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Fix stuns

Started by Peorexo, September 22, 2011, 08:41:46 PM

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Quote from: Luthor123 on September 26, 2011, 12:32:21 PM
:| You think i care who you are?For me you're like every other player on server ...sorry ,correction *every crier* on the server....make some tank and check stun landrate for yourself ,then speak about OP cause you rly know totally nothing about it...


Dont need to play something to know what`s is OP simple i have eyes to see it  and if u are blande and staying in some town and doent move  pls stay there and stfu that sh1t of mouth coz is stinks almost same as sethan one  saying just pure bullsh1ts  all the time around nothing  more  if is anyone who test  before say soemthing is me i nevar speck something from what i heard evryone postiong u screns and prove u  but u still know best go back pls in ur mouse hole and stay there is dont need replays from u and ur mouth full of sh1ths


Quote from: Kastro on September 26, 2011, 05:42:03 PM

Dont need to play something to know what`s is OP simple i have eyes to see it  and if u are blande and staying in some town and doent move  pls stay there and stfu that sh1t of mouth coz is stinks almost same as sethan one  saying just pure bullsh1ts  all the time around nothing  more  if is anyone who test  before say soemthing is me i nevar speck something from what i heard evryone postiong u screns and prove u  but u still know best go back pls in ur mouse hole and stay there is dont need replays from u and ur mouth full of sh1ths
Huhuhu,someone is mad cause of being unable to play better.x))) Ok,first things 1st.
1)Google translator isn't the best thing to use to post here,cause 85% of things you write make no sense.
2)Flaming me won't make me any harm .x))) Using caps on me either.x))) Will make me only happy watching you pissed off.
3)If you have not even slight knowledge of the game you're playing,maybe it's better for you to just leave it.x)
4)L2 isn't oly like it is for you sitting there 24/7 x))) so you can't even form an opinion about how stun works on normal battlefield.
5) Here,take a bone it will calm you down x))))

Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Argriev on September 26, 2011, 10:22:51 AM
i dont wanna read 4 page of spam
btw stun its not overpowered but have 1 little problem that all other debuff dont have
u can have stun also when u have already
when u have other debuff u cant be affected by same debuff if that its still in
otherwise on stun this is not like this, u can be affected by consecutively stun also when debuff its already in


Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

i hope this screen can explain my point

i suggest to GM to make a test
and try to fix cause its the only problem that this skill have
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!


Quote from: Luthor123 on September 27, 2011, 01:16:41 AM
Huhuhu,someone is mad cause of being unable to play better.x))) Ok,first things 1st.
1)Google translator isn't the best thing to use to post here,cause 85% of things you write make no sense.
2)Flaming me won't make me any harm .x))) Using caps on me either.x))) Will make me only happy watching you pissed off.
3)If you have not even slight knowledge of the game you're playing,maybe it's better for you to just leave it.x)
4)L2 isn't oly like it is for you sitting there 24/7 x))) so you can't even form an opinion about how stun works on normal battlefield.
5) Here,take a bone it will calm you down x))))

dude of any of ur post not prouve anything  that  u know about somethign how should work  90% landing on something with full ressit tell evrtyhing what should say   as i say if u have not notice this stuffs ether u playing some lame char with this stuns or nevar went out of town  dont have problem to bit any of this classes  just telling here somethign what`s destroying  the game play and pissing off many ppl  who can avoide  this thinks and as i say many time`s eather is bug on some rb julery who icrase duble then should  or it`s should be fix it by coder{GM} like was in the first 4 days  of gracia nerfing bluff was same land rate  like shild stun or shild bush or who evar stun is in all classes  soo eather will be bluff removed the nerf or fix it stun`s  aslo noting more to add

p.s: u are not that is pissing me off that kinde ppl like u are just free pvp points evrywhere  low skilled ppl who allways get addventeg of 1 skill  if u want win fair  learn to use more then f1 and stun  there is each class able to kill outher if u just know how so QQ more use google  or what evar but google wont learn u to play


Saddami is th/pp no? maybe it's you pp part who's lame and weak!  ::)


Quote from: Kastro on September 27, 2011, 01:53:25 PM
dude of any of ur post not prouve anything  that  u know about somethign how should work  90% landing on something with full ressit tell evrtyhing what should say   as i say if u have not notice this stuffs ether u playing some lame char with this stuns or nevar went out of town  dont have problem to bit any of this classes  just telling here somethign what`s destroying  the game play and pissing off many ppl  who can avoide  this thinks and as i say many time`s eather is bug on some rb julery who icrase duble then should  or it`s should be fix it by coder{GM} like was in the first 4 days  of gracia nerfing bluff was same land rate  like shild stun or shild bush or who evar stun is in all classes  soo eather will be bluff removed the nerf or fix it stun`s  aslo noting more to add

p.s: u are not that is pissing me off that kinde ppl like u are just free pvp points evrywhere  low skilled ppl who allways get addventeg of 1 skill  if u want win fair  learn to use more then f1 and stun  there is each class able to kill outher if u just know how so QQ more use google  or what evar but google wont learn u to play
Why should i prove you anything?Stun works perfectly as it should work on l2off too.I know it cause i played on off and here.If you don't like it,then make some char with stun or don't play.Ofc there is 3rd option to keep crying about sth that works normally.
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Luthor123 on September 27, 2011, 02:07:13 PM
Why should i prove you anything?Stun works perfectly as it should work on l2off too.I know it cause i played on off and here.If you don't like it,then make some char with stun or don't play.Ofc there is 3rd option to keep crying about sth that works normally.

work like on offcial 99% stun land rate nice joke ... why then if  evrything should work like on official  why bluff got nerfed why  focus power and focus death got nerfed?? or they got nerfed also on official?  or was coz of u dieing  like a b1tchis with 1 stab coz nevar fix ur chars making attributs and enchants skill or was crying around  aaaa 600 atributs with this land rate on energys will cost forchen  bla bla but at last for that dmg from dagger was solution to lower it and drop it the dmg   but teh think is that for stun there is nothign can do more the incrase +con take certificate  for stun ressit tallismans etc etc and with all this land with 99% so  sry  but is not like official and stop posting coz evan on official even here ur post are based on  only 1 sh1t work like is should as we all know nevar work and nevar will work like on official  here so pls  stop ur craps  posts w/o resnoble sense

Quote from: Javardsnegger on September 27, 2011, 01:59:49 PM
Saddami is th/pp no? maybe it's you pp part who's lame and weak!  ::)

there is no char who have week saide if evrything work perfect and with sence  just to inform u 30% on daggers class not working at all like on all descretshen of skill where say canceling target  and work with 100% like shild bush  like that mage aoe skill forgot the name  same description have  switch and trick but here for some reason  somone say is mental attack  switch and trick {mental attack ffs is not power attack or curse to do anything to enamy } they only think that 2 skill are is for canceling target and based on mental attack is when u cancel to somone  target is like  won bingo so + the nerfs  on dagger who have be made it till now coz of cry boys but we continue live with it so  this sh1ts should be fix as well


You should be banned on this forum for crap language.


Go ask Weezer how many stuns i landed .....Both were on pp buff pvping 20 min in raw 1 v 1 .....i landed 1 shield stun during whole pvp .And you tell me stun is OP?Shield stun...1000000000% is not op.
Stun SHOT ,maybe is ,if you enchant it to +30 chance it has almost 1/2 chance to land.
Stop qqing you lowskilled elpy and go back to your doggy house.Good boy!Gooooood booooyyy~!
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Luthor123 on September 27, 2011, 05:47:35 PM
Go ask Weezer how many stuns i landed .....Both were on pp buff pvping 20 min in raw 1 v 1 .....i landed 1 shield stun during whole pvp .And you tell me stun is OP?Shield stun...1000000000% is not op.
Stun SHOT ,maybe is ,if you enchant it to +30 chance it has almost 1/2 chance to land.
Stop qqing you lowskilled elpy and go back to your doggy house.Good boy!Gooooood booooyyy~!

ele cos he is in vesper set which give 50% stun rssist, just check katsu video where he stun me, i was on full buff, i had ressist schok +15power +fortitude was on. i dont say  its OP but something wrong :P


NERF STUNSSS!!!!!!!!!!


Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one