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@track , i had a dream last night

Started by lucifsg, October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM

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Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 11:13:05 PM
Private server is still based on official Lineage 2 made by NCSoft, else just ask bow mastery for mage classes also, and a bit more STR, it's private server after all!

so fix icarus bow :P
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on October 12, 2009, 11:29:19 PM
so fix icarus bow :P
I always said they should fix the re-use of the arrows, archers are supposed to attack slow and hit for a lot, but nowadays they attack fast and hit 'low/normal' dmg.


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 11:13:05 PM

+1 time adds like 10 or 15 seconds afaik. Still makes my Song of Elemental +50 / +75 seconds x)
i am talking about something i clearly checked with agil, guess what he has rene and medi both +4, you got them +5, and the dif is exactly of 5 sec, and it is what every enchant +1 gives, same with elemental.


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 07:30:25 PM
And where you see me go against changing Elemental song to 1 min? I'd say that's fine with me. Ok, well than where did you see me saying that you are against the 1 min song? I was just talking that having windstorm at 1 minute makes archers have an advantage and to balance it elemental song should be also 1 minute.

I replied with the fact blame NCSoft because Elemental song and Wind storm are 2 completely different type of songs, the reason for this is that Wind Storm can not be enchanted, while Elemental can. Wind Storm is a 'temporary boost' against archers damage, while wind storm is a song to be kept up. But sure, make Elemental song 1 min as well, it won't really matter since Elemental can be enchanted while Wind storm can't. And i replayed that you are wrong with talking about ncsoft, since the only thing that matters is that we balance things here cuz of lots of custom stuff and make the server more fun for all kinds of chars.

The only thing I said was that it really doesn't matter at all if it is 1 minute or 3 minutes, because if you have an active SWS he can easily resing it before it runs off, It does matter since its a chance that a mage sws forgets to resing it or he dies so archers party has an advantage. I also stated it's much better to have it short, because it brings an additional tactic to the PvP. I agree, thats why it might be better to have all songs and dances at 1-2 minutes.
I simply stated the positive things of having it 1 minute and what it adds to the PvP's, and that it's far from 'uber' unfair like the world is going to end and how mages suck and how archers are 'pwnage' now, I laugh really. You people have no idea about PvP, hence I'm arguing with 2 guys that keep whining about how much NM sucks now and how less they play nowadays?
And i stated all negative things that this 1 minute songs brings to mages. I wouldnt mention this little thing if there wouldnt be so much other retarded stuff on this server with archers, like cop being removed by stun and track doesnt give a flying freak to fix it. And stuff like machine gun bows, 34 or 36 buff slots that ruined the days when you need to change your buff bar every few minutes depending on the enemy you fought against. Those are facts that ruin the server, those things could get fixed.
Learn 2 play. Yea, your gonna teach me how to play rofl. Iw been playing lots of chars, true mostly mages and there were times when things were even more unbalanced but i still played, but since i care for the server cuz i might still be playing a little when winter ends, i talk about things that make the server unbalanced and less interesting.

And again your post made no sense. You just replayed with some rondom crap and added some provocations and thats it.
Anyways, get over yourself... Just lol at your way thinking how awesome your way of thinking is. Not saying all your posts are bs, since mostly they make sence and i agree with em but the last few posts you posted were wrong  ;)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 11:40:31 PM
I always said they should fix the re-use of the arrows, archers are supposed to attack slow and hit for a lot, but nowadays they attack fast and hit 'low/normal' dmg.
play mage without deflect arrow :P u ll see " low/normal" dmg for 5k when u dont have song windostorm and chant protection :P
  Nightmare 30x


I'm on a motherfreakin' boat motherfreaka! :))
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: jygh on October 12, 2009, 11:46:19 PM
play mage without deflect arrow :P u ll see " low/normal" dmg for 5k when u dont have song windostorm and chant protection :P

hit an archer w/o m barrier and warding
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 12, 2009, 11:46:14 PM

And again your post made no sense. You just replayed with some rondom crap and added some provocations and thats it.
Anyways, get over yourself... Just lol at your way thinking how awesome your way of thinking is. Not saying all your posts are bs, since mostly they make sence and i agree with em but the last few posts you posted were wrong  ;)
Maybe from your point of view? Kinda bullshit tbh.

Your main 'argument' against me is to make Elemental just as long as Wind Storm -> 1 minute, I totally agreed with that from the beginning, I just went against the fact of making it 3 minutes. I gave you my arguments for it, so the problem remains where? lol
You seemed to think I was completely against 'balancing anything', that it was fine like this, tbh I don't care whether Elemental song is made 1 minute as well, if people really think that will make a difference in PvP then so be it. For me it won't matter at all. I can re-sing and keep them both up for all I care.

As someone else already stated before, nowadays in 'big' PvP's you really need Wind Storm / Elemental protections / Chant of Protection to be able to survive, making a song like wind storm 3+ minutes again only makes SWS yet again another bot and doesn't add anything of having it as an active char in party, make Elemental song 1 minute also if people really think that will matter a lot.

Quote from: jygh on October 12, 2009, 11:46:19 PM
play mage without deflect arrow :P u ll see " low/normal" dmg for 5k when u dont have song windostorm and chant protection :P
SWS has Deflect arrow lvl 2, it decreases archer dmg not 'that' much. Without it I'll get hit for like 1.1k / 1.2k from an archer with +++ Icarus and Might augment.
Any mage that dies by archers and doesn't have Wind Storm and Chant of Protection and whines about it should shut the freak up and learn how to buff lol

Quote from: our4n0s on October 12, 2009, 11:45:28 PM
i am talking about something i clearly checked with agil, guess what he has rene and medi both +4, you got them +5, and the dif is exactly of 5 sec, and it is what every enchant +1 gives, same with elemental.
A basic song, non enchanted lasts? 3 minutes? Mine are +16 and last 6+ minutes. That's 180 seconds more divided by 3, which means ~12 seconds for each +time enchant. Elemental song lasts how many as a base? 2 or 3 minutes? Mine lasts more than 3 minutes for sure.
I'll test again when I get home from school, and ask Drake how many +time enchant exactly gives.


bot or not, i guess you would rather sing it once at 3 minutes, not at one minute, since you consume less mana.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on October 13, 2009, 07:47:20 AM
bot or not, i guess you would rather sing it once at 3 minutes, not at one minute, since you consume less mana.
Mana really isn't that much of a problem, and I'm an SWS after all eh? I'm supposed to sing songs and keep my party ready for fighting. I personally find it a bit of a challenge to make sure my party has the right songs and keeping them up, during the entire PvP. Because it's a major advantage towards the other party, which often has a bot SWS or some SWS who can't do his job properly.

If Drake has time I'll ask him about Song of Elemental / Wind Storm as well, see what he says about Wind Storm being 1 minute and none enchantable and Elemental being 2 / 3 minutes and enchantable.


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM
Well last night i was with luci (ne/pp) in full buffs so i  went alone like i used to (before i start olying,) to zerg varka. It was fun vs 2-3 random guys till 4-5 ftr and nitopami arived and killed me. I felt so much dissapointed realizing my favorite char cant do sh1t alone anymore vs proper resists and tbh it was the 1st time i gave up and was tempted to switch on an archer. So i logged a pp/he with some good gear and icarus bow took buffs and went back there. WTF ? OWNAGE ? this hawkeye was giving around 4-5k's like giving candys to little kids and i didnt even was full buffed. Killed 8 guys (more than 1 time each cause of rez ) in some seconds. Even when nito start running after me with like 5 supporters on his ass the char was handling really good due to kiting.
Galdaf (ne/bp) arived some time after so we dueled in almost full buffs (we both was missing pet buffs). Guess what he won just once cause he anchored me and i didnt even kite him, i just stood there. i was criting him for 2.5k and his best crit was 700 on me ...

So my dream is to make mages worth again a bit more vs archers and any other class. Any fighter with resists and thoose new FS now can minimize damage to less than 200/per hit. There is a 20 page topic about OP archers. Track will smth change or it will remain as it is ?

yeah , and i my dream is to make glads strong in pvp by emporing there skills
but u know , these are just sh1t dreams , so forget about it :P


Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 08:18:53 PM
Sure but gimme the bogs back I used to make it +5 xd

Did u actually use any ?

cause this
Quote from: Furesy on October 12, 2009, 11:13:05 PM
+1 time adds like 10 or 15 seconds afaik. Still makes my Song of Elemental +50 / +75 seconds x)
show us u know sh1t about skill enchants . And trust me making ur 3rd class songs +6 would make u at least notice how many sec each enchant add. Also i dont understand why u keep saying make elemental 1 min since most players want windstorm back to 3 min .
As for the defination of mage save ur words dude ur not a mage ur a support char with enchanted skills, wanting for some reason windstorm song to last 1 min
