "i hit well buffed char with deflect arrow 1,5k" lol? and how much is ok for You 10k? 15?
No offence rly but....dont tell me Your dmg is low.
Also check what classes You hit. Wanna hit more "well buffed char with deflect arrow" So how much You will hit char without deflect arrow?
ps. I rly affraid those "tests" of archers classes. Full forum of cry kidos, all wanna own, all will cry again. You boost one, 2 others will cry.
Also not archers will cry "buuu archer get boost me wanna tooooo buuuu, i leave server track aaabuuuuuuu"
Ppl THINK a bit.
ps2. i play sux class. I have the lowest con, the lowest hp/cp, the lowest cast, the lowest pdef, sux speed, no heal, no uber tank skills, no tp from summon, no skills like eva, cele..... Just nothing. PLIX BOOST ME ! I think i start make regulary cry topics, and spam GM on pm how i sux hard. Mby there come SH/BD time also to rox and own.
ok i quoted myself check this!!
You know the diference of WITH and WITHOUT?
People dont play he/glad cuz they dont wanna play full suport char? Are you drunk? he/glad its a DD without any suport buff skill.
Quote from: Gideon on March 06, 2012, 05:31:36 PM
Btw those nerfs was made in september and november. We decided to stop the nerfs from Dragon around January.
You have no arguments to discuss my point of view so now you talk about dates...
its ok really i understand ;D,
to bad for the hundreds of he/glad and glad/th that plays on this server
Quote from: Gideon on March 06, 2012, 04:34:19 PM
LAST INFO: after discussing with Track we will make all tests again.
Classes to test: HE / PR / SR
Things that we gonna test (already did once, but since u all complaining, here we go again):
- P. Attack diff
- Critical Rate/Power diff
- Attack Speed diff
- Evasion diff
- Speed diff
Since we have Attack Speed (1,5k) and Speed (250) caps we gonna check another way to balance archer classes once again, basicaly it should be:
PR - High P. Attack and Critical Power; Low Critical Chance
HE - Balanced between PR and SR
SR - High Attack Speed, Critical Chance, Evasion and Speed; Low P. Attack and Critical Power
Rly, i said i didn't comented here anymore but Gideo are u fking kidding me?? More tests?? Wtf u wanna know more?? Who do u see complaining here besides a bunch of pr's (just 1 actualy) wich are afraid and jealous? Honestly wtf are u guys doing?? What more to test? So after ur saying thise week we would finaly stop being so cripled now u take it back to do more tests??? Honestly i dunn what u want more, but, it's ur call. Just pm me (if u want) when u guys reach a verdict and maybe i'll consider log again. Meanwhiele cya to all my friends and ennemies!
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 05:40:03 PM
Rly, i said i didn't comented here anymore but Gideo are u fking kidding me?? More tests?? Wtf u wanna know more?? Who do u see complaining here besides a bunch of pr's (just 1 actualy) wich are afraid and jealous? Honestly wtf are u guys doing?? What more to test? So after ur saying thise week we would finaly stop being so cripled now u take it back to do more tests??? Honestly i dunn what u want more, but, it's ur call. Just pm me (if u want) when u guys reach a verdict and maybe i'll consider log again. Meanwhiele cya to all my friends and ennemies!
i see 1 sr complaning all time, "bunch of prs" lol
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 05:39:03 PM
You have no arguments to discuss my point of view so now you talk about dates...
its ok really i understand ;D,
to bad for the hundreds of he/glad and glad/th that plays on this server
I was just informing u about that, if u think i don't have arguments to discuss with u, u r wrong.
But seems u wanna act smart here, so gl.
Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 05:24:49 PM
mby ppl do not play he/glad couse they do not wanna play "full support" zedu ?
Also pls...You told "i hit well buffed char with deflect arrow 1,5k" lol? and how much is ok for You 10k? 15?
No offence rly but....dont tell me Your dmg is low.
Also check what classes You hit. Wanna hit more "well buffed char with deflect arrow" So how much You will hit char without deflect arrow?
ps. I rly affraid those "tests" of archers classes. Full forum of cry kidos, all wanna own, all will cry again. You boost one, 2 others will cry.
Also not archers will cry "buuu archer get boost me wanna tooooo buuuu, i leave server track aaabuuuuuuu"
Ppl THINK a bit.
ps2. i play sux class. I have the lowest con, the lowest hp/cp, the lowest cast, the lowest pdef, sux speed, no heal, no uber tank skills, no tp from summon, no skills like eva, cele..... Just nothing. PLIX BOOST ME ! I think i start make regulary cry topics, and spam GM on pm how i sux hard. Mby there come SH/BD time also to rox and own.
you have big m atk., medusa, ud lvl 1, ;D
and rly why ppl cry, cry , cry, cant kill th/wl cry, here cry to
rly dunno why changes SR if all was ok ask Imma what dmg she make on low ppl. (if someone is low dont know what buff use, resist, no attry in set he can only cry.) And yes if someone play SR and have low bow >> so make low dmg and can cry to.
Rly what cry you make on GOD when low archer make 5-6k dmg on tank full buff or mag 17k:P
Quote from: Gideon on March 06, 2012, 05:45:14 PM
I was just informing u about that, if u think i don't have arguments to discuss with u, u r wrong.
But seems u wanna act smart here, so gl.
ty for info and gl to you 2, i didnt act smart, you was the one who come with a DATE excuse?!? O_o even if its a STUPID nerf.
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 05:40:03 PM
Rly, i said i didn't comented here anymore but Gideo are u fking kidding me?? More tests?? Wtf u wanna know more?? Who do u see complaining here besides a bunch of pr's (just 1 actualy) wich are afraid and jealous? Honestly wtf are u guys doing?? What more to test? So after ur saying thise week we would finaly stop being so cripled now u take it back to do more tests??? Honestly i dunn what u want more, but, it's ur call. Just pm me (if u want) when u guys reach a verdict and maybe i'll consider log again. Meanwhiele cya to all my friends and ennemies!
We will miss u SOOO MUCH. xDDDD
I'm rly under the impression i'm talking to bunch of tards!! Sr has to be boosted not cause he's weak, r cause he's 1 hit or w/e. Sr's main (as in principal) bonus was atk. speed, wich got fuked, so, in order to balance it and ppl still wanting to play it gm's must do smthg! It's not about "u boosted this 1 u have to boost that 1 to", is this so complicated to put inside ur brains? Rly?
@Fell, how would u feel, if gm's sudenly decided to cap ur m. atk to same lvl as all other mages while u alrdy have lower cast speed, lower con, etc...! Fak do u get it now?? Cause if u don't i rly dunno what will...
@Gideon/Track: Better yet than more tests, more waiting time, more sh1ts: Lets just stop play sr class and every1 will be satisfied. Honestly u didn't knew this would hapen?? In this server?? U rly think their points are valid when they ask for boost to? More Tests? ...I'm tired. i rly am.
Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 05:54:03 PM
We will miss u SOOO MUCH. xDDDD
I know u won't! :D Just one less tupid Op sr running around. XD
Make my bp/da better on oly. I wanna drain health with reuse time like hydro, hurricane etc or give us death spike :D When u will do that for me?
This is what i think about boost like this :P It's stupid and things like this shuldn't be implemented.
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 05:55:20 PM
I'm rly under the impression i'm talking to bunch of tards!! Sr has to be boosted not cause he's weak, r cause he's 1 hit or w/e. Sr's main (as in principal) bonus was atk. speed, wich got fuked, so, in order to balance it and ppl still wanting to play it gm's must do smthg! It's not about "u boosted this 1 u have to boost that 1 to", is this so complicated to put inside ur brains? Rly?
@Fell, how would u feel, if gm's sudenly decided to cap ur m. atk to same lvl as all other mages while u alrdy have lower cast speed, lower con, etc...! Fak do u get it now?? Cause if u don't i rly dunno what will...
@Gideon/Track: Better yet than more tests, more waiting time, more sh1ts: Lets just stop play sr class and every1 will be satisfied. Honestly u didn't knew this would hapen?? In this server?? U rly think their points are valid when they ask for boost to? More Tests? ...I'm tired. i rly am.
I know u won't! :D Just one less tupid Op sr running around. XD
what kind of items do u use?
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:51:01 PM
For me. End of topic!
And then I feel the relief, you continue:
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:59:37 PM
Go have l2 lessons plz... no more coments!
And again:
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 03:05:16 PM
Want me to wipe ur ass to?? Sry but i won't do the tests for u, do that ur self.
And Again:
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 03:22:52 PM
@Tiago, not bullshiting u, just go see it for ur self!! Fuk it anyway. i Alrdy have my answer. Gz
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 05:55:20 PM
...I'm tired. i rly am.
At least stick with what you have said, otherwise you are just talking out of your ass.
lol at this topic, why u all have to complain about something?
If they wanna nerf something u complain, if they wanna boost something u complain.
SR it's a dead class since this attack speed cap working, their only advantage was the Attack Speed and now it sucks! PR never needed a lot of Attack speed to be a good char, this char is based on P. Attack and Critical Power!
Atm in a fighter pt it's even better to have a SWS/EE than a SR/SWS, let's be honest atm SR/SWS SUCKS! And when they wanna make it a bit better other player starts to complain?
+1 for the update (if it rly happens), and to others why don't u go play a SR and see how it's rly cool to play a char that dont have any advantage!
+1 Weez. But imo ur wasting ur time. At least it counts as post count i think. :D
@Gergo: TY bro. Ur pro!
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 06:39:04 PM
+1 Weez. But imo ur wasting ur time. At least it counts as post count i think. :D
@Gergo: TY bro. Ur pro!
And again. Yw
PR is based on critical power?
Because it has a passive lvl 2 that: increases the power of critical attacks by 56? ::)
If SR is a "one hit char" or whatever, like it was written before, what about PR? With less hp/cp (con in general) and m def? its supposed to be a "glass cannon" (right :P )
Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 05:01:47 PM
SURE, thats why we see lots of he/glad in our server rigth?
For your info there is 4 he/glad that i see on sieges/pvp`s , how u can call balance of something its we are talking about 4 players?
Im not pretending to be rude or act pro but beside me i dont see the others he/glad making ultra kills or killing much, maybe its my problem? Im edited who knows.
I sent you a pm months ago with some dmg tests i dont know if you saw them or not but seems u didnt, cuz if you did, a well buffed char without deflect arrow gets 1,5k critical, its this the huge damage you talk about?
+1 ...
Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 06:45:39 PM
PR is based on critical power?
Because it has a passive lvl 2 that: increases the power of critical attacks by 56? ::)
If SR is a "one hit char" or whatever, like it was written before, what about PR? With less hp/cp (con in general) and m def? its supposed to be a "glass cannon" (right :P )
Did u forgot about Dead Eye? Isn't just cause of passive critical power, but because of Dead Eye that PR makes high damage.
U have less CON/HP, but even being BD/PR u can use heavy and play on BD status (better than PR). M. Def isn't bad u have the same m. def as any Dark Elf since u PR/BD and BD have passives.
And cause of buffs that prevents critical chance and critical power from GF there's no more glass cannons like on past that was able to kill everyone in 1 shot and also die fast.
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 06:39:04 PM
+1 Weez. But imo ur wasting ur time. At least it counts as post count i think. :D
@Gergo: TY bro. Ur pro!
Tbh i'm not defending u on this topic, i'm defending whole SR class cause atm it's an useless char to play if u compare to other options that is possible to play, every other combo is better than SR/SWS and SR/TK, there's no advantage to play SR atm.
It would be great to have some boost on that class, to make it interesting to play once again, cause atm it isn't. All SR's that r active atm r old chars, and most of time people who don't have time to reroll or they love their chars. And if any player wanna make a new archer to play here they won't make SR for sure.
The only "advantage" which PR got over other archer classes is Dead Eye. Imo HE is much better atm cuz it got boost attack speed passive and same critical passives. In HB PR got critical power lvl 3 now it has lvl 2. So what's the point of playing PR when u got the lowest attack speed, the lowest crit rate and the lowest hp/cp? You should consider boosting Dead Eye also cuz atm it's a debuff rather than a buff :)
Quote from: Weezer on March 06, 2012, 07:02:01 PM
Tbh i'm not defending u on this topic, i'm defending whole SR class cause atm it's an useless char to play if u compare to other options that is possible to play, every other combo is better than SR/SWS and SR/TK, there's no advantage to play SR atm.
It would be great to have some boost on that class, to make it interesting to play once again, cause atm it isn't. All SR's that r active atm r old chars, and most of time people who don't have time to reroll or they love their chars. And if any player wanna make a new archer to play here they won't make SR for sure.
I just didn't got the point where u're saying ur not defending me? When i'll need a bodyguard i see i can pm u. :D
Ofc i'm, was, and will always be talking about the class it self. I could reroll to any other class ig if i wanted to. But the fact/problem would remain.
Just to point out, i know ur not defending me but Sr class, and it seems so obvious ths class needs a boost that i rly don't understand this cry topic...!
Its a great idea to bring dead combos back to life, but if you do it you should consider the whole impact on the server. I think some nerfs should be revised, I play Glad\PP and sometimes in specific situations I use bow, why should i have my bow pew pew nerfed? You cant tell me I´m like a Glad\He. Also why cant I enchant Heavy Mastery? I´m supposed to (me and some other heavy users besides tanks). Balance is dificult and an eternal struggle, lets hope our GMs succeed.
Quote from: Naku on March 06, 2012, 07:18:33 PM
Its a great idea to bring dead combos back to life, but if you do it you should consider the whole impact on the server. I think some nerfs should be revised, I play Glad\PP and sometimes in specific situations I use bow, why should i have my bow pew pew nerfed? You cant tell me I´m like a Glad\He. Also why cant I enchant Heavy Mastery? I´m supposed to (me and some other heavy users besides tanks). Balance is dificult and an eternal struggle, lets hope our GMs succeed.
Yes u should enchant that passive but only for +pdef, sry dude crit reduciton is only for tanks - off style
Quote from: Peorexo on March 06, 2012, 07:19:30 PM
Yes u should enchant that passive but only for +pdef, sry dude crit reduciton is only for tanks - off style
I know! But we cant, why? Cause "custom heavy mastery" is not as off, check the levels. So other than tanks i suppose most classes have the wrong heavy levels and ofc cant enchant.
Tbh all archers kinda suck at the moment, looking at the amount of archer being played now and the amount that was playing in Hellbound says enough... I mean CB is the only clan that exist's mostly out of archers, AOD cant make an full PT of archers, BA has like 3 archer?
Well i could make an 'hummer size' post about it but the onlything i have to say is that when ur gonna re-test everything, make sure having a kamael near you doing 'Real target' on the test/dmg dummy. Before the damage of SR will get too high with RT on the enemy... Lets be honest each archer party should have such kamael in party to do some decent dmg (not saying its bad or good , just a fact). And afterall the test's should be based on real pvp.
some classes back to life and some will gone like he/glad with this stupid nerf last time... dunno why even if its not much he/glad on server... and we rly not make huge dmg... ofc 7-10k on ppls even with vesper but check them atr/buffs etc ::) oh and we will see now maaaany SR's :D even if they atm rly more on server than he/glad, th/glad ... ::) reroll all! :D
Quote from: Evolution on March 06, 2012, 07:27:04 PM
some classes back to life and some will gone like he/glad with this stupid nerf last time... dunno why even if its not much he/glad on server... and we rly not make huge dmg... ofc 7-10k on ppls even with vesper but check them atr/buffs etc ::)
Quote from: ForgotPass on March 06, 2012, 07:25:05 PM
Tbh all archers kinda suck at the moment, looking at the amount of archer being played now and the amount that was playing in Hellbound says enough... I mean CB is the only clan that exist's mostly out of archers, AOD cant make an full PT of archers, BA has like 3 archer?
Well i could make an 'hummer size' post about it but the onlything i have to say is that when ur gonna re-test everything, make sure having a kamael near you doing 'Real target' on the test/dmg dummy. Before the damage of SR will get too high with RT on the enemy... Lets be honest each archer party should have such kamael in party to do some decent dmg (not saying its bad or good , just a fact). And afterall the test's should be based on real pvp.
Archers dealing good damages on mages (nontank ones)... on real target hits even reach 4-5k, problem is that no1 want to play that chars cuz of RT, and all are making tanks :)
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 04:06:09 PM
And which nerf we got?
(if you are refering about CP pots please show me logs where they said that? If i didnt tould you this you wouldnt even know about it)
- Real Target -4% power
- Summon Smart Cubic is not more 100% chance but 70%
at least this two.. cant u see that glasy is a pathetic piece of sh1t?? all he does is for him not for server.. i guess he is fuking drake in the ass or dunno why is he accepting this changes..
Quote from: cthon on March 06, 2012, 07:41:37 PM
- Real Target -4% power
- Summon Smart Cubic is not more 100% chance but 70%
at least this two.. cant u see that glasy is a pathetic piece of sh1t?? all he does is for him not for server.. i guess he is fuking drake in the ass or dunno why is he accepting this changes..
Glasy just suggests he doesn't nerf XD
Quote from: ForgotPass on March 06, 2012, 07:25:05 PM
Tbh all archers kinda suck at the moment, looking at the amount of archer being played now and the amount that was playing in Hellbound says enough... I mean CB is the only clan that exist's mostly out of archers, AOD cant make an full PT of archers, BA has like 3 archer?
Well i could make an 'hummer size' post about it but the onlything i have to say is that when ur gonna re-test everything, make sure having a kamael near you doing 'Real target' on the test/dmg dummy. Before the damage of SR will get too high with RT on the enemy... Lets be honest each archer party should have such kamael in party to do some decent dmg (not saying its bad or good , just a fact). And afterall the test's should be based on real pvp.
Ur are wrong. If we got online we can make easy 1 pt archers maybe more. Tyia,Faiien,DeadlyIlluison,Nathela,Kalu,Descordia,Tomig,Serpentin,Jade,Heretic,Monti,Birk,xSilv3r,FallenangelII,Bagatur. For sure i forgot about someone. So as u see we can make about 2 pt archers, problem is not all online at same time xD. Also we got 3 active sr/sws ;p
Quote from: cthon on March 06, 2012, 07:41:37 PM
- Real Target -4% power
- Summon Smart Cubic is not more 100% chance but 70%
at least this two.. cant u see that glasy is a pathetic piece of sh1t?? all he does is for him not for server.. i guess he is fuking drake in the ass or dunno why is he accepting this changes..
Real Target we got no nerf about it !
About Smart cubic , it wasn't intention to nerf it , but believe it or not (cant explain whole thing really) , cancel buffs fix were related to it in order to work , but atm working on to return old smart cubic and keeping cancel buffs still work.
cry me a river topic...
resurecting clases?
how about archer/summoners with stacking wepon mastery from c3?:P
or sps/ee HOLY based 2x wm with almost 100% m-crits from c4?
80% of ppl here are just reroling with each chronicle to another super cool pwnzor. Those that don't are trying their best with oryginal clases(like Felli) and use their experienc.
I have tank/mage from c4. I build it as anti archer char during time when there was plenty of archers. Even now with fewer archers (again since no longer pwnzor then reroling to dagger kind of ppl) i get smacked by shirenko( not sure if i'm typing your nick correctly so sorry) with his real target for 5k on UD:) SHIT HAPENS but why cry about it? :)
Why complain? there are clases(but mostly SKILED PLAYERS) that are damn dangerous on pvp and those that i can hurt badly with few huricans.
Try not to be pwnzor-able to kill all with one shot and more of a skilled player.
No SR left? Find me Sorc/whatever, se/bd, sps/es(zegladis is the last one) SR in "bad for archers" chronicle is not the whole world.
In general Play your damn SR or rerol if you can't do it...just don't cry about it all the time.
Quote from: fenrris on March 06, 2012, 08:35:09 PM
cry me a river topic...
resurecting clases?
how about archer/summoners with stacking wepon mastery from c3?:P
or sps/ee HOLY based 2x wm with almost 100% m-crits from c4?
80% of ppl here are just reroling with each chronicle to another super cool pwnzor. Those that don't are trying their best with oryginal clases(like Felli) and use their experienc.
I have tank/mage from c4. I build it as anti archer char during time when there was plenty of archers. Even now with fewer archers (again since no longer pwnzor then reroling to dagger kind of ppl) i get smacked by shirenko( not sure if i'm typing your nick correctly so sorry) with his real target for 5k on UD:) SHIT HAPENS but why cry about it? :)
Why complain? there are clases(but mostly SKILED PLAYERS) that are damn dangerous on pvp and those that i can hurt badly with few huricans.
Try not to be pwnzor-able to kill all with one shot and more of a skilled player.
No SR left? Find me Sorc/whatever, se/bd, sps/es(zegladis is the last one) SR in "bad for archers" chronicle is not the whole world.
In general Play your damn SR or rerol if you can't do it...just don't cry about it all the time.
Sticking with your original char no matter what = i will applaud u for it :) my way of thinking too.
go boost necromancer
As i know cap on attack speed/casting speed came from official not nerf from DN so i dont get the idea why all say with this nerf some classes are dead..... TBH archer`s reroll from the moment when ressit elemental buffs start to give only attrribut ressit {not like before 20-30%} so the party`s whos still remain like archer/fighter party still have the sr/sws are not few for the reason of cap on attack speed.
many skills got uslles on many classes all coming from official and will remain like this in next chronical, so all returns on some skills how was in our server mean boost and allways mean that somone will complain on it coz his class not get his skills beck as was before... honest opinion to gm`s or return old golory on skills on all classes or let it like on official { as i know from start on gracial ur words was (track) will not change anything all will be like on official so learn play like that} so if u now have criticics on ur name are coming by ur foult
stick working on file`s who are corupted not working properly not search from something what not exsisting anywhere. cheers
Zedu no offence, no mood to flame rly....but I think You are one of 2 persons who's didn't get than HE/GL called as "full support" was irony...I even used "...".
Anyway, don't tell me archers have low dmg, it's the biggest lol.
Since it's tank era, archers make lowest dmg on tanks. But check dmg on NOT TANKS classes. WTF You want ? 3-5k every hit to tanks ? so 10k+ to every other ? www.cs.com - go there.
Just another "cry" topic, nothing more. Boost me plix, I'm weak buu, others own me not buuu etc etc achh I forget "I go from here, I leave..."
C'mon lol. I play 1 char almoust 7 years, I do not own, this char never was strong and so ? and nothing. Just accept than You are not able BEAT EVERYONE, and play the game.
ps. plix boost SH, plix plix
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 12:49:33 PM
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s
Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
Quote from: Weezer on March 06, 2012, 06:31:01 PM
SR it's a dead class since this attack speed cap working, their only advantage was the Attack Speed and now it sucks! PR never needed a lot of Attack speed to be a good char, this char is based on P. Attack and Critical Power!
Atm in a fighter pt it's even better to have a SWS/EE than a SR/SWS, let's be honest atm SR/SWS SUCKS! And when they wanna make it a bit better other player starts to complain?
+1 for the update (if it rly happens), and to others why don't u go play a SR and see how it's rly cool to play a char that dont have any advantage!
Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 10:26:24 PM
ps. plix boost SH, plix plix
AFter all this, he still didn't got the point!
It's feels like trying to teach A,B,c to a chimp. Really felissin, u should spend less time with DQ, it seems it's contageous...
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 11:03:09 PM
AFter all this, he still didn't got the point!
It's feels like trying to teach A,B,c to a chimp. Really felissin, u should spend less time with DQ, it seems it's contageous...
and again..who the freak care? many clases are freaked up, and yes archers are doing prety nice dmg and if thats not enough then theres place for real taregt..Shiernko is the living prof of good archer dmg with working party and assist
Quote from: fenrris on March 06, 2012, 08:35:09 PM
cry me a river topic...
resurecting clases?
how about archer/summoners with stacking wepon mastery from c3?:P
or sps/ee HOLY based 2x wm with almost 100% m-crits from c4?
80% of ppl here are just reroling with each chronicle to another super cool pwnzor. Those that don't are trying their best with oryginal clases(like Felli) and use their experienc.
I have tank/mage from c4. I build it as anti archer char during time when there was plenty of archers. Even now with fewer archers (again since no longer pwnzor then reroling to dagger kind of ppl) i get smacked by shirenko( not sure if i'm typing your nick correctly so sorry) with his real target for 5k on UD:) SHIT HAPENS but why cry about it? :)
Why complain? there are clases(but mostly SKILED PLAYERS) that are damn dangerous on pvp and those that i can hurt badly with few huricans.
Try not to be pwnzor-able to kill all with one shot and more of a skilled player.
No SR left? Find me Sorc/whatever, se/bd, sps/es(zegladis is the last one) SR in "bad for archers" chronicle is not the whole world.
In general Play your damn SR or rerol if you can't do it...just don't cry about it all the time.
BD/SE XD!!! but we have if im not wrong 2 more active BD/SE in AOD...
Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 11:03:09 PM
It's feels like trying to teach A,B,c to a chimp. Really felissin, u should spend less time with DQ, it seems it's contageous...
go fack ur self moron. and cry more about boost plox.
boost ol/wc, se/bd, bp/pal i wanna kill xD
p.s. no for boost ;)
When someone say SR he think on only on person on this server...the most retarded, married with his SR, he bot with his SR he sleep with his SR!
Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 08:22:44 PM
Real Target we got no nerf about it !
About Smart cubic , it wasn't intention to nerf it , but believe it or not (cant explain whole thing really) , cancel buffs fix were related to it in order to work , but atm working on to return old smart cubic and keeping cancel buffs still work.
block glasy somehow.. all his nerfs/suggestions are just retarted
learn how to play witch SR
strafko I like You signatue.
Honestly this topic is an apsurd..saving endangeres clses??
FFS there are plenty of literaly dead clases now so how come problem of few SR is so importand?? Since when SR is crucial for server stability?????
Fixes? GREAT how about antri for shirts? Whole server would benefit and be more balanced if we would have those available for ALL. Clearly biger benefit then SR skills.
Skill fixes? GREAT! How about making LS and anchor working as they were? Plenty of Sk/PR, Sk/AW, SK/SH and Necro variations...wouldn't that give biger imput on community???
Stop crying about your clas like it would be most importand thing for game balanc. A/c speed limits are affecting every light elf and i don't see sps or ee crying all day long about it( and we do have A LOT OF those clases). It's not fair for them since my SH with cast cert, +5 wit and full buff doesnt have any problem to get 2,5k cast whyle sps can dream of 16k+ m atack.
Track for the love of god since when Immas problems are so crucial for this server? You wana show that if someone will cry enough then you guys will change stuff accoringly to their needs? SO DO IT TRACK and embrace yourself...CRY will follow from every damn class in this server and they will be right- one suceeded all should get what they wont.
Lets just make one hit one kill policy and all will be pwnzor just the way they see this game.
Quote from: fenrris on March 07, 2012, 05:39:07 PM
Honestly this topic is an apsurd..saving endangeres clses??
FFS there are plenty of literaly dead clases now so how come problem of few SR is so importand?? Since when SR is crucial for server stability?????
Fixes? GREAT how about antri for shirts? Whole server would benefit and be more balanced if we would have those available for ALL. Clearly biger benefit then SR skills.
Skill fixes? GREAT! How about making LS and anchor working as they were? Plenty of Sk/PR, Sk/AW, SK/SH and Necro variations...wouldn't that give biger imput on community???
Stop crying about your clas like it would be most importand thing for game balanc. A/c speed limits are affecting every light elf and i don't see sps or ee crying all day long about it( and we do have A LOT OF those clases). It's not fair for them since my SH with cast cert, +5 wit and full buff doesnt have any problem to get 2,5k cast whyle sps can dream of 16k+ m atack.
Track for the love of god since when Immas problems are so crucial for this server? You wana show that if someone will cry enough then you guys will change stuff accoringly to their needs? SO DO IT TRACK and embrace yourself...CRY will follow from every damn class in this server and they will be right- one suceeded all should get what they wont.
Lets just make one hit one kill policy and all will be pwnzor just the way they see this game.
I think u are playing in other server, have u ever played a SWS/SR? no right? maybe cuz u dont have one, i stop playing mine cuz it sucked so hard cuz all other archers got the same attack speed then i, (and that was the advantage of the SR), u are talking about other classes, like SK? lol have u ever play vs one? 99% time lighting strike lands, i play a tank class and even with 3k m def it lands on my most of time even with skill +0; did u ever read the forum? cuz last time i saw sps/ee taling about some skillls that make them better then other classes, one is Cancel, which gm's are working on, u talk about attr shirts, common that's a DNET custom improve, actually if u know u cant use tattoo and shirts at the same time, gm make them usable, putting attr on shirt will make full attr resistance, losing play style, so plz stop QQ about gm trying to fix a dead class, and yes its a dead class cuz i just have seen 4 or 5 sws/sr in all game now, and even with more p attack what is the complain? they wont have more p attack then a PR, and both have same attack speed in a same way, the only dif will be that SR will hit from more far then now, so ull need to catch him :D
Quote from: fenrris on March 07, 2012, 05:39:07 PM
Honestly this topic is an apsurd..saving endangeres clses??
FFS there are plenty of literaly dead clases now so how come problem of few SR is so importand?? Since when SR is crucial for server stability?????
Fixes? GREAT how about antri for shirts? Whole server would benefit and be more balanced if we would have those available for ALL. Clearly biger benefit then SR skills.
Skill fixes? GREAT! How about making LS and anchor working as they were? Plenty of Sk/PR, Sk/AW, SK/SH and Necro variations...wouldn't that give biger imput on community???
Stop crying about your clas like it would be most importand thing for game balanc. A/c speed limits are affecting every light elf and i don't see sps or ee crying all day long about it( and we do have A LOT OF those clases). It's not fair for them since my SH with cast cert, +5 wit and full buff doesnt have any problem to get 2,5k cast whyle sps can dream of 16k+ m atack.
Track for the love of god since when Immas problems are so crucial for this server? You wana show that if someone will cry enough then you guys will change stuff accoringly to their needs? SO DO IT TRACK and embrace yourself...CRY will follow from every damn class in this server and they will be right- one suceeded all should get what they wont.
Lets just make one hit one kill policy and all will be pwnzor just the way they see this game.
I'd like to see an SH with easy 2.5k cast (w/o eligment or Arcane Agility from PS) ::)
Quote from: trooperXkoki on March 07, 2012, 01:55:06 AM
When someone say SR he think on only on person on this server...the most retarded, married with his SR, he bot with his SR he sleep with his SR!
she :D
Quote from: Phonex on March 07, 2012, 05:48:31 PM
I think u are playing in other server, have u ever played a SWS/SR? no right? maybe cuz u dont have one, i stop playing mine cuz it sucked so hard cuz all other archers got the same attack speed then i, (and that was the advantage of the SR), u are talking about other classes, like SK? lol have u ever play vs one? 99% time lighting strike lands, i play a tank class and even with 3k m def it lands on my most of time even with skill +0; did u ever read the forum? cuz last time i saw sps/ee taling about some skillls that make them better then other classes, one is Cancel, which gm's are working on, u talk about attr shirts, common that's a DNET custom improve, actually if u know u cant use tattoo and shirts at the same time, gm make them usable, putting attr on shirt will make full attr resistance, losing play style, so plz stop QQ about gm trying to fix a dead class, and yes its a dead class cuz i just have seen 4 or 5 sws/sr in all game now, and even with more p attack what is the complain? they wont have more p attack then a PR, and both have same attack speed in a same way, the only dif will be that SR will hit from more far then now, so ull need to catch him :D
That's the only dead class? Can you name 4-5 sorcerers? or 4-5 Elemental summoners?
About same attack speed, you're or blind, or retard. I still have a pr/bd, we can test it agaist your sws/sr when you want [talking about attack speed, same items/regular pvp-buff situation-not with all triggers (shit chance) activated....].
Stop thinking at own benefit and...just reroll if you don't like it; or better quit, it's a private server.
PS After all, just boost it (or pseudo-ask the community like you did with Anakim)- won't change much around; just the spirit adopted isn't right.
Quote from: fenrris on March 07, 2012, 05:39:07 PM
Honestly this topic is an apsurd..saving endangeres clses??
FFS there are plenty of literaly dead clases now so how come problem of few SR is so importand?? Since when SR is crucial for server stability?????
Fixes? GREAT how about antri for shirts? Whole server would benefit and be more balanced if we would have those available for ALL. Clearly biger benefit then SR skills.
Skill fixes? GREAT! How about making LS and anchor working as they were? Plenty of Sk/PR, Sk/AW, SK/SH and Necro variations...wouldn't that give biger imput on community???
Stop crying about your clas like it would be most importand thing for game balanc. A/c speed limits are affecting every light elf and i don't see sps or ee crying all day long about it( and we do have A LOT OF those clases). It's not fair for them since my SH with cast cert, +5 wit and full buff doesnt have any problem to get 2,5k cast whyle sps can dream of 16k+ m atack.
Track for the love of god since when Immas problems are so crucial for this server? You wana show that if someone will cry enough then you guys will change stuff accoringly to their needs? SO DO IT TRACK and embrace yourself...CRY will follow from every damn class in this server and they will be right- one suceeded all should get what they wont.
Lets just make one hit one kill policy and all will be pwnzor just the way they see this game.
viana didnt even post 1 word here why you calling her name if person who spams about sr is some1 different, trooper knows who, he even sees it
to phonex - well Sk got lightening strike but its used mostly by class subed with mage ...
Quote from: fenrris on March 07, 2012, 05:39:07 PM
my SH with cast cert, +5 wit and full buff doesnt have any problem to get 2,5k cast
With all respect and sympathy Fenriss, I wanna see this 2,5k cast. Especially than You are not summoner but tank. I doubt summoner can have it.
With zerk (lol zerk on pvp), with enlightment, with hero zerk etc. Show me it.
Thx to bs like this we have mess also....now some ppl will see "SH easy with 2,5k cast ?? wtf" and next cry will start....and it's clearly not true with this cast.
Quote from: Triuferkkk on March 07, 2012, 06:25:42 PM
viana didnt even post 1 word here why you calling her name if person who spams about sr is some1 different, trooper knows who, he even sees it
to phonex - well Sk got lightening strike but its used mostly by class subed with mage ...
She didnt posted nothink right. But she was the one who told Gideon and Track that Sr is weak and need boost. Dont believe? I was in pt with her and them so i know.
Quote from: Phonex on March 07, 2012, 05:48:31 PM
I think u are playing in other server, have u ever played a SWS/SR? no right? maybe cuz u dont have one, i stop playing mine cuz it sucked so hard cuz all other archers got the same attack speed then i, (and that was the advantage of the SR), u are talking about other classes, like SK? lol have u ever play vs one? 99% time lighting strike lands, i play a tank class and even with 3k m def it lands on my most of time even with skill +0; did u ever read the forum? cuz last time i saw sps/ee taling about some skillls that make them better then other classes, one is Cancel, which gm's are working on, u talk about attr shirts, common that's a DNET custom improve, actually if u know u cant use tattoo and shirts at the same time, gm make them usable, putting attr on shirt will make full attr resistance, losing play style, so plz stop QQ about gm trying to fix a dead class, and yes its a dead class cuz i just have seen 4 or 5 sws/sr in all game now, and even with more p attack what is the complain? they wont have more p attack then a PR, and both have same attack speed in a same way, the only dif will be that SR will hit from more far then now, so ull need to catch him :D
Find me sors or PS please .There are no "i just have seen 4 or 5 sws/sr in all game now"..
Ls part was a sarcazm to SHOW that one guys particular interes should NOT be a SERVER concern.(and i'm playing SK so i know that LS landed quite nice but not on all chars and especialy not on WELL BUFFED ones).
PS: do you even understand the meening of QQ? I'm placing post about how ridicules is to fix one minor clas personificated by one cryer and how it may end up in opening pandoras box. You cry enough = you get stuff.
Quote from: lasombra on March 07, 2012, 06:29:36 PM
With all respect and sympathy Fenriss, I wanna see this 2,5k cast. Especially than You are not summoner but tank. I doubt summoner can have it.
With zerk (lol zerk on pvp), with enlightment, with hero zerk etc. Show me it.
Thx to bs like this we have mess also....now some ppl will see "SH easy with 2,5k cast ?? wtf" and next cry will start....and it's clearly not true with this cast.
Ok Felli i'll take a moment and test it. Since i was able to do it on Helbound without magicial will and enlightment i'm sure i'll do it here :)
Quote from: MegaZord on March 07, 2012, 06:44:55 PM
She didnt posted nothink right. But she was the one who told Gideon and Track that Sr is weak and need boost. Dont believe? I was in pt with her and them so i know.
As representatives of all major clans. Our representative made screen shots of whole conversation and thats was the reason for me using Immas here since she gave the first though.
Thou if i offended her then i'm sorry my bad since this post cryer is a different person.
Quote from: Triuferkkk on March 07, 2012, 06:25:42 PM
viana didnt even post 1 word here why you calling her name if person who spams about sr is some1 different, trooper knows who, he even sees it
to phonex - well Sk got lightening strike but its used mostly by class subed with mage ...
PS: i havent use names for Imma i've pnly used her name in my text
Quote from: fenrris on March 07, 2012, 06:51:35 PM
Ok Felli i'll take a moment and test it. Since i was able to do it on Helbound without magicial will and enlightment i'm sure i'll do it here :)
I'm also interested in this cast on SH - so put screens here with this cast ;)
Damn so much Drama about it. :D
IMO Sr need boost... ofc i say that coz i play this char since really long time. Before SR can each 2,5k atk spd with 5k p atk (dyna bow so no normal atk spd if u dont belive i still have screens) now its really hard to make even this 1,5k so even lower p atk than before and atk spd i wont say anything about crit power coz now its really bad. Rapid Fire at hb and IL didnt taking so much range just 200 and now it decrase 50% of range.
So let GM's do their work let test it at least it wont be good we can back it. so calm down guys dont be so nervous, its only game so take smth from life and be happy not only drama at forums :D
Peace, Love& Chuck Norris Blessing :)
Quote from: eagleye on March 07, 2012, 06:54:36 PM
I'm also interested in this cast on SH - so put screens here with this cast ;)
I'll do my best but i need to w8 for my kamael friend ^^
Quote from: fenrris on March 07, 2012, 07:19:11 PM
I'll do my best but i need to w8 for my kamael friend ^^
ahh - with kamael buff and rest other I can easy get also 2.5k cast - and 68k matak ;) but I doubt you can get it normally on every pvp :P
Quote from: eagleye on March 07, 2012, 07:28:47 PM
ahh - with kamael buff and rest other I can easy get also 2.5k cast - and 68k matak ;) but I doubt you can get it normally on every pvp :P
well without kamael buff on helbound i had 2,4k so close enough. I'll have to switch back on+5 wit and cast certi to test it in Gracja but im assuming 2,3 at worst
Quote from: lasombra on March 07, 2012, 01:26:03 PM
strafko I like You signatue.
all who saw that pic and masturb in their pants told me the same xD
@kapi no i dont mean on "she" i wrote it good
- After revise some skills and general idea about the boost , SR boost will be on hold cause if it happens it can open many other doors which currently we dont want, however we have 1 more idea to try out but it will be announced later on.
Thanks all who wrote something creative , and others who just saw this as a way to spam/flood insult keep up the good job, you are great!