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Its our time to cry

Started by Diabolical, June 16, 2009, 11:18:19 PM

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Quote from: VforVanilla on June 22, 2009, 01:02:07 PM
You don't have arcane power, empowering echo and you cannot apply INT dyes with your char, so you can't know exactly how it works when is enchanted to+10 or more.

Well even if i don't have those things it's still not a threat. The only time you use it is during 1 vs 1... Trust me, thats why i brought up m.mirror.

Siege? Running within 400range on a mage is pretty dangerous... And even if it does land all party's have bishops at the siege and with 0 reuse on cleanse and purify you have pretty much done nothing anyway.

But yeah...... if you think it's taht much of a threat then be my guest..... nerf it to oblivion, i don't even have it in my bar anymore.



nerf lethal and fix landing rate of mana burn is too Low >.<
Titan1          pr/bd
Garcon        nec/bd
NTitanN        nec/pal
TtnN             ps/sk
HellzSoul      ol/es
HellzStormer ee/sps


Delete all interlude + hellbound skills and items too  ;D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Titan1 on June 22, 2009, 05:42:26 PM
nerf lethal and fix landing rate of mana burn is too Low >.<

delete lethal skill at all, there will be no flames anymore.. why not


   there is life before death?


Pls stop spamming about those Lethals, m crit, erase etc... Yes, if i die by lethal, iam angry. But i know that i lost in clear way.  If we talk about Oly the biggest problem are not o/e skills. The problem is "transfers". I think Around 30-40% Heros on this server are Fake. Meybe someone need to watch it games a litlle and "ban" or cut off some pts for that kind of behavior ... You dont need to be Sherlock to see that one guy is not even buffed and stay in box, and second is killing him without any problem.


Quote from: Shreed on June 23, 2009, 09:30:12 AM
Pls stop spamming about those Lethals, m crit, erase etc... Yes, if i die by lethal, iam angry. But i know that i lost in clear way.  If we talk about Oly the biggest problem are not o/e skills. The problem is "transfers". I think Around 30-40% Heros on this server are Fake. Meybe someone need to watch it games a litlle and "ban" or cut off some pts for that kind of behavior ... You dont need to be Sherlock to see that one guy is not even buffed and stay in box, and second is killing him without any problem.

agree but what u suggest, track be on live every day at oly time and watch  and ban?
we both know that he ll never do such a thing bro

   there is life before death?


Quote from: Mohit0 on June 23, 2009, 12:48:08 PM
agree but what u suggest, track be on live every day at oly time and watch  and ban?
we both know that he ll never do such a thing bro

My suggest is to ban or cut all points from several ppl. Not every day, i know Track have much more things to do. But if he will do even 3-4 days in month and ban couple of ppl meybe the rest of it will start to fear. Like it was with boxes and l2w befor.  I know meybe i am noob and fresh on Oly but when iam asking any1 to give me some advice i hear only :

"...go make some transfers", "... all ppl do this, welcome to NM", "... if you want i can help you to transfer some pts", "... you can buy hero status, some ppl selling pts"

Whats wrong with you ppl ? do you feel any satisfaction from be a fake hero?


Quote from: Kikolina on June 23, 2009, 01:36:58 PM
... dont be jelous starting stupid suggestions and play harder ;)

.... yeah and lets make special Oly section on Forum "WTS/WTB points on oly" to make transfers easier. Iam not jelous iam just feel confused of this sytuation.


Quote from: Kikolina on June 23, 2009, 01:36:58 PM
guys.. so if some bp wk for example  loses to se bd, and he rly had lagg, he'll get ban ? how u wanna check that? its not hard to play bad, say u re noob etc, dont be jelous starting stupid suggestions and play harder ;)

lol if some1 have lag, rly had lagg... what the freak?
we dont talk about that situation...

Quote from: Kikolina on June 23, 2009, 02:00:25 PM
read my whole post lol ;p
some ppl has friends, some doesnt, its like that on official, everywhere, u cant change it, start coorporating or forget about hero ;)

is different have friends and let them win to take points and  different to pay those "friends" for it lol... 
what a friendship!  :P

ye start coorporating and lick asses for points lol... what a tard, nice way of thinking bro ...

   there is life before death?


nerf lethal and fix mana burn come on is ok if u put long reuse but with the same landing or low landing rate with the same reuse but nerf both? reuse and landing better take away the skill ?

and no zthrx just need a nerf not remove =)
Titan1          pr/bd
Garcon        nec/bd
NTitanN        nec/pal
TtnN             ps/sk
HellzSoul      ol/es
HellzStormer ee/sps


Quote from: Kikolina on June 23, 2009, 05:34:38 PM
im saying if u will ban everyone with high points that will lose to someone with lower/less powerfull class on oly, how do u want to seperate the real loses and the fake ones? like its so hard to play retard, i can say im drunk everyday and share pts, wanna ban me?

u have a problem that someone pays for hero? why do u care? offer more if u dont like smth lol, make an oly char, donate, whatever just stop with stupid suggestions..

name me one reason why olympiad shouldnt be connected with economy

yea my way of thinking is stupid, u re licking gm to do smth with olympiad, wouldnt be easier to lick someone for points? :D

// i doubt anyone actually pays for points, its just a piece of ur imagination connecting everything with conspiracy cos of jelousy :P

if u are drunk gtfo dont log wtf are u talking about? so lets say u are drunk and u ll use l2walker
wow dont ban me gm i was drunk , sorry...

because whats the point to be hero if u pay on coins? meaning hero is at 80% the  best char at his class
thats why called HERO otherwise we could call it NOOB... and ye i have problem with that ppl pay for weapons, for sets but lol  if u pay even for this then that server is totally freaked...
whats the point of l2 at least... 80% of ppl want be hero (is the "dream") but say them pay for  be good, pay for be hero pay for 1 pay for another...
lol   maybe we have one of the the most "corrupted" servers at all...

and on other hand, u have the coins to pay and be hero some others dont have so thats the point : DONATE  to be hero

mmm i have an idea  Track must make  Auction every month and who can pay more then this guy ll be hero month... what u think ?

   there is life before death?