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Also remove the global C3/4 nerfs from stab damage!! - Page 7



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Also remove the global C3/4 nerfs from stab damage!!

Started by thehunted, June 25, 2009, 07:42:10 PM

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for all daggers and anemonia
DN dont need to "nerf" lethal, but need to "fix" it

there is 2 types of lethal:
effect 1:- in pvp = 1 CP
              in pve= 1/2 HP
effect 2:-in pvp = 1 CP / 1 HP
              in pve = 1 hp

effect 2 is only with lethal blow (blow 3rd class)
effect 1 is for all other blows that can lethal..

the problem in DN is all blows could have effect 2

about the damage output, daggers are strong in hellbound off, because of the attribute system, but we dont have it atm....
Quote from: pieh on April 08, 2008, 12:07:43 AM
i like the result of aden siege: Hexa, one of few clans that really deserve (i mean overall not only pvp/siege skills) to have castles


Quote from: loXol on June 28, 2009, 05:30:21 PM
for all daggers and anemonia
DN dont need to "nerf" lethal, but need to "fix" it

there is 2 types of lethal:
effect 1:- in pvp = 1 CP
              in pve= 1/2 HP
effect 2:-in pvp = 1 CP / 1 HP
              in pve = 1 hp

effect 2 is only with lethal blow (blow 3rd class)
effect 1 is for all other blows that can lethal..

the problem in DN is all blows could have effect 2

about the damage output, daggers are strong in hellbound off, because of the attribute system, but we dont have it atm....

it's a good compare, but ppl cry mostly about being to be lethaled at oly. So as we spoken in NM section, changing effect 2 to hp >500< (and we should make a poll about that) that would be quite fair for all. Because no1 is crying to be lethaled at siege/mass pvp, coz every1 takes it like to be m.crited...

and about Anemonia's sig now  :D  he can't even see the difference between knowledge about some things by proper char users to multiusers who can't be "good" enought to talk every detail about. ... trying to compare game to the real...  :D

and seeing you flaming me, you just shows by your anger, you aren't trustful person giving advices to drake about game aspects. You are playing on emotions, you have no proper knowledge to judge about dagger case, the only thing is talking here fairy tales  


Quote from: Anemonia on June 28, 2009, 04:38:56 PM
I can truly tell you that i know more than anyone here about the l2 gameplay itself.

But just bcoz you and critias plays dagger don't give you the damn right to cry about more power for daggers which are OKEY except that they need a lethal NERF.

That's all by me keep ya singing the damn "SAME - WE'RE WEAK SONG" and see ya after few months when everyone here will be telling you same.

P.S. And yes i played dagger in the past and now just to test out the things - NERF is a must for their lethal and don't need blows to be boosted since will disbalance the game and this will require boosting of other things that will give resist to their blows.. but you don't care about this.

Don't you see that with every boost there is an additional boost for other things which disbalance the game more.

Since i face all the same comments which wont change the incoming dagger nerf you can keep crying but i'm bored to tell you same things every post so i will simply stop posting in this topic which is already decided.

I am not even going to reply to your shit anymore after this post. You are just too freaking stupid to understand what i posted before about maxed out players. Besides really overrate your own importance. Truth is that you are just another crybaby with no selfesteem in real life, trying to act like the big dog in a forum. We already agreed that lethals are a joke and an insult to any experienced dagger player. Fact is that in DN daggers are far from similar to the retail version and we deserve a lot more potential then we have at the moment. And to be honest, i think you are just too freaking scared we might actually get as powerfull as the mages which are poluting the air we breath right now.

Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: zthrx on June 28, 2009, 05:34:13 PM
trying to compare game to the real...  :D

and seeing you flaming me, you just shows by your anger, you aren't trustful person giving advices to drake about game aspects. You are playing on emotions, you have no proper knowledge to judge about dagger case, the only thing is talking here fairy tales  

A game played by real people and a forum where real people write (but think before posting - not like you post than think).

And with this line up to this my signature is even more funnier than it was before but if you get insulted by it than you're really mentally challenged person and really have to see a therapist :) (or you can accept the fact that you're wrong and we can finish this up..or you can stand against me and be like critias - crying with every l2 chronicle)


Quote from: Anemonia on June 28, 2009, 07:09:24 PM
A game played by real people and a forum where real people write (but think before posting - not like you post than think).

And with this line up to this my signature is even more funnier than it was before but if you get insulted by it than you're really mentally challenged person and really have to see a therapist :) (or you can accept the fact that you're wrong and we can finish this up..or you can stand against me and be like critias - crying with every l2 chronicle)

dude I'm not crying at all haha, I'm fine with my dagger.
I just laught and agree with ppl calling you attention whore with ur superior ego.
you wont beat me in dagger knowledge, so don't change topic and instead of trying to defend your lack of knowledge (attacking ppl here, and writing some fairy tales) in daggers case, try to do smth usefull. You have a super talent to write a stories to your "not inteligent/important" comments trying to pretend some guru here... but it's not a place for you between experienced char users here. So would be better for you listen to ppl oponions and keep showing off you talk with Drake on msn about things you don't have idea about....
I'm not talking much in general, only when I have smth to say. And this topic force me to write some opinions about daggers coz I'm the one of right persons to do it...


Quote from: loXol on June 28, 2009, 05:30:21 PM
for all daggers and anemonia
DN dont need to "nerf" lethal, but need to "fix" it

there is 2 types of lethal:
effect 1:- in pvp = 1 CP
              in pve= 1/2 HP
effect 2:-in pvp = 1 CP / 1 HP
              in pve = 1 hp

effect 2 is only with lethal blow (blow 3rd class)
effect 1 is for all other blows that can lethal..

the problem in DN is all blows could have effect 2

about the damage output, daggers are strong in hellbound off, because of the attribute system, but we dont have it atm....

+1 thats the real face of the problem. About the damage, well its rly sh1t if some has this less crit dmg buff, like 200-250 per blow, its more like scratch than deadly blow.
The thing Anemonia wrote about 1v1 mage vs dagger, well lets face it dagger is mage killer, here or on retail, whatever, every kid knows that dagger eats mages alive, wins 9,5 out of 10 fights. Only subclass system made mages harder to kill on dnet.

About the lethals, yes its true, you can get rly nice rate of lethal now, but 100% one is rly lucky and sometimes u get lethal and nothing happends so plz fix that too.

Anyway, i dont know u Anemonia, i had a nice break from dnet (i created 1st account in c2/c3 then moved to ther svrs) if u rly have such influence on drake's nerfs just dont make dagger unplayable char, cuz its pvp gameplay is the best in l2 (not only targeting and f1+ f2...)

P.S. If necro/ee pwnz a party nobody nerf him or start crying, when a dagger pwnz whole party there are topics like this where all cry of OP dagger...(wtf?! man with such a small sword... omfg so g@y is he even a fighter? i thought its only for opening chests...)


Quote from: WscieklyWaz on June 28, 2009, 07:41:06 PM
+1 thats the real face of the problem. About the damage, well its rly sh1t if some has this less crit dmg buff, like 200-250 per blow, its more like scratch than deadly blow.
The thing Anemonia wrote about 1v1 mage vs dagger, well lets face it dagger is mage killer, here or on retail, whatever, every kid knows that dagger eats mages alive, wins 9,5 out of 10 fights. Only subclass system made mages harder to kill on dnet.

About the lethals, yes its true, you can get rly nice rate of lethal now, but 100% one is rly lucky and sometimes u get lethal and nothing happends so plz fix that too.

Anyway, i dont know u Anemonia, i had a nice break from dnet (i created 1st account in c2/c3 then moved to ther svrs) if u rly have such influence on drake's nerfs just dont make dagger unplayable char, cuz its pvp gameplay is the best in l2 (not only targeting and f1+ f2...)

P.S. If necro/ee pwnz a party nobody nerf him or start crying, when a dagger pwnz whole party there are topics like this where all cry of OP dagger...(wtf?! man with such a small sword... omfg so g@y is he even a fighter? i thought its only for opening chests...)

don't worry, there is also Furesy talking with Drake about some nerf cases. Thx god he knows way more about this game than Anemonia...


I will post it once 4 ever :

Dagger don't need any boost the only think that to be done on them is the lethal fix.

Thats all.

P.S. Daggers are not meant to be killing machines - orcs and mages do.


Quote from: Anemonia on June 28, 2009, 08:41:10 PM
P.S. Daggers are not meant to be killing machines - orcs and mages do.

Then u'll say that ur L2 knownledge is pwnzor....

Wanna talk'bout which classes r meant to do something?.Daggers r mean to be killing machines (vs mages) till their mana is out,and the same for mages,but here we've got Mana Pots and things that won't ever exist in official servers.Is it so hard to understand that u cannot mix what NCSoft did and what Drake did with stucking subclasses and donations?.


Quote from: Anemonia on June 28, 2009, 08:41:10 PM
I will post it once 4 ever :

Dagger don't need any boost the only think that to be done on them is the lethal fix.

Thats all.

P.S. Daggers are not meant to be killing machines - orcs and mages do.
wtf are then daggers if they are not "meant to be" killing machine?theyr role in pvp party is to kill robe+light armor users before the mana end.Go make 1 dagger(no matter what),get A or S grade(not dynasty),try to kill someone and after that post link with ur skills pls
"Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" - Scissors


Quote from: ToothFairy on June 28, 2009, 09:19:30 PM
wtf are then daggers if they are not "meant to be" killing machine?theyr role in pvp party is to kill robe+light armor users before the mana end.Go make 1 dagger(no matter what),get A or S grade(not dynasty),try to kill someone and after that post link with ur skills pls



They are for open chests only!!
I'm polymerized tree sap and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original projectory and adheres to you.


"Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" - Scissors