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Answering and cleaning confuson /help or w/e just shoot

Started by =^TrackZero^=, July 08, 2011, 03:01:51 PM

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Quote from: Gnori on July 16, 2011, 09:23:02 AM
gm maybe u answer what about orcs ?

Yes, they are green.

What you wanna know ? If they will regain ability to regen mp on hits ?

IMO only the orc mages should be able to do so. NcSoft made that change so orc mystic could lvl up solo easier by having 24/7 soul cry/+soul guard. Fighters dont have problem to kill and survive like a orc mage, so buy MP pots.


Quote from: TrackZero on July 12, 2011, 02:42:44 PM
Aperantly quest golka spawn 1 time every 8 hours, and it should give quest horn to whole party.

TOI Golka will get its drop horn back.
no, it doesnt... or you have wrong info or something is wrong with respawn
from around 11 am till now didnt spawn its more than 12 hours

it doesnt give quest horn to WHOLE party

Slania SK/PR    Carebears

Silent Silin

Need to switch subclass on char Nobela (its pp/sorc on pp stats, need to switch to sorc) ASAP, rly emergency situation, pls help ;) old subclass system
Nyu - valkyria x9
Nyu - Infinity-Nightmare x20


Orc Golkonda got itself stuck today.  Not sure if it spawned like this, but I think it did.  You could see it standing in place, but no one could hit it.  It said that you cannot see the target.  Summons run backwards away from it and attempt to climb the walls when you send them to attack it.  None of the spells (aggression, ranged, aoe etc) worked on it until someone finally managed to pull it out.  It was as if it was underneath the ground somehow- or maybe surrounded by invisible walls.  I'm not sure how frequently this happens, but people I talked to at that golky said that it is bugged frequently, just not in this way.

Just a heads up about it. 
Calanthe SD/SS (noblesse)
Lileem Heiro/Cardinal 
Hollis - Gladi
LightYagami ne/bp
Cheshire  wk/th
Kyodaija pp/th
Mitten - Eva's Saint/Mystic Muse (noblesse)(semi retired)
Legato - Dreadnought/Phoenix Knight (noblesse)
Taiki - BH/WS noblesse
Hikuun -  NE/OL - Noble


Would be nice to fix the golky quest respawn ... waiting more than 15 hours and still  no golky its kinda anoying for a subclass stacking server

have a look plz


Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


Still cant take 3rd class q on old mutant 85 lvl


what about characters with stack tattoos in passive skills abusing  x2 tattoos ? i ve mention it in the past too but...


Track for how much coins do U make characters? Just to answer and clean some confusion.


Quote from: Arpee87 on July 18, 2011, 04:33:08 PM
Track for how much coins do U make characters? Just to answer and clean some confusion.

The correct question is how many euros cause he can generate as much coins as he like but not money  :D


Jesus Christ already with this "Edited char" jokes...it got  old.. ::)
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