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9x or 20x

Started by Suxel2k, April 08, 2010, 01:32:46 AM

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Quote from: Golradyr on April 08, 2010, 02:41:35 PM
SP problem?





So many cryer.  :o
Keep working.

On the road again. :D


Quote from: Torn on April 08, 2010, 02:44:00 PM



i bet 1k euro that i can be lvl 85 in 3 days lol  :o


Quote from: undertaker22 on April 08, 2010, 02:58:59 PM
i bet 1k euro that i can be lvl 85 in 3 days lol  :o
Hehehe, its too much dude,  too easy even on x9 , and they say is low rate !


Quote from: Descent on April 08, 2010, 02:00:38 PM
We wanted to make this server have content throughout the whole time your on your character and not only at end game, with the higher rate you’ll zoom past the levels, make a dwarf to farm mats like crazy, gear your main and eventually get bored. With lower rates you will gain xp slower yes but at the same time be rewarded with these coins we’ve implemented throughout the whole map in which you can exchange for your next grade gear. And Torn has already revealed that when you take dn sub u will not lose xp. So all in all we want players to be able to enjoy the game and progress at a steady pace and yet rewarding them throughout the journey. High rate destroys this concept completely.

With what we’ve installed for the server at the end the time spent will be the same, if not shorter, to reach your goal (end game with gear).

For those wanting to get level 85 within a matter of days – I’m sorry but what we will offer as a server will not meet what you seek for. After all, Lineage 2 is an mmo so some grinding will be involved.

Lowering the rate will no doubt rock the boat and risk putting off some people from joining but we believe this is better for the server in the long run.
Just a small notice.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but its really hard to enjoy that progress atm. L2 is nothing new already, most of players who will play on this server have some expirience in L2. They won't be excited gaining every new level, getting their first d/c/b grade item or so.
Its not like in any single player rpg - you exp, make some interesting quests, proceeding on main scenario and so on. Something keeps you playing besides knowing what expects you in the end like in L2. You actually enjoy that progress, atmosphere, etc; if not- you just stop playing, simple.
In L2 its like:
Exp: you kill mobs, more and more... and more. Excited alrdy? No? So,... more mobs!
Any quest: you gotta kill, guess what?... Mobs ofc! After you kill them, you, most probably, will get an additional task. What can it be? Kill 100-700 more mobs! Cool, who could have known, huh?
About dialogues, i doubt you can find at least 10 persons here who read them all and enjoy it.

As for me, i can enjoy only some pvp/rb/chat ig. Edit: forgot enchanting and trying new different chars.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 03:11:43 PM
Ok Torn, look how much you have posts whit "GL" and "BB" whit x9 ! And stop lie ppl whit everything ! For 1st remember that u tell you will lunch beta at 1st April. You are suck's rly or you dont know how to make community whit ppl ! 1st was been x20 and now x9, isnt that suck's GM's work ? Yes it is !!! Decide 1st what server you wanna make and after that make post's ! Thx for reading :* !!!

Get LIFE you bitch, and try to make your server now gtfo and stop crying or get used to dragon-network!


Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 03:11:43 PM
Ok Torn, look how much you have posts whit "GL" and "BB" whit x9 ! And stop lie ppl whit everything ! For 1st remember that u tell you will lunch beta at 1st April. You are suck's rly or you dont know how to make community whit ppl ! 1st was been x20 and now x9, isnt that suck's GM's work ? Yes it is !!! Decide 1st what server you wanna make and after that make post's ! Thx for reading :* !!!
I started to reply something at this post, then i have hold backspace for long and gave up.

Viva Las Vegas



i honestly think it would be more effective to tell the community why it will be worth spending time on YOUR 9x server. After all who cares about the time you have to spend on something when you are having fun.


Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 03:16:28 PM
Torn and all of you nerds who defend Torn ! Whan u start server we will see how long thay be online !!! :D ... I suppost max 3-4 months !
GTFO! Go make your own server if you think you're better!
why the freak you cant STOP CRYING?????
If you wont play here do not reply here please we all know those EMO's like you Crying and spreading lies that server will die.


mm yea like frintezza 10x ... 3 max (but now frintezza is 20x and ppl like it) sooooo sad .. but yea this is very bad tell to ppl u will open 20x many ppl leave others server cuz of rate maybe. My clan leave new dex with 9k population ...( is 4x for this this i know what is low rate ) to come here to play 20x >< w8 1 month for beta and now happy new 9x dunno what u think ?

p.s. i really want some1 gm to tell me will have chance to be 20x or no. I and my clan really don't want to w8 more 1 month for nothing..

>  Main Machine < Trust me , RUN >


Quote from: Torn on April 08, 2010, 03:02:52 PM
Hehehe, its too much dude,  too easy even on x9 , and they say is low rate !

well, i'm new player on dragon, i heard terrible things about it, corruption, walkers, custom lol sets from donation etc i dont know how many of them its true but i want to try, but if server will be x9, i will spend here long time and later you will add crazy donations and other custom shits, i will lose many time for nothing, unfair game, i think for new players x20 will be better (85 lvl is max so for normal players it shouldnt take 5 days),i know nothing about retails but if they will be added with stucksub it will take seriously long time...  x9 is too boring, l2 isnt young, many of players are bored of farming, and if you will do something stupid, you will waste time of many ppl.


Quote from: Horknuth on April 08, 2010, 03:24:11 PM
Junkie dude, if u didnt make six for long time or never, conntact me on msn. I will found some b1tch to fvck her ! And yes, get a real life dude, gonna be better for you ! L2 is only for funn ! I dont have time to open new server, but for sure if i decide to open I will be great admin ! Never LIE players who wanna play on your server ! x20 > x9 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Since is see your IQ is as low as Temperatures on north pole I will explain it to you;
1st: Yeah EXP rates will be x9 is it 11 times lower than they said it first time, but when you will make SPS lvl 76 and subclass it to EE you wont get dlvled to lvl 40 but you will stay on lvl 76 so this x9 rate is almost the same as if they open normal Dragon-Network server x20,
2nd: You will have special coin system to gain items so this will make game even easier and faster for exp, gear up etc.

So where is your problem????

Quote from: Nasko on April 08, 2010, 03:23:16 PM
mm yea like frintezza 10x ... 3 max (but now frintezza is 20x and ppl like it) sooooo sad .. but yea this is very bad tell to ppl u will open 20x many ppl leave others server cuz of rate maybe my clan leave new dex with 9k population ...( is 4x for this this i know what is low rate ) to come here to play 20x >< w8 1 month for beta and now happy new 9x dunno what u think ?

p.s. i really want some1 gm to tell me will have chance to be 20x or no. I and my clan really don't want to w8 more 1 month for nothing..

Dude didn't you read about that server will go LIVE when they will recive new part in their engine that have to be changed so wait a little bit like admin's do becouse they cant do anything else than waiting too, better open server later and bugclear isnt it?