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Time to change this stupid rules

Started by JoeDoe, March 30, 2011, 08:19:26 PM

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Wanna Rules from x5 ??

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Total Members Voted: 78

Voting closed: April 19, 2011, 02:22:47 PM



;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  :D :D :D :D :D :D

xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: lL...2l on April 06, 2011, 01:18:57 AM
lol, dude! I were playing for around 4 years on NM (i guess) and i even was a kind of an unofficial GM helper, but it did NOT stop his royalty, King of the short pricks the third aka ^STUPID_CUNT^ (one of the oldest NM GM's :P) to ban me, even though he didn't even have a reason. So, you should probably shut the fuсk up and enjoy your butthurt, caused with a fake and fuсked up community or just leave it.
Sincerely yours, The Royal Knight Of Hatred Benne.
P.S. I CAN say "fuсk", so fuсk you, OP.
P.S.2 I'm getting banned for this post HA-HA!

There is the Benne we know.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: fenrris on April 05, 2011, 09:19:53 PM
Panowie, jeszcze pare postow i bedziecie pic razem piwo 8)

a co nie wolno?? dla mnie to gra i co napisze na forum  lub powiem w grze nie oznacza ze kogos nie szanuje
wobec tego nie mial bym problemu isc na browara nawet z szatanem:P
wyjatek to dupowlazy tracka ich to bym......... >:(

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: violetpl on April 06, 2011, 09:50:39 AM

a co nie wolno?? dla mnie to gra i co napisze na forum  lub powiem w grze nie oznacza ze kogos nie szanuje
wobec tego nie mial bym problemu isc na browara nawet z szatanem:P
wyjatek to dupowlazy tracka ich to bym......... >:(

Dla mnie git stary. +1 za zdrowe podejscie 8)


Quote from: cerebelo on April 04, 2011, 04:36:05 PM
1st day after merge u made ally with bh ... we go with temp and ba with ego
temp  own all (all means aod also ) and  aod made ally with ba and ba

It isnt so simple man, just stop for a minute and think on it pls.

Aod made a strong ally on the first days, we tried to make another, but you (ws) chose another way. You joined to the strongest, to make them more stronger.
So if i must rank those allies i would say the Temp with WS was the strongest, The Aod/Bh was the second, and our was the 3rd.

As all know, we lost too many ppl who joined to the temp so our ally was not enough to win sieges or epics alone. So what could we do?
There were 2 choices. Let our clan/ally to sink, or join to the other 2 allies. We felt some responsibility toward our new members and we didnt want to let it sink. So we had to choose, Temp or AOD. Forgive me, but we are not the same as WS, who needs to be on the strongest side, so we made the second reborn.

Quote from: cerebelo on April 04, 2011, 04:36:05 PManyway i liked better 3 sides siege

If it would be true, then u would never join to temp, and temp never invite ppl from our ally. With that the 3 sides would be nearly blanced in numbers and we would have 3 sided action till now. If your side didnt see it, then u are only wrong strategists, if u saw it, then all must to eat what he cooked...

About strafko's "zerg" pictures: i hope nobody thinks that he was zerged there. :P
There was antharas pvp and he came there time to time to steal some pvp point from behind.He made a screen to show how pro he is cos enemy needs 10 party with CC against him. :P

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: fenrris on April 04, 2011, 09:25:47 PM
woooooow mate if some dumb asses are writing stuff like that then what are you doing? disregarding it or flame same as those idiots?

if someone was insulting you then you decided to start writing shit about my whole clan???

well that makes you on the same level as those  who started this pointless flame.

C’man how old are you 12??? God damn it you’re grown up person!!!!

I don’t give a fck about dumb post or shouts in game with "OMG xxx clan are fcking nooooobz". Don’t have to much time for game that’s why i log during weekends look for party and good pvp enemy with whom i can write gf after each battle.

I would like to see when u write the same things for your friend, Sethan. Would be better to start sweeping in front of your house...

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 08:22:20 PM
It isnt so simple man, just stop for a minute and think on it pls.
Aod made a strong ally on the first days, we tried to make another, but you (ws) chose another way. You joined to the strongest, to make them more stronger.

1st of all u forgot that BA also changed side on 1st siege (we go there WITH BA to disturb aod and WS and BA dont wana this castle also.

we was neutral to  ALL but not Aod.

But when tukan saw  he have a chance to engralve he try fok up all (WS also and leter BA memebrs atack WS from behind in Giran).
Truth is WS do this same what do BH. That WS is with Temps is not becose "they are strongest".

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Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 08:22:20 PM
It isnt so simple man, just stop for a minute and think on it pls................ You joined to the strongest, to make them more stronger.
.................Forgive me, but we are not the same as WS, who needs to be on the strongest side...............If it would be true, then u would never join to temp, and temp never invite ppl from our ally.

first of all i dunnot speak in the name of my clan ( i have no rigt to do that ) , just my personal opinions
just try to remember what our options was with BA ally  ( u know  it's not so how u wrote ) Tukkan allready decided smth
pls remind me in the last  years when WS was on the strngest side before Temp.... and there always will be ppl that change clan .... just look in AOD how many ex enemyes are , WS, BA , FI (also from TIP )
and i like allkind of combination in allyes ... more interesting ... we had enought Reborn controlling infinity ( don't flame TEMP now cause u always zerged when u controlled infy and probably u will zerg also when u will take control of nminf ... if it will happen )

remember i speak from dec 2008( that's when i started play here )  till now  ....dunno what happened before

and last ... finnaly i see some mature post .... omg that asslicking thing was so childish
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Sethan, u tell again half truth as usual and i am fool enough again cos i waste a comment for u.

Tukann had an "agreement" that we will attack both side on the first siege and later we will see what the time will bring. We went there just to show ourselves and have a good fight. But its true, mostly we wanted to fight against AOD. That was the true part.

Quote from: JoeDoe on April 06, 2011, 08:59:45 PM
But when tukan saw  he have a chance to engralve he try fok up all

Thats the idiot part... After some fight with the AOD we were standing near the castle and we had to see how the temp kills the Ego easily. We was fed up with standing there and we were thinking on the future. We didnt want to join to the temp, cos they were the strongest, with us (BA+WS) it would be unbeatable. We didnt want to make an ally with AOD too, so the only logical way was the Ego. So Tukann ordered us to make soe from the castle. Are u sure he would make SOE from the yard of the castle if he would take it? LOL
We didnt want that castle, we wanted Aden or Rune (as u could see it some week later) so that is the creature of your sick mind, that Tukann freaked all for the castle.  Omg, not everybody so retard like u are.

Quote from: JoeDoe on April 06, 2011, 08:59:45 PM
leter BA memebrs atack WS from behind in Giran

We were at martyrs and some Ego guy tried to port there time to time. Many ppl from our ally killed them in 50 vs 1-2 and we had to vomit cos of that. They were hardly outnumbered by the Temp and we didnt want to help to kill them. So we told on ally do not kill Ego. And WS tried to kill them even they saw BA healers were trying to keep them alive. That was the point when THOSE attackers were attacked by us. After many weeks i admint that was not fair too.

Quote from: JoeDoe on April 06, 2011, 08:59:45 PM
That WS is with Temps is not becose "they are strongest".

So why? Tell me why did u choose them? Were they the weakest and WS wanted to make better balance? Somebody else from WS pls answer for this!

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: cerebelo on April 06, 2011, 10:07:41 PM
don't flame TEMP now cause u always zerged when u controlled infy and probably u will zerg also when u will take control of nminf ...

U misunderstood me somewhere. I do not flame the Temp. I dont know if u read the NM forum, but if yes, then u must know, that the Temp was strong enough (if not the strongest, but i dont want to start another never ending flame, so i dont use this deliberately). What if we both (WS and BA) would join to them? Have u ever think on it? I am sure we could kill every epic, we could take every castle. And? Where is the fun in it if we fight in 120 vs 60? Thats why we wanted to walk another way. So maybe WS didnt want to make the strongest more stronger, but who cares with the reason if the result was that? Do u get my point?

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 10:18:02 PM
So why? Tell me why did u choose them? Were they the weakest and WS wanted to make better balance? Somebody else from WS pls answer for this!

And now i see u didin't read ally forum too... If u read u know all...
And answer  was write uper. Just lear logic think what u read...

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Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 10:18:02 PM

We were at martyrs and some Ego guy tried to port there time to time. Many ppl from our ally killed them in 50 vs 1-2 and we had to vomit cos of that. They were hardly outnumbered by the Temp and we didnt want to help to kill them. So we told on ally do not kill Ego. And WS tried to kill them even they saw BA healers were trying to keep them alive. That was the point when THOSE attackers were attacked by us. After many weeks i admint that was not fair too.

I agree, on Martyrs was big mess.
That's why i ordered to not attack BA in any case and leave this area asap.
But few min later, when we fighting with Ego just near to combat zone, BA attack us from back and kill almost all my party. And it was without any Temp presence in this time and place.

I know and respect BA since Laposapo and Balee time ( btw. i suppose that more ppl in WS than in BA know this nicks). And believe me, never before you surprise me so much.

Quote from: flamingAwe on April 04, 2011, 04:40:55 PM
what is really funny, no comments from real (old) WS  members, only some new recruitments try to show heads xD
fock, this forum is funny to visit  ;D


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