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Time to change this stupid rules

Started by JoeDoe, March 30, 2011, 08:19:26 PM

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Wanna Rules from x5 ??

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Total Members Voted: 78

Voting closed: April 19, 2011, 02:22:47 PM


Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 08:22:20 PM
It isnt so simple man, just stop for a minute and think on it pls.

. Forgive me, but we are not the same as WS, who needs to be on the strongest side, so we made the second reborn.

Mate a member of BA/AOD reborn who have Infi in their grasp for last year is saying that we (as WS) prefer to be with the strongest side? Realy now?

About sides on Infi/Nm.

Tukan was clear about creating new ally(he posted in in our ally page few days before merge). Now AOD was already with BH and we had no clear option what to do. TEMPs were natural way here.

As Tukan was already aware we(WS) are mostly old Infi players, we don’t have much time to play(for me only weekends on my Arachnofobia). Limited time and numbers(it's kind of friends and family clan) droved us to TEMPs. Were not creating huge clan or allys. We don’t have time for that considering average age of our clan members.

Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 08:25:40 PM
I would like to see when u write the same things for your friend, Sethan. Would be better to start sweeping in front of your house...

And you’re right about that Cool.


mate told you once and i'll tell you again if posting here present it as your opinion not clan as whole. Only CL and council members can do that.

Cheers to everyone and keep QQ alive 8)


Quote from: mahala on April 07, 2011, 12:15:51 AM
But few min later, when we fighting with Ego just near to combat zone, BA attack us from back and kill almost all my party. And it was without any Temp presence in this time and place.

I dont know how it was, cos i wasnt there with u. We got info from the temp that they do not attack WS cos they have an agreement with u. After it we saw WS gives a fok for the order "do not kill ego" and u had fight against our future ally. What else could we think, than u started to be enemy?
I think there was a time when nobody knew what to do. I mean u didnt leave the ally for 1-2 days after this siege and some of us tried to keep the ally together. Fe me too.  When we were fighting with ego against temp at innadrill, u came there again and started to kill ego from behind. Many members on ventrilo told lets kill them all.Maybe u know me as a guy with bigger mouth than brain, but I was the first who told: "no, we will not kill our allies, we wont fok this ally while Tukann is offline". If u were there then u could see after 1-2 hits we stopped the whole fight and we were standing near the bridge. Dont want to know what was on our ventrilo then  :P
After it we made soe and left the whole Innadrill siege.

I admit, it was a fast decision at Giran from our side to make an ally with ego and u had another vision about the future. But there is no "u backstabbed us" thing if u didnt look for the possibility to kill ego when we were fighting on their side. Dont misunderstand me, i didnt want to say it was your fault our smtg like that. I just wanted to tell, that would be better if we all give a fok for the sieges on that weekend and we try to speak about our future on sober way.

On the other side, i am more satisfied with this ally. I know there are a lot of ppl in AOD who hate some bigmouthed BA members (like me) and vice versa. But i think we can handle it :D We were in the same ally with aod for years, we proved we can play together if we want.

Ps. pls Mahala, dont let ppl to talk about this is inf vs nm, cos it means u are not from infy, or u are not with temp ;)

Quote from: fenrris on April 07, 2011, 12:28:25 AM
Mate a member of BA/AOD reborn who have Infi in their grasp for last year is saying that we (as WS) prefer to be with the strongest side? Realy now?

Maybe your history didnt show that u prefer to be on the strongest side, but going to the temp on the first days showed smtg like that.

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: Enerilla on April 06, 2011, 10:25:50 PM
U misunderstood me somewhere. I do not flame the Temp. I dont know if u read the NM forum, but if yes, then u must know, that the Temp was strong enough (if not the strongest, but i dont want to start another never ending flame, so i dont use this deliberately). What if we both (WS and BA) would join to them? Have u ever think on it? I am sure we could kill every epic, we could take every castle. And? Where is the fun in it if we fight in 120 vs 60? Thats why we wanted to walk another way. So maybe WS didnt want to make the strongest more stronger, but who cares with the reason if the result was that? Do u get my point?
This part made me laugh...and in what numbers you fight now guys? At rune siege 130-140 in CC versus?? Indeed where`s the fun in that?
   ;D Selfowned



Quote from: maslina on April 07, 2011, 08:36:41 AM
 This part made me laugh...and in what numbers you fight now guys? At rune siege 130-140 in CC versus?? Indeed where`s the fun in that?
  ;D Selfowned

and few weeks ago at vala pvp 43 aod+kostaplers vs 100+ temps+ws+nemezis. u zeged us last 2 month, now we have some balance. force ur ppl log and participate in pvp, thats all.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: fenrris on April 07, 2011, 12:28:25 AM
mate told you once and i'll tell you again if posting here present it as your opinion not clan as whole. Only CL and council members can do that.

Opinion ? It was truth that BA dont accept and  not mine opinion :P
If i write what i thinkk probably today allies should loook a bit diffrent :P
Anyway im little disapointed bacstab style play becose their write (Enrilla) that we kill ba on back and now write that he was not there  ;D

Quote from: Enerilla on April 07, 2011, 01:13:41 AM
Maybe your history didnt show that u prefer to be on the strongest side, but going to the temp on the first days showed smtg like that.

Omg man u 100 times write this same...  Read again me post uper.... and think.. there is answer why we with temp

But beter i make quote and read again...

Quote from: fenrris on April 07, 2011, 12:28:25 AM
Tukan was clear about creating new ally(he posted in in our ally page few days before merge). Now AOD was already with BH and we had no clear option what to do. TEMPs were natural way here.

and its point of this no sense talk...
When merge goes on we was ally only on paper.
Anyway it was really plesure read ur flaming nielin and r4ul w4lker, r0ly (sad that there was not Ylimis then :( )
U be me stars foreva  :D :D :D

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Quote from: Shadow21 on April 07, 2011, 08:53:33 AM
and few weeks ago at vala pvp 43 aod+kostaplers vs 100+ temps+ws+nemezis. u zeged us last 2 month, now we have some balance. force ur ppl log and participate in pvp, thats all.
Name at least 1 situation since you made new ally when you didn`t zerged ,name 1 situation when you pvped in equal numbers,or you have big mouth and flame enemies only when you are in double numbers?



Quote from: maslina on April 07, 2011, 09:19:03 AM
 Name at least 1 situation since you made new ally when you didn`t zerged ,name 1 situation when you pvped in equal numbers,or you have big mouth and flame enemies only when you are in double numbers?

4 days ago: varka pvp, 1 pt aod/ba vs ~3pt temps/bh/lemons. with equal number u suck, so need gather almost 3pt for kill 1 pt of noobs from ba/aod.
2 days ago: varka pvp: 13 aod/ba/bangelz zerged by 3 pt bh/temps. temps: fu noobs, learn how to play. we come with equal number. temps: fu noobs, u zerged us.
yesterday: hb pvp 1 pt aod vs 1 pt temps+some lemons. temps on gorund and again flame like: fu noobs learn how to play.

enought or i can continue? there were alot situations when we had equal number, but for ur pro clan always aod zerg or noobs.

so before tell me smth about my big mouth better look at ur self ^^

btw learn better how make pvp, cuz for now pvp looks like: temps/bh/lemons ported and even with equal number u run like idiots over whole map.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


run like idiots +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
btw run more and more

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: Shadow21 on April 07, 2011, 09:33:50 AM
4 days ago: varka pvp, 1 pt aod/ba vs ~3pt temps/bh/lemons. with equal number u suck, so need gather almost 3pt for kill 1 pt of noobs from ba/aod.
2 days ago: varka pvp: 13 aod/ba/bangelz zerged by 3 pt bh/temps. temps: fu noobs, learn how to play. we come with equal number. temps: fu noobs, u zerged us.
yesterday: hb pvp 1 pt aod vs 1 pt temps+some lemons. temps on gorund and again flame like: fu noobs learn how to play.

enought or i can continue? there were alot situations when we had equal number, but for ur pro clan always aod zerg or noobs.

so before tell me smth about my big mouth better look at ur self ^^

btw learn better how make pvp, cuz for now pvp looks like: temps/bh/lemons ported and even with equal number u run like idiots over whole map.
When we make a pvp with equal numbers ? Wanna give you examples? Basin fortress 1 pt AOD camed raped by 1 pt of BH..what you do??? You come with 3 pts and i can continue too so pls ni@@er spare me of you`re pro ally.



Quote from: maslina on April 07, 2011, 08:36:41 AM
  This part made me laugh...and in what numbers you fight now guys? At rune siege 130-140 in CC versus?? Indeed where`s the fun in that?
   ;D Selfowned

well... Selfowned? ahhaha :D You made my day :D
Maybe my post was too long and u didnt realize this part:  if the Temp would never invite ppl from our ally, then we are not forced to join anywhere. Now eat what u cooked. The temp is who selfowned itself with stupid politics. GL and deal with it...

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: maslina on April 07, 2011, 11:24:48 AM
When we make a pvp with equal numbers ? Wanna give you examples? Basin fortress 1 pt AOD camed raped by 1 pt of BH..what you do??? You come with 3 pts and i can continue too so pls ni@@er spare me of you`re pro ally.

is not aod problem that BH have 1 pro pt and can only run on varka run and sumon run and sumon
gl and cya

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: violetpl on April 07, 2011, 11:58:51 AM
is not aod problem that BH have 1 pro pt and can only run on varka run and sumon run and sumon
gl and cya

But truth is:

pt BH  > pt Aod

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