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Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages

Started by =^TrackZero^=, October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM

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Quote from: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 06:05:50 PM
stop insult me stupid moron ang go borrow items from MIti becouse on ur self items u can just qq
cause u dont have so good friends who can borrow u almost everything so u crying like a b1tch now ? go fack ur self idiot and stop talk to me ,btw i have good items  on my main char ;D ;D ;D ;D

                                                                       WHEN IM SAD I STOP BEING SAD AND BE AWESOME INSTEAD ;)


Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:01:08 PM
Pressing f1 dont make ur party stronger ?! /sad
Dramma! ! 1

what pt if im mage u asshole

KrdO sh/se nobles - Hero x3 <--- ON
Krd0 sps/tk nobles - Hero x18 <--- ON
iShowtek se/sk - Hero x13
0rik bp/pal nobles
Cherrys ee/es - Hero x3
Limitededition ee/sws
And more....


ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


KrdO sh/se nobles - Hero x3 <--- ON
Krd0 sps/tk nobles - Hero x18 <--- ON
iShowtek se/sk - Hero x13
0rik bp/pal nobles
Cherrys ee/es - Hero x3
Limitededition ee/sws
And more....


i dicided to stop playing  yesterday
and today i putted my word by breaking my ic cd+15 so there isnt a way back xd
i playd here 6years  but rl needs me more than l2 xd and besides that
the changes every time from classes that are so called op  or not  dit it also for me
if a char is good it get nerfs if a char is bad we give it a boost  and i think its wrong
first making chars than changes pwr of it  and not to reroll al the time because ppl  say
they cant kill someone  
anyways i hope dn will stay for many years it was fun  to play here  ppl come and ppl go
so new ppl  go to 20x  xd


Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:23:28 PM
The funniest part is that you dont have f2cking idea what are you "talking" about & and you dont even try to understand.
I am almost sure that rage dont let you understand what i am trying to say but for last and cuz i am borred :D
 * some classes are good as solo gangers. So if you are solo pvp player choose them: he/glad (dunno how's after nerf) sh/ps and rest like em or any other class at what you are able to play on top lvl but if ur not able you can cry a river and ask for nerf cuz you cant understand that class A can be better then class B in solo. And it's not cuz the GOD HATE YOU it's just the fact.
 * But if we r talking about mass pvp's.. there is one good word - constant party. And it does not means that it should have same ppl just necessary classes. Constant party(w/e mages or warriors) > random party.
As i say before.
*add power to archer/warlord debuffs
*add power to arba
*start play smart.
dude i'm playing whit same persons for years we all know what to do in any kind of situation,but i'm not talking about that it seems u didnt get my point.dunno on dragon but on Nm every1 is rerolling into tank classes cuz are so damn far that balanced compared to other classes,u cant deny it.in hb we were faceing those kind of classes kitting them but well since they capped speed to 250 we cant do that cuz they run like us.i agree whit u that real tank should get such dmg but cmon mage/tanks get the same dmg or even more lower.


Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 06:04:06 PM
Because in hellbound attributes were severely nerfed, I dont remember the exact numbers, but it was down to 50% I think... so any nuker class with heal could beat any fighter by far so heal/cancel/debuff or anything what isnt about damage became much stronger since it didnt depend on attributes while fighters are mostly all about damage.

I wont comment the part "im the best ne/bp evarrr" u totally missed my point there lol.

I think fail clowns like this one should be banned for provoking flame in a serious feedback topic.

so why u say this only for me as i see not only me flame here :) seems i hurt u.. how bad  :'(

fail clowns like u who not the ubergiga pwnzor anymore should go back to their hole and cry there  :-*

i just wanna know why theese pr0 fighters didnt appeared on forum, why u track didnt asked ppl opinion or u just give a fok when they said daggers have insane dmg ? on that topic alex why u didnt asked for urself ban and brokie when u posted ur dmgs..and telling all ok, u r just noob. so who he is the fail clow here ? u just a twoface asshole who try to show how pr0 u r and u just want good, but in fact u r piece of sh1t  :-X now mages can laugh all ok ur just noob :)

and agree archers have sux dmg in masspvp :P but how u wanna make good dmg when so many deffence against archer +all pt running around with 3 tank minimum so have pt ud all the time allmsot ":P


Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:35:01 PM
dude i'm playing whit same persons for years we all know what to do in any kind of situation,but i'm not talking about that it seems u didnt get my point.dunno on dragon but on Nm every1 is rerolling into tank classes cuz are so damn far that balanced compared to other classes,u cant deny it.in hb we were faceing those kind of classes kitting them but well since they capped speed to 250 we cant do that cuz they run like us.i agree whit u that real tank should get such dmg but cmon mage/tanks get the same dmg or even more lower.

WOW some normal unswer :> As your comrads from NM says problem is not in mage, dagger or archer , problem is that they all subed on tanks SO :
-GF is tank era and if you admit this ncsoft gift just make proper conclusions
-or if you dont like it lets tart nerf. But you should understand that one nerf will affect the new one.
One more thing  ;D As for me ballance is the condition of server when : gange mage class have a chance vs gange warr clasa & mage const party have chance vs warrior const party.
Have a nice day girls cu ya tomorrow <3
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: TrackZero on October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
As i heard recently some people are braking items and quitting on purpose and reason is daggers now sux and mages (especially sps/ee) kick ass badly everyone, i wanna heard your FACTS whats going on , ofc with facts step by step, so here it is i open a debate about it

well in my opinion ARCHERS SUX 1min pvp against sps/tk and pp/th(WITH CANCEL PVP DAGGER) and form 3 bars of fullbuff i run on CHANT OF COMBAT and VAMPIRIC RAGE hitting for mhmm sps/tk for 100? WTFF???????


200 others=RIP
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Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 06:44:28 PM
WOW some normal unswer :> As your comrads from NM says problem is not in mage, dagger or archer , problem is that they all subed on tanks SO :
-GF is tank era and if you admit this ncsoft gift just make proper conclusions
-or if you dont like it lets tart nerf. But you should understand that one nerf will affect the new one.
One more thing  ;D As for me ballance is the condition of server when : gange mage class have a chance vs gange warr clasa & mage const party have chance vs warrior const party.
Have a nice day girls cu ya tomorrow <3
u are right ncsoft made in GF tanks OP,but we have subs here,thats why some kind of them should be nerfed like they did whit archers w/o any reasons.


Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 06:52:16 PM
u are right ncsoft made in GF tanks OP,but we have subs here,thats why some kind of them should be nerfed like they did whit archers w/o any reasons.

what nerf u talking about ? dualist spirit ? how many glad/he on server 5 ? an what else ?


Quote from: ylim on October 13, 2011, 06:57:34 PM
what nerf u talking about ? dualist spirit ? how many glad/he on server 5 ? an what else ?
we are just 5 than why they nerfed it? :D