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Answering and cleaning confuson /help or w/e just shoot

Started by =^TrackZero^=, July 08, 2011, 03:01:51 PM

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Quote from: jygh on July 13, 2011, 02:52:03 PM
jewels    /   energy will be dropable ? or only donny for jewels and energy dunno . ( sry iff they drop anywhere or smthing but im not a farmer so ve no big idea... )
bump, maybe Trackzor or Piccy answer will be fine  ;D
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
DraculeMihawk PAL/HE -> Hero x 3
Aziz -> ILuxx gift ;) Hero x 8 (Sold)


after restart all golkas was killed and non respawned till now (exept toi golka)


Gathered 6 points list for fix as well as 3-4 more suggestions, now im waiting reply and discussion with others, ill give you more info when i got feedback .
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EWS still can be spoiled from Chimera of Darkness ? maybe i am just unlucky but after two days( 1-2 hours spoil in each day) not even 1 ews.


oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah


is the best ews spoil rate on that mob, so if i need more then 4-5 hours to spoil one.....and i kill alot believe me!


i dont know if its gracia feature or if it was somehow edited in hellbound, but making alliance with varka or ketra drop rate of q itmes (soldier badges) is freaking low, captains have pretty nice drop rate. Its not for me cuz my ally is done, but what about ppl who gonna start play here.

Slania SK/PR    Carebears


Grade penalty is buged:
should work like this:http://www.lineage2.com/news/graciafinal_11.html

Grade Penalty
Penalty Changes
1.A penalty effect increases proportional to the grade level difference as the penalty applies when one wears a weapon of higher level than one's own grade.
2.If a character with 20 level wears a C-grade weapon, 1st stage penalty; if a characer with 20 level wears a B-grade weapon, 2nd stage penalty will be applied.
Penalty Effects
•Stage 1: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 10%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
•Stage 2: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 20%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
•Stage 3: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 30%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
•Stage 4: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 40%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
When the grade difference is more than 4 levels, the same penalty as the 4th stage is applied.

Now work like on HB - decrease just accuracy. So this mean even char 20 lvl may wear S84 without any other penalty excpect accuracy


well after update of gracia I start a TH cuz my main char it useless now, so np, but lvling in Fog, the mobs there can put on u root, I have a skill for brake root Scape Shackle but not works, maybe is for % to land, after 2 hours lvling there, no one Scape Shacle works and even Fake Death works, after a crash, log on again, no pt, no buff, etc I ran away from mobs, and use Fake Death like 7-8 times and the mob still hiting even in the floor until I died, so I back to test again full buff and everything and same, after run out of mana and use a lot of Fake Death mob not stop hiting until I died, and btw I go to lvling in FoG cuz its imposible to kill mobs in HB, now cant trade tomes and need it for dyna, so I get better exp in FoG than HB, its like 850000 exp per mob in HB and 970000 exp per mob FoG o.O and in HB  death is the queen of the place RB Thypoon hit 7k-15k even if u have full buff, dz, songs and guts o.O and calestial from kamael


Quote from: surecom on July 14, 2011, 07:12:02 PM
Grade penalty is buged:
should work like this:http://www.lineage2.com/news/graciafinal_11.html

Grade Penalty
Penalty Changes
1.A penalty effect increases proportional to the grade level difference as the penalty applies when one wears a weapon of higher level than one's own grade.
2.If a character with 20 level wears a C-grade weapon, 1st stage penalty; if a characer with 20 level wears a B-grade weapon, 2nd stage penalty will be applied.
Penalty Effects
•Stage 1: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 10%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
•Stage 2: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 20%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
•Stage 3: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 30%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
•Stage 4: Hit decreases by 16, critical rate and damage decrease by 40%, attack power and attack speed decrease by 10%, and failure rate for magic attack increases.
When the grade difference is more than 4 levels, the same penalty as the 4th stage is applied.

Now work like on HB - decrease just accuracy. So this mean even char 20 lvl may wear S84 without any other penalty excpect accuracy

And what's yout problem here? you are afraid someone will xp faster than normal using higher grade weapon?


Quote from: VforVanilla on July 14, 2011, 08:12:59 PM
And what's yout problem here? you are afraid someone will xp faster than normal using higher grade weapon?
Nope  ;) Problem is not exp. There is another problem and you know very well probably  ;) Let say that bosses at all have very low evasion.....


Quote from: Derath on July 14, 2011, 07:52:34 PM
well after update of gracia I start a TH cuz my main char it useless now, so np, but lvling in Fog, the mobs there can put on u root, I have a skill for brake root Scape Shackle but not works, maybe is for % to land, after 2 hours lvling there, no one Scape Shacle works and even Fake Death works, after a crash, log on again, no pt, no buff, etc I ran away from mobs, and use Fake Death like 7-8 times and the mob still hiting even in the floor until I died, so I back to test again full buff and everything and same, after run out of mana and use a lot of Fake Death mob not stop hiting until I died, and btw I go to lvling in FoG cuz its imposible to kill mobs in HB, now cant trade tomes and need it for dyna, so I get better exp in FoG than HB, its like 850000 exp per mob in HB and 970000 exp per mob FoG o.O and in HB  death is the queen of the place RB Thypoon hit 7k-15k even if u have full buff, dz, songs and guts o.O and calestial from kamael

Escape Shackle works like it should. Just look @ the name, it escapes from shackle (not from root).
Try using Silent Move before using Fake Death so basicly: Run away from mobs who follow you, turn on SM @ the end and then use Fake Death (that worked for me before) Sometimes i lost entire train's aggro and sometimes ~ 80% of the train. If some mobs keep on hitting you, just stand SM and FD again.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord