I've just read this. Going towards 1x in the 70s. That's pretty sick, what's the purpose of it? If you would make 1x from start, that would make pretty much no difference, the higher levels are like 90-95% of the whole game anyway? Sounds to me like I have to play a year to get even one char to max level. 1x feels like 1000x slower than 10x.
Or am I getting something wrong? Overall leveling time will be more or less like official then?
Quote from: Jameson on January 11, 2014, 09:10:31 AM
I've just read this. Going towards 1x in the 70s. That's pretty sick, what's the purpose of it? If you would make 1x from start, that would make pretty much no difference, the higher levels are like 90-95% of the whole game anyway? Sounds to me like I have to play a year to get even one char to max level. 1x feels like 1000x slower than 10x.
Or am I getting something wrong? Overall leveling time will be more or less like official then?
No my friend, 1x i 10x slower than 10x :D not 1000 :P
I said, it *feels* 1000x slower :)
Have you actually played on a 1x server before?
why is it so important? it will be the same rate for all of us, and it will take the same amount for exp needed to level up for all players so it doesn't really matters. just play and get your level.
Well he's got a point
If for nolifers 5 days will be enough to close to the cap, then for normal player its about 1.5 month taking in account he spends 6x time less in game...
Well... I wana think the "x1" rates are reserved for 78/79/80 levels, but I may be wrong... I'd like to know how's the exp setted in the server.
Let's do it in a funny way :D
1x exp rate - for 1-20 lvl - that will slow down dual boxing at the beginning
then - dynamic xp rate from 15x till lets say 2x?
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
why? because i can play 20h a day and the guy can play 3h a day. He will never even get 80lvl even after 1year of farming 3h/day meanwhile I will rush it in 3weeks anyway and I will quit for 1year to wait for casual players to be able to do anything besides pvp at 60lvls
lets make exp based on your playtime. if you 20h a day you have 1x and if you play 1h a day you have 100x. LOL.
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 10:27:06 AM
I would agree to that as a 20/day declared player just to have pvply active server. otherwise its pretty dumb and the tears will start day2
of course it's dumb. it's sarcasm. you see the big "LOL" at the end of my post? :D
guys just play as it is... people who play more will get faster level then people who play less. after level up, people who play more will get faster gear then people who play less. that's normal, no matter what the rates are...
yes the gap between this will be lower if the rate was higher, but again, with the higher rate, people will be done with exping and gearing up really fast and then they will quit.
so imo just leave that 1x as it is, and let us earn our level.
I've said this before elsewhere too. Just delaying the inevitable end-game issues by slowing the exp rate is not the best idea. I also have concerns about this dynamic spoil/drop system.
I think they are trying too hard where they should just keep it simple. Have a healthy exp/adena/drop/spoil rate. Let the market grow and become the DN markets of old. Exp is the most irritating part of L2. Give the exp, let us farm instead and fight for spots and pvp.
Quote from: bsrealm on January 11, 2014, 10:35:39 AM
I've said this before elsewhere too. Just delaying the inevitable end-game issues by slowing the exp rate is not the best idea. I also have concerns about this dynamic spoil/drop system.
I think they are trying too hard where they should just keep it simple. Have a healthy exp/adena/drop/spoil rate. Let the market grow and become the DN markets of old. Exp is the most irritating part of L2. Give the exp, let us farm instead and fight for spots and pvp.
Exp isnt the most iritating part of the game, at least from my perspectuve, just because it becomes slower at higher levels doesnt mean it has to be boring. Gather up with friends and go level up, while at the same time you can spoil for the clan equip. If we wanted just an easy clone of already existing interlude concept around the globe we wouldnt bother this much. Tarantula isnt the server where you should expect instant and fast things, excuse me but what is the problem doing pvp at 50,60,70 lvl even unsubbed or not top geared. Exp rate is same for everyone , and just because someone can play more and others a bit less doesnt change the thing you have to work your way to the top. In the end is not the gear and top lvl what makes a player good player in every aspect of the game. So please instead of making exping system boring part to yourself, organise with friends how, where and when you will be doing it to output the best result.
Sure that low levels will make people think twice to engage in meaningless pvp, but there will be plenty of time to make up for your losses. Even "lifers" will reach higher levels relatively quickly, it's interlude for gods sake.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 11, 2014, 10:47:33 AM
Exp isnt the most iritating part of the game, at least from my perspectuve, just because it becomes slower at higher levels doesnt mean it has to be boring. Gather up with friends and go level up, while at the same time you can spoil for the clan equip. If we wanted just an easy clone of already existing interlude concept around the globe we wouldnt bother this much. Tarantula isnt the server where you should expect instant and fast things, excuse me but what is the problem doing pvp at 50,60,70 lvl even unsubbed or not top geared. Exp rate is same for everyone , and just because someone can play more and others a bit less doesnt change the thing you have to work your way to the top. In the end is not the gear and top lvl what makes a player good player in every aspect of the game. So please instead of making exping system boring part to yourself, organise with friends how, where and when you will be doing it to output the best result.
sure thing, epics, eqs twice better then enemys ...
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 11, 2014, 10:47:33 AM
Exp isnt the most iritating part of the game, at least from my perspectuve, just because it becomes slower at higher levels doesnt mean it has to be boring. Gather up with friends and go level up, while at the same time you can spoil for the clan equip. If we wanted just an easy clone of already existing interlude concept around the globe we wouldnt bother this much. Tarantula isnt the server where you should expect instant and fast things, excuse me but what is the problem doing pvp at 50,60,70 lvl even unsubbed or not top geared. Exp rate is same for everyone , and just because someone can play more and others a bit less doesnt change the thing you have to work your way to the top. In the end is not the gear and top lvl what makes a player good player in every aspect of the game. So please instead of making exping system boring part to yourself, organise with friends how, where and when you will be doing it to output the best result.
The point is, higher exp rate with an exp cap means the people who can only play few hours a day can still come in and do their 3rd class quests and everything fast. People who spend more time in the game, will always differ by farm and equips. It is just unnecessary to penalize players with low time on their hands when it comes to exp and levels.
If you give them easy access to level 76 so they can at least do their 3rd classes and get the skills, it will be nice. They will of course have an item/equip disadvantage, but at least, for pvp, they will have their 3rd class skills when they go up versus top clans with better gear and 3rd class skills.
Faster exp rate just makes it more fun for pvp since all will have skills. L2 will always favor farm to people who spend more time in-game. No one wants to change that!
EDIT: Balance heal, vortex, bluff, Vengeance. So many important skills for a fair fight.
Quote from: bsrealm on January 11, 2014, 10:55:28 AM
The point is, higher exp rate with an exp cap means the people who can only play few hours a day can still come in and do their 3rd class quests and everything fast. People who spend more time in the game, will always differ by farm and equips. It is just unnecessary to penalize players with low time on their hands when it comes to exp and levels.
If you give them easy access to level 76 so they can at least do their 3rd classes and get the skills, it will be nice. They will of course have an item/equip disadvantage, but at least, for pvp, they will have their 3rd class skills when they go up versus top clans with better gear and 3rd class skills.
Faster exp rate just makes it more fun for pvp since all will have skills. L2 will always favor farm to people who spend more time in-game. No one wants to change that!
Then we just double the quest for 3rd in quntitative amounts to make it easier = faster.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 11, 2014, 10:59:41 AM
Then we just double the quest for 3rd in quntitative amounts to make it easier = faster.
Doesn't help if we can't even get to 76 in the first place!
Consider this:
Party A: People who go to work and can only play 3 hours per day. They are level 61, have A-grades, but no balance heal, no bluff, no vengeance, no vortex, etc. etc.
Party B: No-lifers. Nothing wrong. But they have all 3rd class skills, level 77-78.
And RB spawns, party A will find it absolutely impossible to contest it, irrespective of the gear of Party B.
IF we give party A 3rd class skills, then we can expect a fairer fight. Both healers will have balance heal, etc. If party B has farmed more to get S-grades, well, deal with it. Thats L2. But exp need not be slow.
Hope I got my message through. Thanks for listening and discussing with us, TZ.
There is no need in doubling QI because they affect other aspects of gameplay (varka/ketra mobs). If you think just about shrine mobs, then sure no biggie.
Anyway folks on dragon you could see people with A/S killing people in S+++ and now you are telling me it's impossible to kill stacksubbed 80lvl char with your stacksubbed 76lvl on similar equipment ? Pff ...
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 11, 2014, 11:03:14 AM
There is no need in doubling QI because they affect other aspects of gameplay (varka/ketra mobs). If you think just about shrine mobs, then sure no biggie.
Anyway folks on dragon you could see people with A/S killing people in S+++ and now you are telling me it's impossible to kill stacksubbed 80lvl char with your stacksubbed 76lvl on similar equipment ? Pff ...
This is my point too. 80 vs 76 is vastly different from 76 vs 66. 3rd class skills are important. Getting to 78/79 should be relatively balance for no-lifers and people who can spend less time per day, so pvp is more fun and balanced. Farm and equips will always favor people who spend more time. Thats ok. But exp doesn't need to.
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 11, 2014, 11:03:14 AM
There is no need in doubling QI because they affect other aspects of gameplay (varka/ketra mobs). If you think just about shrine mobs, then sure no biggie.
Anyway folks on dragon you could see people with A/S killing people in S+++ and now you are telling me it's impossible to kill stacksubbed 80lvl char with your stacksubbed 76lvl on similar equipment ? Pff ...
I was only reffering to those 700 pain in the ass bugs at shrine! :(
This is interesting lol
imo 1x is just bullshiit
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 11, 2014, 11:06:59 AM
I was only reffering to those 700 pain in the ass bugs at shrine! :(
IMO, that will be awesome if its slow and made pvp zone in the 2/3 big areas and non pvp zone in the other. Point is simple, faster to 78/79 will make it balanced for pvp for casual players. If you want that, make it happen, if not, thats ok too. I just want to help the GMs understand the effects of the choices.
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 11, 2014, 11:12:11 AM
I don't understand.......
You can't play on a low rate coz you can play just few hours a day and you want ALL asap? Change server. Wtf
x4-5 on levels 76+ would be something to consider in my opinion.
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 11:16:32 AM
actually the crying ones are the nolife ones who want some competition. x1 server wont last even 3months.
Exactly. As a semi-nolife player myself, the worst thing for me is carebear clans who say I am not 3rd and dont war or flight back. That is why I want a smidge of pvp zones at right places, proper way to call out RB status and a healthy exp curve.
hm ... since i see so much post about that "dynamic" exp thing ... im wondering why the staff dont set the server on fixed exp/drop/spoil rate f.e. x3/4/5 its not too high or too low rate and i think its the perfect rate for some IL server to last for more then 8 months
For me at least, the problem with the dynamic thing is that ppl who rush for fast lvl will make an gap that wont be able to be reached for the casual ppl and they will leave the server ... and that can rly fast bring the death of any server if the population is reduced :)
Any way this is just my thoughts and the staff will make the rates like they have in mind and we have to admit with it :D
PS:I forgot to add that i dont know at what lvl the exp will be x1 ... so if its at lvl 79-80 and on the rest is like x3/4/5 the things i typed can be scratched :D :D :D
I think something like this would be fair:
1-20 x10
20-40 x8
40-60 x6
60-70 x4
70-76 x3
76-78 x2
78-80 x1
Even a "lifer" can easily reach 3rd occu with this rates and if you can't then maybe L2 is not for you anymore...
Altough GM said that exp will be function based on a curve, I don't think it should much differ from this, meaning (60-70 might not be flat x4, but something like 61 lvl x3,9 ; 62 lvl x3,8; etc).
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 11, 2014, 11:23:33 AM
I think something like this would be fair:
1-20 x10
20-40 x8
40-60 x6
60-70 x4
70-76 x3
76-78 x2
78-80 x1
Even a "lifer" can easily reach 3rd occu with this rates and if you can't then maybe L2 is not for you anymore...
Altough GM said that exp will be function based on a curve, I don't think it should much differ from this, meaning (60-70 might not be flat x4, but something like 61 lvl x3,9 ; 62 lvl x3,8; etc).
no way ;O x10 is too low
But really guys, you are lighting up the fuzz for no reasons. In the history of mmorpg-s and any online game , it was always and it will be always that players who have more time to play = lvl up faster , i really cant stop nor prevent this. Changing rate wont solve anything because subject A will still play xx hours. You will all reach the proper level in short notice belive me , i mean we all sound s bit spoiled nowdays. Remeber old days when there wasnt so much info, wasnt so much options and we all just wanted to play even on x0.000005 server . So please just gather up and prepare for the opening, making forum burn wont change things, ill just stop replying about this because its becoming sensless and im just loosing time by reading it while there is work to do.
Thank you
If you want to compare DN with ph0enix junk , sure then let's compare:
- was x30 (mid-high rate) and didn't last more than few months. What does that tell you?
Think of that:
You are casual player wihtout clan, just playing for fun, solo exping and so on. Getting 70 won't be that hard, after that starts the trouble with exping, not because of exp rates. It's because of other players pushing you out of "spots", leaving no fun for you unless you consider getting PK'ed fun.
These players will get one week of fun in the very beginning then they will look for another server.
It might not be cristal clear explanation, but hope you get the point.
Track can you tell us how will be the exp reducing ... so it will be kinda clear ... i mean f.e. at lvl 10/20/30/40/50/60/70-76/76-78/78-80 etc ... it will clear up the things :D
Hm what a pity, sounds like this server is for hardcore players only then. "Nolifers" will always have advantage, richer, better enchants and stuff, but when "normal" player needs half a year to get same level (not talking about equip), the gap will be just too huge.
I think a server doesn't last long because grinding is made ridiculously long, it's more about community and gm activity, events and stuff. And after a few years, fresh server, this can't be replaced by anything else (imho).
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 11:37:34 AM
glad u made it simple. better make weapons donation because your server wont last 3months and u will just lose on opening it :D u really dont get ppl wont play 3h/day on x1 server? they will simply freaking quit not waste 2years ( yes u need +- 2years) to be able to have any fun on such server. Have u ever even played this game? like srsly so clueless.
inb4 ban for sayin the truth. been through this already on other good looking servers that failed due to leadership's clueless and money-greed
bump! x1 server?? or lower than 10x? gl hahhahaha we dont have many time to play!! pvp? noo sory i dont want waste my 4% i must go farmmmmmmmmm aaaaa!!!!!!!!!! are you crazy???
Quote from: Jameson on January 11, 2014, 11:51:45 AM
Hm what a pity, sounds like this server is for hardcore players only then. "Nolifers" will always have advantage, richer, better enchants and stuff, but when "normal" player needs half a year to get same level (not talking about equip), the gap will be just too huge.
I think a server doesn't last long because grinding is made ridiculously long, it's more about community and gm activity, events and stuff. And after a few years, fresh server, this can't be replaced by anything else (imho).
I don't get it.
There are those players, who can't have fun at level 60. This is the reason, why highrate pvp servers exist.
If someone can't find an enjoyable way to get his xp/gear (make a support: you get nonstop party, make a dwarf: you get limitless money, grow some balls and enchant smthing +16: you get rich, dualbox and have fun with any char you like, whatever),
it's actually not a reason to argue about the rates, which, by the way, you don't even know yet. What the hell, people?!
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 11, 2014, 11:12:11 AM
I don't understand.......
You can't play on a low rate coz you can play just few hours a day and you want ALL asap? Change server. Wtf
I just
CANT READ THE BULLSHIT in this topic...
MMORPG such as Lineage 2 was and always will be about exping, farming
Sure there are manys server x5000, but its just kill the fun, bcs there are nothing else to do only PVP without any minuses (u got killed 100 times at 80lvl, u kill 1 mob and u are again 80,100%)
I have feeling like the only ppl who QQ never played REAL lineage 2 (only the x5000 bullshits) and they think phoenix x30 was lowrate... I can tell u it was highrate without GMS, without community... (i made char 80lvl in 1 day there GL...)
The essence of Lineage was and always will be exping ( for example u play 6 months and u got level 70), so u just know all of ur good and wrong sides of char perfectly, dont reroll and emo quit when u lose PVP.
You know PPL, because they dont change chars and NICKS every 3 days,
People play L2 for fun. Killing goats on varka for 3 months isn't fun at all. x5 at final stage would be enough to not make people leave before reaching 80 lvl.
Quote from: Blizzer on January 11, 2014, 12:23:57 PM
People play L2 for fun. Killing goats on varka for 3 months isn't fun at all. x5 at final stage would be enough to not make people leave before reaching 80 lvl.
You were killing them for much more than 3 month already, so? ^^
Quote from: Blizzer on January 11, 2014, 12:23:57 PM
People play L2 for fun. Killing goats on varka for 3 months isn't fun at all. x5 at final stage would be enough to not make people leave before reaching 80 lvl.
/offtop Blizzer:D PamiÄ™tam jak expiÅ,em Twojego bd jeszcze na infinity haha
Maybe x5 is the best but imo every rate more than x5 is mid-rate or high rate, especially on sub stuck witch easier.
This topic is ridiculous. Why do you even want to play lineage 2 people?
+1 for that :D but if its x1 since lvl 70 it will scare the ppl :D as i type up :D
Quote from: Blizzer on January 11, 2014, 12:23:57 PM
People play L2 for fun. Killing goats on varka for 3 months isn't fun at all. x5 at final stage would be enough to not make people leave before reaching 80 lvl.
Quote from: Tvit on January 11, 2014, 12:28:36 PM
/offtop Blizzer:D PamiÄ™tam jak expiÅ,em Twojego bd jeszcze na infinity haha
wtedy jeszcze myÅ›laÅ,em, że SR szybko mnie wyexpi, ale już z tego wyrosÅ,em xD
Quote from: Zeelgadees on January 11, 2014, 12:26:36 PM
You were killing them for much more than 3 month already, so? ^^
Now I joined WWF and want to save as many goats as possible.
I'm pretty sure that if there will be 1x exp, you'll loose many ppl. I won't even start playing on this server if it's gonna be like this, many ppl from our clan will do the same for sure.
Quote from: Sokrates on January 11, 2014, 12:42:58 PM
I'm pretty sure that if there will be 1x exp, you'll loose many ppl. I won't even start playing on this server if it's gonna be like this, many ppl from our clan will do the same for sure.
I don't think that discussing it won't make a damn difference, otherwise the Admins would have asked how would we like a new IL server, they didn't so we'll play what they give us and a lot of people will eat the server up. Some won't but that just the way it is :D
How about a sick suggestion. If you farm solo 1x, if you farm with friends , 9x for full pt. This would bring the team work back a bit and since you are qqing about 1x rates this would help the newbs too :D
Quote from: VOoDOoT on January 11, 2014, 01:46:40 PM
vag. (i prefer this one instead of penis, but...everyone has his own preference) 8)
Why dont u wait for the info from GMs first? They will release it in a couple of days anyway, so instead of crying about rates and not being able to hit 80vl the very next day after server opening why dont u organise with your cp or start recruiting in clans and make plans, so far i havent seen even one topic in clan section for recruiting or some clan description, all of u who cry here r starting solo and dont want to grind on x1 (which will probably be after 78vl). I will play only at night most of the time and it will be ~6h and im not worried about xping or what ever... But i know what im signing up for. U ppl come here knowing that this will be a low rate server and QQ on forum for high rates and donatable weapons.. And for those of u who say make it like this or me and my clan will quit, u can delete your acc even now no1 will care. And about the people saying i will sub and hit max lvl in 2 weeks tops and others will be 60 lvl so i will get bored killing 1vs9 and quit, no1 is forcing u to rush 80vl in 3 days if u r so worried about being lonely on the top then go out some days on a walk, read a book, play together with other ppl in the game :O
Quote from: igi on January 11, 2014, 03:19:13 PM
Why dont u wait for the info from GMs first? They will release it in a couple of days anyway, so instead of crying about rates and not being able to hit 80vl the very next day after server opening why dont u organise with your cp or start recruiting in clans and make plans, so far i havent seen even one topic in clan section for recruiting or some clan description, all of u who cry here r starting solo and dont want to grind on x1 (which will probably be after 78vl). I will play only at night most of the time and it will be ~6h and im not worried about xping or what ever... But i know what im signing up for. U ppl come here knowing that this will be a low rate server and QQ on forum for high rates and donatable weapons.. And for those of u who say make it like this or me and my clan will quit, u can delete your acc even now no1 will care. And about the people saying i will sub and hit max lvl in 2 weeks tops and others will be 60 lvl so i will get bored killing 1vs9 and quit, no1 is forcing u to rush 80vl in 3 days if u r so worried about being lonely on the top then go out some days on a walk, read a book, play together with other ppl in the game :O
I feel da pain
Quote from: igi on January 11, 2014, 03:19:13 PM
Why dont u wait for the info from GMs first? They will release it in a couple of days anyway, so instead of crying about rates and not being able to hit 80vl the very next day after server opening why dont u organise with your cp or start recruiting in clans and make plans, so far i havent seen even one topic in clan section for recruiting or some clan description, all of u who cry here r starting solo and dont want to grind on x1 (which will probably be after 78vl). I will play only at night most of the time and it will be ~6h and im not worried about xping or what ever... But i know what im signing up for. U ppl come here knowing that this will be a low rate server and QQ on forum for high rates and donatable weapons.. And for those of u who say make it like this or me and my clan will quit, u can delete your acc even now no1 will care. And about the people saying i will sub and hit max lvl in 2 weeks tops and others will be 60 lvl so i will get bored killing 1vs9 and quit, no1 is forcing u to rush 80vl in 3 days if u r so worried about being lonely on the top then go out some days on a walk, read a book, play together with other ppl in the game :O
or play The Elder Scroll closed beta like me ghghghghgh
people came back here to have fun. Most of us are focused on pvp/ epic/ siege etc.
Would be nice if we could do it faster, and didn't care about losing exp on pvp.
So, for me:
1 - 20 30x
21 - 40 25x
41- 60 20 x
61 - 78 15 x
79/80 10 x
and to be honest, it should even raise a little.
to balance it you can for example nerf rb drop or enchant rate (thats for sure), but it's not even necessary
Nightmare was 35x many ppl online, many sieges with many clans/ally. Always pvp , no1 say `it's to fast get 78lvl booooo its boring when i get max lvl'. And now ? Only login and farm , farm farm.... 10x rate ? no way.
Quote from: PoBO on January 11, 2014, 04:08:49 PM
So, for me:
1 - 20 30x
21 - 40 25x
41- 60 20 x
61 - 78 15 x
79/80 10 x
and to be honest, it should even raise a little.
I lol'd hard, I hope it was a joke.
If you really wanna suggest the rates, make it at least a little bit reasonable, like:
1-40 20x
41-60 10x
61-70 5x
71-78 3x
78+ 1xThis is still fast enough to be enjoyable to the majority, but low enough to not get lv80 in 2 days, I guess.
Quote from: Csenky on January 11, 2014, 04:36:48 PM
I lol'd hard, I hope it was a joke.
If you really wanna suggest the rates, make it at least a little bit reasonable, like:
1-40 20x
41-60 10x
61-70 5x
71-78 3x
78+ 1x
This is still fast enough to be enjoyable to the majority, but low enough to not get lv80 in 2 days, I guess.
trust me, if you would like to keep rate like you said, a lot of players will quit server.
It cant be too low, most of us played 6/8/10 years, we dont want to spend time exping. Im sick of that.
1-40 20x
41-60 15x
61-70 10x
71-78 5x
78+ 3x
it's low enough i think
Quote from: PoBO on January 11, 2014, 04:44:47 PM
trust me, if you would like to keep rate like you said, a lot of players will quit server.
It cant be too low, most of us played 6/8/10 years, we dont want to spend time exping. Im sick of that.
At the server announcement , GM said final rates gonna be x1 not some mid rates you expect. Why did you even bother to come here ?
Quote from: igi on January 11, 2014, 03:19:13 PM
why dont u organise with your cp or start recruiting in clans and make plans, so far i havent seen even one topic in clan section for recruiting or some clan description
maybe because most of players know each other for long time? We dont need to post any info on forum.
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 11, 2014, 04:51:50 PM
At the server announcement , GM said final rates gonna be x1 not some mid rates you expect. Why did you even bother to come here ?
the same reason as rest of the players
Quote from: PoBO on January 11, 2014, 04:44:47 PM
trust me, if you would like to keep rate like you said, a lot of players will quit server.
It cant be too low, most of us played 6/8/10 years, we dont want to spend time exping. Im sick of that.
But I do my friend I do. Most of the QQ, rage and emotions were when you killed people in the time when they wanted to achieve something.
What is so different. If i camp the tunnel to prevent people doing 3rd class? or camp baium to prevent them from retail subbing/chance of getting the ring? Cause we even had topics here suggesting that people should have easier alternative way to do it. NO, just not to anything easier. I do not want the server to be easier then ifni was in C4. I played some higher servers, like 10x later and it was baaad. People with draco in less then 1 month, etc. None even tried to stop me from reaching endgame, nothing infuriated me, was boring.
freaking hell, even back then in C1 beta files and C3/4 clients, when LOA Karik was the top mob and farming them on 77 on our infi 5x was worse then farming normally on 1x IL server, we still managed and lot of people actually got to sub.
Now, I'm not a PVP player. Simply not. I do not enjoy the PVP itself. Call me whatever names you want, but I enjoy the suffering, hatred and rage. I will not attack unless there is something to gain or a way to cause a major setback to my enemy. If the game is too easy, all will get to the endgame fast and easy and there will be none to break, no-ones plan to ruin. I want prosperity of my clan and death to the competition. I do not want all to get there and then have boring equal fights for no benefits.
The moments of early QQ were the moments that spawned the greatest alliances and caused wars that went for years. If someone gets repeatedly killed that he cannot progress, and decides to quit instead of forming some resistance force, or even zerg if that is what it takes, then I'm happy with that one quitting, cause that one in endgame = bad community. Its not about nolife its about having a backbone. I see so many people with actual backbone announcing return that I just cannot care less for those from the easy higher rate servers, sorry.
Quote from: Garn. on January 11, 2014, 04:50:17 PM
1-40 20x
41-60 15x
61-70 10x
71-78 5x
78+ 3x
it's low enough i think
Good enough. Waiting for GM's announcement.
Quote from: Garn. on January 11, 2014, 04:50:17 PM
1-40 20x
41-60 15x
61-70 10x
71-78 5x
78+ 3x
it's low enough i think
This is a great suggestion :)
I just think it can be:
71-76 5x
76+ 3x
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 05:09:07 PM
there is nothing to discuss, if server will be under that you can pretty much close it. once again XP RATES =/= drop rates and have nothing to do with items gain or anything. Its just bar that u burn down by pvping and gain by killing mobs. x1 or x100 ppl will spend exactly the same time farming their items aka keeping pvp on spots, expect that noone will even flag on x1 :D (9man organized cp is doing +- 0,5% on 79 by 1hour in it boss room on x1 rates) and lose twice as much if died, ehh whatever lets wait for official annocument and then say ggwp, but we wont play here if it stays this way. im done, we are done with carebear servers.
btw big lol @those dn kids who never played any other server sayin that x1-5 is perfect
just for info ... at what servers you played and how much of the servers you were some kind of factor ?
cause judging from that post i think you were at some x 500000000 servers :D and yes x5 is the best ... max rate x7 maybe 10 ... all of the biggest networks have such server at that rate and its rly populated ... f.e. RPG - x7 server 1 year after launch still had 9k+ ppl on so dude pls dont say things that you have no idea if you wish to play here go on if you wont ... dont play ...
PS:well i prefer x5 server not some lower rate but still ill play it cause i had rly good times here :D
PS2: the suggestion that garn made is rly reasonable also :)
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 11, 2014, 05:20:06 PM
This is a great suggestion :)
I just think it can be:
71-76 5x
76+ 3x
Quote from: hideous on January 11, 2014, 05:10:16 PM
Good enough. Waiting for GM's announcement.
at least someone agree with me lol
And what about if the new server takes rates from old DNET servers? Like this:
At the beggining: x30 (like Nightmare)
In the first half: x15 (like Dragon)
In the second half: x10 (like Shadow)
At the end: x5 (like Infinity)
Great idea!, considering this new server will include the whole DNET community! ;D
78+ : 1.5x - 3x
Lower levels - 15 / 10 / 5x
Quote from: Garn. on January 11, 2014, 04:50:17 PM
1-40 20x
41-60 15x
61-70 10x
71-78 5x
78+ 3x
it's low enough i think
Yes, I do agree on those numbers too.
x1 interlude can't not imagine it :D it will be 10% per day on 76+. x15 on interlude-gracia final is still low rate.
Quote from: stanxoo on January 11, 2014, 05:47:55 PM
x1 interlude can't not imagine it :D it will be 10% per day on 76+. x15 on interlude-gracia final is still low rate.
No it's not. It's typical mid-rate where you reach end level in few days. IL 10x Russian opened 3rd January, in less than 24 hours people had 77 level. To be fair, they had exp runes so it was 17x , but still not more than couple of days to reach and DO 3rd ocu for nolifers, and about week for "lifers" ...
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 05:44:57 PM
x7 rpg is h5 where u can farm easy + labas/kamalokas/quests/ vitality(x21rates) so stop bullshiting arround ive played possibly on every mid-low rate private and off server past 8years so I know pretty much every thing about game and server mechanism, I was factor on all rpg-servers, teon, ru offs , and all past stacksubs servers including c4 drag x15.
for example last x3 rpg died after 3months just because of x3 rates and no cakes and it was GFinal (muuuch easier and fun exp than freaking interlude) and fully bot parties refused to xp on freaking x3.
funny how u flame me and then agree that x5 is too low already. any more questions?
Oh maybe that was the reason, the bots died so the botters had no way of thriwing....
That is why we would love C4 droprules, cause there is nothing more fun then dropping-out the bots. That is why NCsoft changed it back then btw cause botters were crying. There will be no bots here, if they are ill just quit cause then there is no point.
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 05:44:57 PM
x7 rpg is h5 where u can farm easy + labas/kamalokas/quests/ vitality(x21rates) so stop bullshiting arround ive played possibly on every mid-low rate private and off server past 8years so I know pretty much every thing about game and server mechanism, I was factor on all rpg-servers, teon, ru offs , and all past stacksubs servers including c4 drag x15.
for example last x3 rpg died after 3months just because of x3 rates and no cakes and it was GFinal (muuuch easier and fun exp than freaking interlude) and fully bot parties refused to xp on freaking x3.
funny how u flame me and then agree that x5 is too low already. any more questions?
read again the post ... i agree for x5 rate i didnt say its low ... ive said its the perfect rate ...
about rpg x3 ... it failed cause it WAS GFinal -> shity chronicle ... and ofr the vit system ... yes it makes the x7 rate become a lot higher but still ... max lvl at h5 is 85 and here is 80 ...
And who were you at all those rpg servers that you say you WERE an some kind of factor tell me ... clan achievements etc ... :D
Quote from: Blizzer on January 11, 2014, 12:23:57 PM
People play L2 for fun. Killing goats on varka for 3 months isn't fun at all. x5 at final stage would be enough to not make people leave before reaching 80 lvl.
Old players of L2 are sick of the hardcore lifeleech xp especially in older chronicles.
Official xp/reward gameplay is not player-friendly at all.
Fixed rate has its own stable logical curve: Faster lvl up TO slower lvl up
DN xp rate curve: Chaotic lvl up TO never lvl up (or delvl)
P.S. Bad news for Overlords, if there will be any at all
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 06:06:48 PM
Tribunal? won x3 rpg after 3days? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjdkDC2xywM
OOC/BoBs on x30/5/15. rpgs were gfinal because ppl wanted so, but rate killed it. stop speaking if u are clueless no cakes = vitality doesnt matter at all when u dry it after 5mobs u nerd. the annoying part is to 0->80, 80+ is pure pleasure to play on higher chronicles. srlsy dont speak u have no clue.
omfg ... vit herb drop dosent matter right ? ok as you say ... mr so called pr0 ...
about OOC ... since when they were factors ??? x 15 they were NO factors they were free pvp points :D AFL were the factor there :D
and who in OOC were you ? i dont remember killing some 1 with your nick ... maybe you are AwakenDemon right ? :D
And btw ive killed a lot of OOC's at rpg x 15 :D and on x7 also but at x7 OOC wasnt the same like x15 but nvm .. i shouldnt tell you that you prolly didnt knew it :D
I don't understand what ya problems are at all, yes the rates may be a little lower than dragon 15x but the fact of the matter is you guys need to harden the he'll up stop trying to make the server how you want it when you ain't the ones running it, grow a backbone and be a man, stop sooking.
Quote from: PoBO on January 11, 2014, 04:08:49 PM
people came back here to have fun. Most of us are focused on pvp/ epic/ siege etc.
Would be nice if we could do it faster, and didn't care about losing exp on pvp.
So, for me:
1 - 20 30x
21 - 40 25x
41- 60 20 x
61 - 78 15 x
79/80 10 x
and to be honest, it should even raise a little.
to balance it you can for example nerf rb drop or enchant rate (thats for sure), but it's not even necessary
We are in 2014 guys ! Dis features are good but doesn t feet dis year.
Ppl playin L2 are " OLD " and they have already been throught some low rates and they won t come back for dat after many years exept trash
They don t want high rates but middle rates and they don t care if it ain t different from b4
But ppl are different now and won t hesitate like b4 if da server is boring or sux they won t hesitate to leave
At a x1 rate from 79->80.
you need +/- 500kk exp to lvl.
Considering that the most xp u get is at fog (around 8k per mob).
U would need 265k of mobs to get that lvl.
Getting trains of 20+/- mobs (the normal ammount), u would have to make 13250 trains.
And if in 1 hour u make 10 trains (again the normal) it would require 1325 hours or 55 days nonstop.
I think thats way too high.
Even if mi calcs or values are a bit off in the best case with x1 rates it would take over a month of nonstop playing to get that last lvl.
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 11, 2014, 07:17:45 PM
10 trains... In.... One... Hour.... Wait
1 train = 1 cov round = 5 mins
10 trains 50 mins + the time to rebuff.
10 trains if you're lucky.
Quote from: Garn. on January 11, 2014, 07:20:02 PM
1 train = 1 cov round = 5 mins
10 trains 50 mins + the time to rebuff.
10 trains if you're lucky.
Yeah i was making it the best posible case.
All those calcs are for 1 person, not party.
Even if full party exp were 300%+, u still have to multiply the time x3.
DN announces they r opening new low rate server
Everyone r happy for it but start making demands to have high rates or they will leave o.O
If u dont like low rates why did u even bother coming here, how can u even possibly think that u will come and u will shape the server in your needs..
List of things people asked for
High rates (starting 30x end 10x :O)
Donatable weapons/armors/enchants
Stacking weapon masteries for de/xx (cuz they were slow o.O)
Stacking armor masteries
36 buff slots
10 min dances/songs
low cd for active nukes from augments (because poor bishops dont have any nukes :'( )
donating for xp/noblesse/sub (cuz they could only play 2 hours a day)
alternative ways for noblesse, retail sub (push a button instead of doing the quests)
change of occupations to be free and one click...
All this suggests that u should look for a new server, preferably x5000 with everything u need already in your inventory or in GMShop.
I stopped even reading after so much spam. Ill just tell you , that you could just simply wait to see the exp curve instead of all the insults and flame some of you did. Making forum BURN wont change nor speed up things. So just wait for the news that i said they will appear in following days. :-X
So spam
Very flaming
Much crying
Such doge
Quote from: Garro on January 11, 2014, 11:56:09 PM
+1 for that guy
There is still hope for this community.
I really hope you are joking.
Quote from: Garro on January 11, 2014, 11:56:09 PM
+1 for that guy
There is still hope for this community.
holy cow! you really agree with that? don't make me bring in another doge meme!
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 12, 2014, 12:09:11 AM
...Why? D:
I'm pretty sure he didn't read the whole comment, because as he said earlier, it's too spammy. :D
Quote from: nbx on January 12, 2014, 12:29:18 AM
I'm pretty sure he didn't read the whole comment, because as he said earlier, it's too spammy. :D
True i just read part of it, so seems i flamed the guy for no reason. Sorry :/
+1 fpr Scary, i dont need to add anything, 100% agree with him
Quote from: Scaryy on January 11, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
why? because i can play 20h a day and the guy can play 3h a day. He will never even get 80lvl even after 1year of farming 3h/day meanwhile I will rush it in 3weeks anyway and I will quit for 1year to wait for casual players to be able to do anything besides pvp at 60lvls
and after u finally reach lvl 78~80 u take a sub, then u go back to lvl 40 and start xp-ing again...thats SICK....imo its either dynamic xp(but hell no to 1x, 5x would be acceptable on lvl 80) then after u sub on lvl 78~80 u will have the same lvl , either keep the old DN rates 15x....most of the ppl return to DN for pvp
Quote from: ICEcko on January 12, 2014, 04:07:35 AM
and after u finally reach lvl 78~80 u take a sub, then u go back to lvl 40 and start xp-ing again...thats SICK....imo its either dynamic xp(but hell no to 1x, 5x would be acceptable on lvl 80) then after u sub on lvl 78~80 u will have the same lvl , either keep the old DN rates 15x....most of the ppl return to DN for pvp
If you sub on 78.something % or 79 or 80 lv you are not back to lvl 40. And wait to see dynamic curve before saying 1x.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 12, 2014, 04:12:15 AM
If you sub on 78.something % or 79 or 80 lv you are not back to lvl 40. And wait to see dynamic curve before saying 1x.
Track, why 78 and not 76 anymore? =/
Well, as you said, lets wait and see how it's gonna work...
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 12, 2014, 05:26:42 AM
Track, why 78 and not 76 anymore? =/
Well, as you said, lets wait and see how it's gonna work...
If you sub on 76, you get back to 40. Track said here: if you sub 78+, you do NOT get back to 40.
its from ver_Interlude_Announcements_Alpha
Quote from: lNecropsy on January 12, 2014, 05:26:42 AM
Track, why 78 and not 76 anymore? =/
Well, as you said, lets wait and see how it's gonna work...
To be honest i dindnt tried on 76-77 i tried only lvl 78 and above with 3rd done. Ill try today and inform you guys
i don't wonna think how long it will take to drop karma at that rates.
Quote from: kapsel on January 12, 2014, 12:53:08 PM
i don't wonna think how long it will take to drop karma at that rates.
Karma in the meaning of PK?
I do really want a long-term server, that will not become a ghost town after one or two weeks.
But I do not believe that lowrate is the solution to it.
As many people have truthfully said, we are all veterans of L2, we know every corner of this game, even after many years of inactivity.
Months long grinding just to get first character to 80 lvl is definitely not an attractive thing to any of us. We've all been there, we do not see it as an "achievement", we see it as a mean to success and a must-have.
I'm speaking from a no-life perspective. I still can play 10-15 hours a day, but what's the point if there will be no fair opponents to fight.
If this lowrate brings anything into the game, it's gonna be one thing - inequality between players, which will lead to people quitting the server.
Heck, server isn't up yet and very experienced, long-term dragon-network players said they will not play here with very-low rates.
Dragon was x15 for such a long time, and remember how long it was thriving and attracting players.
In my personal opinion what we need on tarantula is low-mid rates, to keep things interesting, yet not absurdly fast as people would get bored real quick.
And a responsible team of gamemasters to avoid the mistakes from the past (I'm sorry for bringing this up here, but we all know how dragon-network was managed, corrupted and inconsistent).
Such a ruckus is happening because your info in 'following days' is changing to info in 'following weeks'. Better if you really announce it tomorrow...
Quote from: MegaZord on January 12, 2014, 01:39:03 PM
This works for the rates that aren't dynamic.
Quote from: Garn. on January 11, 2014, 04:50:17 PM
1-40 20x
41-60 15x
61-70 10x
71-78 5x
78+ 3x
it's low enough i think
Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 12, 2014, 01:46:12 PM
This works for the rates that aren't dynamic.
Well it work on dragon in past. If they changed it will not work :P.
Quote from: Simsung on January 12, 2014, 01:38:19 PM
I do really want a long-term server, that will not become a ghost town after one or two weeks.
But I do not believe that lowrate is the solution to it.
As many people have truthfully said, we are all veterans of L2, we know every corner of this game, even after many years of inactivity.
Months long grinding just to get first character to 80 lvl is definitely not an attractive thing to any of us. We've all been there, we do not see it as an "achievement", we see it as a mean to success and a must-have.
I'm speaking from a no-life perspective. I still can play 10-15 hours a day, but what's the point if there will be no fair opponents to fight.
If this lowrate brings anything into the game, it's gonna be one thing - inequality between players, which will lead to people quitting the server.
Heck, server isn't up yet and very experienced, long-term dragon-network players said they will not play here with very-low rates.
Dragon was x15 for such a long time, and remember how long it was thriving and attracting players.
In my personal opinion what we need on tarantula is low-mid rates, to keep things interesting, yet not absurdly fast as people would get bored real quick.
And a responsible team of gamemasters to avoid the mistakes from the past (I'm sorry for bringing this up here, but we all know how dragon-network was managed, corrupted and inconsistent).
yi veleve thwt everythjng would be even better if e staf had asked the ckmmunity howwould they have lijed the server to be but stjll cabt complain
Quote from: Sokrates on January 12, 2014, 02:12:48 PM
Amen or not, hopefully they'll change their mind. If not, im very not likely to bother with this server :(
Quote from: Simsung on January 12, 2014, 01:38:19 PM
I do really want a long-term server, that will not become a ghost town after one or two weeks.
But I do not believe that lowrate is the solution to it.
As many people have truthfully said, we are all veterans of L2, we know every corner of this game, even after many years of inactivity.
Months long grinding just to get first character to 80 lvl is definitely not an attractive thing to any of us. We've all been there, we do not see it as an "achievement", we see it as a mean to success and a must-have.
I'm speaking from a no-life perspective. I still can play 10-15 hours a day, but what's the point if there will be no fair opponents to fight.
If this lowrate brings anything into the game, it's gonna be one thing - inequality between players, which will lead to people quitting the server.
Heck, server isn't up yet and very experienced, long-term dragon-network players said they will not play here with very-low rates.
Dragon was x15 for such a long time, and remember how long it was thriving and attracting players.
In my personal opinion what we need on tarantula is low-mid rates, to keep things interesting, yet not absurdly fast as people would get bored real quick.
And a responsible team of gamemasters to avoid the mistakes from the past (I'm sorry for bringing this up here, but we all know how dragon-network was managed, corrupted and inconsistent).
I totally agree with you.
Well I don't have much time to play, so the low rate won't work for me. The reason is very simple, there is no guarantee that the server will be "alive" when I can start having fun.
Unfortunately every other stacksub server that I have played on closed, however I think some of them was pretty awesome.
The community on a server is more important than the server's settings itself. If people start to leave the server because:
- "no action"
- "carebear clans"
- etc
then other people will follow them... It is so stupid but it happened on every server. So please GMs prepare for this, do not let people create cry topics on forum or spam the chat in game about how sucks the server.
One more thing, a long ago I left NM 30x because I did not like the only donate-able items. Well things have changed, not because I would donate, but I think donations can be really important too. I mean if people spend money on this game, they will not give up so easily...
I hope I did not sound too selfish ("I won't join if you don't make it ++x"). I just wanted to share my "experience/opinion", if the community wants lower rate then be it have fun guys.
Quote from: Simsung on January 12, 2014, 01:38:19 PM
I do really want a long-term server, that will not become a ghost town after one or two weeks.
But I do not believe that lowrate is the solution to it.
As many people have truthfully said, we are all veterans of L2, we know every corner of this game, even after many years of inactivity.
Months long grinding just to get first character to 80 lvl is definitely not an attractive thing to any of us. We've all been there, we do not see it as an "achievement", we see it as a mean to success and a must-have.
I'm speaking from a no-life perspective. I still can play 10-15 hours a day, but what's the point if there will be no fair opponents to fight.
If this lowrate brings anything into the game, it's gonna be one thing - inequality between players, which will lead to people quitting the server.
Heck, server isn't up yet and very experienced, long-term dragon-network players said they will not play here with very-low rates.
Dragon was x15 for such a long time, and remember how long it was thriving and attracting players.
In my personal opinion what we need on tarantula is low-mid rates, to keep things interesting, yet not absurdly fast as people would get bored real quick.
And a responsible team of gamemasters to avoid the mistakes from the past (I'm sorry for bringing this up here, but we all know how dragon-network was managed, corrupted and inconsistent).
Many players want OLD dragon x15 back, with his good and bad things. I prefer stable 15x exp than this dynamic thing. This server should be pvp oriented and this can be done with ppl that don't fear losing even one level in pvp, because they won't exp for a week to regain lost exp. I want to play on good old dragon x15 with all features that was on it in old times just with fully OFF files with proper balances.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 12, 2014, 06:53:34 PM
Many players want OLD dragon x15 back, with his good and bad things. I prefer stable 15x exp than this dynamic thing. This server should be pvp oriented and this can be done with ppl that don't fear losing even one level in pvp, because they won't exp for a week to regain lost exp. I want to play on good old dragon x15 with all features that was on it in old times just with fully OFF files with proper balances.
Yes Track that's what made x15 special mid rate server not easy but not hardcore either just mid rate it's the most stable.When we played 9 years ago most were young now seriously who will play hardcore farm 5%? Ppl want pvp all the time not farm they brain out! Look retail (played there like 2 years) 1st year server was full of ppl and than all fked it cause they had enough of spending time on sh1t farm and quests and no action.Mid rate is the perfect way.And I bet 90% of old peepz agree.
All the features from old DN including special droplists, multiboxes rules(1+as many as u want but without bots), excluding donated equipment and special "care" from gm's to few clans. These times was great, and dont try to fix good things, because it can end as worse.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 12, 2014, 06:53:34 PM
Many players want OLD dragon x15 back, with his good and bad things. I prefer stable 15x exp than this dynamic thing. This server should be pvp oriented and this can be done with ppl that don't fear losing even one level in pvp, because they won't exp for a week to regain lost exp. I want to play on good old dragon x15 with all features that was on it in old times just with fully OFF files with proper balances.
We actually made something that makes loosing exp on high lvl pvp minimal like 0.05% (1 mob to kill?) to gain back the loss. However i also think that when you go spoiling with clan you will pretty much exp and enjoy it because i suppose you want to gear up, or well wait someone to make it for you and buy it from him, your call.
In the end, we have x15 , if you want plug n play server , im sorry but Tarantula is not the server for you then. The world is full with XYZ Ferrari servers with everything done within a ~week. This server aint fast aint super slow, its just medium and on the final levels a bit slower. I really hope to see you on the Tarantula , if not , then i wish you all the best in your quest of searching proper l2 server.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 12, 2014, 07:22:18 PM
We actually made something that makes loosing exp on high lvl pvp minimal like 0.05% (1 mob to kill?) to gain back the loss. However i also think that when you go spoiling with clan you will pretty much exp and enjoy it because i suppose you want to gear up, or well wait someone to make it for you and buy it from him, your call.
In the end, we have x15 , if you want plug n play server , im sorry but Tarantula is not the server for you then. The world is full with XYZ Ferrari servers with everything done within a ~week. This server aint fast aint super slow, its just medium and on the final levels a bit slower. I really hope to see you on the Tarantula , if not , then i wish you all the best in your quest of searching proper l2 server.
Than all it's ok ty.This is what I wanted to hear.
Yeah, I wouldn't have much time to play on the server, but I don't want a high rate server. I liked to exp and gaining new levels on the Infinity, and I'm sure, that's will be fun for me to gain every one level on the quite low rate server like this.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 12, 2014, 07:22:18 PM
We actually made something that makes loosing exp on high lvl pvp minimal like 0.05% (1 mob to kill?) to gain back the loss. However i also think that when you go spoiling with clan you will pretty much exp and enjoy it because i suppose you want to gear up, or well wait someone to make it for you and buy it from him, your call.
In the end, we have x15 , if you want plug n play server , im sorry but Tarantula is not the server for you then. The world is full with XYZ Ferrari servers with everything done within a ~week. This server aint fast aint super slow, its just medium and on the final levels a bit slower. I really hope to see you on the Tarantula , if not , then i wish you all the best in your quest of searching proper l2 server.
i will try tarantula of course, but best days of dragon network was in c4/il times with all it's features.
Quote from: Painkiler on January 12, 2014, 08:02:35 PM
i will try tarantula of course, but best days of dragon network was in c4/il times with all it's features.
forgot say with sethan in clan xD
Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 11, 2014, 11:12:11 AM
I don't understand.......
You can't play on a low rate coz you can play just few hours a day and you want ALL asap? Change server. Wtf