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Track About NEW ATTR On SETs

Started by Phonex, November 17, 2011, 04:49:09 AM

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Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 12:50:28 PM
Do you want me to count unknown number of topics made by you players complaining how our att system sux, how server is shit because of that, how none will join our servers for this reason asking to make it as official etc.. etc.. etc...et freaking c .
After numerous topics regarding that , i have CLEARLY told you that since we got official files pack (c1-2-3-4,IL,HB....GF) MEANS its totally different system of what we had (custom))before , and it requires SHITLOAD of time to decomplie those files and make them editable , by that time when we got those files we wasnt able to decomplie many things (including file were ATT. is located).
Ive been telling you that  we SIMPLY CANT still edit the file and set attributes correctly, now after all this months (5 months!) our developers cracked those files and allowed us to set things right.
I know that update strike hard and directly , but this is the only way to bring back balance to ONLY unbalanced thing we have/had, and if you think honestly after GF update we didnt had any mega nerfs or updates like this (dont make me remind you what was happening in IL and HB), so this is the only last balance update that will take a place, and in the end its not only me who can decide about it so this is how it is accept it or not i cant change it.

GJ  +1

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Duno wtf you ppl qq like crazy here.This is good update Track! Keep it up!
On dragon we had an still have 180 attribute on armor and 450 for weapon and nobody died 1-2 hits so gtfo with you qq's.And 240 vs 540 is 30 more attr on weapon...(450-180=270; 540-240=300) WOW what a big difference Lmfao! Can't even imagine that here you guys had 600 on 1 part even 700 o.O wtf n/c.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
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gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
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Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 05:36:59 PM
Did you read the part i said a open beta test for a week before we decide about it?
Also do you even know how attribute sytem works, if yes then explain me please i wanna hear it?
If you know suddenly go afk without explanation i will understand that your answer is NO.

i know how is it working on OFF servers

and about our att system hmm I AM LOOKING FOR A PERSON WHO WILL UNDERSTAND IT coz i think this "FAQ" http://www.dragon-network.net/CTupdnews/faq_attributesystem.html (even not working) is not actual

Track i know you want to make somethink with server good for you but you have to understand that some updates are good and some not
this wosnt

about att mb increase max att from 240 to 300 at least
Pround AoD member

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Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 05:36:59 PM
Did you read the part i said a open beta test for a week before we decide about it?
Also do you even know how attribute sytem works, if yes then explain me please i wanna hear it?
If you know suddenly go afk without explanation i will understand that your answer is NO.
you dont know how is working so rly ask gideon mby he can teach you
but for you is to late

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 04:21:29 PM

P.S. Latest info ive got is that weapon will be 540 not 450.

just 1 precaution, before you make this shit:
ppl, who put on their vespers {PvP} SA will have to remove it, to put new attributes, thus losing ~37k fame  :D ;D
do i need to write, how much time it takes normal players to get this?


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 17, 2011, 06:06:37 PM
just 1 precaution, before you make this shit:
ppl, who put on their vespers {PvP} SA will have to remove it, to put new attributes, thus losing ~37k fame  :D ;D
do i need to write, how much time it takes normal players to get this?

2 months ? ;P
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
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Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 05:29:03 PM
You were paying for years a monthly fee on official servers to play for something called Lineage 2, now they made some crap chronicle update thats not even l2 anymore and made it f2p, will ncsoft return you the money you payed all this years?
You bought a brand new game on steam , after 2-3 months they make 80% off deal of very same game you payed X amount, will they give you back the difference?
You bought a brand new car , you sit in it start the endgine and after a 50km you really dont like the car, you go back to shop and wanna change the care but look surprise its already -25% of what you payed. Will they give u back those 25%?
You bought brand new Iphone 4s , omg your so happy about it, you even took white one and 64gb, after a week you read that they announced for June Iphone 5 , will they give you back the money?
Next great idea, its like BIG TRACK PLAN, nerf everything and then boost again to make ppl buy more energies xD
U just killed me with that reply


Just check hero chat ! A lot of ppl leaving this , and btw atribute system is bugged "what a surprise" , i still hit ppl same as when they had 600 atribute , nothign changed! just tested in olim


Quote from: DKociak on November 17, 2011, 06:40:33 PM
+ 1 for deacrease atribute in armor ... BUT DONT ADD BIGGER BONUS TO WEAPON ...U WILL DRAWN WITH BIGGER SH1T!!!
ppl must delete pvp-bonus...and i thinking who will  test 540 atr in wep.....Pigmacullate??
240 in each armor part and 450 in weapon is OK!!!! ............ DONT F.U.C.K IT MORE!!!

BTW. free official server Lineage2.eu ( Goddes Of Destruction chronicle) will be opened soon , WITH NORAML ATRIBUTES!!!
Make more "freaked" thingz hire and ppl go they play with normal LA2 coz have enough of th1s sh1t
Thats why i said we will test it , ill test it! However about GoD is not l2 anymore youll realise that yourself .

Once again about attributes will take us up to 7 days to decide final numbers.
What about previous post from a mature guy who said its not working at all?
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One idea, lets delete atri at all dont make war with that lets all be only patk/pdef matk/mdef affected !




Quote from: Naku on November 17, 2011, 07:03:17 PM

dude u rly dumb or dunno..... not all here kurwa got their equip, attr etc throught donation like u. but u focused only on donation as i see...
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